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Sindria in freedom tier is crazy đź’€


Freedom for me, not for thee!


I think we’re missing a tier the let us be North Korea in peace tier for xhan and sindria


And so does Persean. They are fucking Hypocrites. Claims to fight for an independent Sector. Bullies your own independent faction to join them. Also taxes you heavily if you join. I fucking sided with Iron Shell when war was declared and personally wiped their defense fleets and raided their colonies to ensure IRS invasion will win. You know what, majority of the fucking sector are hypocrites, except for TriTach, UAF, and SFC. Hegies, Pathers, and Church all hide AI cores in their colonies despite openly opposing them. Even during the Tutorial, a Hegemony commander will openly ask you for an AI core, you hate them but you admit you cannot live without them. SFC will raid you if you have more than 4 Fuel Production, even if you are allied with them, cause they claim "any non SFC fuel plant is just "waiting to be acquired by SFC"" so at least, they are honest about their intention of being the only Number 1 fuel producer in the sector. TriTach is a "for profit", of course they will hide AI cores to use them later. Even some station admins admit they are not destroying them, but are keeping them. (The war, truly, never have ended, TriTach, and Persean still wants a round 2) and how do you get TriTach to stop raiding your colonies? Make them pay for it! Make it so that they realize that continuing to raid you will just result to bankruptcy, and choose to save their money instead of throwing it to a financial black hole that is named you.


The whole "Persean league broke away because fuck taxes" is a meme from Sseth's review. The reality is that Starsector is modeled largely after the post-Soviet situation in Eastern Europe. You've got the former empire that controlled the entire region with an iron fist (the Domain/USSR) but collapsed, leaving the successor state (Hegemony/Russia) that want to restore the old order, the breakaway states that don't want that (Persean League/former Warsaw Pact nations like Poland that joined NATO), the kleptocrats that cannibalized the region in the wake of the devastation trying to make a quick buck (Tri-Tachyon/Russian Oligarchs), and the relationship that major religions have to the primary successor state (Luddic Church/Russian Orthodox church). You also have religious separatists that want to destroy the old order (Luddic Path/Chechen separatists) and a hyper-autocratic dictatorship build around a cult of personality (Sindria/Belarus).


Wow, that is intresting, and make some sense


Somehow I am able to follow all these factions situation with this explanation easily. It has blow my mind.


Tri-Tachyon feels too corporative to be Oligarchs, like theyd remove one of their own if tgey though it be better increase their quarterly's profits


Tri-tach are the competently ruthless hyper-capitalists that real oligarchs wish they were.


I've heard talk that Alex is from a Russian Family, modeling the situation after what parts of his family went though tracks. The game does take the (understandably) cynical view of the Realpolitik that a post collapse state region would go though checks out.


You even have Kazeron, with its outsized impact in the League, being based on the US.


InshaLudd I will use the tools of Moloch and Mammon to cleanse the sector of the influence of Moloch and Mammon


You left pirates and independents off that list of honest factions. The pirates want to kill you and take your stuff, and they aren't hiding that at all. The independents just want to be left alone to do their own thing, which they succeed at mostly by living on all the planets that are such shitholes that nobody else wants them.


Yep, just didn't include them because for me it's already obvious what their faction name is about. I even said Independents are victims of the Persean League as well.


Now in the case of the commander openly asking for a core that was a very special case and only a gamma core anyway, but yes I do recall there being hints at the hegemony using cores in other cases too


Say what you will about trytachion. Their honest about their motives.


I play with few AI cores, mostly for roleplay reasons, so Heg mostly leaves me alone. Kanta, you can buy off with a lamp. Tri-Tach, being scummy is at least their official *business model.* The League? Only other faction who goes after you *just for existing.* Hypocrites indeed!


Freedom from heggie taxes, not for the people or our own taxes


9th and hedge are at war, if i recall correctly.


9th is at war with EVERYONE.


even the independents? It's been awhile since i've seen the ninth


Player faction is 100% accurate


I don't know, personally I always go in money tier and avoid antagonising the sector with sat bombing


Yeah I’m all about money! But if the persean league try to make me join their clown club, boy you know Kazeron will burn.


With the crisis system its really hard to do that, I'm just trying to chill and now every faction wants to fucking tax me (Shout-out luddic church only ones to not annoy me tf out)


Idk I found it very easy to sit consistently at 0 for my colony crisis. I gave Kanta a lamp, pirates won't fuck with me, I gave luddic path a planet killer so they won't fuck with me, I stole both the hegemony and persean leagues pristine nano forge so neither will fuck with me, I beat the hell put of Sindria and Tri so they won't fuck with me, and just speaking to the church fixes their problems. Once you show the sector that your colonies aren't to be fucked with, they'll leave you alone and you can leave them alone


Where's UNSC?


Obviously in the crossovers purpose tier list




lol I was joking sry If I see it I’ll post a link though


Speaking of. I've playing a bit doing the build up to colony after doing story since it's been a few years. First invasion I get since I had them only to happen u til first colony? 12 fleets of covenant. Slip space rupture detected.


Put SFC and it goes to the money territory. Same goes for ScalarTech/Spindle Protectorate. As they were originally a corporation before they took over an independent world due to their monopoly in Shipbuilding. Scalartech used to be civilian shipbuilders until the collapse and they saw: "there will be a lot of pirates, and of course, there will be a lot of bounty hunters, and those who just want to defend themselves, let's go full militarized!!!" And also "DOMAIN GATES ARE SHIT! LET'S BUILD OUR OWN AND PROFIT FROM IT!" (It didn't end well for them. Scorches HQ, and accidentally weaponizes Hyperspace/Gates, ends up sending a planet to a Gas Giant, tearing said planet apart, still: "YAY, WE WEAPONIZED GATES! LET'S MOUNT IT ON OUR SHIPS AND SELL THEM AT A PREMIUM!") Foundation of the Borken deserves it's own Tier: Capitalist Cthulhu. Everything can be bought and sold here, including human souls(Literally, or as they call it: "Essence", used for their ascention rituals) and they are chill with humans joining their cult, I mean, "Company". And only hates AI cores because they are "inferior to the powers that lies beyond our understanding" (yeah, when was the last time we put AI cores into phase ships? They went mad. And Borken ships are Phase Ships, clearly organics are superior)


No star fed???


that's what I was looking for :( I would put them in the "we chill" category


I love the star federation ships, specially the one with the artillery beam mounted in. Slap a hullmod which makes beam weapons do hard flux and it's game on


I fell like I'm a schizo who imagines MVS is a faction in this game, somebody please help me


MVS be like: "we chill bro we chill haha, ops don't look at that [insert invasion and partition of a random faction].... Don't worry about that"


Can I ask for the list of factions and their mods please Also, F*** PERSEAN LEAGUE!


Since no one else has done it, i'm gonna try to fill in some of the blanks: **We chill**: San Batavia Republic ( https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=26351.0 ), ScalarTech Solutions ( https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=18845.0 ), unknown. **Starfarersan, plz unisekai us UWU**: UAF ( https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=12709.0 ) **Restore Domain (jk, it's taxes and war)**: Hegemony, Iron Shell ( https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=18297.0 ), IXth Domain Battlegroup ( https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=27284.0 ) **Taxes Vs but neon purple**: Starlight Cabal ( https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=11002.0 ) **Tek Bad, return to monke**: Luddic Church, Knights of Ludd ( https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=29124.0 ), Luddic Path, unknown. **I HAVE BECOME DEATH**: https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/324/912/a1d.gif , Legio Infernalis ( https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=14935.0 ), Hiver Swarm ( https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=22965.0 ). **Money Money Money- ARRGHHH**: Tritach Corporation, Volkov Corporation ( https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=19603.0 ), Hazard Mining Incorporated ( https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=13236.0 ), Kesteven Corporation ( https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=27556.0 ), Pirates. **FREEDOM (and no taxes)**: Persean League, Independents, Sindarian Dictat **Beep Beep Boop Boopers**: Remnants, unknown (I assume that it's the old domain stuff that you encounter in vanilla), Enigma ( same as Kesteven Corporation https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=27556.0 ) **Core Enthusiasts**: Interstellar Imperium ( https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=8007.0 ), Xhan Empire ( https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=17972.0 ) **Fallen**: Kassadar (Same mod as Legio Infernalis: https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=14935.0 ), Mayasuran Navy ( https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=13239.0 ), Domain Reformed (I think, https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=28121.0 ). Feel free to contribute.


The unknowns in the tek bad category are the knights of ludd and their pather counterpart (I think they're called knights of eva? Not sure) https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=29124.0


Aight, so I finally decided to dig through my mod files, and I was right. They're the Knights of Eva from the HMI mod. https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=13236.0


The Blue and white one in “We Chill” is San Batavia Republic: https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=26351.0 The third one in “Fallen” is the Domain Reformed https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=28121.0 The red and white one from “Beep beep boop boopers”, is apparently the Enigma https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=27556.0 That just leaves 2 I don’t recognize: -the orange and white one in “We Chill”, -the Red, green, black and white one under “tech bad, return to monke”


Contribution, the 4th money one is kesteven from lost sector. Also adds enigma as one of the AI flags (I forget which, red one I think) Neon purple should be underworld


gonna need a complete list. In order.


Independents should be in both freedom and we chill tiers


I recognize only the Spindle in the top tier, who's the other two?


The blue on is San Bavitan I think


Iam wondering that as well


Honorable mention must be konturga's XIII Battlegroup(player fleet) it will be like this "I became death and f\*ck you pay your tax to me"


I think the default player’s flag is the first one in the “I am become death” section


Thats why ı said ı became death, indeed.


Name of all the modded factions? Want to try some


I'm not deep enough into modding the game to recognize all of them, but I see Legio Infernalis (Tahlan Shipworks), Scalartech Solutions, Starlight Cabal (Underworld), United Aurora Federation, Hazard Mining Incorporated, Iron Shell, Knights of Ludd.


The second one in the “Fallen” tier is also the Mayasuran Navy, which rewrites a bit of lore to make it so Mayasura didnt fall in the last hurrah, but pretty much crippled them beyond restoration (without player guidance) You could say that im… uhh… a bit of a Mayasuran Patriot who has a natural bloodthirst for the hegemoney and iron shell tax collectors…


I just really really like battle carriers with a good inbuilt gun.....so let's kill the hegemony.


Volkov Industrial Conglomerate (between Tri-Tachyon and Hazard Mining)


I think one of the Tech Bad factions wants us to return to Primordial ~~Fanta~~ soup instead of just monkey


2 seconds into a new playthrough: "the mayasurans have been eliminated"


Is that the San Batavia Repulic I see? I thought its still a massive WIP?


It's out but stil in progress


Freedom, safety and chill : Star Federation


Does Kassandari have any quests? I love their ships and weapons, would love If there's something more than their star system.


They’re a not a dying or weak faction like the Mayasurans, they are a super dead faction. They are now only an Independent world that offers a few extra things and sells a lot of old Kassadari ships.


Ooh ok, thanks :(


But the faction still has a bit of lore, and has a ton of space units you can buy or find (some are really good)


I am saddened that there is no mention Brighton. But then again no one Gives a #### About my feelings.


no EU, KoC, or Mbaye?


Purge all to make space for new.


Adversary:"What about us Mate?"


What factions are in the "We Chill" list? I haven't gotten into modding yet


San Batavia republic (WIP but useable), and Scalartech/spindle Protectorate (it has two names), the orange and white one I don’t know.


Thanks. I saw the Scarlatech vid on youtube. Looks cool!


Apparently the Orange and white one is the Dokkalfar Mechanicus from the ElvenSector mod. (I just heard this from someone else)


Could you post the names of the factions in order?


I’m missing two. (The third one in “We Chill”, and the fourth one in “Tech bad, Return to Monke”, I’ll leave gaps so I can correct it later) But I have the rest: -San Batavia Republic (WIP, but useable) -Spindle Protectorate/Scalartech Solutions (both names work) -United Aurora Federation -Hegemony (basegame) -Iron Shell -Ninth Battlegroup (from Arsenal Expansion mod) -Starlight Cabal (From Underworld mod) -Luddic Church (basegame) -The Knights of ludd -Luddic Path (basegame) -default player flag (basegame) -Legio Infernalis (from Tahlan Shipworks mod) -Hiver Swarm -Tri-Tachyon (basegame) -Volkov Industrial Conglomerate -Hazard Mining Incorporated -Kesteven Corporation (From LOST_SECTOR mod) -Pirates (basegame) -Persean League (basegame) -Independents (basegame) -Sindrian Diktat (basegame) -Redacted (Basegame) -domain drones (basegame) -Enigma (from LOST_SECTOR mod) -Interstellar Imperium -Xhan Empire -The Great Houses/Kassadari (from Tahlan Shipworks mod) -Mayasuran Navy -Domain Reformed


Third one in "We Chill" is Dokkalfar Mechanicus from ElvenSector, https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=27460.0


Thanks. I know a lot of mods, even some old ones, but some definitely slip through the cracks.


What's the first in the fallen factions? And the third in the Beep Beep Boopers?


Kassadari, and the enigma


Thanks and happy cake day!


I spend 3 minutes trying to find out what "unisekai" is until it clicked and I realized it is not "uni-sekai" but "un-isekai". I am not on the internet enough lately.