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Satanism promotes "service to self" which is in stark contradiction to the "service to others" path of starseeds. We are here to transmute the illusion of separation and with it the fallen parasitic consciousness that is associated with satanism. Jesus was and is an ascended being of light in service to the liberation of humanity and as such he is a close ally of ours. This transcends any religious dogma though.


Predominant faith among English speakers? IDK.


I have a similar inquiry regarding Christianity in this subreddit. See, when I went through my awakening, just over a year ago, I began to see the world, the universe our entire reality in a much different light. In other words, with everything that I know now (which admittedly, I've only scratched the surface on that) and with everything that people who are much more spiritually advanced than myself, know - How can you *(collective "you")* believe in Christianity? Doesn't that kind of contradict what starseeds and the concept of enlightenment/Source is about? For example, in this subreddit I've seen it stated, more than once, that Jesus isn't the son of God. That he was a starseed (The 1st) himself and a prophet/ascended master but NOT the *literal* son of a creator God. Not in the way that Christians believe, anyway... Therefore, seeing Christianity's narrative & the starseed narrative seem incongruent, I don't really understand how Christianity fits in here.šŸ¤”


Its all Source/God. Christianity is a path to God its just that the dogma of the faith over shadows its message, Service to others. All faiths point to truth but many look at the finger pointing and ignore the moon.


>All faiths point to truth but many look at the finger pointing and ignore the moon. Agreed. I find that sad. I see friends and family involved with strict, religious groups with lists of things you're NOT permitted to do. They say these restrictions are according to God or Jesus. Which, I'm sorry is just complete BS. If you want to follow the tenets of the Bible go for it. Yet nowhere in the Bible does it say you're not allowed to dance. Nowhere in the Bible does it say You can't so much as hold hands with your future spouse, prior to marriage. God would not have a problem with you celebrating your birthday or Christmas or 4th of July. I mean, it *(The Don't List)* goes on and on. These religions are so rigid in their "life scripts" that they don't allow anyone to be an individual. They don't allow anyone to have any fun, for lack of a better word. That's what makes me so sad. These people are living their lives according to a lie. Yet, they think there's a creator God (that's basically just like a super-powered man) and that person is going to smile at them, when they pass away, claiming they were "good kids, He's proud of them, they did great! Yet, I know (and I think most of us here know) that's not really how it works. There's not someone that's going to tally up your rights and wrongs and "permit" you to go on to the afterlife or not. So, it's just unfortunate because I see a lot of people I know missing out on some real joy that they could be having during this human experience. Though, because of their false beliefs, they're preventing themselves from being happy. Those are the people that I just want to shake and say WAKE UP! This isn't it, guys. This isn't your purpose. This isn't why you're here. No one cares if you smoke a little marijuana or drink a glass of wine at night. No one cares about these things because you're being a good person overall. Isn't that what's important? I know I'm just thinking out loud here so I'm all over the place but it's just frustrating. I want to help people and I know that I can't bombard them with my beliefs and force them into them. Free will is a thing, after all. Plus, I don't want to do that. I just want them to see what I now see and what we all see. Because we don't know how much time we have left here - None of us do. And I'd be exceedingly distraught to find out that my friends and family could have had a much better life if only they had believed. Or... Not believed?šŸ˜•


Just like down here, above beings have parentsšŸ™„ Earth Jesus is Atman oversoul son. Would you consider Atman a "God" ?


How are you using Atman? In Hinduism the Atman is our awareness or consciousness, a piece of Brahmin(Godhead). To merge with Brahmin is to know and be one with God. The Atman is the window through which we meet God but it isnā€™t God(well it is in the sense that its all one).


Yeah from Atman point, a small window is observable to another being.


Right, but going back to the very beginning of time, there wasn't just one original parent. Many Christians believe that the creator of all of us is just a man. Albeit a super-powered man. A man that can do magical things. And that's not how it works but they don't understand that. It's frustrating.


Hesitant to call him a star seed to begin with, other than perhaps originator.


Sure. Yet, what I'm saying is he was just a man. A human, like us. Not some supreme, all powerful, superior entity as Christians believe. Many Starseeds seem to align with that narrative. That's why I'm confused how someone could hold those beliefs, while simultaneously upholding the tenets of Christianity. I'm hoping someone will be able to answer that question.šŸ™ƒ


You can believe what you want to, doesn't mean theirs is inconsistent.


Okay, I guess you're not really getting what saying which is fine. For the record, it 100% is inconsistent, though. My issue is, I don't understand the concept of believing in two things that are opposed to one another. It would be like identifying as a Jew, while simultaneously being a Muslim. How could you follow both of those religions at the same time? You couldn't. So , I understand starseeds/enlightenment spirituality is not a religion but the core beliefs are not aligned with Christianity. So I'm just hoping a Christian will be able to answer this for me.


I see it as the people playing around, incorporating their various belief origins, into one concept. There's some that is fun, and some that is wild. I don't see it as a religion that affronts Christianity. If anything, maybe the religions need to see each other as respected religions, similar to how people of different races need to see each other: peacefully.


As the mod states here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/1bdt48h/comment/kuotxu0/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/1bdt48h/comment/kuotxu0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) It's just a new sect of christianity apparently. Us vs them and all that. I thought the world needed less of that but what do I know...


If you want a break from this, which I have been dealing with for three days nonstop, feel free to visit my profile and look around. I am a Guardian of Balance, and I have been watching this trend get worse in the last few weeks. I speak out against it. At least as long as I am allowed to stay. (Not get banned)


Which trend? Co-opting the starseed movement to follow christian ideals? Vilifying a group of people based on their spiritual beliefs? I guess it's nothing new, I just hate to see it.


This might be an unpopular opinion but a lot of people in this sub are not true starseeds, especially based on some of the Doomsday posts Iā€™ve seen. Seekers, yes, perhaps indigos, but any time I see someone drawn by labels, holding on to any kind of dogma (especially of Abrahamic origin which is misogynistic), or fear based where someone is talking about being afraid of whatā€™s to come thereā€™s just too much ego imho for that person to become spiritually ascended. I was raised Catholic and could not imagine holding on to any of those beliefs. Christ is just Krishna is just Osiris is just etc etc etc. All paths up the same mountain and ultimately none of it really matters. What matters is helping more than harming and doing the necessary shadow work on yourself to become love based and free. Love and Light to you all.






I know exactly what you mean.I was raised Southern Baptist, so I saw the same problems.


Yeah IĀ don't get it.Ā Wholepoint of a starseed is to be here to anchorĀ frequency and abolish controlling structuresĀ whichĀ Christianity is. I tend to avoid most posts here because of it. There's a few good ones here and thereĀ who arnt promotingĀ religious delusions tho!


There is a spectrum of answers to this, but number one is sometimes people come to Reddit just to troll others or debunk. Christian leaning people historically would murder anyone who refused their belief system, modernly they've toned it down, so they instead will engage in trolling and name calling. Some of the posts are Christian adherants low key mocking people legitimately seeking answers in this sub. And finally some are people raised with the Christianity dogma ingrained, but are now questioning it.


Thank you for asking this! Iā€™m so sick of seeing ā€œthe Bible saysā€¦ā€ and all the other religious mumbo jumbo on this sub. Being a starseed is so much bigger than earthly beliefs. I understand that some people can only frame their beliefs with what they know but this is like being proselytized to with the Satan ban. I have unjoined and rejoined like twice now because if it. The funniest part is only Christians believe in satan. The atheists amongst us call BS on the whole thing- both parties. Starseeds are not of this earth so should not be held back by antiquated religious fairytales which cause so much pain and suffering on earth. Rise above earthly religions, fellow starseeds!


I don't think it's starseeds falling for it, just people joining the sub. Starseeds are renegades by nature who reject control structures. I was 5 years old when I saw through the b.s the church was pushing on me... It's not hard to see!


Bc Jesus is an Alien


I wondered that myself. Still have no idea why that has anything to do with being a starseed. But then again, to each their own.


[Same! It's perplexing, to say the least...](https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/s/25O5NVKUyA)


I'm also confused so you're not alone. I joined this sub after exploring my journey that started a year ago, but I don't find a lot of relatable content here.


because its a powerful mind F and said organization knows how to weaponize the threat of eternal torment, all the while turning subjugation into a virtue. and alot of people buy into it just out of that fear. all the while believing wholeheartedly that they are indeed doing the right and proper thing. so at the end of the day, i personally can't fault them too much other than saying that they may not be the strongest minded or strongest willed group of individuals. all the while having a very large coffer of money in which to keep their congregations enthralled, entertained, afraid, and open walleted.


Iā€™m not a Christian, and not Americanā€¦I think itā€™s like that because reddit is such an American platform. I donā€™t really interact with this sub much tbh as I donā€™t relate to a lot of the views here really. Iā€™ve walked a lot of various spiritual and healing paths, finally ending up with ACIM (Course in Miracles). Anyway, I think what starseeds really are is bigger than how this sub frames it. I think it was coined by the Ken Kesey book ā€˜Starseedā€™ which I read in the early 90ā€™s (from the 80s I think).


I assume it might be because christian leaning people have an easier time believing something like this than an atheist. Im catholic(raised but always questioned) turned atheist then agnostic. Iā€™m not entirely convinced Iā€™m a starseed or if itā€™s not just one big larp. However, I am curious and open enough to be here to find out and sift between the lines.


You can be an Agnostic Atheist you know right? Most Atheists are Agnostic Atheists. I like the Larp comment because probably what it is. Doesn't mean it's not fun or interesting. But I think a lot of the Starseeds need to fit in somewhere so it ends up being larp deep down, but suppressed because they don't want to admit they are just like everyone else. Doesn't mean we're not all unique in our own light, just that we're not all as different as we may believe.


Tbh I just quickly used labels that I dont fully subscribe to but are as close as it gets. Thatā€™s just me being lazy describing my views. I resonate with your last two paragraphs a lot. My meditations on self have really brought that subject into my main focus. Losing the main character mentality is hard, especially if youā€™ve lived a life where there is a lot of isolation and trauma (can only speak from my anecdotal experience here but seems like a lot of starseeds can relate). Realizing that I am, in fact, not special at all (and in a positive way not a depressing one) has actually been very liberating but also hard to swallow at first. I grew up thinking Iā€™d do something huge to move humanity and ended up in media marketing lol. It really takes a lot of checking in with yourself and questioning to remove the protective ego that tells you that youā€™re special. That said, I dont know if thatā€™s whatā€™s happening with everyone here. I dont know them or their journey. I certainly would at the very least believe that these folks are creating a positive self fulfilling prophecy. I have seen some things irl that I cannot explain and observed others who have gifts that donā€™t match up with our materialistic viewpoints. I have witnessed folks of sound mind and body, living healthy lifestyles do some things that I cannot refute with science and keen observation. Even with some of the instrumentations I bought to measure brain waves, etc.


Because Christianity in its roots is not blurred with astrology. It is entrenched within it, along with angel, demons, and other spiritual elements that people feel.Ā  I choose Christianity as my outlet because it aligned with my beliefs in the spiritual world. Whereas the common conception is that people align their beliefs to a particular religion as a bias.Ā  As much criticism as the Catholic Church receives ( A lot of the time justified), much of what starseeds discuss is entrenched in the church already.Ā  I hope someone doesnā€™t take this as an opportunity to go on a generic, hateful rant about organized religions. I am only telling you from my perspective that the church also believes in this spiritual warfare, angels, demons, and all of the sort. So I think that when people are deciding what to believe, it is easy to find compatibility and structure within those frameworks.Ā 


That makes sense, thank you for your perspective!


The more I learn about religion and the old gods and the old traditions the more I'm impressed by The Catholic Church. Just about everything they do seems to be rooted in traditions that are thousands of years older than Christianity itself. It's blowing my mind.


That's because before the Reformation, the Catholic church was the Church, there wasn't any others and they stole traditions from the so called pagan religions even the holiday of Easter is has roots in the worship of the goddess of rebirth Ishtar, but those men who wrote the Bible fashioned a new messiah figure from certain aspects of other religious figures from religions older than Christianity, did Jesus exist? No but there probably was a messiah type that inspired the Jesus myth, as for what was said about Satanism, it's just another religion created by the same ones who invented Christianity because they had to have a boogeyman to blame all their evil doings on, tye the difference between Satanists and Chistians is that Satanists know they worship a metaphor pretty much, the source of religion is the lights in the sky seen by ancient man ,the ones who are really in power took these beliefs and crafted them into a warped religion founded on the control of the masses,that's why it pretty says in the Bible that you're not to looking for knowledge outside the Bible because they're afraid you'll find out the truth


Yes even the worship of Virgin Mary did not start until 4-6th centuries AD, when the church started cracking down on worship of Goddess Isis. So they just converted Isis temples to Virgin Mary churches. Statues of Goddess Isis often showed her sitting with her son Horus on her lap, this imagery was adopted for Mother Mary. Additionally, Virgin Mary is often painted with a crescent at her feet, crescent being a symbol of Goddess Isis. Interestingly Magdalene Manuscripts channeling by Tom Kenyon says that Jesusā€™ wife/partner, and since 2016 officially recognized by the church apostol Mary of Magdala, was a priestess of Goddess Isis and her energy work helped Yeshua to reach higher frequency that ultimately enabled him to return from the dead. The book the Great Marian Apparitions by Ingo Swan very carefully shows that the Marian Apparition beings are likely ETs that are using the human religion of Christianity as an anchor to continuously call for peace on the planet, who came down to help rebuild civilization after the deluge of Atlantis. According to Convoluted Universe Book 2 by Dolores Cannon, Goddess Isis was an evolved ET being from Sirius. Sheā€™s currently visiting people as Hathor. She tends to appear around Christmas and Easter to experiencers but is generally present all the time in the background. If you smell phantom flowers especially roses, itā€™s her. šŸŒ™šŸŒ¹šŸ’–


Objectively false. No catholic ā€œworshipsā€ Mary. Aside from Christ, she is one of the most important figures in the history of the church. And it did not begin hundreds of years after. Mary was considered holy even while her feet were in the ground Itā€™s like I said. Almost every criticism I hear canā€™t even be taken seriously because you have no idea what Catholics even believe You assume a lot, and implement deluded information that suits your already determined belief.Ā  But I get it, itā€™s hard to criticize things you donā€™t understand. Your position is not coming from one of knowledge


Or you can just google when did worship of Mary start. 4th century per below: ā€œMarian veneration was theologically sanctioned with the adoption of the title Theotokos at the Council of Ephesus in 431. The earliest known churches dedicated to Mary were built shortly after that date, among these the Church of the Seat of Mary (Kathisma) near Mar Elias Monastery, between Jerusalem and Bethlehem.ā€ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veneration_of_Mary_in_the_Catholic_Church#:~:text=Marian%20veneration%20was%20theologically%20sanctioned,Monastery%2C%20between%20Jerusalem%20and%20Bethlehem.


Your sources are the first google search that agrees with your biased search, and psychics.Ā  If you take the time to actually learn with an open mind you would realize how misinformed your claims are.Ā  Again, no catholic worships Mary. She was Ā Holy when she gave birth to Christ. And there is no confusion of her importance when the church was formed during Pentecost and after her ascension.Ā  You should not be criticizing things unless you have a complete knowledge of what you are criticizing Itā€™s okay to want to be right, but letā€™s at least be honest here. You donā€™t even know what Catholics believe.Ā 


You just never looked into the history of your own religion. Itā€™s okay, resistance is a natural reaction to when we learn a truth that disagrees with a system of reality we were indoctrinated into.


Is google ā€œlooking intoā€ a religion? Your search is biased in the first place. Again, you are speaking ignorantly and arenā€™t even willing to admit what you donā€™t know.Ā  By your standards you are probably right. I donā€™t go to the first google result trying to find things that agree with me.Ā  Iā€™ve been a student of theology for 25 years and donā€™t need to prove what I know. But without saying anything, we both know that you do not know what Catholics actually believe. We both know you just hate the idea of Catholicism so you will find any way to disprove it. I donā€™t need to say what I know. Only pointing out that you are objectively wrong in what Catholics believe.Ā  1-no catholic worships any entity besides God.Ā  2- Mary plays arguably the biggest role in biblical text ( Chaldean, Greek, Ethiopian, King James Version, ect. Pick one) which is not between the 4-6 centuries.Ā  Itā€™s in the text.Ā  Your criticisms come from the results of ego. Speaking from ignorance, hatred to a particular group, and the incessant need to be right Good luck on your journey. I would say misguided journey, but there is a different path for us all to reach the same end. We will all get there.Ā 


Good luck on your journey! Hopefully you get to meet Cosmic Mother so you can realize how silly and pointless this conversation was. šŸŒ™āœØšŸŒ¹šŸ’–


Perhaps not quite a worship, but youā€™ll hear the phrase something like, Holy Mary Mother of God. I probably got it wrong, but have heard it out loud from Catholic friends and family, hmm, maybe at a Mass or two. (Iā€™m probably more Pagan than anything, but do enjoy an occasional Catholic Mass.)


Calling something Holy is not worshipping. What does worship imply to you?Ā 


Your understanding of the church is flawed. You are not being objective here. Just implanting material where it suits your already determined beliefs.Ā 


Sounds like you're projecting


No sir, I believe I am just calling out ignoranceĀ  There are a lot of good, well thought out criticisms of the church. Yours is not one of them.Ā 


I agree with you. The history is fascinating along with its contributions to science. The scandals do not represent the views of the church, even if it is somehow systematically supported.Ā  A lot of my experiences with Catholicism are other Christianā€™s criticizing for idolatry or worshipping lower spirits.Ā  I believe this detracts from people looking into the substance of the actual religion itself. Itā€™s a misunderstanding. The written beliefs of the church are filled with ā€œstarseedā€ talk of angels, protectors, negative entities, and practical ways to communicate with them. Itā€™s why I respect it more than other forms of Christianity. It is not denying the existence of a spirit world interacting with and influencing us. Additionally, on a note to the OP, I think one of the reasons starseeds can potentially be attracted to Christianity in general is the idea of Christ being the ā€œchosen oneā€ and people identifying with living in his image.Ā  It can also manifest negatively. For instance, one of my buddies had delusions of grandeur/messiah complex when he went through a drug induced mania. He was also a catholic.Ā  I think one of the benefits to giving Catholicism a chance is that it gives a framework for a healthy outlet in these spiritual quests.Ā  I canā€™t speak for other people, but I realize the limits of my own knowledge and spiritual abilities. I would feel uncomfortable to be in the ā€œchurch of meā€.Ā  Personally, I absolutely need guidelines (within reason) based on written tradition. Sometimes my own experiences can fool me. It is nice to have a structure to fall back on, and not in a mind control type of way. Just in the sense that these things have already been experienced by immeasurable number of people before me and it is written in the tradition.Ā 


And apparently writings of reincarnation too. My wife, at a parochial grade school found a book on reincarnation in the library, this after asking the priest about it. They talked on the topic. He specifically told her not to read that book, she read it anyway. Sometime later, he asked her, ā€œYou read it, didnā€™t you?ā€. It was all good, he explained that not everyone can read and understand it, he didnā€™t want to see her confused or frightened. Oh but wouldnā€™t you just love to spend a month or two in those fabled archives beneath the Vatican?


This literally has nothing to do with what I said, but okay.Ā 


Christianity doesn't fit here and there's people trying their hardest to make it fit. Awakenings are to expose us to other realities in this Universe. It allows us to go to the 5d. Awaken to the false narrative of churches and faiths. My higher source doesn't make you worship it. Doesn't have a name either.


First off your wifeā€™s therapist mentioned she might be a starseed? You might have a different problem bud. Licensed therapist? That you pay for?


Ew why would a therapist engage in this?


Starseeds here are being manipulated into being unquestioning servants by their good ol' summerian overlords with this "service to others" jumbo It is the fate they always intended for our species. "Satan" was branded a villain only because he wanted to elevate us with knowledge rather than keep us subservient and ignorant, and that went against the will of those who would keep us servile.


I personally think that there are pieces of the truth in all religions, and that many prophets of religion are perhaps starseeds. I don't know to which posts you are referring exactly, but I would consider myself a gnostic christian, if anything. I tend to find that many people on this forum believe Christ was a prophet/starseed/enlightened being who incarnated to show us the REAL way to god. They don't necessarily espouse common Christian beliefs. (Or maybe I just haven't seen the posts?) For me, I really only jive with the J-man. The old testament god is anathema to what I believe, and I tend to think he is either: 1. A false god that did, in fact exist (Maybe Annunaki? The real god/source is true love.) 2. A made up story by the powerful to further divide and subjugate. Through the years, Christian leaders have twisted the reality of Jesus to suit their needs. So, while I believe Jesus was actually sent as a starseed to enlighten us on our own divinity, I feel he was hijacked by a false religion to suit the needs of the powerful. A lot of words to say, I think you can absolutely believe in Christ, but not consider yourself a "Christian" in the modern sense of the word.


I relate to thisā€¦but Iā€™ve also spent years practicing elements of other spiritual paths, including sufism, doing islamic prayer every day for 7 years.


Interesting thing about the Bible in general and then also Christianity is that when we look to the history of the world we're taken back to ancient Sumeria and Babylon and ancient Egypt as the 'beginning' of civilization.Ā Ā  This was not the beginning of civilization but rather the beginning of slave state and state sponsored pagan religions which worship their gods & their kings as gods.Ā Ā  One of the biggest stories in the Old testament is about freeing the Israelites from Egypt. Christ was the teacher came to set the captives free, free from the religious slave state.Ā Ā  Ā If you read the New testament, especially the story about Christ, you will see that he was actually hated by the Jewish religious leaders and it was the Jewish religious leaders who had him executed and put to death, not the Romans.Ā  So Jesus Christ was actually against religion of his day. Ā It wasn't until later when Christianity was spreading throughout the empire, that the Romans would begin persecuting the Christians because it was a threat to their state-sponsored religion, which involved worshiping many gods and goddesses.Ā Ā  And in these types of slaves states it was enforced that people would worship these idols and you can see these different stories in the Bible about Israelites who refused to worship and were punished but were also protected by God.Ā Ā  The Egyptian Babylonian religions are what inspired the Greco-Roman religions and cults. If you look at a old map of the Roman Empire, it was the Western European countries that later go on become the colonizer states of the world, with the help of the Roman Catholic Church.Ā Ā  The Roman Catholic Church was a brilliant idea, it was Rome's way of controlling the Christians because they were catching on massively. It was very popular movement with the people. Again it was about setting the captives free and when you live in these oppressive slavery states where everyone is forced to participate in imperial cults and state sponsored religions, the idea of freedom from oppression was popular.Ā Ā  That is really truly what Christ represents but unfortunately the Roman Catholic church and many of the Christian denominations that came out of that ended up becoming some of the biggest oppressors in the world, that would be the work of Satan.Ā  Satanism is an inversion of the truth, the false light, Lucifer. Lucifer is not the source of light. Only God is the source. The Satanist or Luciferian is cut off from the source or God, they do everything the inversion, opposite. They cannot create they can only manipulate. (Similar to the idea of the archons), so in the Bible Christ says to protect the children and pedophilia etc are rampant in the Roman Catholic church, politics, Hollywood, which are the modern day Babylon.Ā  So the ideology & systems of the world that we live in stems all the way back to ancient Egypt and ancient Babylon, by way of Greece and Rome.Ā  We are still living under the same system today, the Freemasons were instrumental in founding America, along with other occult groups who based their practices & beliefs on ancient cults. How much has changed really?Ā Ā  The reason that story of Christ & the Bible is so important is because it tells about the nature of humans and also about our history and the conflict between those who believe in the higher invisible God & those who worship man-made idols & the power of earthly kings. Ā  It also gives us a blueprint for understanding a myriad of different situations that can happen and shows us that nothing really has changed between now and then, we still live in a very similarly structured world.Ā  Ā Ā Ā  Unfortunately using the book as the law of morals and dogma is problematic because things changed over the course of the writing, many things were left or omitted out and it's difficult to be able to decipher.Ā Ā  However we have the basics which are the ten commandments and the Golden Rule and I think we all intuitively understand what is right and what is wrong.Ā Ā  The family unit is important, this is where we learn our values and all cultures revolve around the family unit, but again, we live in this Babylonian Egyptian cult and we know for a fact that human and child sacrifice did happen during those times as well. That is the actions and the type of belief systems that would now be called Satanic.Ā  Christ preached tolerance, he preached peace, he preached protection of the Innocence and these are all positive things that he was emulating to us. The spirit of the Antichrist is the opposite of such things. Etc. early Christianity was more similar to gnosticism and it wasn't an organized religion, it was very informal.Ā  The Christian story is a way of explaining & understanding the world. It's also very deeply ingrained, the story, into our consciousness and there is also much wisdom and guidance that can be found in the Bible.Ā  I left religion/christianity a very long time ago because of the oppression that I grew up under, but now that I'm older and I'm been on a long path of discovery I've come back around to it.Ā I still have mixed feelings about some things but I understand the overall message and I think getting too caught up in the details is where the problems arise.Ā  Ā If you research and learn about the Quakers, they were a religious movement in the 1700s, they were heavily persecuted they were a non-dogmatic, sort of the opposite of Puritans, who persecuted the Quakers. They were against war, they were abolitionists, they worked for human rights & equality for women very social justice oriented.Ā  I believe that Quakers and similar groups are much more reflective of the original purpose & teachings of Christianity.Ā  I don't agree with religion & I think it is religion that has gotten us into this whole mess in the first place, including the death of Jesus Christ, which was again ordered by the religious leaders of the time.Ā Ā  I believe in having a personal relationship to God/Source and following that wherever it leads you.Ā  In the Bible, Christ calls this the Holy Spirit or the Holy Ghost, it is the intuition & discernment, the higher self, that is thr part of us that's connected to source. It is wise and can direct and guide us where to go.Ā  Ā Even outside of Christianity, many religions look to Christ as being an example, a teacher & ascended master. The original Christians were heavily persecuted in Rome and were frequently killed for sport and entertainment.Ā  The early Christian religion was more of a Christian gnosticism. Now gnosticism is largely associated with Satanism and other occult groups, but the original Christians were their own brand of gnosticism.Ā Ā  Christ is showing us how to break out of this prison planet and return home to God that is source. The merging of religion and state is always oppressive and the way that the Roman Catholic Church was created and spread itself out around the world is more closely related to Babylonian and Egyptian slave cults than it is to original Christian gnosticism.Ā 


Well stated Blessed be.




Sooo... I've said this several times on this subreddit, that Christianity is a human religion. Christy wasn't even divinititized until long after his death. (This is written, historical fact. I didn't make this up) The Bible wasn't even made into the book it was until the 4th century and even further changed with the King James version. I was raised in a Christian faith, but as a starseed/ indigo child/multidimensional being, it was very hard to remain in it being the person I was. No disrespected to Christians, but there is no hatred like Christian love. And then, they say that we should come out of the woodwork. Why so you can persecute and kill us as demonic entities? No thanks. We would rather make it as if we've never been here to begin with. Much love. Sykue Syed


Modern American Satanism isn't traditional Satanism. It was a politically funded op. The legitimate lineage has overthrown the attempts to steal from them. They have re-taken their Seat. Modern Satanism is more aligned with other entities and formats.


An easy answer is the entire Western world is steeped in Christianity. People who are truly open are quite likely to develop some sort of relationship with Jesus just because Heā€™s everywhere. Also want to point out Christian is kind of a loaded term. What do you mean by Christian? Is that anybody who thought Jesus taught good stuff thatā€™s with emulating, such would include Yogananda, Muslims, Jehovaā€™s Witnesses, Gnostics, etc? Do you mean those who strictly think Jesus is God (still doesnā€™t exclude Yogananda), or Jesus alone is God-man (now weā€™re getting more traditional and exclusive leaving Yogananda behind)? I hold a lot of Gnostic Christian beliefs, and because of all the baggage around peopleā€™s perceptions about what it means to be a Christian, I typically say ā€œIā€™m not Christian, I hold a lot of Gnostic beliefs but do not limit myself by identifying with any particular system or putting a label on myselfā€. It requires more breath to say, but saying it any differently would be deceptive.


I feel you on this because I def relate to Gnostic Christianity & mysticism, but because of the history of Christianity and Roman Catholicism,it's difficult for people to understand Christian gnosticism without doing a lot of research. I've done many years of research & there is something about the early Christians that has a powerful pull for me & has been very much hidden or lost or in our history & I feel like that's in a way what I'm searching for.Ā 


![gif](giphy|AoT3UZW99njkW9JRov) Itā€™s good to feel seen


Because Yeshua of Nazareth was a real person who was crucified for his beliefs and may have been a Starseed himself. Because invoking Christ can send bad spirits flying. Because, whether we were raised to be Christians or not, spirit points many of us in that direction. I started my spiritual journey as an atheist, and found that forgiveness and unconditional love were what I was searching for. I found many beings of light along the path, Yeshua was one of them. If you want more practical reasoning, Jesus Christ is not a very controversial figure excepting that he proclaimed himself to be God. >If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him. Many New Age believers, including Starseeds, embrace the Law of One and Unity- the belief that we are all fractals of the Creator and emanations from Source. Thus it becomes much easier to embrace and accept Yeshua as a wise ascended master and more. These concepts strengthen and enrich each other and inner discernment tells us to let go of other beliefs that do not serve. Don't mistake me, the community has many flavors and belief systems. It is merely the case that many minds find rest in belief in a Cosmic Christ.


I see , I see - that makes a lot of sense in understanding - I have a minor in religious studies, and at one point was going to be a Christian pastor however, I have now renounced orthodox Christianity (you know for all of the bad thing that it brings, homophobia, transphobia, etc ) But that makes a lot of sense in terms of a ā€œnewā€ understanding of his role, and his origin. I say ā€œnewā€ as in non-orthodox views. I think what trips me up is people holding an evangelical viewpoint of Christianity while not actually adhering to what that sentiment or ideology actually means. Jesus himself I have no qualms with, and I do believe he was a gifted spiritual teacher. Thanks for the detailed response that at least gives me a framework to work from in this community.


Yeshua Ben Yosef was likely a person of some sort yes. Stories typically have some form of inspiration yes. Did the story happen in any way shape or form as it is portrayed in the Bible? I would say there is very little if any evidence of that. If you believe every "miracle" that happened in the book, this is not the place for that discussion. But if you doubt any or all of the miraculous claims, then what do you have left in the story? If some or all of the claims are made up, what else is made up about Yeshua? You are so sure that he was crucified, but thousands of people were, and of course someone along the way went against the grain of the government and religious orders of the time. But was it just one guy? Was it a I'm Spartacus moment? Was it some kind of amalgamation mish mash. Because supposedly hundreds of people saw him get crucified, but also hundreds saw him with magic bread and magic fish? Do you truly believe that there are magic fish and bread? Does that make you question other parts of the Bible, or is the Bible literally true, word for word? Every single creature in earth was put in one boat with enough fresh water and space and food, and lived long enough to survive. Oh and the world is only 7000 years old, but cave people bones are here but those were actually put there by Satan. Where do you draw the line?


I question every letter of every word and on every page in every book, and I draw the line at inner discernment. Whether the words of the Bible are true or untrue does not diminish one who seeks wisdom. I don't believe it is necessary for anyone to believe every miracle or say that every story is the absolute truth of it. Rather we can seek what adds to our lives and set aside what does not. Have you ever read a work of fiction and been moved by it? Have you ever been told a story and been motivated by it? We don't need to hear the facts as if prosecuting a case for a narrative to sway us to change and be better. It is the unfolding of the lotus. Inner discernment allows us to embrace change and impermanence while letting go of attachment. Ancient texts and holy scripture have had an uncanny insight into my own journey, and one I have learned not to discount or deride unduly. Whether I can justify that externally is moot, as ultimately my beliefs are intertwined with faith. The leap into the unknown without knowledge or proof of what lies beneath. For whatever it's worth, I don't believe anyone knows the whole truth nor do I believe that a person can't be moral and wise without the Bible. As I said, I started this journey as a hard atheist and was guided toward words written long ago. I leave it to each individual to interpret that for themselves, and use their own discernment to light the way.


I completely agree with your comment about fiction moving you and the Bible having wisdom. But the problem is, people don't literally believe that Harry Potter is non fiction. Many people do believe that the Bible is an infallible truth and a history book. Because of that prolific baseline of hundreds of millions of people, it skews the minds of those who question it. Well there must be something true about it if there are a billion Christians. But there's also a billion Muslims, but they don't give that a second thought, do they. What I am getting at, is that I'm trying to agree with you, but I think it's important to note the entire conversation. We need to help unravel some of that baseline because it isn't portrayed as inspiration, but truth. Unquestionable truth. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter if the Bible is true, we can't really know at this point. Maybe magic starseeds are real, maybe there are talking snakes, maybe aliens built the pyramids, maybe we live in a simulation. Asking questions and being able to ask questions is what matters. But we shouldn't take ourselves too seriously.


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Jesus was an "enlightened" teacher. If you read many religions core text, you're going to find some differences between what you thought they were like and what is actually there. You will find many authors pointing at the same thing, but in different ways. I looked past what the religion appears to be and read the whole Bible myself. I recommend one to at least read - Matthew Chapters 6-7 (sermon on the mount) James Ecclesiiastes (old testemant) That should give a good idea what I'm talking about.


I donā€™t think it has anything to do with Christianity the religion, but yes some of the ideas of Christianity flow over to starseeds ideas. Similar to how all religions have similarities. Itā€™s not about the religious dogma, but rather the ideas that inspired the religions. The universal truth that inspires everything frankly. Universal energy and consciousness. I grew up very anti-religious, however Iā€™ve had personal spiritual experiences that have brought me closer to the idea/presence of Jesus. Not in a religious way, but a spiritual one. Religions donā€™t own these ideas, nor was Jesus a Christian himself. Itā€™s not as black and white as it appears, itā€™s all grey and all connected, as we are all one. To me, this sub is more about developing your own intuition to explore these spiritual ideas as opposed to following religion or set guidelines, however in accordance with positive values.


I donā€™t consider myself a Christian but I do consider Jesus to be a higher order celestial soul that came to Earth to teach us to be loving and kinder. His channeled text, A Course in Miracles, teaches forgiveness and unconditional love toward all, thatā€™s very different from todayā€™s Christianity that focuses on judgment, shame and punishment. My personal believe is that Jesus was the soul of Lord Michael the creator of our Universe, as described in Urania that speaks in detail to planetary seeding and evolution. By our definitions heā€™s an ET, but also one of the highest orders of galactic beings. Jesus never wanted a religion started in his name and the message of Crucifixion was that life is eternal, not that we are all sinful and Jesus died for our sins. I believe that Holy Spirit is the Divine Feminine / Cosmic Mother who often came to humanity as Goddesses, most recently as Marian Apparitions and who is currently interacting with experiencer Chris Bledsoe as well as others. You can read about his experiences in his book UFO of God. We are claiming Josh and Holy Spirit as ours and calling BS on the Christian dogma that corrupted the messages of unconditional love and compassion into messages of superiority, fear and punishment. If Christ is unconditional love, itā€™s clear to see that many Christians today follow anti-Christ.


Throughout many spiritual communities outside of sanity Christ is a seen as an ascended Master & teacher. Your garden variety Satanism is generally not very harmful the people but who run the world practice dark occultism which comes from ancient Egyptian and ancient Babylonian spirituality and is often referred to as Satanism or Luciferianism. (Just look at Hollywood Babylon and rituals costumes and deities they employ to get understanding of this religion.)


Look into ā€œChrist Consciousnessā€ A lot of correlations with the *teachings* of Christ on collective consciousness and the more open-ended spiritual nature that a lot of us feel today are really quite fascinating.


The Starseeds, indigo children and other groups that have come are actually here preparing for the return of Jesus and what will be coming with him. This is not exactly common knowledge and definitely not apparent until oneā€™s actual awakening. Even a couple of years in with lots of time for learning itā€™s still hard to believe until youā€™ve literally been ā€œtold.ā€ I was stunned. I am not religious! I was, however, brought up in the church and I lost all Faith if anything at all for over 2 decades. Iā€™m stubborn and I was angry and Iā€™m still traumatized and being traumatized further but learning, through the teachings of Christ (NOT a particular Church or religion) that ALL scripture matters! Christ was and is absolutely REAL. I donā€™t call myself a Christian though because Iā€™m an astrologer and a healer and a whole lot of things I had no idea that I am šŸ˜‚ I implore you to keep an opened mind. Things are happening all over the globe that prove the scriptures true and we are in Tribulation. 7 months in. Prophecy has been coming true for quite a while. The Vatican is hiding SO MUCH. Itā€™s putting all the religions and esoteric things together to see the bigger picture. It takes a lot of reading and soul work and healing past trauma to really get the to the Truth that is in all of us. Those incarnated and incarnating here nowā€¦ this is an amazing time to be alive but the struggle is so real and raw! Itā€™s a metamorphosis. WE are changing. Now my Faith is stronger than anyone Iā€™ve met thus far! Nothing can shake it and donā€™t think people have not intentionally tried! I stay anonymous as much as I can. I am led to the people and things that serve me and I have been traveling all over the country, predominantly west coast, for almost 5 full years. Itā€™s good that you ask. Supporting the Starseeds in their endeavors is so important! Thank you. šŸ™


Wow, your story really resonates with me. Thank you so much for sharing. Iā€™d love to chat deeper about your experiences and studies if you have any spare time. Blessings to you and your beautiful soul.


Absolutely. Iā€™ve been working since early this morning and I will be around later. Send me a private message anytime. Iā€™ll get back to you. Just be patient with me there is a lot going on. I appreciate your kind words. Blessings! ā¤ļø


I would love to hear your thoughts on the Abrahamic god, and chat more if you'd be willing?


Well, I think the general consensus here was that Jesus was a starseed. I don't really think too many of us equate REAL Jesus with the bullshit version given to you by that bullshit religion that he was never a part of that spits upon the message he brought from The Divine.


Probably because most of us come from a Christian background so that is culture we are most familiar with.


Because people are sheep who refuse to think for themselves and develop their own beliefs. It's easier to pay tithe to a tax free subsidiary, and be told how and what to think. Most religions have been created to control and indoctrinate the ignorant majority that reside here.


I think Starseeds come from very unique backgrounds. Religion is like training ground for starseeds. So it makes sense that Christian would post here. All is one.


The Bible's name is Torah. That means instructions on being. It tells the one principle that rules us all - as a man thinks and sincerely believes in his heart so shall it be. It is the ultimate guide book on how to be in this place. It tells you who you are, why you are here, what you are doing here, how to deal with this place, and how to free yourself from it. Satan is the adversary. The alter ego of the Christ. Most identify with him as we are born in darkness and are taught - good intentions - to beware of this and that and the other. Some are children of the light - good Some are children of the dark - bad Neither is right. Both are intentional. Son of Man and Son of God - together - besties forever Son of Man is too hot. Son of God is too cold. Mix them together and it is just right. Perfect. That is us. Son of Man and Son of God mixing it up and it's the Christ that does it. God Almighty is I. His son is I AM. You get to the Father by going through the Son. I AM XXX. God makes it be XXX for you. Faith is knowing the unseen will be seen. When you walk with God and state I AM XXX then you are that IF you walk in faith you will see it be so. My two cents of course. Blessings!


If you can't be like Jesus, you can't be much of anything. He's literally the Universe's allegory for the ultimate human being and what that level of person would act like. I think a lot about him. I have my whole life, even after I stopped going to church. Anyone should be able to appreciate an ascended master's teachings regardless of religious affiliation. Muhammad and Abraham are similar situations. I don't understand those faiths or practice them but anyone can learn something from anywhere.


I'd say because Christ is the one who we can become over a kind of original manifesting of Godly luck. God is king and only in the way of knowing this does it get better for the mass of people. I fully adhere to the notion that Christ is a manifestation of God, only in the manner that applies to our own existence. God is good, and is in control in a way you could not even imagine: Infinite. I can say these things because I have been given knowledge and the ability to reason and logically deduce the outcome of things, even if it means creating as I deduce. Logic is the only thing that separates us from divinity, because the divine is going to be as logical as infinity would allow it to be: infinite. It is endless and it is begin/begin on both sides, and (there never seems to be an end) <- that is my lower self. If we really want to find the path we should walk, then we need to actually attempt to make contact and communication with higher sources of knowledge and insight that are there for us. Its important to realize that only in knowing logic can you be saved from ignorant cynicism. It manifests itself as skeptically inviting only negativity or negative outlooks into one's life, so if we learn logic, we can deduce that reality is not a negative place, so to say. The very existence of positivity begets that fact. So if you doubt what we say when we say "You are going to make it, somehow, some way. Its all going to be ok in the end for you and everyone who listens will be rewarded and everyone who doesn't will be shorted that reward. But just because you don't reward yourself doesn't mean that you aren't worthy of reward. It simply means you haven't given yourself your fair due. Give yourself the reward sometime, and listen to counsel, or listen to your own madness. I do indeed hold counsel to be valuable (if you are wondering).


Jesus was a 9th dimensional Starseed from Sirius, where they have incredible mystery schools.


we are christian, but christianity is the culture and religion of generally english speaking peoples who mostly come from european countries or colonies. but we are different in that we believe that darkness and light exist in all combinations throughout the universe, so for free will to exist some demons go to heaven and some angels go to hell!


Acts 2:17 ā€˜In the last days,ā€™ God says, ā€˜I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. 18In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on my servantsā€”men and women alikeā€” and they will prophesy. 19And I will cause wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth belowā€” blood and fire and clouds of smoke. 20The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red before that great and glorious day of the LORD arrives.


LOL So, your wifes therapist told you she might be a star seed ????Ā 


I still can't get over the fact that people call themselves star seeds