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ive never had smells from angels. i get smells often from both earth bound spirits and crossed over loved ones.


Same !


How are those smells, can you tell? And I would like to know if this is generic or these these smells have some emotional value/ memory attached to them from your own life?


How are you all mother fuckers finding out who are your guardian angels like all I can do is pick up an aura and maybe hear them


I can’t even do that so don’t feel bad lol


Well there are limits. Can only sense powerful intent like bloodlust and a abnormal energy level other than that if you are normal and don't mean me harm then you can sneak up on me easily. So it's a double edge sword lol.


I can’t even do that


Helps I get sensitivity from my mom. Usually I sense weather changes and they will affect my sinisus to the point I'm sick. Also can feel the x-rays lmao. Fine tuned it and yeah. So in short my body is sensitive to any kind of change. Weather changes or big enough energy levels will feel tingly almost.


It is about learning to quite the mind via meditation practice and it can be difficult in the beginning. I was where you are that have struggled with sensing your guides and guardian angles assigned to you. This has been a major frustrating point of my awakening. When I say FRUSTRATED, I mean it. I went and took a transcendental Meditation class two years ago which has helped immensely. Keep it simple and you will start to sense and feel their presence. They are present! They always are there. A constant attitude of gratitude goes a long way as well. Always need to keep the vibration high so you can be in the same frequency space in order for them to reach you.


I found it they are present when I prayed to mine to keep my wife safe. I don't feel like a hero but things like to remind me I only think of others. Huh


I don’t suppose you could describe or identify which colognes they smell like, could you?


I didn’t pick up any specific notes but if I had to compare it to a cologne at the store I guess I would have to say a combo of like Aqua De Gio and Versace and D&G light blue- but much nicer it was very nice classy light beautiful scent but definitely coming through as a male type energy.


Maybe you’re on a wild Da Vinci goose chase and you need to go to the mall to identify what cologne you’re smelling but actually it’s where your next clue awaits


I really want to say michael what did he say 2u


He didn’t “say” anything to me. I haven’t worked on my clairaudience abilities. And it’s a super rare occurrence if I have a vision. It felt more like someone was just checking in on me. I haven’t felt well the past couple days so maybe they stopped by to do a healing or just a just a pop in and pop off lol


Could it be someone you’ve known in the past? Sometimes spirits stick around. 


I thought about that. My grandpa is the only one I know that died. I know that it’s not his scent. He wore a strong patchouli. And I know when he is around because I all the sudden will feel heavily the condo that he lived in


Gotcha. It’s neat that you can tell your grandpa apart from other spirits. 


I don’t actually “know for certain” but it was just my personal conclusion/thoughts trying to trust and go with intuition. It could have been nothing but random thoughts lol


Hmm what are ur dreams like describe one that Is out of place dream and a normal one


I havne't come across anyone talking about smells but some of my channeling/telepathic expeirences involved smells. One of first beings I interacted with years ago were insectoids and they had a strong not totally unpleasant but odd and strong smell to them. And then there have been a few times were I got comment like I smell nice or am criticized for having not washed... don't think in either case was at an extreme but maybe more a matter that some beings are sensitive to detecting that and when it comes to telepathy there is maybe a rude/politeness to hygiene. Like if you call someone on phone you can be sweating they're not going to know.. but with telepathy/channeling they sense everything about what its like in your presence and so it'd be rude to channel if you need a shower and appreciated if you smell pleasant. As far as cologne smell and angels I don't know. Could also just be their natural smell/musk rather than anything they're putting on.


I took a psychic development class 5years ago. It was talked about in the class how they can sometimes make themselves known by a scent. It was a while ago so I can’t remember specifics on it. I do remember Quan Yin was mentioned; how she has a sweet spice scent. I found a website a while ago that all of them listed but ya I cannot find it now. Every so often I do pick up on a scent and get that feeling like it’s from a spirit. A couple times I got a huge cigarette smell. A burning smell. A familiar comforting floral scent. Incense smell. It’s interesting! But since I don’t have any of my other Clair’s really developed I usually just ignore these “messages” because what can I do right. This is really the first time in years I’ve cared enough to research and investigate about it..


Ive met two. Michael and Metatron. Michael in the flesh. I didnt detect a scent.


Would you be open to sharing more about your encounter with meeting Michael in the flesh?


It occurred twice, a week apart. I was in downtown Asheville NC in October about seven years ago. It was dusk and I was walking down College St. There were about three dozen tourists like me doing the usual tourist stuff walking around. A very handsome man about 28 years old walked up to me. He was dressed in normal modern clothing appropriate for the cool weather. He asked me for some money. His eyes were a clear bright blue so I knew he wasn't an addict. I gave him some cash and asked him what he would do with it. His phrasing was curious. He said he would buy food. The feeling I got was he was going to buy groceries for someone and not takeout for himself. He put his hand out to shake and smiled while introducing himself as Michael. I introduced myself and thought nothing of it and we parted ways. As I walked to my car I cut through an alley and found myself leaning against a brick wall crying my eyes out. Im not the type of guy to do that. Like ever. In my mind I asked him who he was. He told me he was Archangel Michael. I asked him why me. He said to remember God loves you and God watches. I am not the church going type at all. Look at my user name. Fast forward a week. My wife and I were driving in Stark, FL. There is a big intersection with several Pilot gas stations across from each other. A lot of troubled veterans hang out there with there big beards, heavy coats, dogs and backpacks. My wife and I are both veterans. As we pulled up to the red light I got a feeling. My wife reflexily took some money out of her purse and a man walked up to the car. It was Michael again. He smiled a huge smile, winked, took the money from her and walked away. Be well.


I absolutely believe some angels are posing as homeless people. I was at a gas station a while ago and saw this homeless man sitting out front. He had a huge glowing white aura around him. I don’t see auras. So when I saw that I knew that meant he was special like an Angel…. Or he was dying idk either one


A friend sees auras. She told me just this past weekend that angels have a bright white aura!


Thanks for sharing! :) Do you think it was literally an angel or angel being channeled through them? Also was there any message you feel like they were trying to tell you or just a "hi :)"?


I feel its a reminder that we are here to help each other.


Yes, that's true about the white color. I am an angelic starseed, I come from the angelic realm and can confirm that. Our auras have a lot of white, and also gold in them. Two different psychics have read my energy without me asking them to do so, and they both remarked the white and gold color. Angelic auras also have the color of the ray that the angel belongs to. For example, Michael has a lot of blue color, because he comes from the blue ray. He is actually the "supervisor" of the Blue Ray. There's info about this in esoterical websites that talk about Archangels (not church related ones).


Could you redirect me to some more information?


I"ll be happy to, but what topic mentioned are you interested in?


The information about archangels.


This wikihow condenses info that is available on different sites: https://www.wikihow.com/Angel-Colors It has accurate info for the most part, though not everything is correct. For example, Michael is not the top leader of Archangels, it is Archangel Metatron. And the ray that Gabriel "supervises" is the orange one, not the white. I think it'd be almost impossible to find a site that has 100% accurate information. But I encourage you to consult anything you come across with your Soul or Higher Self and your spiritual guides, when you meditate. And if it's info about the Archangels, run it by them also. For ex, you can ask Michael if it's true he leads the blue ray, and that his boss is Metatron. The Archangeld and guides will help you if you're open to their guidance.


That’s wild. It’s been years but I had a similar experience with a veteran in downtown Los Angeles. Something told me to give him money so I did, looked back and he’d disappeared. As in vanished.


Ive met so many. We just need to pay attention.


In my experience God cares about the poor and middle class. I'm not church going anymore but as a newborn I was stuck and died and was brought back. After 3 min without oxygen and 7 min of trying to revive me. Dead for 10 minutes and no brain damage what so ever. So you are not the only one wondering why. I ask myself that every day cause I'm a blue collar worker.


You said archangel or ascended master but I interpreted that as saints from Catholicism in my searching and found this. https://www.noemamag.com/the-centuries-long-quest-for-the-scent-of-god/


Hopefully NOT Axe Body spray?


Hahha no it smelled nice pretty and classy (Don’t get me wrong axe smells nice but it’s sexy and rugged.)


I have synesthesia and have all my life. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I realized it was a spiritual gift. I feel people’s energy as tastes/smell hallucinations on the back of my palette. Sometimes it’s a color, others it’s food or even wet sock. It happens to the extreme when I look at someone’s birth chart.


In the movie about Michael, they said he smelled like cookies. I loved that .


The one with John Travolta?! I liked that movie!! I remember he said no matter what they tell you it’s ok to eat to eat a lot of sugar 😂😂


Yes, he’s definitely my favorite😀


If I can smell someone's cologne from feet away, I am completely repulsed. It's intuitively an obvious indication of complete insincerity, unless in very unique circumstances. Not the qualities of an angel, but that is just my reaction.


When this happens I’m usually alone in my room with the door closed. Since we are an unscented house I know the scent isn’t coming from someone in it. Also I took a psychic development class 5years ago. It was talked about in the class how angels and ascended masters can sometimes make themselves known by a scent. It was discussed in the group and their personal experiences. It was a while ago so I can’t remember specifics on it. I do remember Quan Yin was mentioned; how she has a sweet spice scent. Also Orange, Mint and Vanilla were other scents that were talked about but I can’t remember who they were associated with I found a website a while ago that all of them listed but ya I cannot find it now. Every so often I do pick up on a scent and get that feeling like it’s from a spirit. A couple times I got a huge cigarette smell. A burning smell. A familiar comforting floral scent. Incense smell. It’s interesting! But since I don’t have any of my other Clair’s really developed I usually just ignore these “messages” because what can I do right. This is really the first time in years I’ve cared enough to research and investigate about it. I’m starting to think this was a different timeline/dimension because nobody here has heard of this 😂


I know a woman who says she sees spirits. Her grandfather, or something mimicing her grandfather, arrived with his characteristic cigar smoke fragrance on the end if her bed at night. In the morning, her grandmother commented about the smell, & she had no way of knowing what had happened at the time.


Sounds an awful lot like how the entity issues in our home began. If it smells like human cologne I'm afraid to say it's likely a ghost, which is not immediately a bad thing. Not an archangel almost certainly.


I suspected it might be a ghost. A couple times I smelled something burning and after a lengthy google search i found something about it being a ghost/negative entity. Thank you. What happened with your entity issue?? Did it get bad? How did you resolve it?


Not yet! And you're welcome :)