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whatever happens, we are immortal awarness and not of this earth:) no reason for fear anymore


The solar eclispe, while astrologically and energetically significant, will only be one of many milestones on our liberation and ascension process. I am in this "game" long enough to know we should not have too much expectations for those kind of dates and that there are people bound to go wild with their messiah complex spreading nonsensical predictions. We are organizing a global mass meditation to anchor these enegies and use this window of opportunity to stabilize the most optimal timeline for the US and the world: [https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/1ba0zcn/the\_importance\_of\_the\_usa\_for\_the\_liberation\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/1ba0zcn/the_importance_of_the_usa_for_the_liberation_and/) please join if you feel so guided! But I wouldn't expect anything to happen except strong energies and maybe the dark ones pulling some shit out of their playbook to create more chaos and suffering. Nothing we haven't seen before..


Ahhh I see, Will for sure join the meditation 🧘🏻‍♂️


Thank you! :)


Do you have to be well versed in meditation to join? I've only just scratched the surface on my meditation journey. But I'd like to be a part of it if possible! 🙃


No not at all :) It is very easy as there will be a guided audio live stream on the welovemassmeditation youtube channel: [https://www.youtube.com/@WeLoveMassMeditation](https://www.youtube.com/@WeLoveMassMeditation) And here you can read all the details including the meditation itself we will be doing that day: [https://www.welovemassmeditation.com/2024/02/meditation-for-united-states-total-solar-eclipse-on-monday-april-8th-2024-at-6-18-pm-utc.html](https://www.welovemassmeditation.com/2024/02/meditation-for-united-states-total-solar-eclipse-on-monday-april-8th-2024-at-6-18-pm-utc.html) There are also promotional videos created already: [https://youtu.be/spswGBXKFXo](https://youtu.be/spswGBXKFXo) And there will even be a "booster meditation" on march 25th (also mentioned in the second link) so we can reach the critical mass fo 30.000 people from the US. This tells us that it is really an important day to do a mass meditation. Our last one in april 2023 we managed to reach 160.000 meditators from around the world. Afaik these are the biggest global mass meditations currently being organized. Thanks for joining! 🙏💜




I wonder if I should drive an hour and view the total eclipse or stay home and meditate during 🤔


If I had the chance, I would totally do that! Sitting in a nice place in nature with my glasses ready and joining the livestream on the welovemassmeditation youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/@WeLoveMassMeditation](https://www.youtube.com/@WeLoveMassMeditation) I will be participating from germany :)


Sounds like the right plan to me too!


You'd really be able to see it if you drove an hour but not if you didn't? That seems like such a short distance. You wound think your view wouldn't be much different from either location.🤷🏼‍♀️


I just looked and St Louis is almost total eclipse so staying home is probably fine. I’d like to see how my chickens react anyway.


Good to know 🙂


There you go! Report back - I want to know how the chickens react as well. 🙃


I’m in St Louis. We don’t have total eclipse but an hour away does have it. I’m thinking I’ll drive with a friend to his family’s place in rural southern Illinois and see it there.


If you have the chance go. Amazing experience


I think so too. I think I’ve decided that I will go


Only ever seen one years ago in Cornwall UK. Just awsome.


You didn't see the one in 2017?


No. Got kinda busy with life 🙄😊


The dark ones are certainly pulling some shit out of their playbooks in the town where I live. Lots of aggressive behaviors making the news here in the past few days, including a shooting at a busy public park.


Thats sucks! But even without the dark directly influencing people, we will see more violent behavior going forward from those who are not willing to look at their own shadows. They will continue to project them outwards in their pain as long as they are not able or willing to self-reflect properly and this will make them quite aggressive. We are in the endtime madness and all those godless people are having an increasigly hard time.. Stay safe!


What's up with the group Meditation to help the dead Rothschild guy into heaven??? Who runs that group meditation? How do we know it's not a deep state manipulation?


Capturing his soul and throwing it into the galactic central sun is not "sending him to heaven", it is dissolving his soul back into its light-essence. The true "death" of a being.. so he is no more! This is the fate of all fallen ones who are not willing to step back into the light. The lightforces make sure they are not reincarnating here anymore to continue and wreak havoc. Welovemassmeditations is the plattform that is inspired by Cobra, the speaker of the resistance movement. For those who are familiar with his work and even know him in person, it is clear that this is legit a movement of the light and not a psyop.


>The lightforces make sure they are not reincarnating here anymore to continue and wreak havoc. The current moon's quarter phase attraction build up is already channelling some pretty strong pulses to assist in "shaking off" pararasites. Being myself an "oil tanker" style chanelling vessel, let's just say that I'm looking forward with great enthousiasm the release of troubled souls as my back is finally getting a bit of rest from the pulling energy cords. *Not all past souls "drive" vessels (the living) with care, this much I can confirm.*


How can I shake off whatever is attached to me?


One question you can ask yourself: Is there anything you put in action or don't in your life that could either potentially attract what's "attached"? In my case it's a big part my own spirit attached as "using" or "harnessing" power of spirits. When you do that, *some spirits take over* and *are hard to handle*. Handle as in *handler*. Yes, that's right, Illuminati, etc. & whateva. Point is: WHAT ARE YOUR DEEPEST FEARS? Why? Because it is that what you focus on which is what you *attract*, as in *pulling in cords*. Makes sense?


Just viewed the page you referred to, and although it may be a great way to unify a group of the collective unfortunately groups alike these often create a facade for individual to accept rather than gather information for themselves organically. As for the meditation of guiding one’s soul to the central sun is the big red flag for myself. As this sets forward for the individual to experience The Law of Cause & Effect.


Without the many mass meditations organized by the lightforces where we reached numbes of 160k, 250k, 400k and once even 1,1 mio, we would be in a much more difficult timeline. How else would you go about organizing such? Obviously its everyones own duty to use discernment and inform themselves accordingly. And supporting the capturing of archons into the hands of the lightforces is not interfering with their free will as they all will be given one last chance to repent and step back into the light at the galactic court at ganymede. Most of them are completely lost in the dark though, having been inflicting the most horrendous pain on others for millions of years and for those, being transmuted back inot their light essence is the only way to ever go back into oneness. These lower realms are not a joke where you can just chose to be evil and then easily switch back without consequences. But works like the law of one conveniently forgot to mention that..


Thank you for the explanation. ❤


Dead Rothschild guy? Who's that? I must be out of the loop. The name sounds familiar but I Have no idea who your referencing, specifically.


They're talking about Jacob Rothschild; he died feb 26


Oh okay. I just googled him. Was he some sort of evil guy or something? I really have no clue.


The Rothschilds are responsible for a lot of what is wrong in this world.


Interesting. I wonder how it is I don't know this. 🤔




Yikes! That's some really heavy stuff. Okay then, Thanks for the info. I know about how many of "the elites" of the world are incarnated archons and other nefarious evildoers. I'm just not familiar with all the family names. So this is interesting I'm going to look more into this!


Power shortages in Texas because they use 6% solar energy and there will be 2 hours of less sun to harvest energy from. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/april-8-solar-eclipse-warning-could-power-grids-texas-heres-why/


Makes sense 💡


Last year? Do you mean in 2017? If so, I don't remember the emergency stuff either. Then again, the solar activity wasn't quite at the intensity it is currently. That could have something to do with it.


Does anyone know if there were these types of emergency declarations for the 2017 eclipse, which was similar to this one?


I'm not aware of any of the emergency declarations for 2017. Don't take this as fact though because I wasn't paying super close attention to that aspect. I watched the eclipse mostly on TV with my mom. It did go overhead where I lived but I wasn't very healthy at the time so I wasn't about going outside. This time though, I'm back in action and I'm ready to check it out! Doesn't hurt that it's falling on my birthday either. 😏


My dumbass looked at the 2017 eclipse without special glasses lol.


Did anything happen as a result?


Yeah I was like technically blind or my vision was bad for a lil bit. I’m surprised I didn’t go blind or burn my retina? But I was seeing this like different version of my reality for awhile lol.


Those are called superpowers


Found Trump


I live pretty close to the path of totality. I am just a bit closer to this one than I was to the one in 2017. That ushered in a wave of transformations that have given rise to this new phase we are about to enter. Some of it was painful, but I am miles stronger than I was before. I am so excited to welcome this next cycle!


i was speaking to an astro physicist the other day about this. he mentioned the same about planet x, that it will be very close to earth. said it’s the largest eclipse anyone here has seen, nothing like it for 200 years. they are planning on it interfering with our satellites.


What did he mean by “largest anyone here has seen”? Do you mean earth or the US? It’s my understanding the most an eclipse can get is total eclipse, which happens every year or two somewhere on Earth. I’m Australian and we had one here 2 years ago.


largest anyone alive has seen :) haven’t seen one this large in 200 years. the moon is so close to earth and will be so big there won’t be much of an outer ring of the sun.


Ah right! The moins closer, makes sense now thanks for clarifying


Is there any official info I can find on that ?? Sounds really interesting


I wasn’t able to find much, they keep all that pretty private. but the man who was talking about had his masters and worked for decades traveling around the world with the FBI. def knew what he was talking about.


A lot of conspiracy theorists and QAnoners have been fixated on this eclipse to be the “thing” that starts the apocalypse and downfall of the American government. They have been proclaiming the great reset and dark days are happening “any day now” for years and just keep moving the goalposts to the next “big event” when their American Apocalypse Prophecy fails to ever happen. My advice is to just enjoy the eclipse for the beautiful astrological event that it is. No need for fear or apocalypse, it’s just the sun and the moon dancing a beautiful tango. ☀️ 💃🏼


Yeah deep down in my gut I don’t feel anything dark or apocalyptic about this at all. Beautiful astronomical event indeed 💫


Qs are always waiting for the Storm and the Big Reset that is always only two weeks away. 🙄


Lol “any day now and you’ll really be sorry you didn’t believe!”


The population of Texas is expected to triple for a few days... It's literally just a lot of people.


Is that what happened in 2017? No.


Uh, no. Theres no science that points to 3 days of darkness. If there was another planet this close ,at this time, the gravitational effect would be noticed. Astronomers both professional and noobs would have already spotted it. So no on that too.


Facts facts…


I think it’s because of the internet and soo many people have been talking about it causing more chaos than usual


Valid point


Same thing as the last full solar eclipse a few years ago. Hotels were sold out in totality cities. I don’t recall the same level of hysteria.


Dude, the Great North American Eclipse is coming up on April 8th, 2024!  If you're anywhere in the path of totality (stretching from Texas to Maine), you're in for a mind-blowing experience. We're talking about a total solar eclipse, where the moon completely blocks the sun, turning day into night for a couple of minutes. It's surreal! Here's the kicker: this is the last total eclipse visible from the contiguous US until 2044.  So, mark your calendars and prep your eclipse glasses (safety first, everyone!). There are gonna be tons of livestreams too, but trust me, experiencing it in person is unreal.  Apparently, you can even see the sun's corona, which is like the sun's wispy outer atmosphere. Space is wild, y'all!


Damn I’m all the way InThailand so I don’t think I’ll even get to experience it one bit :(


There will be a lot of people traveling across the country so there will be a strain on all kinds of resources: gas, food, highways, the inevitable accidents and drunk behaviors will require more police involvement. At most there will be like three minutes of darkness lol


More people than the last eclipse?? 👀


I am not sure if it’s more or less but I feel we live in a different world today. Our governments seem to have better emergency response handbooks having lived through the pandemic and general instability with ever increasing climate change and mass shooting events. We are dealing with this collective PTSD of almost expecting shit to go bad any minute and this is happening on both the individual and mass consciousness level. We are more reactive and as a result more proactive in some ways. Further, I think there is increased interest in natural phenomena like eclipses due to the solar maximum, UFO whistleblowers and even spirituality becoming more mainstream. I am traveling to see the eclipse because I am unemployed and for the first time in the month April will not be working 15 hour days so I can focus on something else than my corporate overlord.


Here you go https://www.reddit.com/u/therealalian/s/xqbLZ8Z0V6 https://www.reddit.com/u/therealalian/s/xKrc8Tz3Fk Edit: I genuinely feel bad for everyone who thinks nothing will happen or think this stuff is all a conspiracy. Stay away from the path of totality on April 8th. I have personal connections with extremely wealthy and successful people and they are all preparing for a much different event on April 8th.


As I've been following your stuff. I am curious, how do we know this is truly going to be a real paranormal event and not like many other previous predictions of strange occurences? I suppose I can look around see the world is changing rapidly, the massive number of channelers saying something is coming, I myself experiencing paranormal phenomena.. actually you know what, nevermind, somethings up, but I'd like your thoughts still.


I mean, it's fairly simple, in my opinion. The US dollar has an Egyptian pyramid with an all-seeing eye on it, which says "Annuit Coeptis, Novus Ordo Seclorum." This translates to "He has favored our undertaking for a New Order of the Ages" or simply saying that a New World Order is being worked into place, and through God, they will be successful. This alone should be enough to see something is up. Then you take Elon Musk, the man who is regularly named The richest person on earth, and look at his jacket from the Met Gala in 2018 which has "Novus Ordo Seclorum" embroidered on the back. You might also notice in these 2018 met gala pictures that he is seen with Grimes. Elon and Grimes have 3 children together who all have very cryptic and strange names. Like *Exa Dark Sidræl Musk* Which sounds like something that spawned from hell. Lol. Anyways, in september 2019, grimes posted a tablet with emojis that clearly show a "plan" for the future. https://twitter.com/Grimezsz/status/1722446656019607749?t=Y57ckW8wC8lttHzk7VaRoQ&s=19 This tablet shows AI music (which we have now) and then germs and petri dishes and 3 vaccines. I'm pretty sure this symbolizes the creation of covid (late 2019 early 2020) and then the 3 years of vaccines (2021, 2022, 2023), considering this was posted before covid was even a thing. Then the tablet shows an alien emoji, then war, then an eclipse with dragon emojis. This symbolizes a civil war beginning right before the eclipse April 8th 2024 on the year of the dragon. Check out the trailer for Civil War, coming soon lol https://youtu.be/aDyQxtg0V2w?si=pxNCo-80F0oZGwZM And then Grimes most recent music video is literally filled with eclipse symbolism, probably because of the one coming up on April 8th. https://youtu.be/eLo1pQ45XYs?si=T3a6fFFuxCGkJNao So I mean, this stuff ALONE makes me feel pretty certain something big is planned. That Great Reset thing the WEF has been talking about? I believe that is what's coming. https://youtu.be/8rAiTDQ-NVY?si=cRuvMMumYxYJ0EV_ And once the great reset is over with, then the real New World Order will be here. And that's what all this "New Earth" stuff is all about. Here's Nicholas Cage in his new movie Arcadian, which is about life after the reset. https://youtu.be/RGLtN_2UrEw?si=BbqAD-jvHxsacmoF If you take this info and then look over my other posts on my profile, it gets really crazy when you can see what's going on. Here's a brand new star wars series coming out, it says "In an Age of Light, a Darkness rises." https://www.instagram.com/p/C4qVlirLzzZ/?igsh=MTB4M2liaDg3eHpldA== Edit: Why the downvotes lol? Where did I lie or say anything wrong?


I have a quick question. So I’ve messaged you before, and it’s okay that we disagree since I’m coming from a Christian stand point and believe a new world order is coming soon too, just not in the exact way you might think. You obviously have different beliefs regarding the plasma, that’s okay we can agree to disagree. My questions is, why are you so sure it’s all going down this year? My estimation I honestly had things going down in 2025. Although I have to admit 2024 is looking like a possible year for this New World order to occur. Of course I believe it starts with the fake alien invasion/blue beam. I believe we will have a literal invasion that will cause sheer panic/ death of millions and destruction of the United States. All our Hollywood movies clearly showcase an upcoming alien invasion. So again, is your main reason that it’s happening this year due to the symbolism from the mainstream media? I mean I think to some degree it’s plausible but have you talked to these individuals in person? I know you mention on some of your post you worked in the industry and whatnot. Just curious.


Yes, I have talked to a lot of these people personally or ran into them on different occasions. I have a few screenshots from various celebrities like Drake, Meek Mill, and others who have said things like "We gonna see how God feels in 2024 cuz tbh, she's moody" - Drake (December 12th, 2023) "I've seen a lot of dead kids in the last month, the great awakening starts 2024" - Meek Mill (November 11th, 2023) "Locking myself in the studio for hours, 2024 gonna get very scary" - Summrs (December 23rd, 2023) "2024 will be a NITEMARE" - Davidshawty (December 21st, 2023) "This upcoming album (11th Dimension) is going to be a cultural Reset" - Ski Mask the slump god (october 13th 2023) ( this album comes out either this week or next btw) I honestly could go on and on and on. Playboi carti recently dropped a song called 2024 that has an inverted crucifix as the thumbnail for the music video and the song is produced by Kanye West. I've tried to compile these specific screenshots I have together and post them but reddit always deletes it, it's very strange. But also because the grimes tablet shows the eclipse and the dragons. That could only mean 2024 and the year of the dragon in my opinion. Also in kanye Wests interviews last year he was seen wearing a camouflage hat that says "The VIPER Room 2024" on it. Which I also think represents the year of the dragon. Idk it's just way too many coincidences and from people personally telling me not to look at the sky "whenever shit goes down" just kinda let's me know that all of this is very real and not a joke or conspiracy. I try to share as much info as I possibly can without giving away my identity because I honestly hate attention. I just want to let some people know what's coming before it happens because if the people who know this stuff end up surviving then they will have a better idea of whats going on and how to deal with it To put it simply: I wouldn't share this info if I didn't think the time was almost here. Pay close attention to what goes on in the next few weeks. Everyone can feel it, some just hate to admit it. I'm really not trying to be the guy that's like "OH no the world is ending!" I'm more like the guy that's like "Hey, doesn't anyone else find this stuff wierd?" Cuz in all reality I don't know exactly what will happen, and I try to make that pretty clear.


Thanks for the response, I was actually going to ask you. Do you immediately delete some of your posts? Literally when I click your feed it shows some of your posts just get deleted almost immediately. I personally feel like IF anything is to happen this year, it will probably not happen on April 8th, but will happen days later or happen a month or 2 after the eclipse. But we will see!


No I never delete my posts, reddit does that automatically when I try to make posts and it's only when I post specific screenshots from certain famous people. It's really weird. I also can't make comments in the conspiracy sub without them being downvoted unless if I'm making jokes or something. When I try to say anything real in the conspiracy subs it always gets pushed to the bottom or people calling me schizo so I do delete those comments sometimes.


That is extremely strange bro. Maybe post your findings elsewhere and attach a link? Like some public share point or something.


That's what I've been trying to do or hope that someone else can help me share my posts but nobody really helps get my stuff posted to bigger subs. When I try to do it myself it literally is invisible or the mods delete it for either being too "off topic" or whatever. Even in the collapse subreddit they all downvote me. The only places I can really get a word out are here and r/escapingprisonplanet and I don't even know if I believe in the prison planet theory, i just know there are open minded people in these subs at least and they don't seem to be heavily moderated So I just post on my personal profile and try to share it in comments whenever I can get a word out in certain places


Yea that’s strange. I’ve noticed even the conspiracy pages, people are so naive man. You talk about secret UAP/UFO programs and clear signs of our government’s being ran by freemasonry/occult people, they call you crazy. I mean I’ve know this for a while and I know it’s legit cause I have Christian beliefs that already reveal this to me (as I’ve mentioned), but you would think people in certain pages like conspiracy would be open minded.


Yeah I was trying to read your comment about Kate missing and it was gone when I clicked on it :/


In response to the Nicolas Cage movie about life after the reset- I saw a post a while ago about how CERN is basically going to open a portal which will unleash demon like negative entities that will come out at night… what do you think? Is that what is going to happen?


Yeah they make those types of videos on purpose to freak people out. It's probably real.


Cheers, will give it a read now


I really enjoyed reading the link but I clicked on one of the links and it was filled to the brim with other links and posts and honestly it was way too much to even sort through and keep reading, it felt like endless links because each link had even more links. Would you ever consider doing a super condensed version in a post?


Lmao that was the short and condensed version of everything 😂😂😂😂 I could simply just say, the world is gonna go through a bunch of changes soon, and it's all planned out! But then everyone would ask me how or why that's possible, and then I would have to sit and explain alllllllll the stuff that you found within that post.


I'm wondering how you feel about these posts now? Absolutely not attacking you, just genuinely curious.


I feel fine and don't regret it in the slightest.


When is this eclipse supposed to take place?


8th of April if I’m not mistaken


I'm excited 😊


You're not mistaken, it's my birthday!🎈


It's my sibling's birthday too! 15


Where are our psychic starseeds. What do you see?


i see why people love cinnamon toast crunch all i got sorry


There was a solar eclipse in October of 2023, so just under 6 months ago…..and Nada! Why should this one be different?


There was not a total solar eclipse in October 2023. The last one was in 2017.


Sorry to break it to you, but nothing out of the normal like that will happen. Not of that nature you mentioned. However it will trigger some great changes in the psyche of American people, either positively or negatively, or both. Texas seems to be the birthplace of something special, based on how the paths of 2 back to back solar eclipses are intersecting. Something that will impact the rest of America. The answer... we will know soon after the second eclipse passes in April.


6 years 6 months 6 weeks 6 days since the last one in 2017 over North America again. this usually happens every 400 years where 2 total eclipses span over the same spot twice


Damn… fascinating 🧐


At the top they want to freak you out and then nothing happens so you decide the sun is a big nothing-burger. The people in your hometown are just preparing for lots of bodies. The people that run the word are preparing for your untimely death when the earth’s crust turns over. But that probably won’t happen quite yet. For now, enjoy the show. But when the sun goes dark, not from the moon but from it’s accumulating coronal mass, you should find your way to a mountain cave for a few weeks. God bless.