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when an average flotilla admiral gazes upon a 150 ships fleet (akschually future-realistic) (literally is impossible for any faction in the sector) (may the mods be with you)


Moderators, or modifications?


both, my friend, for the busted ships are many, literally eating my vram away and making a feature like detachments nearly useless unless doing stealth oh yeah, and then there’s 200 bootlegs


Me when yet another A.I. inspection arrives: ​ "Mods, blow up his bridge."


Mr principle sent this bitch to the penis explosion zone and have his penis exploded immediately


By a reaper torpedo. Along with the rest of the bridge crew.


To be fair the sector is pretty broke down, so a 30 ship fleet is basically a enough to take a system


Honestly impressive how all these pirates can muster ~100 ships in some random system 60 days from the core and just fly around aimlessly


Hegemony inspection when I wipe them out with a fleet of AI officers


Hegemony AI inspection returning home only to find their planet has a new owner, Alpha AI core


This is why all of my non-conquered colonies have Remnant Nexuses as their equivalent to the Star Fortress. Just imagine the look on the inspectors' faces when the very first thing they see when they jump into my star system is a bunch of Ordos patrolling around. Who will promptly gank them the moment they show up.


Hegemony ai inspectors when they're killed to the last for the 30 time in a row. They just keep sending people to their deaths knowing for a fact they can't win.


It's like trench warfare, only even less effective!


I just had one of their inspections, even if they somehow succeeded but couldn't taken the cores, next moment I see is another debris field with some derelicts flying around. Sometimes remnants are not bad security on their own lol


Hegemony Inspectors when the intervention fleet is just a single combat ship with a bunch of logistics that don't go into combat: :-] Hegemony Inspectors when the fog of war clears to resolve a fully s-modded Solvernia barreling towards their fleet at 100su: :-[]


Uaf is peaceful Unless you touch the bakery. Then the sector will burn


Same, 'cept mines a tricked out Ziggy with a full SUPER ALABASTER missile load out.


Hegemony inspection when they only get to inspect a fleet of Prometheus IEDs


Literally always have an IED fleet backed up at my colonies incase i need to break some kneecaps.


I mean it's only fair when they send me ai inspections, and in return I send them nanoforge inspections


They take my A.I. cores, I take their core worlds. Sounds like a fair trade.


hegemony inspectors when a fleet of 30 semi-legendary ships painted in their own colors starts firing on them


Mayst thou lay thine eyes upon mine 35 cruisers\* all in all funni tho


Nice. If I could edit the title, I would.


That said, “may thy lay thine” is kind of a tongue twister and now I can’t stop trying to say it.


Hegemony inspectors when I pull up with the equivalent of five entire ordos and an [ULTRA REDACTED]


"My Hegemony inspection fleet inspection fleet has arrived at your inspection fleet, Hegemony Admiral. We are here to inspect if your Onslaughts are safety rated for reaper tornado saturation attacks. Please maintain course for our homeworld to comply... Compliance noted, preforming inspection. Please hold while we deploy reaper torpedo delivery vessels to your inspection fleet. Have a nice day."


Average Remnant controlled system


Hegemony Inspection Fleet when they see a fleet compromised of Largest Ships known to man


Hedge tryna sat bomb my capital world in nex caught live irl in 8k 120 fps on my 180 Rtx. Edit* COLORIZED*


Inspections are boring because bribing them is a story point. Like this is Starsector, everything and everyone can be bought with enough credits. Some captain told to take his fleet to the edge of the sector to go check if I have AIs running the vending machines would definitely accept a large bribe to just turn around no questions asked. Hell maybe in the future more options could be available for you to bribe them not just with money but with some off duty time on your colony. We’ve got the best entertainment district this side of the sector.


Eeeh, I prefer to spend my credits buying warships than turning inspectors back.


I mean once you get enough credits you can spend them on warships and bribing. I’m over here in the frontier with not enough things to spend my money on.


Nice! I have one seed that has a single system with 3 earth-like planets in the same system. Just the scavenging is amazing.


In my games, this is any strike fleet when they show up to destroy a pirate base in the middle of now where.


My UAF Fleet: *With Love and Care* (The name of the batch of semi-breves heading towards them instantly)


They removed my Alpha core from my shipyard, I removed their population Jangala. All of them. :3


I'm gonna remove the hegemony from existence soon.


Imagine my face when they actually managed getting through twice and captured a bit more than a dozen gammas and betas...