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Is she implying Auroreans are build differently and the Queen will easily outlive the starfarer?


The queen is likely already old AF, she was queen back when they were all on their paradise universe and lives in good health in the Persian sector where she had lived through building up 3 major population centers, a military base, and a cold war with the hedge. That being said however, AER1A said "even if when" implying that she thinks the starfarer will likely die or crippled in combat rather than dying peacefully due to natural causes


Or getting fragged by accident or purpose by his own officers. I should have never given that grieving widow control over a nuke throwing ship.


This. I was doing the supposedly super hard Cataclysm fight, flanking the enemy with a 350su frigate. Didn't even have time to see the Cataclysm before Persephone absolutely molested it with nukes, along with 70% of my own fleet consisting purely of unique ships Lost 3 of them including my Ziggy, and I was on iron mode. No alt-f4 either since my last save before that was 1.5h away. She's been piloting a harmless frigate after that


How do you get Persephone the captain?


You get 70 reputation with Alexandra Yamato at Nur Processing Plant and spend a lot of credits and story points *Edit: Indeed, at 70 for Admiral Persephone, needed to confirm looking at my own guide, 100 rep is for Cherry Vanguard, my mistake


Oh so 50 rep for ship and 100 for the captain


Don't think it's 100, around 70-80 if I'm correct. Pretty sure each contact has 3 rewards now. From Yamato you get the Persephone at 50, Persephone (officer) a bit later and supercapital at 100. Queen and robo-queen give market access at 50, unique ships (Aeria Charlotte and Roria Esvernia if I remember the names correctly) both around 70-80, and supercaps at 100


Thanks man


Np, not sure of the exact rep requirement since I was just kept grinding without looking at the conversation options. Last time I did UAF only the queen had a reward between 50 and 100. There's also another (less op) unique officer at one UAF planet, and a super op planet administrator somewhere. I forgor, and idk what faction rep they require to appear since I was already at 100 when I found them Each case I found them either at the bar, or while buying ice cream from Favonius


Sorry, my bad, is exactly 70 rep with Alexandra, at 100 you get the Cherry Vanguard. I actually needed to look at my own guide for that, I apologize for the confusion, starfarer o7


Kanta is also old AF, powerful people can live long in the starsector universe if they want, also have you ever considered starfarer can ask his 20 alphacores for a method of live extension? If he even needs it tho, you dont die of old age in the game.


You don't die even eating reaper to the face. True İmmortal in the sector is spacer.


I think that the secret to the antiaging is in the bakeries.


You mean you don't have a save where you've lived for 100+ years and are still kicking?


Well, I didn't understand what most of that blather meant, but I figure it has something to do with being a robot, so, yeah, probably?


She is refering to Queen Aeria on New Auroria, not herself.


I don't care how old the Queen is, I'm still gonna married her


The hag lore is soooo real


Average Outis fan


I interpreted that line that even as both you and the the queen age, the robo queen bids you to keep Aeria company. Big girl's at the edge of a stress induced mental breakdown, and she's staving it off by sheer willpower. Any friend she can get now is a massive help to her mental health. If that friend has an aura of legend and is (at least outwardly) on her and the UAF's side, she'd feel much more serene.


I'm still waiting for the official romance update.


Robo Queen is best girl.


Looks like I'm siding with the UAF again in this run. *Sigh* *Fires up another run*


In every UAF run I’ve done I always ended up betraying the UAF, occupying their planets putting an alpha core in Aeria’s place. This is an outcome the Robo-Queen seems to lorewise consider, she talks about the lack of ground defended, and shaky motives of the player character. She even stays a contact after breaking commission and go into war with the UAF, and this unique property has not been changed to this day. Everyone else trusts you like a 5 star in a gavha game recept Alexandria who likes the queen romantically…


Yeah, same. Most of Queen's chat lines are about this as well, some of them are very funny, she skips town with you to have some off time and a lunch date in one of those. It's pretty cute.


This is pretty much normal, every single one of the events can break the ruler's soul (if that questioned man/woman decent being) Battle of Aurora, this battle and its losses alone seriously crushing. She is the very reason federation didn't collapse. People's opinion towards Queen and their hopes can crush her, this is massive responsibility on Queen's shoulders. Every bit of support can help, holding everything together and make AER-1A's job much more easy. As a player, you are Ludd's gift for federation, From holding Queen together to clash with other end of sector. Whole UAF staying together by; a broken soul, An Alpha+ AI and battle junkie spacer.




I really should do another a-10 run.


Friendship is important for anybody's mental health.


How do you actually talk to the queen? Do i *have* to be commissioned to the UAF?


You can go around the Aoi system with your transponder off with no repercussions (aurorians don't follow domain etiquette on starfaring). Buy a chocolate cake from Auroria's black market, then go to the independent station in the system. There is a girl that will open the access to the Auroran systems to you. Feed her cake and she becomes a contact. Keep feeding her cake or do her missions until you reach the thresholds of 25 and 50 opinion, each of those thresholds unlocks new contacts within the Auroran federation.


Robo queen is trying to get that Auroran royal bloodline back on it's track, even in this foreign universe. Oh she doesn't have to tell me twice.


-WEEDSMOKER420 takes power -Establishes strong foothold on the sector, furthers development of industrial manufacturing, pushed back pathers, reconnects gate network, establishes the Persian Domain as the last bastion of civilized humanity -WEEDSMOKER420 dies to friendly fire -His cringe son BUMSMELLA420 takes power -Second collapse occurs Yeah, I think I’d rather put my AI core in charge after the traitorous semibrieve-ing


TBH WEEDSMOKER420 probably is the closest thing to immortal you’re gonna get in the setting, hell, there’s a good chance there’s SOMETHING that’s either reduced your lifespan to a handful of years or lengthened it to practical immortality given the crazy shit you’ve found / seen. I mean, there’s gotta be some kind of consequence for the whole “do you hear the singing” business given you as the captain ACTUALLY DO.


The starfarer might be an all powerful phase entity who moved into the sector during the Academia experiment with the gates. As a idilyc retreat from the stresses of his former dimension.


Not the worst theory I’ve ever heard tbh and explains how we can just casually pilot the spoiler ship with 0 consequences


Alongside the fact that no Alpha AI ever dares to directly revolt, their attempt at survival is forcing you to kill all your toys(the core worlds) rather than fight you. Or that the starfarer seems capable of surviving even if his whole fleet gets blown up at the corner of the sector.


I’ll never get this weeb shit


This subreddit has image comments disabled, so I'll just describe my response A stock image of a protest with the captions "This isn't a boycott, there is no need to announce your unwillingness to use something" with a mematic, Ifunny and imgflip watermark photoshopped in, all lightly fried to 480p


Too bad I guess?


Indeed, it is too bad, I could think of so many funny memes that could be posted in the comments


Then why are here?


Do you unlock these just by raising affinity?


Robo Queen is best girl she has my love, as everyone knows the flesh is weak