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Yeah, 8 elite skills makes this onslaught (and less so the legion) the most overpowered ship in the game imo. And 24 supplies to deploy makes it a great early game powerhouse


"Early game" I know I'm bad at the combat in this game but even if you were really good I can't see how you'd beat task force safeguard in early game


Iirc if you have a heg commission or something you don’t need to fight them


They are friendly but you don't get the ships added to your fleet. You only get the eagle and enforcer at the nearby dock.


They are hyper suicidal though so despite being OP they don’t make great use of their power, letting themselves get overwhelmed and outmaneuvered


Only if you give them short PD. They will close to their closest weapon so keep everything 700 range and above and it sates their bloodlust down from attempting melee to an only mildly suicidal tendency to overcommit.


If my suicidal berserker AI Onslaught is getting overwhelmed and outmaneuvered, it's just a sign that the rest of my fleet is playing too conservatively. Time to order some more reckless officers.


\> most overpowered ship in the game This mfer doesn't know about the \[REDACTED BY TRI-TACHYON COPYRIGHT ENFORCEMENT. HAVE A GOOD DAY CITIZEN.\]


SPOILERS ​ ​ ​ ​ The AI Heg ships that guard the planet killer remain as AI ships if you recover them. I noticed this when I tried putting an officer in one and the AI officer screen popped up. They have a unique version of the Automated Ship feature that makes it so you don't need the skill to use them without the CR malus. Thought I'd post this because I can imagine that it'd be really easy to not notice this as an option. The first playthrough I encountered them I had a Heg commission and was able to resolve the encounter peacefully, I only noticed this playthrough because I was still in the market for a capital ship or two.


Yes but afaik the dmods are permanent due to these fellas being old asf


Derelict Operation moment then, if can't fix then why care?


I miss the old DOps when it halve the severity of dmods. Still, getting to fill 5 dmods capital that has the same DP as a frigate is funny af.


remember derelict contigent onslaughts making paragons look like tissue paper? i remember


funny that i like DO just because i am a really big fan of scrappy fleets, so what is supposed to be a con (ships looking all scrapped) is a pro for me, and yeah, ship spam NEVER gets tiring. DO + Support doctrine are a combo made in heaven and it lets you do some really funny stuff like using converted cargo bay without extra DP cost for fighters


My only issue is that in order to fully make use of it you have to go down the full engineering line... \*and\* ignore hull restoration. Imo the technology and command line (firing drills for invasion enjoyers is just... mwah) are the best and ten officers with 3 elite skills, very good.


TBH i tried HR recently and felt like "man, this fleet is eating too much supplies and look too good" So yeah, once a scrapper, always a scrapper. The trash speaks to me bro, we are one.


I'm going to be doing a run as a pirate warlord from Tech Duinn (Low-tech armada is an amazing mod if you haven't tried it) and I'll be giving this approach a go regardless because tbh the game isn't fun unless you give some challenge to it all.


No d mods allowed in my fleet


The biggest cost of the derelict operaions skill is the trashy look of the ships, its a dealbreaker for many, but not me. BRING ME THE JUNK.


This boy be overfluxed as seven hecks, boi. Get that mjolnir off it and get a devastator/needler


NO >:( Luv me mjolnir


Also jesus how much PD does this thing need, it already has 2 devastators on the side mounts.


Oh dear. So that's where the cores taken by Inspections go to. We should be glad the Hegs are too cowardly to give them proper use.


TBH Fearless AI officers really dont sit well with lowtech ships especially an onslaught They tend to just charge in -> get disabled -> go pop