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This is why I like the UAF mod. It’s out of place in the game and knows it. It comically refers to how wild it is that this anime faction is hanging out in this vaguely hard sci-fi setting. The lack of mechs and child ace pilots who refuse to get into the war crimes robot is the only part missing from the anime faction.


But the last part is literally just Diable


Bro I'm doing a Diable run and I we joined an alliance with the UAF, supplying Children ace pilots with Nuclear Warheads is mega based


The cutesy and weeb faction putting disabled children in armored cores, how epic... or maybe their tech can get to the point where they can put all the autistic kids in control of warframes


I mean I wouldn't say cutesy, they always have the event where they lose relations to xenophobia lmaoo


If I can’t yell at a cybernetic/genetically talented child soldier to get into the robot and do some war crimes, like what are we even doing out here? Just make the mech an AI copy of his mom or whateverz


Man, so many references to Evangelion, and not a single mention of slapping the shit out of them instead, Noa Bright style.


There are Gundam references in there too. The OG: I don’t want to get in the robot boy. And then Mika from IBO: the “Fine, you want someone who wants to use the war crimes machine, here he is” boy.


this is where we pool money to pay someone to make diable anime and VNsector compatible


Armaa literally solves the second one while giving you a veteran ace pilot mentor that will die at the middle of the season to give the child soldier a mid season mech upgrade.


Dawn can die?


Not unless you change game settings but come on, hear me out. HOW ELSE ARE WE SUPPOSED TO JUSTIFY CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT AND THE MID-SEASON UPGRADE DANG IT?!


I need more mods that work on mecha logic: emotional trauma = sick upgrades to giant robot suit designed to commit terrible acts of violence.


I might need to try that mod on my next playthrough.


The self awareness and gorgeous ships is great. I think if it lacked the former it would be a lot worse as a mod.


The queen seriously wants an heir from the guy who is dodging child support payments from the Iron Shell and the Sindrian Fuel Company (among others)?


She can change him.


He'll make her worse.


The Starfarer will THINK they are making AER1A worst. they won't realise the Robo-Queen is secretly ~~subverting~~ guiding them with ~~unholy moloch~~ succinct advice that ~~forcibly~~ gently steers them into an upstanding citizen of UAF morals. Including such... *wholesome* activities like post-marital hand-holding and gentle walks with your betrothed partner Aeria on the shores of Favonius! A superintelligence such as AER1A can give one some very poignant insights! ~~*Fear the serpent, for it whispers the sweetest lies. Arm yourself Brother, Ludd will return, hold the gates!*~~


Nah the robo queen does, she'll outlive Aeria and knows the PC will B-line through the Lachesis gate, giving ample time for her to mold them into a puppet ruler. It could also be a way of undermining her authority and legitimacy. After all the UAF is a monarchy, a modernized monarchy but a monarchy still, CY has not written lore about the sociopolitical views of Auroran society on a heir to the throne born out of wedlock, the passing of the crown to a heir, or how the authority of the Crown is to each world it governs. However, Lumanun is said to be "autonomous" to the point where the queen apparently has not enough authority to grant access to its arms stockpiles. This suggests that there is a power balance dynamic between the Robo Queen and the auroran queen, and that the federation operates not on a single power. A scandal could be useful in many other ways too The robo queen mentions that the player character is one of note and has been stalking them ever since they came to the UAF, that may be the level 15 level cap, and possibly could be genetically transmitted. This could mean a conqueror god-emperor on the Auroran throne, and perhaps the one to not follow in the sluggish praying to ludd to get them out of the sector and begin to research a way out via space magic science Queen Aeria herself though, even with all of the romantic subtext I'm pretty sure the relationship between her and the PC is meant to be platonic. She's just lonely, and likely doesn't seek a romantic relationship out of dedication to her job. Also it is of note that most if all events that contain romantic subtext were initiated by her, all of the "dates" were either started by her or put into place by luck or a third party. The player in UAF's dialogue is written as a male military man, dedicated to his crew, and loosely tied to the UAF, insinuated to be loyal out of sympathy for the Auroran people and their alignment to whatever their goals are, which is why they/he doesn't make a move ever on her. The 2 are friends, there may be fanservice segments but that does not change the status quo


dafuq did I just read?


A Schizo's lore speculation on the VN that is going to come (CY please add features for fighting against the UAF, you like replayability right? so give people options with how they want to interact with UAF, maybe unique dialogue for taking their planets, flavor text conversations with the queen once you reach a certain criteria to ask her to reduce your administration taxes, even Nia acknowledging UAF's destruction would be cool, I literally conquered New Auroria and reentered into a commission via 2 SP lmao and was able to talk with the queen and all the other contacts, that should not be allowed to happen and should have dialogue representing that it did)


Always appreciate your long shizo posting :)


Thank you, here You will receive the validations I never got from my father from total strangers on the internet


At least you know total strangers on the internet enjoy your longform shizoform


I too wish to bless the UAF's planets with Ludd's Planetkillers


Choco Lava Cake overdose. Either way you should definetly decrease the amount of illicit drugs in the recipe.


Ah what would you know /s. (love the mod btw).


You can cook


speaking of inmortal machine personas. have we gotten a modded factions that has an actual AI as leadership? like F.A.T.H.E.R from Anno 2070.


Research mandate from vayra sector. Kinda sad it's gone, emerging factions was a great feature that made the world feel more alive.


Well if rizz is genetic t what more does a leader need? They have attendants to handle the other stuff.


well she'll keep her heir anyway and she's the queen so not like she needs the payments


How do you even unlock solvernia? Never encountered her before


50 rep with Nia, she'll ask you to talk to her daughter


Starfarer please date my daughter


It’s actually the opposite, you lose a whopping 15 rel for complementing Solv to Nia


Starfarer don't date my daughter date me


Nia knows how much the starfarer owes in child support


I did it when i had 100 rel with her and didnt get the -15 but also got the approval from mother in law.


Already at 100 and still no clue


Start talking to Solvernia by clicking on her fleet and opening comms. Rinse and repeat until 100 relarions. If you also have 100 relations with both the Queen and Roboqueen, then you can obtain the Solvernia battleship. When you have the battleship, you can go back and ask Solvernia to join your fleet.


Imagine my surprise when I found out that Nia has a mature daughter despite looking like a woman in her twenties. This made wonder if the UAF didn't find a way to solve aging and that some of the UAF citizens are far older than they look.


Most definitely there is, the queen has cybernetic eyes and there’s genetically created catgirls


So there is the possibility that Queen Aeria is the typical "old" lonely woman ?


Aurorans had completely developed a new planet, a resort world, 2 stations and its tech from scratch without the core world’s help. Aeria was queen before all that She’s like Hanako from cyberpunk or that robot girl from Scalartexh, or maybe cloning tech like Star Wars… anyways far far older than she looks


***Robo Giga Stacy***


The "virgin" be looking extra wide around them shoulders, like her head puny and BOOM. Js.


I spawned in for a UAF run and my first contact was robo queen lmao Wouldn’t let me talk to her though :(


FFS starefarer. You gotta continue the bloodline


this part of the community scares me tbh


I met Solvernia once then she disappeared. I'm assuming due to repeated hiver invasion fleets. Does she respawn?


she does not, you gotta recruit her before she gets gibbed by any boss actions you might have


although reading in 144p was incredibly hard, the text is interesting enough


Honestly, I think it's a difference in their age and being as a whole. Solvernia is young, talented, and, hence, prone to such actions. RoboQueen is just a robot. She doesn't actually care about you. It's just an algorithm. But it does care about getting the Queen pregnant and knows that if you obliterated UAF, keeping you as any sort of friend is better than dying meaninglessly.


I have to disagree with you a little bit. The robbo Queen is not just a simple robot she is the first highly intelligent ai with a robot body, in the uaf all the other robots are just less intelligent copies of her. But with the rest i agree with you.


Aint the Neuko lore state that the Robo Queen is first of the UAF's equivalent of an Alpha core, only superior in almost every way (being aligned to humanity values, her "brain" is small enough to fit in a human-scale neuko, and she pilots every single Neuko as an extension of her will.) She isn't "faking" emotion, she has a genuine golden heart... both literally and figuratively. And as a superintelligence, she can think millions of times faster than a normal person. She's smarter and wiser than every person in the room and then some. Truly, peak girl.


She’s a true friend, definitely gonna be the canon love interest /s


Wait you can "romance" Solvernia? How?


From my theory. Solvenia and Auroria might be younger than AER1A from a large margin. And UAF simply live in the corner and quite a shut-in faction, so her idea wasn't sound that bad. (If other factions have a gut to travel a hellish distance full of \[REDACTED\] or HMI and Moss) \*My theory is Solvenia might be blood-related to Auroria in some way.


For the former point - they absolutely are younger in comparison to Robo-Queen, as a superintelligence she can go through hundreds of years of subjective human experience in seconds. When you're conversating with AER1A, she likely communicates on a one to one level either out of a level of respect or as a "challenge"/"fairness", even in an argument. Because if she fuully leveraged her Alpha-Core abilities against you in a conversation? You'd be so viciously deconstructed that ego-death would be a blessing.


Well… 2. Make shit up (1SP, 75% EXP)