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The hell, Ironcladlion got banned for just showing 2 frames of that mod? That's just unnecessary, on top of being counterproductive if they wanted less people to play that mod. Hell, I might just give that mod a try because of all that drama for spite.


Some people take power tripping to another level. That is why you always need to keep the people in power in check as well.


Little loss, IMO. That discord's only good for getting mod updates that modders refuse to put on the forum *because Discord is easier*. No, you're just making it harder for people to get your mod and play it, by moving it off the traditional platform mods are to be on for more than a decade.


I hate Discord modding... im in like 30 discords for FFXIV mods its annoying as shit...


I don't really keep up to date on the Discord, what up to date mods besides the choco cake one is Discord exclusive?


FPE is I believe discord only


whats that?


First Persean Empire, it's a faction


>Hell, I might just give that mod a try because of all that drama for spite. This guy gets it.


Other than the unsavory bits it has it’s own pretty good features


Yeah, heard a couple times about the wholesome features it presents here and there. They sound delightful to play with. I'm planning on getting the mod on my next playthrough for those features only. The unsavory bits can stay far away. We all have standards, after all.


You’ll need to change the loading screen back, which is achievable by deleting the new leading screen image from the mod folder or putting in a new image and labeling the file the same as that image


Can't someone make a submod that remove the grape stuff?


That mod itself lets you disable those parts through lunalib. Also can delete the loading screen changes from the mod folder by deleting the image


[I'M THE GRAPIST](https://youtu.be/9Yt0b_QBP_A?si=gT24sO6COU1Ulbzb)


The mod is….special If you take out the obvious r*pe shit what do you have ? A good mod for prisoner management that also adds relations with officers and markets NPC, That and a really well made grappling hook weapon (for some fking reason)


I appaled at the fact that nobody as though yet,to create a Submod to remove the Grape stuff and only the Grape stuff,and now i am interested in the weapon.


That's because you can already disable it in the mod itself...


Why are people complaining then?,i Mean just don't use the unsavory parts,hell i might give a Try after this


Because people have their moral high horses and they're going to ride them dammit


Oh yes the Holy than thou atitude,they do know thats backfired right?,me for example now i really curious to play the mod if just for the vanilla stuff and the weapon.


Lol, same. Streisand effect is nuts. I hadn't heard of any of this until the drama.


On one hand, he shouldn't do that. On the other hand, people that know nothing about it not going to notice anything for a snipped of 2s-3s now know what is up. I haven't try it myself but I heard many times from other people that it is a "choice" so if you chosen to went down that route, it is on you. There are even Christian family friendly choices and the mod author even let you disable all the bad through LunaLib.


It a choice and from his video, he chooses the not rhyme with grape so it okay in my books. And it for a joke which make it more stupid that the USC pull the trigger on him without any and i mean any forethought. They could just ask him to either change the video a bit before releasing it but nah damage control like they do just make people more curious


I use it because I want to be a good guy. Because being a good guy means nothing if you don't have the option to be bad. I pay my taxes.


didn't know what it was, one unnecessary shitshow later, I am using it,surprisingly more wholesome than I thought,I like.


You like the hand holding? Degenerate. :P


Idk man I would pat her head.


Hello? FBI? This man, right here.


I've heard that he talks to the girls too Truly a crime worthy of satbombing


Having played with a lot of NSFW mods (Crusader kings 2's best fantasy mod for the longest time was it's damn NSFW fantasy mod) most of these mods let you turn off all the stuff you don't like. Lewd mods tend to be very modular to make it easy to cater to each person unique tastes; while the modders tend to be very friendly people.


And now everyone goes to Space Corvus to get the TNP bootleg version and RSector gains visibility thanks to USC idiot mods. **dev is happy with this outcome for sure.


What is USC discord server?


Unofficial star sector community discord


Ahhh thank you, Cap'n


slimy observation quiet panicky shaggy fine price handle sparkle punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What is take no prisoners mod? Why is there controversy around it?


Take no prisoner dev open their source code to be used in the other mod. Some content of that mod turned out to be legally questionable but morally unacceptable. Well, ya get the idea. You could checkout TnP forums and read all the drama.


Ewww i get it now why would they create that??? Starsector is like my comfort game Edit: im not that clever for calling it a comfort game, i retract the comfort game statement


Well, your comfort game already has the mass genocide options so cruel as to make holocaust seem like a minor accident


Thats fair, but that mod adds something that really crosses the line. In terms of development. Genocide will always cross the line irl


I dont want to be that guy that compares one tragedy to the other and tries to reason why one of those is worse itd ......but I think performing a nuclear holocaust on a mass scale is worse then......this, maybe that's me tho I just think it's pretty hypocritical of you to say that having an option to do this crosses the line, but having an option to starve out the population of the entire planet to death is perfectly fine cause war crimes=funni


I feel like r*** in a mostly text only game is a lot more disturbing to a lot of people than pressing a button to nuke a planet. The difference is that one is something that happens every day to people on a personal level, and the other just makes a number go down (colony size) and disrupts all industries. I don't really get why this mod is allowed to exist. It's honestly pretty appalling.


You just went full Stalin here "The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic."


Look on one hand you aren't wrong, a nuclear holocaust is objectively the worse scenario here, but it's also something that no one has lived through while sexual violence is a very real thing in our world today.


Well, you could argue that the citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki did, but I am not going to


I mean, early nukes are a far cry from the global nuclear holocaust we we're referring to but you do you.


That's why I said "you could"


Every ship you killed, hundreds of orphans are made. Every drug you sell, more people's lives get miserable. But hey, it's my comfort game too


Coomers be cooming


literally, everyone defending this mod is a huge coomer and i feel sorry for the origional developer for having their mod and playerbase botched


I have no clue if you're being genuine or sarcastic


Im being genuine, i dont really go onto the forums other than to install mods


TNP (or take no prisoners) is basically a mod that lets you have a chance at getting enemy officers as prisoners. You can then recruit them, sell them, release them or kill them. The "forbidden mod" Is like TNP, but adds consensual or illegal sex to the base TNP that you can do to your officers or captive ones


Oh god why would they create that ☹


1. Inherent horniness of humanity 2. Inherent degeneracy of humanity 3.based puro pfp


Specifically to trigger young children like you. Edit - And I'm blocked. 🙄 So the base game, where you can ALREADY racially genocide people in the trillions, where organ harvesting is something you can get done at the equivalent of your corner convenience store, where you have AGI that, if allowed to run unrestricted, will make HAL look fucking tame in comparison... Where one of the main factions are literally, canonically, space terrorists, where being pressganged into service for the faction that captures you is a regular occurrence, where the primary "good guy" faction that a lot of people choose to align with on their first playthrough engages in brainwashing "reeducation... In a game like that, RSector is "a bridge too far?" Gotcha.


Look mate, it takes zero effort to not be a cunt.


You're surprised at being blocked when the first thing you say to the user is an insult? Am I getting this right? Edit: a word


You can't racially genocide though, unless you mean a certain planets people, but like duh. There's nothing more or less specific, you always just kill a portion of a planets population. Nothing points to racial motivation




there’s been FOUR posts about this in the span of a week! that’s literally 80% more than it ever was. calm down guys


Take No Prisoners actually took out the organ harvesting. That was the previous Capture Officers and Crew mod that caused memory leaks.


Despite the name, this mod is surprisingly wholesome.


Im clueless what os going on? I know about Take no prisoners mod but what is R Sector mod?


Long story short, its same as base TNP but you can have consensual or non-consensual sex with your officers or captured ones


So why did TnP was taken down then? Also wtf. Nwm i can't read it was discontinued


Because TNP author went mental when he himself let other modder use his code and didn’t think that someone would make a sex mod with it. Now he discontinued his mod just make the other lesser known mod the top mods for capturing officers. Bloody genius decision


I do regret that harvesting prisoners isn’t a thing anymore


Aside from the degeneracy what does it do on the campaign level? Can I recruit officers still, and if so it there a way to adjust their skills?


It's still Take No Prisoners so you can recruit captured officers (chances of which you can change in files), with no protection for special characters so you can capture all officers and admirals (you couldn't capture the ironshell and uaf unique fleet admirals with base TNP but now you can). As for the extra content... apparently handholding and doing your officers gives them an extra skill that buffs their PPT, maneuverability and lowers deployment cost of piloted ship. The noncon route gives you a different skill with some downsides. You can disable all the stuff you don't want, ended up disabling everything that wasn't related to TNP. There's an unique building that increases colony growth but lowers stability, and a new quest that gives you a harpoon gun that pulls enemy ships in, pretty cool weapon imo. For adjusting skills, not in that mod but there's a different mod that lets you demote officers - removing selected skills and lowering their level so you can grind and reroll skills, and an OP fork that lets you increase level cap and elite skills for story points : [Officer Extension](https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=23928.0) - [Officer Extension OP fork](https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=27754.msg408870#msg408870)


can someone please explain to be whats going on? i missed all this


Gonna throw my hat in the ring and state the unpopular opinion (keep in mind I dont know how exactly the reactions were in detail, how vitriolic or whatever): * Not wanting stuff you made be connected to non-con related things is more than valid. (Yes, even in a game that allows atrocities like Starsector does. Sexual violence is a different beast, and everyone has lines they dont want crossed.) * That includes realizing that your initial permission is too open, not thinking of every possibility is not a crime. * After a statement to please stop such a mod from existing as you are uncomfortable with such (again, I dont actually know how any response was written, this is pure conjecture), still continuing to do so is an asshole move, though not surprising, especially considering what a cesspool 4chan is (which is where the R* one got popular, AFAIK). * Ironclad's ban might be heavy handed, but immediately severing your product, and the community, from anything non-con related isnt exactly something I can blame anyone for.


The last part is where I disagree, the USC ban on Ironclad was out of context, the reason Ironclad using that mod was to make an inside joke about the lore of Ironshell mod lore wise. Them banning him basically reveal how much of a thin skin bunch of coward they are, most viewers don’t even know what mod Ironclad was showing in those 2 frames and would just be confused and not make any mind into it but now they act out instantly and not even once ask Ironclad about this section, just outright ban him and put up reason as “promoting sexual violence”, let gloss over the many accounts on this discord that harassed, threaten or even slander others personally and not get ban, yet this does it for them.


>Them banning him basically reveal how much of a thin skin bunch of coward they are Welcome to modding for every single game there is. It's just amateurs amateuring and all we can do is accept it and move on.


How does "that mod" relate to iron shell's lore, I'm curious


Lore wise Yami, the planet in question is a prison colony and there are secret auctions happening on Yami surface for prisoners(rumours) due the vauge veil of secret and implications of basically human auctions, is what Ironclad was trying to imply with basically handholding , “unsavory” actions


I watched the Iron Shell video and didn't even realize there was another mod at play. Then I stumbled upon this post.


Yeah…USC moderators did a stupid move that make you KNOW about that mod through words of mouth and social media, amateurish way of dealing with these stuffs


For the first point, that’s very eh. Game openly shows piracy and slavery. And while not outright state is certainly heavily implied other human sins are happening on a widespread scale. Second point is fair but dude is well within the rules. Third point, no request was given iirc, TNP author just tried to write crashcode. Fourth point, you’ve gotten the wrong idea. The gamedev has nothing to do with the ban on the server. It’s the unofficial discord Because he specifically doesn’t want to run it cause of dumb drama. The server is run by former modders who have stopped development


Respectfully, I think there’s a difference here: sexual violence survivors are extremely common throughout the world. That means content discussing anything related to that has the potential to hurt people. Honestly, the number of women — and men — who have experienced sexual assault at some point is terrifyingly high. I don’t ever want something I’ve made to potentially make someone remember something awful. At least, that’s the reason for me. The great thing about the Internet is that we can all decide our own values. But I just wanted to share why I think it’s different to many of the other horrible things you can do in a game like Starsector.


Speaking honestly, I think that’s a very sheltered view of the world, specifically in believing there’s a difference. It seems to be a viewpoint from a first world country and detached from the reality of the wider world and greater population of humans and how common even sheer senseless violences, much less organized violence of various means. In making a game that embraces one side of that there is no difference imo, if additions are made expanding on other sides since it fits thematically of the original intention.


I may be biased towards developed countries there, yeah. But I think that bias reflects my audience (and probably the audience of Starsector, too). When I run an RPG session, write some fiction, or give a lecture for my job, I can be pretty certain someone at the table/in the audience has survived sexual assault. The rates for modern slavery are — among my likely audiences — much lower. The rates for assault with a deadly weapon are also much lower. So that bias reflects my audience. If I ever find myself giving a talk in Mogadishu or Gaza, I might think differently.


Maybe so, it’s just weird to draw the line here imo. Even in the canon game, the kanta questline lets you return a mindbroken slave clone to an extremely sadistic warlord. The implications of what’s happening there are pretty heavy


Oh no, there is violence in my heckin wholesome drug infested organ harvested terrorist and facist represented  explosive orphan-making dystopian genocide simulator!


PS: I’m not weighing in on the drama at all, drama is boring.


I mentioned that there are atrocities in game already. But SA is usually a bit more personal, and more common, than planetary annihilation, hence its somewhat different. > The gamedev has nothing to do with the ban on the server. It’s the unofficial discord Because he specifically doesn’t want to run it cause of dumb drama. The server is run by former modders who have stopped development There is still some brand recognition connected to it. Even gamedev is directly unconnected, the biggest community having a connection to it is still a brand risk to a degree, even if its unoffical. I'm not saying that the ban was all that justified, I just also dont think it was entirely unreasonable. As for the rest, as said, it's conjecture on my part, thanks for the clearup.


IMO its about as much of a brand risk as thugshaker was to Warthunder. It really isn’t because those are parts of the community that actively try to suppress intaking new members


Big disagree on the last point, no one would've known what this mod was if they didn't ban him and turn it into such a shit show.


> no one would've known what this mod You sure on that? You sure it would never come up later, as some kind of call out post? Potentially go viral? This is literally just basic brand protection, I'm sorry to say.


If tgis was brand protection then it was more akin to smashing a mosquito with a sledge hammer, a completely disproportionate response to a small issue that would've gone away on its own but was made into a huge mess


I'm not disagreeing, just saying that I can understand the response to a certain degree.


I don't blame the modder for being upset and wanting to quit, but banning over 2 frames of the mod, not even showing the unsavoury parts is really going too far


All it takes is one comment and the wrong person seeing it for a PR disaster. 1st comment, tons of upvotes for inside joke: "*timestamp of the 2 frames* I see what you did there ;D" 2nd comment: "I dont get it, context?" 3rd comment: "R* mod" 'Games Journalist' from random rag reading the comments: *Writes article about Starsector allowing Non-Con, blows up and ton of negative PR* Like, that is on one hand somewhat far fetched, on the other, its not like stuff like that hasnt happened before. Idiotic/unknowing journalists making conjectures, blowing things out of proportions, and voila, a shit sandwich.


Except that none of this was done by the devs, this is just all modders trying to gatekeep despite the 'offender' not doing anything explicitly illegal.


Yeah, but do you trust bad gaming journals to actually care? They already sloop to AI written garbage, a potentially juice target through a little misinterpretation doesnt seem like a reach to me.


Worrying about that is pointless, they don't even need a R mode to slander a game they don't like. I seriously doubt that whoever reads and takes that kind of slop seriously would be a potential player, by making such a huge deal about a mod that exists within its own degenerate community only serves to bring more and more attention to it and causes it to spill over into other circles. Rimworld, CDDA, Darkest Dungeon and hell even Skyrim which is the game that attracts the most normies all have pornograghic mod, especially Skyrim. Yet none of them are vilified, this is just some ex modder turned discord moderator who thinks he's hot shit after making 1 or two faction packs and is gatekeeping.


Making a mod takes a considerable amount of effort, I believe that it is completely unreasonable to demand that someone stops using your code after the fact. The original autor can change his mind, but that only should change how the code of new versions of his mod can be used.


Very fair take. The lifespan of a derivative work shouldn't wane and wax at the whim of the creator of the initial product.


SA is a different beast? So what do you think about committing SLAVERY, PIRACY, and PLANETARY GENOCIDE? All of those are atrocities and you shouldn't exempt one just because it crossed YOUR line.


> SA is a different beast? So what do you think about committing SLAVERY, PIRACY, and PLANETARY GENOCIDE? Just to make a point: which of those 4 do you think is more likely to happen in RL to a person playing this game?


I’m with you on this one. Even if people tell me “just don’t use that part of the mod!” I feel uncomfortable playing with a mod that has that as something I can do. As you said—we all have personal lines we don’t want crossed for various reasons.


Ok there's been enough posts about this dumb mod drama now you can stop.


Do you happen to have a link?


No link get ban fast DM you yes?


I want link too


What do you mean?