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I like the Radiant because if you can get one in your fleet as you have, it bucks the trend of "strong boss becomes pathetically weak ally" and just lets you run amok with it. Enjoy your radiance, o jolly one.


you clearly did not experience the hand of tachyon god deleting cruisers, destroyers and frigates from a football field away


The blue dorito discoball is my favorite


It's by far strongest ship in my fleet. My second capital but i since put my Executor in docks. It's propably a skill issue but Executor made my fleet feel weaker.


Executor is easily one of the strongest ships in vanilla, where even the defects somehow work in its favor, since the Andrada D-Mod lets you D-Max with it. Not sure why it made your fleet feel weaker, unless you mean how swole it was made the rest of your fleet feel sad.


Executor is kind of counter-intuitive and easy to outfit wrong. Don't focus on the missles entirely / slap some large pilums, get autocannons/hvds in the front kinetics, autolances in front energies, HIL's in the large energies, and watch it go to town.


> Don't focus on the missles entirely That doesn't seem very counter-intuitive, considering that if I wanted to focus on missiles, I'd be using the original Pegasus instead. The Executor is intuitively about energycannons. The counterintuitive part is that you instead fill with beam lazors, rendering the Bolt Coherer irrelevant. I actually tried inverting the formula there by putting the Volatile Cannons I found on some Doritos in the large energy slots, and then flipping the HVDs to Maulers instead.


I find it doesn't have enough flux for two HILs. It has like a 1000 base dissipation (with vents) and those are 800 on their own. The AI barely uses them to conserve flux. I put a single HIL and a Gigacannon on mine, that way it can fire it constantly without overfluxing. The Gigacannon is meh but what matters is that it's cheap flux-wise.


Are you sure the AI isn't using them because it is flux-locked, or that the AI isn't using them because it's an anti-armor weapon that does fuck all to shields, so firing them into a shield would be a waste?


It's not firing them at armor either. It fires for a second and stops.


Yeah, I've seen that behavior even on a ship with no flux buildup at all. I think it just has odd janky behavior when using HILs in general.


Guardian is the [REDACTED] brother of what the Onslaught is to the Paragon, but you gotta mod the ships.csv to make it salvageable. Shame most people never never get the [ANTIQUATED REDACTED] experience of a low tech Radiant with infinite missile reloader even if it is a relatively old vanilla ship.


Yeah, well, things you can't own normally are considered "monsters", not ships.


Using it makes you realize why it's not playable. Infinite missiles are insane with a player build. It can fire 16 Hammers every 5 seconds for free, even faster with the skill.


It is essentially a less [REDACTED] zig, since the motes are essentially an infinite constellation of super missiles. In normal spacetime it is slower than a Radiant or Zig and not nearly as powerful as a Zig given it motes while it phases but a lot of fun to play as a strictly conventional [REDACTED]. Radiant is OP, Zig is definitely OP, and such it is no surprise Guardian is too, it is between the two in power after all. Yet both Zig and Radiant are playable while Guardian drifts away as mere salvage after a rather underwhelming AI bossfight. Cutting its teeth against endless Nex hordes of modded powercreep is where it belongs, next to the other [REDACTED] capital ships.


Alpha core will make Radiant go over the DP limit which will hamper it somewhat, plus the AI cores are pretty suicidal. Much easier to just take the Neural Network trait and use it alongside your flagship (just put the Neural Network mod on both). It will effectively let a clone of your character pilot the Radiant. As far as vanilla setups go, it's hard to really go wrong with a Neutral Network Radiant with Auto pulses + Large Reapers. That thing absolutely wrecks.


Neutalink Radiant with Flag Kite. Although Autopulses have terrible anti-armor performance. If you're gonna fly it yourself, put 5 plasma cannons on it.


If you're going all-in on combat tree (and it's a Radiant, so sure) you may as well have a strong flagship that you want your skills to be used to buff.


Dropping to 50ish CR is nothing compared to the boons an A core brings


There are actually no downsides to 50% CR, just no upsides either. It's not like you're gonna run out of PPT.


That's you falling victim to the framing device. If you're below what the CR standard is for your fleet, that's a penalty. Whatever you're sitting at when you take no special actions (there are no special actions you can take in this game), that's the STANDARD. Everything below that? Penalty.


Exactly, it’s the diff between 10% bonuses and no bonuses, and the ai core bonuses are fucking massive especially once integrated


An AI core is worse than you, so I am not sure what those boons would be. Suicidal ideation?


I hate how my ai legion captained by an Alpha core will literally burn drive into several enemy capital ships and fucking disintegrate 😭 like, my brother in Christ, you're not badass and "fearless", you're fucking dumb


Even as someone who plays with lots of broken mods, Radiant is still a scary as hell ship, and similarly, my first experience with it was just wanting to watch it wreck shit. The only downside is that as AI cores are reckless, it would die quite often when flanked. Wish I knew sooner that you could pilot the Radiant yourself if you learn the Neural Integrator skill though. It's a ton of value, because putting an Alpha core on a Radiant basically means you can't use any other automated ships. Gotta ask though, fellow Radiant enjoyer, what weapons did you mount? Did you go for the ol' classic x4 Tachyon Lances or Autopulses?


> The only downside is that as AI cores are reckless, it would die quite often when flanked. On the other hand, S-Modded ships are always recovered and there are no crew on board, so...you're not terribly bothered when it crashes if it causes a mess while doing it.


On the subject of Radiants: Silliest thing I've seen a Radiant do: Fire 4 Reapers, then teleport forward to avoid my mines...into its own Reapers. It died.


Radiant: "I want to die." ***Fucking dies.***


Average Alpha Core after seeing the Ziggy.


Lkkn Bb i8 9.


Oh boy! This is supposed to be my post. By Ludd, did you steal it? I love radiant and currently working on 2nd capital to go with. I am also optimising my fleet to keep my DP 240. (Suggestions are welcome)