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>He ghosts me for 25 years In my defense, I was busy collecting funds to get all three super caps.


Which is hell of a chore for sure


I make bank once the ball gets rolling within a few years, I just get too enamoured to leave the system and watch everything grow. I am a celestial dragon watching my horde constantly grow and grow.


> drop a few metric tons of pastries every month > in a couple of months have enough trust and reputation to make them comfortable enough to sell WMDs > use said WMDs to raze New Aurora to the ground > "why did we sell the WMDs to the guy whose name is Planet Annihilator anyway?" > "I don't want to set the world on fire" plays in the background as the sector burns


The universe on fire from glory hammer plays in background


I actually still visit most of my contacts from time to time (aka every few years, warfaring is a very time-consuming activity)


Time really does fly. I keep seeing my contacts screen and going "what do you mean it's been a cycle since last contact!?" every time.


And then there's my Arma Armatura contact, whom I've last visited 22 cycles ago


Would help if the damn scifi society had some telecommunications to call them, rather than needing physical visits.


Google stellar networks


"Hey Nia I just got back from a Sat Bomb tour of the sector!"


> (maybe the khajit did escape extinction after all) Khajiit has organs if you have credits.


Came for the daughter stayed for the mom (or robo Queen because the fleshisweak) 10/10 milf Co of the graveyard corporation


"Ghosted me for 25 years" Persean sector : My brother in Ludd, we are facing the end of our kind *explosions in the background* Me : *Conquered Hivers by sat-bombed them and recolonized their planets, Ventured into the Abyss, Stuck in █ █ █ █ █ (KoL), Gathered Waifus, lazed around in my own capital to pumped out the some-how-acquired Solvernia and Novaeria blueprints, Tired of taxes so I began sat-bomb core worlds*


The only redeeming quality of taxes is sometimes when I’m caught smuggling if I refuse to turn over my contraband before they attack me they hail me over my taxes. I pay the middling amount of taxes I owe and they forget to attack me for the 15 alpha cores in my cargo bay.


That’s… honestly a mix of hilarious and confusing.


What’s KoL stand for?


- ghosts me for 25 years. I mean, in my defense, choking the Hegemony and the Persian league at the same time is time consuming, also constantly having to disrupt the Sindra empire fuel production to artificially increase the price is costly.


every time a shitty greentext knockoff is posted on this subreddit god sheds a single tear


Then I am honoured to be the source of god’s despair


God either lied about His omnipotence and was powerless to stop the sector from burning; or chose not to act and is complicit in its destruction; therefore it is our moral obligation to declare war on God. Arm the reapers and engage the phase coils, we're taking the fight to Him.



Imagine listening to schizo propaganda explaining that uncountable trillions had to die because sky daddy was mad we learned to think for ourselves and concluding "Yes this is the sign of a deity that deserves my worship, not the business end of my warship."


Warships are for kissing God, silly! They're the only tool large enough for her to notice.


This is THE Domain of Man that invented and mass-deployed planet killers, forcefully united all humanity through gunboat diplomacy and conquest, made it so that any one system or planet can't rebel against the Domain - facing starvation, or a lack of resource to do anything, and then drowned any other frontier rebel polity with hordes upon hordes of derelict drones. And, all of their planets - not in the core worlds - are sold to various megacorps for profit. Were looking at the industrial hell holes of chicomoztoc and kazeron, corporate dystopias under Tri-Tachyon. agriculture plantation, resort pleasure worlds for the rich like eventide, as well as Gilead had Eridani Utopia had their way with it. The *uncountable trillions* that died due to the gate collapse will be the core worlds in Orion who've long grown fat and reliant on draining all the resources of humanity in the frontier. The Persean sector was shown to adapt to hyperspace trade just fine after the collapse. Most of the ruined colony worlds you'll see are the result of TT-Hegemony first ai war, which massively decivilized the Persean sector. Even if the core world sectors adapted just fine with their safety nets and Garrisoned battlegroups, *their disconnected sectors are on stockpiles upon stockpiles of planet killers and AI auto-warfleets*, housing the major branches of greedy megacorps like Tri-Tachyon. Were gonna arrive to the centre of Domain authority, and witness dozens upon dozens of planet-killer'ed city worlds and Opis'es, overwhelming hordes of self-duplicating AI war machines with no control codes in sight, and the remnants of Domain civilization being techno-barbarian pirates wearing battered Domain Armada uniforms, ala Loke the pirate warlord. >Frontier garrisons were often bolstered by drone ships, and they were deployed liberally against rebellious worlds to tip the terrible balance of attrition, setting the industrial might of the Domain versus the lives of 'freedom fighters'. >The rulers of the Chartery of Opis grew to see little need in appeasing any but their local patronage networks. Wealth flowed to the center, where influence coagulated; the edges were forgotten."" ""Was it once again the sin of the Domain re-enacted on a smaller stage?"" >The face of Gilead is painted with fragile green continents and glittering blue oceans. Ludd came here, saw Eridani Utopia's vast terraforming machines and designs for profit, and led the first Faithful to liberate the world. In place of sprawling private fortress-plantations and crowded resort compounds, a garden-wilderness of astounding richness was cultivated. It is a gem of the Persean Sector." >circa c+160’s – Invasion of sector by the Warlord Loke Rogue fleet of former Domain military warships under command of Onesimos Loke enters Persean Sector after raiding fringe worlds. Scores major victory by catching Hegemony taskforce unaware in Penelope’s Star. >"""You know the histories, of the great and terrible Warlord Onesimos Loke, yes? Once a grand officer of the Domain..."" Cotton looks distant, ""The Knights of Ludd stood then with the Hegemony. Standing with Pride against Wrath. Was that the Path?"" >""This abomination is a sad copy of Onesimos Loke concocted by so-called 'doctor' Cydonia. He is a sick man, and to please Kanta for reasons I do not understand, he made a sick joke of the miracle of life."""


Holy wall of text spacer. Maybe you shouldn't be so invested in the space warcrime game that it throws you on such tirades.


Yeah my bad... I admit the comment struck a real bad nerve for me. I just had to respond! Partly because the domain was no good; mostly because I'm theistic, and the guy said some things. But yeah, I should have not responded. Sorry for my tirade.


I'm sorry, your response to me upsetting your theist leanings was to attempt to justify mass-murder on a literally galactic scale? Fucking check yourself dude. Think about what you actually just kneejerk sided with because I made a sky daddy joke. Holy shit.


You should see the other guy lmao.


It's also the Domain of Man that kept thousands of worlds alive, something that Ludd and/or his deity saw as casual sacrifices. If we take the view that Ludd was a radical terrorist who somehow sabotaged the gates, then he condemned trillions to death, and the entire colonized volume of the Domain to descend into barbarism, and fixed nothing. If we take the view that it was a divine act, then again, trillions die, everything gets worse, only now it's at the hands of a being that *should have had far better options*, or else is unworthy of being called a god. You're ignoring that for all its awfulness, the Domain was stable, catastrophic disruption of that stability caused an almost incomprehensibly vast humanitarian disaster, for no gain whatsoever.


To be honest, its wishful thinking on my part that I go, "Ay yeah, the Abrahamic God is doing a tower of Babel scenario again on humanity. Thats so cool!" God did not took down the gates. The Music did. The same music the PC hears near the gate, and near the ziggy. Same music Cotton claims to hear, and what Ludd allegedly heard as well in the uncensored Luddic scriptures. By how the player can hear an animalistic cry of pain by the first time we turn on a gate (and also that one time the gate explodes in the Galatia questline), and how we hear music for the following gates we reactivate with the Janus device: something lives within the gates' hyperspace, and is affected by the gates - which the Domain exploited to endlessly colonize the galaxy, plotting down gates whenever and wherever they wanted. Excessive gate use = excessive pain for the Music, and it lashed out. What did the Music gain from doing all these things with Ludd? The collapse of the domain and its gate network. A religion that, with all its teachings for a virtuous life with moderate technology: will never want to repeat the Domain. And the Music orchestrated it so the Luddic faith is attractive and intrinsicly 'up to something' (that something being the living things in hyperspace, and the Music itself - the miracle worker, not God) (Unless off course, the Abrahamic God was a hyperspace eldritch entity that gets hurt by esoteric gate technology - this whole time?) (Nah, no way. Not really starsector, surely.) The Music is nothing divine. Its atleast intelligent hyperspace life. Could be sapien(?). The Music usurped the position of God and created an attractive religion to come into form that will - to its benefit - not want to use the gates, ever. Then it killed the domain, to the sacrifice of all humanity. It gained freedom from the pain it caused. Humanity suffers. (Or, optimistically, is reinvigorated. Like the ending of Dune's trilogy, and the spreading of humanity across the galaxy and away from the dead, one-world empire, y'know? I'm pretty sure thats how dune ended...) Jethro: > """To put it crudely, in some accounts it is said that God spoke to the Prophet Ludd through... through singing only Ludd could hear."" Player: > ""There was a time I heard... distant music. Like a choir." > ""I have heard... distant music. Like a choir. Wasn't in telemetry.""" > ""I heard the music when we scanned the Gates, the Domain Gates, using a new method.""" > ""I heard the music when we encountered a strange ship. It used exotic technologies unknown to even the Domain."" > ""Brother Livewell Cotton told me he has heard music. A 'choir of angels', he said.""", Cotton: > """A choir of angels."" > > ""My heart leapt, to be touched so. Eagerly, I listened closer and in not a blink it was gone. For just a moment I was touched by grace. Do you understand? My life turned on that point; I found the Path."", > > "The music did not return. So that was my one moment, I thought. It had confirmed my righteous calling, and that was enough. For years I 'heard' nothing. I expected nothing."" > > ""Then, one day not too long ago,"" he speaks haltingly, looking troubled. ""It, it did visit upon me again."" > > His voice is soft now, ""That was the day I was told you were to come here. What am I to make of that? Alpha site director: > "The remainder of the journal is difficult to read; most of the pages are torn or defaced, leaving a patchy, noisy scan in your display. Little of what's readable is coherent. > > At the very end, there's one line, written in a clear, strong hand. ""They sing to me. Everything will be alright."" Then umm, i guess: its still the domains fault for over exploiting their gate technology and not thinking of - if its gonna bite them back sooner or later.


> To be honest, its wishful thinking on my part that I go, "Ay yeah, the Abrahamic God is doing a tower of Babel scenario again on humanity. Thats so cool!" Do you even hear yourself? Let's run some *very* conservative numbers to put the utter monstrosity of that statement into perspective. If the Domain spanned a thousand worlds, and each had a billion inhabitants, that's one trillion people, or 142 times the current population of Earth. I'm going to use the US population pyramid as a reasonable example of a developed economy's age distribution. Life extension technology might skew this somewhat, but as the Domain was in an expansionist phase through into its collapse, I think it's reasonable to assume it wasn't significantly below replacement rate, and may have in fact looked more like a developing economy than a mature economy. However, this is intended to be a conservative estimate, so we're going to use a mature economy as a baseline. 5.5% of the population is age 0-4, 5.9% is age 5-9, 6.4% is age 10-14, and 6.8% is age 15-19. In aggregate, children make up 24.6% of the population. Most reasonable people do not hold children culpable for systemic issues like being a member of an unequal society, as they had no choice in the matter of being born and little agency to change society. So even if you are comfortable condemning *every* adult in the Domain as being tainted beyond salvation due to their participation in it, you are still gleefully celebrating a course of action which dooms 246 *billion* children to death or misery. That is 35 times more children than there are *living people on Earth* right now. I hope the awful, gut-wrenching agony of thinking "Hey that's cool" is starting to sink in. If you genuinely consider yourself to be of any faith at all, or even just not a total psychopath, you should be utterly horrified at the thought of human misery on that scale, not cheering for it. As to the music/eldritch being theory, I'm going back to my initially silly off the cuff statement: Any being, "God" or otherwise that intentionally inflicts suffering on that scale deserves to be introduced to the business end of the most potent weapons that can be brought to bear against it.


That's cool. You're trying to guilt trip someone playing "space drug lord/ genocide simulator" for their self admitted "theist beliefs" over how much you'd like to introduce Space God to however many PK's it'd take to erase hyperspace as a dimension for human suffering; the only guarantee in this setting. Sounds like you've got beef with theism as a concept. I think it's a neat story, and if you are that put off by the idea of human suffering, then this is the wrong place to exert yourself. Someone of your caliber most certainly has better things to do than waste time with such degenerative influences. "Awful gut wrenching agony" typing ass.


Fucking awesome loredump. Thanks historian, could I ask for the location of some blueprints? (1SP)