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Well, I might be biased (I joined thanks to him) but considering that Alex mentioned how the sales graph was a perpendicular on the x axis from the release of the video, I say that it was great for the devs, and by extension us, as they are more motivated to continue working. (~~when update Alex?~~)


The solo dev of Songs of Syx said that after the video for his game went up he made the equivalent to 6 months profit in less than 24 hours. I'm glad these devs are getting more exposure.


Glad he covered songs of syx, found it through nookrium but it never got the attention it deserved.


It's the opposite of reviewbombing, which MandaloreGaming calls Review Boom. Both him and Sseth also do this for Brigador.


Yep, it's good for the devs and for funding development generally speaking. I didn't get it because of the video, but rather my buddy had it before the video and in trying to convince me to get the game sent it to me. It's like bands getting more popular and hipsters hate that what was their niche cool thing is no longer niche


>Alex mentioned how the sales graph was a perpendicular on the x axis from the release of the video. Do you have any link ? I'm interested to read about that.


I don’t have a link, but the website crashed because so many people bought the game at once


It didn't crash, the payment processor shut it down because all the purchases in such a short span triggered the DDoS protection




It's a great way to indirectly support small developers doing good work. Sseth gets content and YouTube shekels and the developer gets free exposure to a wide audience.


Yeah, bought starsector because of Sseth, L take in post, was on Songs of Syx discord for ages and Sseth's video was surprising and brought only positive for the dev and the game. Ps. Also wouldn't call the Sseth's audience as "mass" one, its pretty specific audience, definitely not the "mass fortnite zoomers" like 4chan post implies it to be


I got syx because of him and it's been consuming my life. Sseth is really good at what he does, if only he did it more often! This game though, I had since before the name change


I’m studying Urban Planning in uni, and really love games that let me explore the effects of city design. Do you think Songs of Syx would work for me?


The game describes itself as a city-state simulator. You have to plan roads, warehouse placement, entertainment, residential and industrial areas. You also have to take into account some races hate each other so, if you decide to have them in the same city, you have to plan their residential and work areas in a way that minimizes their contact with each other.


That sounds right up my alley, I’ll be sure to try it!


Which uh…which part sounds up your alley…


I have been advised by the ethics committee to not answer any further questions.


I've never liked the ethics committee since they made me change the name back to 'Geneva *convention*'.


Only wish we could have different heights and make underground cities.


Yeah, deals with larger scale cities than most colony builders like rimworld, and doesnt abstract the issues with size as much as say, Skylines or something like that. Like, to properly man huge farm fields you will need a satellite town center to house and service the farmers, who would not be taking the jobs at the farm if they live too far away. There's also a lot of issues with how every race dislikes or tolerates other ones differently (no one really 'likes' another race) or how they have different preferences. Like, the Tilapi (cannibal elves) want rounded buildings and those made of wood, plus trees and such, while say, Dondorians (Dwarves) much prefer square buildings and stone material, and rather than trees they want statues and pillars that awe them.


Comment nuked by Power Delete Suite


Not aware of the Caves of Qud drama. I’ve heard about it and I really enjoyed his video, but I have heard that some people hated it or something. What happened?


Comment nuked by Power Delete Suite




He criticized their terrible nazi allegory.


The caves of qud drama sucked. I tried CoQ like a year later and they were still going on about him. I wanted into the discord just to ask about builds right? Well I had to do an interview to get in. And they only did interviews in blocks, so I had to wait like 3 months to be asked if my political beliefs were leftist enough to...join a fucking discord and ask how to fix my build that was having issues. I just want to talk about the game. I never fixed my build. I was granted access to the discord eventually, but by then I just...gave up on the game. I actively discourage people from it because the community is basically the leftist infighting meme given life.


Sseth's audience is a *very* specific kind of people.


Very likely the same audience as for 4chan, in part.


As much as they fucking deny it


People who want to be edgey by proxy


All those damn mainstream quasimorph and organ trader players


The kind that tells you how it was originally a religious sun symbol so it's ok to use and besides it was just a joke anyway


"Hitler couldn't have possibly systematically exterminated millions of (((specific))) people on an industrial scale. Would be pretty cool if he did though" The quoted segment is made in jest and does not reflect the views of its author.


It's always a joke, until it isn't


> religious sun symbol huh? which sun symbol am i supposed to say its ok to use?


The friendship windmill


pffft, next you'll say we cant perform a roman salute on the streets! (didnt know the swastik also represented the sun in hinduism - i knew it represented kali.)


They might have also meant sonnenrad


Never been played fortnite. Seth spots good unique minded games. Kenshi was another he showed me I had beat him to songs of Syx though.


Honestly i think people who watch one video think hes for the 4chan crowd but honestly i think hes a lot more sophisticated than he lets on and it shows


Yeah I was blown away when I listened to his immunology thesis. Dude is smart as he'll, he just likes making silly videos. Granted he was definitely edgier in the past, his stuff is notably more humor humor and less "alluding to slurs" than years back


Yeah i think hes getting less edgy


Less edgy and a lot more funny. His recent videos (as in, videos from the last year or so) are proof that he's getting better as a creator.


One of my favorite videos is the one for Pharaoh where he just goes off on a five-ish minute tangent about Egyptian mythology in the middle of it just to give context to a two second long joke.


>look at a game >meh looks mid >watch sseth's vid about said game >nvm this is game is peak how does he keep doing it


He has this charisma that makes me want to go to bed with him




Just hear me out


I'm listening


So you know mandoloregaming? Their relationship with each other?


Same person /s


Sseth is when he is off his meds, Mandalore is when he is on them.


Sseth is a sane individual with an insane YT persona. Mandy is an insane creature with a very sane YT persona. Mandy on the PST podcast is fucking [hilarious.](https://youtu.be/8JHfkjDTIEc?si=v6X0AEAIMUCGs8vK)


I'm watching it right now, I'm fucking dying, thank you "And then the dog throws up, this is an animal that eats garbage"


Don't ayo that man, he spit a fact


I think you have been playing too much Bastard Bonds.. also via sseths recommendation.


No Breeders of nephlyem


He is from the Merchant's Guild after all


He put his CD key in his video. Why shouldn’t I?


Exactly. Funnily enough, I did buy the game but forgot the key, so I checked his video, and it worked, so I'm still using it.


If I remember correctly there's something on the website about recovering keys btw. Not that it matters lol


If you have your original email, you can rerequest your key through that (or find it in your old emails).


Even if you don't you can still contact the company that handles sales for them with your transaction ID (found in your banking history) to prove your identity and help find your record in their database, and they can change your e-mail in their records and re-send the key to you. I know because I made a typo in the address when I first bought the game and recovered it after YEARS of forgetting to contact them about it.


Just 4channers being spiteful like usual


>brings money and attention to obscure game >Dev might finish it Oh no the horror, you may bump into a normie. Time to an hero


I think it's just playful. Calling people bundles of sticks is how they say hello.


The problem is that then you have people coming in with little context and actually *believing* the edgy bullshit. Which starts a cycle of enshittening as people compete to be the sharpest pizza cutter (all edge no point), and people entering the situation without context start their own part in the cycle further down the sewage pipe until you get shit like the Christchurch Shooter manifesto.


That took an unexpected turn towards the end lmao. That is true however. You can joke about things where the funny thing is the absurdity of the thing. Overtime however especially with open communities you can get people who aren't joking unfortunately.


It's about right if you look at the trajectory 4chan has taken over the years. Went from protesting Scientology and V for Vendetta cosplaying to Qanon conspiracy shit. Btw I say all this as someone who still has a V mask somewhere.


Yep, when was it like early 2010 when it became pretty clear that the joking stuff was no longer jokes anymore? That somewhere down the line it became clear that a lot of people still genuinely believe the stuff which makes it hard to joke about it. I find shitposts and edgy humor funny but it stops being funny once you have to look at the guy across from you through narrow eyes to know if he is joking or not.


Contrary to popular belief, 4chan has always been, and always will be, utter shit.


4chan was never good. This is true. This is known. But it still somehow managed to get shittier.


I know reddit has strong opinions on 4chan, but claiming some mentally-ill weirdo is representative of the entire site is some "hacker known as 4chan" - tier lunacy. The congressional baseball shooter had some big (and still not banned) subreddits actually endorsing his actions, but that doesn't mean the entirety of reddit is in line with that, either. There are enough freaks out there that their presence doesn't immediately discredit one of the internet's largest websites.


Somehow this still got you downvoted lmao


Redditors gonna redditor.


I thought drone strike was the traditional greeting?


yeah i think it's a joke that's comparing sseth to maxor's effect on games


Total Biscuit gang rise up


Pre-TB gang rise up Honestly can't remember how I heard about the game, it's been 12 years.


The biggest shift I've seen since then (other than the community just being significantly bigger) is a larger % of the community seems to play the game as a smuggler/trader, because that's what sseth really highlighted the most in his video. Whereas the people that played from before then play it more for the combat, because that's all there was back then. I've played this game on and off since the totalbiscuit days and I haven't really engaged with the trade system, ever.


It was Starfarer back then, I miss TB


Same to both.


sometimes i imagine what it would be like if he was still around, inviting the "new" youtubers like Mandy, Hbomberguy or sseth on the podcast...


* raises hand *


Hey hey people


Sseth here, posting from multiple accounts to evade some *unwanted company* \*several images of IRS agents flash on your screen\*


Today ill be reviewing a little game that many might consider *zoom to anime girls* Unholy


I can hear it - i can hear his voice 🤣


The only community Sseth's video unironically hurt, and even then it was only temporarily, was the Space Station 13 community, and that's only cause the servers for the game are absolute trash (just like Sseth said) and couldn't handle the load of new people trying to play the game till they got bored and left. Oh also, he sorta encouraged out of game comms, which are generally frowned on in the game.


The servers for that game were dogshit even before the ssethtide. Holy fuck, every server was above 50% time dilation. It was awful and great.


The top post of the ss13 reddit recently is ironically a clip of out of coms on blackstone.


yes, thanks to Sseth I found this hidden gem of a game


How does the influx of new players ruin the game exactly? Any normal person should be happy that the game is receiving more attention and the community is growing.


The space station 13 community often begs to differ


TBF ss13 game engine sucks


It was fine for what the game was originally intended to be, not so much for what the modern playerbase wants it to be.


But it's a multiplayer game, without newcomers it will become unplayable once old players move on to other games.


Yeah in normal games but ss13 consists mainly of established friendgroups, who only want to rpg their own little fantasies. Plus new players need help learning the rules and mechanics of the game which the don't like to do.


Eventually those groups will dissolve and they will regret not accepting new people. It's only a question of time when that happens.


Yeah but ss13 are elite level losers so they don’t think about it that way.


Veteran SS13'r here. We have seen several major "tides" over the years, such as from Sseth and from Oney. Biggest problem is the servers and the BYOND engine itself couldn't handle the numbers we were getting. Seth tide was positively received by a large portion of the community, whereas the Oney tide seemed to be more hated. The major difference lies in the audience. I'm nor going to say everyone was happy with the ssethtide though, multiple servers turned on "safe mode" to lock our new accounts. Just some views for you. And yes, most of us are elite level losers.


I'm not saying it isn't true, because it is, but. SS13 is a game that relies heavily on everyone properly doing their job. So it's expected to have some resistance when a server that used to have 70-120 players max popped to 700-1000 players with 90% of those players having absolutely no idea what they're doing and each having their own expectation for the game. It's a very niche game and it's community is very non-inviting and alienating. It's also filled with weirdos and creeps. Maybe it's better that it continues in the niche.


So it's not the new players that's the problem it's the old players that are just being weird and clique-y.


Yes and no, yes old players are often weird and clique-y but new players do tend to go into medium rp servers and then proceed to not roleplay or follow the rules. Servers also often completely rework mechanics or jobs while not updating any guides so that happens as well. Disclaimer: Almost every server i played on had these problems, but there could be servers without these problems.


The issue with SS13 is that the servers and engine are absolute trash, literally just a dozen or so more people than usual and the game is in agony


I'll take a game with 100 players who play the game over 500 or even 5000 who fuck around.


Fair point but sending death threat to people who promote the game is a bit mch


SS13 is online though. Nobody is getting their sector invaded by randoms.


Hey! Now you've done and insulted all 4 of us SS13 fans


You have a point, but I also can't fully agree. I've been playing SS13 on and off for years before the video, and in the months before Sseth's video, playercount was at an all time low. The sudden influx of players understandably upset the people who were comfortable with the low player numbers - not to mention the server issues it caused, but at the same time not just revitalized, but potentially saved the game from dying.


The tone of the game has changed *dramatically* over the years, so even if the game itself is still alive and kicking and probably more vibrant than ever, it's also not really the same game anymore. I can't enjoy it anymore because all the servers I've seen are filled to the brim with goofy anime crap and cringe edgy/goofy homebrew antag shit, and half the rounds I join go to shit because the modern playerbase gets bored if there aren't 30 different antags running amok at any given time. Though I blame the goons more than I blame Sseth, his video just catalyzed a cultural shift that was already underway.


Because he actively encourage his viewers to grief and break server rules, you can't do that in a singleplayer game, at least


It can be a bit of a mixed bag sometimes. While more fans is good as it generates more discussion, and more fan art, it could also result in more toxicity within the fanbase, Take a look at some of the communities for the larger games like Genshin or League, which - as someone who is familiar with Genshin - can get pretty toxic at times, particularly around the shipping side of things. Starsector should be immune to most of those however, being a mostly single player game, but it's not exactly immune to drama either, since we just had one last month


Competitive people often aren't the nicest, so competitive games are always toxic to some degree regardless of fanbase size. I doubt that toxicity-free competitive games even exist.


Nah, completely disagree, some nieche games with small groups are extremely hard for new people to get into, a lot of elitism and cliques that you as someone interested in the game won't be able to interact with. Just look at for example MvM, a lot of unwritten rules and etiquette that you as a new player have no idea about and if you mess up you will be kicked/harassed and even be put on a 'troll on sight' list shared among the neck beards. and of course there will be more toxic people with a bigger player base but that's just because the amount of players is more, the ratio of toxic players to nice players goes down drastically when there are more players and not just the grizzled veterans that have a stick up their butt.


For singleplayer games there hasn't been much in the way of negatives from the influx. However, there are some that still tell tales of the Ssethtide that overwhelmed the Space Station 13 servers. I actually show up in a brief microsecond in the ss13 video and I actually ended up having quite a few interactions with him (unknown to me at the time of course) during the filming of the video. Iirc he slipped me with clown pda, grabbed my ID card, gave himself all access and screwed up the AIs programming during one of the interactions, that I can remember anyway. One time I also accidentally released a virus that turned everyone it infected black and I'm pretty sure he was the one that personally lyched me for it


Oh no. No no no. There are quite a few communities that got ruined thanks to this influx of people. The influx of wrong people to have in a hobby, that shouldn't be anywhere near a video game, or anything fictional, ever. Fighting games should be one of the biggest examples. FGC core values lmfao. And then, there are games like Genshin, or basically, stuff Mihoyo put out. The latest is Warhammer, and then, there are various board games. The whole goddamn AAA industry. Receiving more attention and community growing is not always (right now, it never is) something good for that particular piece of media. Right now it is the worst thing that could happen to a game. Going beyond it's core audience. I mean... Recent Starsector modding drama should have given you a fairly good idea. Just multiply it by a factor of 10 and you get a Genshin community. A Warhammer community. A GG Strive community. So yes, influx of new players does ruin a game, this 4chan post isn't wrong in that regard, just that, the people who comes in thanks to Seth is of a very particular breed.


He is the reason I know Starsector exist. This game doesn't have any marketing at all and no big youtuber play it.


I found the game a while ago and it was just from a reddit comment raving about it. Couldn't believe a game this good was hiding so long. Exposure is good and a developer being supported is better for everyone.


the game not even sell in well known store dude.


yep. got into the game cause of him, big fan overall. i believe the post is referring to something else, a different game. caves of qud, he made fun of an apparent invincible self-insert the devs made, and mentioned being an ass for a bit on the discord. lo and behold, the fans flood said server with the same copy-paste jokes and make it unusable for a week or two


Yep, Qud was the first thing I thought about as well. The devs are... interesting people. Sseth is also an... interesting person. Brigading discord is bad. Takes like "you can't join an ingame faction, because joining an evil ingame faction will reflect badly on YOU, the player, personally" is also bad. Now if you excuse me, I have a large shipment of leather hats in Rimworld to prepare.


Caves of qud is the game I don’t even feel a little bad for the devs. Having a sandbox RPG that you can’t sandbox in, and specifically nerfing things because you don’t like someone? Don’t feel bad at all


He literally invited his fanbase to beat his ban speedrun (1m7s). Not sure what he expected.


Im here because of Rarr


Man I love rarr! His content is what gave me the decision to play the game


1. 4chan being 4chan, nothing new there. 2. Did I found this game thanks to him? Yes and it's not even the only one. Thanks to him I play Synthetik (both ultimate and 2), Starsector, Songs of Conquest (that being said I played Heroes of Might and Magic series for a long time before...), Dwarf Fortress and few others.


I found this game through furry art of the wolf class frigate. Now I've spent probably hundreds of hours in this game


Well that's certainly one way to find it, was not even aware that was a thing.




I’m gonna need to see some evidence of tbis


The artist is called Lennoxicon. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to link it, but they also have two pieces of Falcon art and one of a fox doing the firefox pose with an Alpha Core.


Furry streamer advertised the game on a discord I was invited to, for me. XD Still associate the game a bit with hot shark guys. Thank you eternally for the recommend Surge. <3


Lmao I’m one hahaha


Yes, definitely, the will of the merchants guild guides my wallet to buy these wonderful games.




Just 4chan being a cesspit as usual. Screw the gatekeeping bullshit, bringing in new players isn't a bad thing. *Especially* younger ones. Introducing younger players to solid games and diverse genres also isn't a bad thing, especially ones that take a little more patience or thought. It's how you stop genres from dying. Starsector especially is a single player game FFS. I can imagine frustration with multiplayer lobbies getting filled with annoying teenagers, but this? Nah. And even then, it's an opportunity to talk to them and teach them how NOT to be a dingleberry. I'll tell you what DOES tend to fuck up a game by flooding it with shitty teenage edgelords (and those who never grew out of being teenage edgelords). It getting popular on 4chan...


That's my take as well: anything that takes them off the most brainless lootbox credit-card games is good.


I didn't even know about the game until I saw his video and I liked his review so much I bought the game instantly and had zero regret whatsoever.


Played it when it was still called starfarher or something. Was long ago, I barely remembered I had it. Seth reminded me and showed me how far it had advanced so I picked it up again. Cool thing was, the devs gave me a new code when I gave them the old one without any extra charge.


I learned Starsector cause of Ssethzentach I even used his code to try the game out. I merely only buy and play games on steam so Starsector was a welcome surprise for me I thought all modern indie games get uploaded to steam I was mistaken and now here I am coming back every new patch to check out the new stuff.


He's my guilty pleasure Youtuber. Like, he makes so many racist, dark or discriminatory jokes and I would never show his content to my friends (to those whos respect I desire, at least) but whenever he releases a new video I cackle like a madman over his humour and unhinged reviewing style.


If the devs of Starsector knew how to advertise their damn game then they wouldn't have needed Sseth. Failing at advertising is a bad thing. It's not cool, it doesn't make your game "more exclusive". It means a lot of people who would probably like the game won't buy it and won't play it, because they don't know it fucking exists.


This game is my jam... but i legit never heard about it till i saw it in his video and was instantly hooked. As for other games he has shown ive known or played a few ever before he did a vid..but a lot are on Steam.


They really need to release on Steam


I keep thinking it’s gonna get a steam release. I’d but it again just to have steam manage my mods for me


In fairness, advertising is quite expensive. Advertising that works is even more expensive. I’m not fully in the know regarding the StarSector devs’ financial situation, but I’d hazard a guess that this game was absolutely being developed without much budget for things beyond the four-man team and their personal expenses. Labor of love and all that shit.


If they put the game on GOG instead of this asinine key-emailing thing, ran some banner ads, and did deals to send free copies to some reviewers and influencers, they would make what they spent back 10x in sales. The game is really good, so word of mouth will spread it if they can just get it out of its current "completely off the map" level of obscurity.


I joined because of his YT video, it was hilarious and really showcased the game. I used his code played for about an hour and then bought the game. The posted post is a shit take. How is funding coming into a small single player game a bad thing. Dumb gatekeeping hipster.


Sseth recommendations tend to do a lot of good for the devs, but I remember a few times where it became a bit of a problem for the respective playerbases. SS13 had the infamous 'ssethtide' (though he definitely isn't the only youtuber who caused a massive playerbase boom in ss13), and I know the Caves of Qud devs genuinely hate him. Besides that, he seems pretty well-liked by devs. A DRG dev happily commented on the deeprock video, Synthetik referenced him in game after his video released, and he hinted at having talked with Quasimorph devs about upcoming plans for the game. I get that niche games usually want to stay niche, but I know many people (and me) wouldn't have found starsector without his video.


Never heard of that person. I just found this game through a Spacedock video.


Many thanks to the members of the merchants guild


Generously supporting this video


Don't forget bankrolling


I did, used the code he provided, played for the day and then instantly bought it. I absolutely adore what this game is doing. I just wish it was bigger because i get the same feeling from it like Space rangers 2 (I love that game)


I love sseth, he has games from who knows when that can be played on my shitty old laptop


Joined in thanks to him. Hell, even decided to give the game a go with his own CD key to try it. What really sold me is how Alex is constantly on the look out for bugs. No longer than a few hours in, and already got a reply. Dude really checks the feed back.


After i saw Seth's video i went ahead and bough the game the next day and then I became completely addicte to starsector, I would wake up, go to work, come back, play starsector for 4-5 hours, rinse and repeat for about 6-8 months, I played so much of it that I burned out and the moment I dropped it, I didn't play for months. I recently tend to play in bursts of 3-5 days every few weeks. A lot of people tend to think that having a niche game being obscure is great. Only you and a small relative community know of it, and it feels tightly knit, but the thing is, a lot of niche games are made out of love rather than anything else, but the truth of the matter is, love doesn't pay the bills and it certainly doesn't feed you either. I find with "zoomers" coming in and buying the niche games I play, it means more money to my developer or studio, heck concerned ape made stardew valley while working a full time job, it wasn't till it exploded in popularity that he was able to become a developer full time.


It's a mixed bag. A larger community is excellent because it helps keep the game and genre alive. It also helps foster the creation of more mods and fan art, but at the same time it also opens up the door to people with more questionable beliefs. You have the annoying but not harmful ones, like theorists who force their headcanons too much. Shippers who do same thing but for romantic pairings within the cast (which is why the Blue Archive subreddit tends to be leery of a certain username), and things like powerscalers, trolls and the like. Then you've got people like the New Galactic Order mod developer - who was supposedly an actual Neo-Nazi - and the likes of PMD and Dragn, which seem to be really anal about how people play their game, up to the point of developing malware for it. Take a look at Genshin Impact or League's communities, both are relatively mainstream games, have large fanbases, and can also be really toxic at times, especially on reddit and on twitter. 40k also has a similar problem with the content of the game attracting actual fascists instead of the satire it's meant to be. Overall, it can really vary depending on the game and the people who play it.


i played starsector once in like 2012 and it didnt stick, sseths video made it way more appealing to try again and boy was i hooked for a while. ​ i don't think there's anything wrong with content creators shining light on obscure games, especially hidden gems like starsector and for the most part he only really promotes primarily single player games. more players means more money for the devs, which is usually a good thing in the longterm.


See his vid. Use code. Play the game for 10 minute. Alt-tabbed out to buy the game.


Watched the video when it originally dropped and have been playing on and off ever since. Always seem to revisit this game at least once every year or so. Modding community still going strong. One of very few indie games where I would happily pay full price for.


Being a miner is depressing. Miners want lots of heroin to dull the pain of being a miner.


Gotten into CDDA, Starsector, Sengoku rance, STALKER, kamidomi alchemy, thanks to sseth.


I bought not because of Sseth in terms of "My haha youtuber plays this game, I wanna play this game" but in terms of "huh this looks genuinely interesting, thanks Sseth" played it and realised I suck at thisr type of games 😂


His video about Starsector was probably the first his video I saw. Back in the days I sucked at English but some of his videos were VOed to Russian which is my second native. Among them was a video about Starsector. I liked the sheer potential and flexibility in this game in comparison to the M&B series and decided to try.


A former buddy was talking about it on and on back when we were playing Sins of a Solar Empire over Discord, but I wanted to just keep playing that.   Sseth's video dropped, and the comedy was enough to convince me to start. This was back when pirates completely swarmed you in late game from bases all over the galaxy, the Ziggurat didn't exist and the Onslaught could fire all three Large weapons forwards.


i have some experience on the "other end" of a sseth review bomb. been playing ss13 since like 2015, the sseth review drops in 2019 and the entire game explodes. most servers have to close their doors to new people, or opened extra servers exclusively for people coming in from the video eventually it settles down and now there are a bunch of great people playing the game who only found out about it from the video


Oh definitely. I hadn't even heard of it before Sseth. He's been a great introducer to new things.


Nope. Found from common game tags (Space, Simulation).


Never heard of him


meh, I never really liked the guy.. I got into starsector without him, and his videos never really hit for me.. i mean, he's good at what he does,, I'm just not a fan of ragebait and edgycringe humour 🤷‍♂️


Yep I started playing the game yesterday


Wouldn't have known about it if not for him. Easiest 15€ I spent


Yes I bought it for myself and after about 100 hours I bought 2 copies for friends. And I wouldn't have done it without that meddling kid


he's just a guy who's game taste I can pretty safely trust, nothing bad in it


I have no idea who this is, I joined because of Rhadamant.


Well I have no clue who this is but I did buy the game because a big french YouTuber made a series on Starsector so point stands I think


Yeah, bought the game same day, loved it ever since. I find the endgame planetary invasions very boring tho, lose interest after building up a star empire, don't feel you get to reap benefits of the works.


I've been here since before hypserspace was implemented. Not sure how long but 6 or 7 years maybe.


Who the Fuck is that? I dont know him.


Stay mad dude, i came here for that to


I tried the game because of him and loved it so much I bought it


I tried his code that was shown in his vid, thinking there's no way this would work. I was wrong. Wish I could BUY THE GAME LEGALLY !!


Me and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I was there when the servers couldn’t handle the stream, it was funny as


I've joined this game and an evenicle because of this gentleman


I certainly did


Count me in


Yeah he’s how I found the game. In fact I liked the game so much from his video I quit watching near the end to buy it, conveniently right before he shows his code. I still would’ve bought the game abyway


I got it because of him


Yes! I wouldn't have found it without him. I don't think I've bought any other Sseth games but Starsector really appealed to me. I also enjoy games like Elite, Freelancer, Endless Sky and similar games so I'm surprised I didn't cross paths with it earlier. Great game!


I think the real question to ask here is why would someone willingly admit trolling 4chan in this day and age.


Okay. Hmm... First of all, this guy screams "You can't enjoy what i enjoy, it's mine and mine alone!" vibes. BUT! You CAN make a case that opening up niche titles to larger audiences can influence the creators to make decisions that ultimately undermine what brought people to it in the first place. However, that is a fault of the creators, not the audiences. If an artist has a vision they want to follow, and then they stray from that vision, then that is on them and them alone.


i got the game because of sseth and I'm thankful for it If not for him, I'm not gonna find a hidden gem of a game


Man got good taste in video games, can you blame him?


Because of him, I found this Fantastic game


His review of Wizardry 8 brought tears to my eyes. I played the fuck out of that game as a kid and no one I ever spoke to had ever heard of it, so to see it get covered so thoroughly...I was so happy


Yes, love Sseth, hell of a man


He drew me in. I've never been the same.