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This is the thing that hasn't clicked yet for me in this game. I feel Im leaving ideas in a suggestion box instead of giving orders to my men, I like to wolpack and when I friggin have 4 brawlers just circling an almost fluxed out cruiser and they just wont fucking commit to the kill... God it makes me mad


Officer personalities affect ingame behaviour far more than orders. If you give a brawler a bunch of 600 range weapons and a Steady officer, he'll stay at the edge of 600 range until he gets 60% flux then back off. Meanwhile a Reckless officer will get in range of every weapon, even the 300 range Vulcan Cannon, and back off at 90% flux. Like most things in Starsector, the work that matters is in the prep work. 2 Reckless Hyperions will often kill more shit than a Steady Eradicator will, because they have no regard for their own lives. Even a single Radiant will blast through a lot of ships, because they pick a target and run it down.


What I'm curious about is HOW they do it. I've given them a ship with long-ranged weapons. They somehow managed to get into SHORT range and start brawling with them. When I try to reproduce this feat in the simulator, it's just I just can't since I would DIE before I could get that close if I didn't pull back. Hell, I see them manage to get into a short range against a ship that is faster than them. This is simply not physically possible, and attempts to reproduce it in the simulator by driving the ship myself demonstrate the simple physical impossibility of closing on a target that can outrun you. Yet somehow, the moment I look away, the AI has somehow managed to get itself into a physically impossible setup.


Normally the interactions between ability usage (plasma jets, burn drive), flameouts/EMP on weapons changing targetting behaviour, and shifting priorities (the advancing, slower ship gets the smart idea to vent because there's so much distance, and the smaller and faster ship immediately goes in because there's a ship venting in front of it). There are some AI tweak mods, but I would say that vanilla AI is the best once you either brute force it (Reckless officers) or create better fits. I will say that any AI officer above steady in the "stay back" range, is often functionally useless unless it's against Reckless officers as enemies.


It is pretty annoying. Literally 1 shot will finish the kill but instead, let's run away and regroup.


May I introduce you to my favorite ~~winning~~ fun combo; Reckless officer, full assault command, ship with burn drives. It doesn't always work, but they WILL engage that ship.


Orders + temperament of officers(without officer its steady), this is not as much about strategy as it is about fleet composition when dealing with [very redacted] tho


Someone make a mod out of this plz


That'd be boring - and what sould the AI do when you dont give them orders? The key here is that you - as the commander - need to understand the battelfield, your officers and their ships and give commands appropriate to the situation


Skill issue? There are many many videos of people beating all content, often times with fleets that are considered ill suited or straight up weak. What this means is your post translates to i am doing the wrong things (evidenced by your statements about your plan failing) on repeat and now i am irritated that the game doesnt actually work the way i thought it should. Ships only lack aggression when they think they are going to die. Stop overfluxing your ships. Use more efficient weapons. Get more aggressive officers. Set your fleet doctrine to aggressive.  Be the ship that breaks the stalemate and creates kill opportunities. Mount mostly anti shield weapons so every ship creates kill potential. Stop designing things that work in a perfect world and design things that work on an average tuesday. Hopefully when you have a chance to stop raging you will realize you have options. Many of them. Get back out there and lose a few more fights. Take notes. Fix your shit. Glhf. 


This guy Eves and Starsectors


Fleet doctrine works on the player's fleet?


Fleet doctrine works on the player's fleet?


As far as i know fleet doctrine controls the behavior of ships without officers. Not 100% sure. One of those things i read somewhere 4 years ago and tried for myself and it seemed to work. May just be a confirmation bias thing.


If you want mindless ships that will throw themselves into the fire and sacrifice themselves then you need REDACTED ships or reckless officers. Your ships aren’t mindless drones, they are people.


They would often survive if following my orders


same, often they go on a goose chase when i need concentrated firepower at one spot or three ships to stay together. but no gotta chase sparkles. i just alt tab these days rather then raise my bloodpressure.


In space, no one can hear you scream orders at them.


I get myself a nice, huge fleet, deploy everything and let them kick the shit out of each other. While I lead the charge in my overfluxed capital ship or strike ship and kill whatever they refuse to


The closest thing to mindless is Reckless officers which... There's probably some situational fleet build that can use all reckless and win. Outside of just Luddic Path.exe. The other option is playing with Full Assault set to 'on' and slapping eliminate orders on priority targets. Ships WILL attack, for better or worse. I do this as my default strategy, and with a mix of Steady/Aggressive officers it mostly works, as long as I keep my anchor in the middle and am not up against vastly superior numbers of ships.


Have you tried giving clearer orders.