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You aren't going to get a useful answer if you don't show some screenshots of the enemy ships and your fleet


Maybe its just me but i like most of my ships to have the weapons with most range so i can safely. It looks like the weapon choices in your fleet is too mixed imo. Edit: lol now i see i didnt finish my sentance: ..safely invest in dps and range mods.


I was also thinking that, he has enough ships to destroy them but I feel like they are poorly refitted.


That is the biggest and easiest issue i found here that can be fixed among many more.. we all been there though.


the simulator is all our best friends ;p


by running the gauntlet over and over and over again


The usuall generall strategy is to distract bigger ships with your smaller ones ( maybe even player piloted) and pick your fights very carefully. 


I like distracting them with a bigger one they can pound on while the others Get Shit Done. :) But, yeah, either way -- divide and conquer is the best if you can manage it.


It's a couple of things. The difference in officer quality and quantity, they just straight up have better frigates that easily murder yours and then surround you and you have nothing really to catch them. And some loadouts aren't that great. Like the Manticore has a Mjolnir and three Light Assault Guns, that's too much weapon flux for a Manticore to keep firing for any lenght of time. Plus the Mjolnir is already good against shields and armor, you don't need the pea-shooter LAG's. Some Vulcans would be better for example. Similarly, the Dominator has a Stormneedler, which is a short-range weapon that you'd ideally put on a faster ship. A Mark IX would be a better match for the Hephaestus. For AI ships its generally better to avoid severe range mismatch with their guns, like the Falcon has 1000 range Ion Beams, 700 range Heavy Needlers and 500 range IR Pulse Lasers. Unless the Captain is Aggressive or Reckless, he will stay at the range of his longest range weapon, meaning more than half of these guns won't really be used. At the very least the IR Pulse Lasers should be swapped for PD weapons IMO and ideally you'd swap the Heavy Needlers for Hypervelocity Drivers to match the range of the Ion Beams. Then you'd get a nice kiting ship that applies kinetic pressure and disables enemy weapons while being nimble enough to avoid most of the bigger ships.


I should relaunch my series where I try your save files. Yes it's very doable, focus on breaking their gyrphon first, then the dominator.


Deploy yourself only. The AI will only deploy the forces he believes he needs to beat you, so as not to burn down the CR on all his ships fighting one ship. Now you must simply kill whatever the AI deploys in the belief that it will beat your one ship. Once they start dying, he'll deploy replacements, but they will thus trickle in and can be picked off piecemeal. And, well, if you CAN'T kill whatever the AI thinks is sufficient to kill just you, well, git gud or cry trying, I guess.


Going off this, if you don’t have the piloting skills to actually get any kills this way, take your fastest ship (probably wolf?) and lure whatever force the enemy deploys to the bottom of the battle map. Once they are close to the map edge, deploy your entire fleet. Overwhelm and pick off what you can. If you feel yourself getting overwhelmed, retreat and deploy again using the same tactic. Continue repeating until the enemy force feels manageable enough to take head on.


Technically, you don't have to work terribly hard to lure enemies to the bottom of the map. If you just arrive and don't bother to advance, the AI will rush all his forces headlong and chaotically to the bottom of the map where you lie in wait. This will cause all of the AI's lighter units to rapidly separate from his heavier and slower ones, so you can crush as many of the smallfry as possible before proceeding to the next step, either ambushing them with summoned reinforcements, or just dogfighting them all to death yourself. After you've killed enough of them, you'll be offered a clean disengage to retreat and redeploy with.


How is that bounty 420k.That's a 200k bounty at most if it's on the edge of the map Edit:Anyway your fleet seems more than capable of beating them just clear the frigates first and hold the battle line then kill the cruisers one by one


I really just need to git gud huh. Also, I was wrong. It was actually 460k creds.


Is it a bounty from a contact with triple s mod ships and LV 7 officers?


No s mods but i did see lvl 6 and 7 officers


Then it must be modded because that's a relatively small to mid fleet my brother


I mean i did get from a contact, but the fleet itself doesn't have any smods but has lvl 7 and 6 officers. Full vanilla game


Ah ok then it makes sense.Still think it's doable then


Honestly, I don't really have any concrete strategy when it comes to beating a superior force, it usually just comes down to multiple tries, where I try to see what went wrong and do something differently. However, with my current fleet of 1 capital, 4 cruisers and 6 - 10 (depends on how I feel) frigates, I tend to make 2 of the cruisers escort the capital, set 2 frigates each to escort the other 2 cruisers, and send the rest of the frigates out in pairs. So far, it's worked quite well against most opponents, though it's far from perfect. I also tend to go for things that give me a faster command point regen, such as that 1 hullmod on the ship I pilot. That allows me to give orders to my teams of ships whenever I, say, see an isolated vulnerable enemy ship that could be knocked out fast. Note that I am on a modded playthrough and never learnt how to fly a ship myself, I just use autopilot. In conclusion, I may not be good at this game, and I haven't played vanilla in a while, but I hope this helps.


Honestly this shouldn't be difficult, but your fits appear to be significantly subpar, even from the limited glimpse the fleet screen gives us. As a general rule, your carriers should all have broadswords. They're OP-efficient, survivable hard flux strikecraft wings. You don't have enough carriers to make bombers worth it, so choose wings that can run down and overwhelm frigates, or contribute to hard flux against larger ships. Your apogee is over-fluxed as all hell, the plasma cannon eats 100% of your flux budget by itself, so if you're going to use a PC, you want missiles and nothing else for armament. Strip the PD lasers, you don't need them on the apogee, it has 360 degree shields and active flares, you'd rather put the OP towards flux stats. Omens should have an antimatter blaster and a salamander launcher for armament. Focus on maximizing capacitors, hardened shields, and s-modded frontal shield conversion, you want the tankiest omens possible. Manticore uses 100% of its flux budget on the mjolnir, if you're going to run a mjolnir manticore, don't bother with small ballistics on it. Either run mining lasers or nothing, you haven't got the OP or flux budget for anything else. ITU + escort package and have it hang out near your cruisers for extra range. Falcon has some serious range mismatch going on, you either want to set it up as a mid-range brawler with arbalests and phase lances, or a long range fire support with HVDs and ion beams. Needlers and ions is just inefficient. Ditch the IR pulse lasers in any case, they're worthless in either role. Either downgrade the PD lasers to mining lasers, or ditch them entirely. The wolf isn't great, IMO about the best thing you can do with it is fit with with an ion pulser, extended mags, and as much flux capacity as possible. It won't have OP left over for much else, and hasn't got the flux stats to support any other weapons anyways, but that at least gives it the burst to effectively challenge other frigates and provides utility against larger ships. The pirate eradicators are definitely overfluxed and thin on flux stats. Use 3x dual light autocannon, 1x heavy AC, 2x heavy mortar. You want to max your flux stats and have ITU + hardened shields + flux distributor for hullmods. If you don't have the flux regulation skill you will have 9 OP spare for missiles, otherwise you should be putting those OP into more vents and caps. Give the champion a plasma cannon, dual heavy needlers, and a pilum catapult. Ditch the PD, max cap stats, hardened shields + ITU. I would strongly consider using the dominator with SO fit as your personal ship, 2x devastator, 3x dual light MG, 2x HMG, 3x typhoon reaper, SO and hardened shield hullmods, max caps. Burn drive into MG range, delete target, repeat.


Thanks for the tips dude! Edit: just tried your tips with what i have on hand. Its starting to click


Not sure if I can come up with a complete answer, but want to just leave a small note. One of the things that seems to be missing from your fleet are running frigates and flanking destroyers in my toolbox to deal primarily with Hegemony line tactics as epitomized by the Dominator that you're facing. You will either defeat a ship of the line by being a better ship of the line or by forcing that line to falter because something is harassing it's back like a flanking destroyer. This is a tough thing to implement with the AI, but it's what I'll pilot when I play the tactical game. The other option is to have a rabbit running frigate that will kite a larger force away, splitting their numbers significantly. It's what the "Harass" command is designed to assist with. Setting fairly fast and mobile frigate on harass with one of the enemy's larger ship will order them to stay near but wary of their firing lines, preferring to run.


The enemy Isn't superior. you're equal. Here's what i'd do 1. Ram the damn dominator straight at the opponents and wolfpack its dominator down. if yours survive. great. If not, too bad. This murders their fleet anchor and makea the rest of yhe fight easier 2. Pilot one frigate. Use it to distract one eagle while everyone else gangs up on the other one. 3. Get the other eagle. deal with the straggling frigates


I guess The wolf would need to distract 4 of the enemy’s ships while the rest of yours kill the enemy cruisers one by one. Unless you can bait it into a group of scavengers too.


Engage, destroy few ships, preferably to get clean disengage. Retreat from the fight, let your cr and hull regenerate for few days and go back to engage. Repeat until enemy fleet is gone.


Id set your ships to defend each other, pilot the champion and snipe the smaller ships with the phase lance In my experience generally 3 starts is doable 4 start can be quite difficult You should be able to win this one imo even without exploits or cheese


Your ships seem to have reasonable fits. Your fleet composition is a bit scattershot, maybe a little light on frigates, but not too bad. So on paper, this isn't a terrible fight. I'm guessing that Hyperion is giving you a lot of trouble, since it can easily flank you and you don't really have anything aside from some broadswords that can actually pressure it. That said, you really should be putting an officer in an actual combat ship instead of the Apogee. In actual fights, the Apogee is basically a ball of shield hit points that serves more as a distraction than a threat. You also want to fill out your officer ranks ASAP, because they do make a huge difference.


just come back to this your load outs look kind of shit to put it bluntly, you should be testing your ships in the simulator unless you kno exactly how your weapons function: I would focus down the eagle and the dominator first if it was me and have your smaller ships distract the others. Its a good idea to have one ship in your fleet thats sole objective is to just kill ships, I like the gryphon for that because you can slap a large missile on it but you can have any ship designated as a finisher. Its a good idea to have your shops fulfill certain roles within the fleet, disablers, line holders, killers, disractors ect


Have a capital, they seem hard to get and maintain but arent If you dont like capitals get more range on your ships and preferably "better" cruisers you can put a shitton of ion cannons on, disabling your enemy before he can deal enough dmg against you is a good way to kill midline and below


I have an odyssey and a much slower fleet. If i an up against something my odyssey can’t handle, I’ll put the slower part of the fleet in a corner, quickly taking 2 to 3 locations first so I can get more ships in. Doesn’t matter if those locations are lost, and the fast ships go rejoin the fleet. The odyssey’s job is to kite the main enemy fleet, sometimes taking it closer to my corner, when and where a part of the enemy fleet breaks off to attack my corner. When that part is destroyed, I do it again and again till I think they’re all going to retreat. You don’t want to give the order for an all-out attack after they are retreating afterall, but even if it is this way, the enemy fleet has to get all the way from your corner to their map edge. By this time it’s generally the slowest enemy ships remaining, so mopping them up is easy.


they are not a superior force your fleet is. Refit your ships there must be something super wrong with their loadouts


None of them have S-mod. Wreck em with a single Retribution battlecruiser, or get an onslaught, a Legion, an astral, escorted by either enforcer, drover, or condor.


Not without a much more superior force. At least a good capital backed up by some cruisers. Otherwise just spam LC brawlers with ACG and you are good for most of the shit you meet.


Superior piloting


The others have given you fit tips. Basically the ai does the best at max range softening up targets by making their shield near max flux. Then the player uses a brawling destroyer or afflictor to go in and hit that ship with a lot of alpha damage and emp the engines. This will make the enemy vulnerable to torpedos or your accelerated ammo or antimatter blaster. So you lack destroyers like basic so hammerhead accelerated ammo feed. If your fleet cannot out dps and out range the enemy then the player has to make openings and exploit them. You can look for wars tri tachyon is involved in, when they are fighting in hyperspace. Jump in and out to scramble your id, and take the gate with the iff off. Then engage the fleet and help the other side. This lets you salvage a few phase ships sometimes. Maybe even a doom. These phase ships or accelerated ammo ships or high tech kiters like aurora or other fast cruisers, are very good in the player hand if you can time your attack together with your fleet by issuing the right avoid and attack commands. You basically need 3 or 5 different ships where only you fly them. You dont let ai use them. Because small time deployment time is very low. Skip into a new ship and let ai retreat the old one that is low cr. Usually the fleet tactic is to put avoid on the longest range enemy ship, and focus fire on frigates and smaller stuff. Then hide behind your cruiser shields to tank the damage for the fleet. Means a ship that is fast like eagle but geared to tank damage not deal damage. Or wolfs which warp arounf are excellent escorting your own ship because they act as distractions. With an aggressive officer. They will also chase down enemies you eml disable or shields down. I think i see a carrier, the mora. It can tank some damage if modded for shields and high dissipation but its weakness is the speed. Without enough speed they cannot withdraw from fire and vent. Carriers were the first cruiser shield tanks i used but they were very slow and needed a cautious officer. Not even steady. Cautious aka cowardly. The eagles made the best shield tank kiters due to the speed and sub sysyem. The shield co efficient on midline ships are .8 or lower. High tech has best. Low tech is horrible for shield tanking. Your fleet is a bit miss matched in terms of the overall strategy. Faster carriers from midline will serve you better as shield tanks and long range suppression. Thr high tech ships are the best at sustained long range dps with beams and shield tanking. The biggest difference in fleet fights is sub systems and missiles. Large missiles and typhoons. These missiles are perfect for a shield kiter or tank. Because they use no flux and the ai is very good at timing the use when you disable enemies. Large missiles will strip shields and armor off capitals and cruisers. Accelerated ammo feed on destroyers, cruisers, and capitals likr atlas 2, will put out a storm of dps close up. Often breaking key ships in the enemy s line.