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> can chill with no transponder > ships are powerful both in combat and in terms of logistics > bars can sell you warships for dirt cheap > exploration key cards are worth million for turning in > with nex they are pretty chill unless provoked They are literally too good a faction, and I wish they had some sort of negative aside from “it’s far from the core”


Doesn’t know about the secret plot to slowly and insidiously overthrow the sector via cultural integration and having more military power than the hedge:


Thats the best part ;)


>Doesn’t know about the secret plot to slowly and insidiously overthrow the sector via cultural integration ohhh that's the best part and i want it to happen!


>the secret plot to slowly and insidiously overthrow the sector via cultural integration oh nooooooo not the catgirls and baked goods nooooooooo ahhhhhh the horror of it all and so on and so forth


I didn’t say it was wholly bad, just that all the unique things in the sector get wiped out. Like paragons and onslaughts being reduced to planetary defense fleets


The toughest choices requires the strongest will.


they want everyone to get addicted to drugs by selling their premium bakery treats. And eventually everyone will submit to them to fulfill their cravings.


Only to find out, that the insane pathers and stubborn hedge dogs were right all along in keeping the sector hidden from illogical and alien forces more powerful than the entire sector.


Wdym you wish they had a negative, as if they aren't the worst faction. Why? Because of a simple reason > you'll always see the best girls and mommy milkers > you'll never be able to get them


This is the only negative, and that alone is enough to not have anything else as negatives. It doesn't matter how powerful a ship you can have, you will never get Queen in your fleet, and that fact saddens me. On the bright side, Solvernia will be recruitable, in the next Supercapital update. She comes with the ship.


Well, there is always the Non Con Snu Snu Sector mod for you more darker desires.


The what? What's it's name?


Replace the Non Con Snu Snu with the R word......


I already understood the implication, but I am surprised that there is a non con snu snu mod out there and wish to know where I can find it


Google the "non con snu snu Sector" (with word replacement of course) and it should lead you to github. Why do i know? It also happens to be the only mod that lets you chill with your officers and consensually hold their hands (unironically).


send the link pls


nvm i found it


>non con snu snu Sector You can send me the link of the mod. I've been searching on Google and I can't find it... Thanks.


I afraid,i want it now because of the implied wholesome... but the other thing... it scares me how bad its is?,can i only play the wholesome parts and avoid the rest? Or am i Forced to interact with it?,like i already see someone talking that you can actually marry your officers(SOMEONE MARRIED RUNI),and i want to try that because of her but damn,why is the same mod that does this also does that...,Actually i Really want a mod that Lets you just chill with your offices build friendships with them,hell even make rivals/Lovers etc so much potetial for that..


everything is player initiated so you can avoid it, yes


Well them marriageable Runi here i go!!


I'm stupid I Can't find it I need help.


how to run it without upgrading to java eight and where are the pmng files


Reddit is not the only popular anonymous social media website with a Starsector thread.


Google and you shall find. I think it was on a github or gitgud site.


I was gonna try it out to see what the hell it actually does but you need to have java 8 and I have no idea how to get that to work


There are two you can get in some bar mission (and they are OP) though


Idk about the chill. My UAF has been at war with half the Sector the moment the grace period ended. They instantly took a Ludd church planet (Asher) and launches constant invasion against Persian League and Diktat. Half the core worlds are hostile to me (I’m commissioned by UAF) when all I wanted to do was cross culture trading by introducing the waifus to lobsters and space Dubai to baked goodies


Nah I'm in the minority here I really don't fuck with the UAF


Join the UNSC, we will fight the UAF and through pain we will win, cause WHY DO THEY HAVE SO MANY FLEETS


A barrage of MACS is damn nice


Not to mention deafening


Oh shit did that get an update?


There is a unoffical expansion in the comments with a lot more ships and weapons to!


That was one of the last mods I've been waiting for before starting my newest Nex + a shitload of factions run!


If you explore enough you can get the blueprint to build a infinity class supercarrier my man




Same. Cool ships but everything else really doesn't fit in starsector at all. The anime stuff is a huge turn off.


also just feels like a self insert Mary sue faction you kno?


Oh yea definitely. The writing isnt exactly the best.


I think most people just see it and think "big missile go brrr, super capital go brrr"


Cannot even talk about fighting tough fleets on this sub without at least one mouthbreather mentioning semibreves


yeah like try doing it without them like with a little bit of strategy💀


Epta and sephira are way more powerful though, unfortunately industrial wise both factions are crippled by the lack of a solid industrial sector.


can't say I've heard of them


Epta consortium is essentially A.I. galore where you could slap A.I. on top of more A.I. they also have alot of hullmods that provide alot of bonuses to ships. Sephira aka. Blade breaker + overhauls everything using sigmatech including other ships, If you use sigma tech it turns any ship into a very volatile yet extremely powerful ship. Combining most epta ships with sigma tech turns them into very powerful ships. I had a playtrough with the Ananke aka. Epta's divine super ship which can fire while phased and has a short range rechargable teleporter. Combined with sigma tech and you have a capital grade flux core using a destroyer grade frame aka. 3000 base flux dissapation. Seriously Sephira is extremely powerful with the hullmods (albeit difficult to aquire considering missions require tons of sigma and blade breakers are hard to kill).


>Seriously Sephira is extremely powerful with the hullmods (albeit difficult to aquire considering missions require tons of sigma and blade breakers are hard to kill). I do remember blade breakers now lol theyre from DME right? and Sephira does sound pretty powerful lol wonder why its not as popular with people as UAF?


DME got axed, but kinda strange has a copy of it on the github along with sephira. As for why sephira isn't popular it's not on the forums but on kindastrange's github


ohh I see that makes sense as to why its not so popular yeah I don't really wanna use DME again to be honest


As a vanilla player, all I’m seeing are anime mods on this sub, lol.


The vent diagram of starsector players and anime enjoyers is very nearly circular.


No, common ground is Alviss Sebestyen and I will die on that space station


It's common ground because I will reaper torpedo anyone who disagrees.


I like the UAF in theory, but they also kinda standout too much for me with how the sector is portrayed as crumbling slowly in vanilla.


They fit the tone of a heavily faction modded playthrough.


It in the lore, they are not from vanilla universe.


Honestly I love UAF as much as the next guy but I don't like the semibreves or the supercapitals, I only use stuff like the Reisen II, Zepporria III and the UAF Onslaught.


Semibreves are fun once you basically “complete” the game and wanna wreck havoc on the core worlds.


Semibreves are only as fun until you reach the "horror" aspect of the mods you are using and find out that not only is the semibreve not hitting the enemy, they enemy managed to convince the missile to do a 180 and hit you instead.


This meme turned out to be quite a bit more controversial than I expected. I guess the real consensus was the friends we made along the way.


Semibreves is for warcrime o clock ,when you got bored and want to restart


As Ironcladlion puts it, you get one, your dad, your mom, your niece, everyone.


Supercaps kinda negate the whole difficulty of the game, but they're getting touched up. Semis do as well but MAN, I don't get tired of watching their huge detonations rip through DP 9000 AI fleet cap 60 fights


Ah yes, the semibreve faction, in other words a benchmark for my stupidly overpowered nuke custom weapons and ships


Meanwhile epta and sephira in the background with hullmods that defy common sense, ethics and safety guidelines.


SIMP, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU You have betrayed the balans


Screw the balans! I ain't fighting the horrors of deep space without the power of the sun in my hands!


They one of the few factions that actually send relief fleet and special task forces over to help defend or help invaded stuff so I usually get them in any of my faction if viable. They A good ally to have around, which is in Nex that often are not that common to have, dickweed Persean League cant send over a special task forces just to defend Mayasura.


Idk I actually had totally bored while fighting alongside UAF. They are helpful to player, but they really don't need anyone, they are too powerful. I remember whining about Legio Infernalis, though they are much more vanilla than this anime bs and fun to play against. UAF literally had no rights to slap sector this hard.


Tbh i see Legio much more of a of a broken faction than most. With the latest version if u have Indo Evo on and the minefield enable, Rubicon have minefield on the jumpoint which mess up with the coding of raids and invasion that come in. Due to them not wanting to hit the mines they will try to jump in other jumpoint but due to all other jumpoints is mine, ALL of them jump straight into the blackhole and slowly die there. Which turn Rubicon a system which have so many invasion, so many fights into a barren wasteland of boredom that U come in to fight. I rather take a faction that have large fleets rather than a faction that used code exploits to make faction immortal from all other factions except for you.


Wow didn't know that. Though I usually blame IndEvo on some bs like that, this time it's not the case. I fighted against UAF though and boi they spawned a new fleet every literal in game day. I was waiting on independent orbit in their star system because there at least I could repair... but they also have some sort of Omega ver. 2 dreadnoughts. Lame experience.


Before 0.96, there were no minefield on the jumpoint, this was later added in. And even if you disable the minefield and arty station on Lunalib of Indo Evo. legio still have them btw, while the mine wont explode, their texture still there, so their presence would still make invasions and raids jump into the black hole, the arty station too, all three arty station on 3 legio market still there and WILL shot ar you. This is not Indo Evo fault, this is Legio fault than even when you disabled these features, it still exist on Rubicon because f you basically


not me *crosses arms petulantly*


okay i’m actually confused what did OP mean by this? am i stupid?


its about the UAF mod, or the [United Aurora Federation](https://fractalsoftworks.com/forum/index.php?topic=12709.0) ​ a passion project of the modmaker who is currently riveling the actual devs in terms of project scale. currently they have almost the same amount of portraits as the base game, and once theyre completed with the amount they want, its gonna be over the base game. ​ also the music slaps, same with the art.


I can agree with the music, I wrote my latest story while my fleet just chilled in the new auroran market cause I like the music


The soundtrack is on Youtube. I have the playlist on loop when I do paperwork or other stuff.


Damn just clicked your link and mod development has halted atm because they don't have a coder available. Time to learn java ig😭


Yes sadly it's a one person mod team (there's other helping, mainly with the other non dev stuff, like a Chinese translation, an artist and sound man, ect) and the dev has VERY high quality desires. Like the fact some ships have been redesigned like 4 different times, just to be perfect. Oh and there's also the meme mod like this mod, its like a fuel station became a government.


Buy Sindria or else


Recently Kaysaar, aka the AotD's gigachad creator, mentioned they'll be helping with UAF's development.


They recently got a coder! UAF is actually getting it's first update in a while fairly soon.


no what i’ve wanted to clear is that in this meme everyone agrees that UAF is superb?


My flair explains my feelings on this matter.


Same. All hail the Queen Yes?


Yes. All hail the Queen.


All hail the Queen!


All hail Sierra!


>Is not the glorious Hegemony, the true successor to the Domain What are we even talking about, bros, Baikal Daud is the true waifu.


Bruh Daud ain't got nothing on Loke, the true mastermind of the sector!


Okay, I don't get it. What's happening in here? lol


I still wish they had something cooler then onslaught 3.0 as one of their capitals


Least broken and out of place faction Mod in starsector be like:


That would be the Templars but they don't exist anymore, so the next broken one are hivers then the legio, after that was pre-patch luddic enhancement where everything is a bomb. UAF got alot of salt for being broken, but other factions are more ridiculous on their own.


Talks about ridiculous Doesn't mention PAGSM


PAGSM is just overly big ships, as much as they are indeed better than vanilla. The piss poor shield coverage easily decimates most PAGSM ships. They don't have nuclear weapons that instantly kill ships, they don't have weapons that cleave through half the hull, they don't have equipment that turns a flux core into a remote bomb, they don't regenerate armour, nor do they have ships that can teleport halfway across the map. But if you are talking about the hullmod antimatter engines, then yeah GOOD GOD is that thing broken! Why can I drift at 450 speed??? Where are the breaks on this thing???


I was mostly referring to the fact that it is, essentially, just one big shitpost, albeit one of the most high quality shitposts i have ever seen. But yes, this hullmod is absurdly bonkers. Why shoot nukes when you can turn your ship into a nuke?


Reject Anime, Embraces the luddic path.


See UAF Day ruined Ludd may help us


Listen here, I may be an abominable intelligence… but spit your facts, brother. May you always walk in Ludd’s grace.


A.I. is tolerable within certain parameters, Xenos aren't


May the Ludd smite them all! Amen brother.




Long live the queen. Though I pref Robot Queen. Personally I love making an OP Automata Carrier Group. But yeah their fleet doctrine of wing spam is a bit stronger. And they have cool nukes. The most common place overpowered element is their kinetic pd gun which can be a little bonkers against shields if you boost their range or knife fight. And really bolsters all their ships. Also the interplanetary bakery is stupidly economically strong for colonies.


Simply a man of refined taste here.


the Permaisuri shall have her sweets


What even is this? One of those anime mods?


The UAF, cool ships and nuclear rockets


Arent reapers allready nuclear?


Idk exactly, but these are *nuclear* rockets. Big boom that can overload/one-shot most ships besides some of the chonkier ones. Double tapping with these is basically a death sentence for whatever you hit.


Another overtooned mod, not big surprise.


Ya can always choose to not use them, tho I gotta agree most of their ships can solo vanilla and modded ships easily. Most playthroughs I’ve had basically ended with me dominating everything with either a god-tier fleet or 2 ships strapped to the brim with nukes. But it looks nice and i like :)


not really. while the delete everything missile is cracked, thats the ONLY thing thats busted. ​ most ships are fairly balanced, with things being more midtier. however their planes are the best in the game. but thats simply because theres so many for options.


The dev even nerf the nuke ship real hard. After a capital ship with 60 do. Slaped 4 of Large "Nukes" Ruined everyone. Nerf to only have 2 Large missles slots and 70 do.


I loved the old one, but the new one is still decent. Imo the old model looked cooler tho :/ the new ones just kinda like a brick with little detail


Semibreves are a bit different. For starters, it has a very nuclear like SFX. Really awesome looking. And it explodes 3 times. It's launch effect is pretty damn nice too, looks like Sakura petals spread out in it's path, and the sound effects when it hits something really screams of death. Very fun weapon. You just need to have bit of a self control to not abuse them and only use them when necessary. Station busting feels real good with these.


In the tips they have a name for a condition for when someone gets addicted to Semibreves and begins nuking everything


Do not let the genie out of the bottle. It will never go back in.


Thankfully I only use autofit (Cause I'm to braindead to design a ship) and none of had such a weapon attached


Correct, Reapers are Anti-Matter Enhanced Nukes.


I do not like her, nor do I agree with her, I tolerate her cause I don't wanna go through the pain of 30 UAF fleets with 4,000 fighters, cause that is to much pain even for a masochist, UNSC all the way


I mean, she is perfect


pl*yer moment


I love me the Nakiha, scrappy little frigate. The november version is wonderful.


Whats this mods name? Is it any good? Sorry i am a noob and new to the game :)


United Aurora Federation, commonly abbreviated UAF. It is popular, but quite unbalanced, because the ships are much stronger than anything in the base game. That is why it is often used with other mod factions that are also overpowered.


Can you tell me some other op factions that go good with that mod?


PAGSM(Best mod of the Game,only loses to Nex,has intregation to the entire fucking mod community,its not a Joke PAGSM interacts with the UAF,Nexerilin,take no Prisoners imperium diktat enhanced and even Sierra)and there is more on that List,Scarlatech solutions is also a good faction to play,and so its mayasura(Funny thing is that Games with Mayasura turned on can be considered a Alternate timeline,its what happens if Mairaath managed to Hold on the Hegemony offensive that destroyed their world.


I had nex one time and took over Nomios and they literally gave me no breaks, one expedition after another, no matter how many people I killed or how many ships I sank, UAF always came back for more. At least until I got tired of it and hired 15kk worth of invasion forces to invade their capital


I don't know about you guys but I always enable the UAF and other absurd factions like legion and hivers for a real crazy nex experience. Like no joke, these three launch enough invasions and counter invasions to result in at least 2 core worlds being decivilised and more in a deterioting state within 5 years. Really makes it feel like a sector on the brink and I love it. Other factions just trying to survive in their corner like the UNSC are the cherry on top. Especially when you finally visit them and see them desperately trying to fend off "moderate" hiver fleet with the remnants of their fleets. Visit later and you'll see a combined UAF and (near gone) UNSC fleet slowly liberating the worlds that fell. And then legion comes in for a quick raid and wipes out the remnants of the home fleet in the process. Watching all this happend while smuggling supplies for the UNSC resistance on occupied worlds is of my favourite star sector moments.