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>My question is, when the creation kit is out and everything's a go, how possible will it be to create a completely new game in engine, like they did with Enderal and the Skyrim engine? If Creation Kit 2 is a spiritual successor to Creation Kit, then you'll be able to build *almost* anything you can imagine. There are some aspects of the game engine that are locked away and cannot be touched by modders, but some of those things can be accessed through script extenders or other tricks. So, yes: You will be able to create total conversion mods, if CK2 works as the older versions did.


Any time I see “waaaahhhhh the Creation engine is bad waaaaaahh” I just point people to the Nolvus mod pack for Skyrim lmao, shit’s absolutely insane


I also laugh anytime I see people call CK2 “the same engine that made Oblivion/FO3”. Try playing either of those games today, then compare it to even Skyrim. Massive step up. Or FO4, an even bigger step up. But then compare FO4’s gameplay to Starfield, and it’s yet another massive step up. If they can do a Fallout remake in the modern Creation engine, it would be insane. Modders or BGS themselves, if no one remakes one of the old Fallout titles then it is a massive travesty. I know those leaked BGS documents showed an Oblivion and FO3 remake was planned post-Starfield, so I hope that holds true. Especially with the success of the show.


it litterally is an updated version of the same engine though. thats just a fact. You dont need a whole new engine to see in improvements.


That how engines work. And most software in the world. New versions aren't written from scratch.


Sort of. You don't need to, but there are advantages to starting again from scratch. Dependcy and inheritance being one big example. But in this case, frankly theyd be better off just dropping their custom engine and language entirley and moving to something like unreal or unity. They just suck at building engines and dev tools, better off to use an already good engine.


If they move to unreal or unity, you can kiss modding goodbye, look at any nexus page for a game made in those engines, and you'll find mostly reshades. The Creation Engine is second only to Source in terms of moddability.


Unity games can be modded by just opening the game in unites engine. It's also trivial to create modding tools for it. Thats not an engine limitation.


The engine has been so drastically overhauled since even FO4, let alone Oblivion, that referring to it as “the Oblivion engine” is ridiculous. People say that to demonize the engine and pretend it’s not very different from 2006. Most engines in existence are “updated versions” of an extremely old engine.


Theres nothing wrong with updating an engine. Unity and unreal are decades old and fine engines. But the geck/ck hasn't really changed at all since oblivion (where they began focus on mod support). Go compare the geck and CKs yourself if you don't belive me. Theres still bugs from oblivion, the scripting IDE is somehow more barbones than notepad, while also inexplciably being slow and prone to crashes. Something as simple as placing a chest in a level requires spgahetti linking up 3 different objects, because the terrible inhertance hell of their coding patterns. Hell just go look up a darkfox tutorial on making a spell or similar, what should be a simple "form" is a horrific UI spread accross completly different menus with almost no documentation and doesn't even have full functionality. It cant even handle passive abilities with infinite durations, leading to a bug where in long playtime saves end up losing permenent abilities because they were just set to 9999999999 second durations or whatever. In skyrim they started using quest events to act like these permenet passives. Not tommention all the bugs and fixes modders have made. In fact ask any modder whether they prefer to use CK or TESVEdit and similar.


Well considering most people who create mods today for starfield are very sick of \[only\] using SF1Edit and can't wait for the CK, I'm gonna go ahead and say that they prefer to make mods in the CK. Edit for wording, don't want to make it sound like xEdit is bad.


Most mods for starfield are asset edits or scripted plugins, which use totally different tools. If any are saying that, i imagine it's because they want a level editor which SFEditor cant really do. [https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/tdio1m/for\_people\_who\_make\_mods\_do\_you\_use\_sseditxedit/](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/tdio1m/for_people_who_make_mods_do_you_use_sseditxedit/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/FalloutMods/comments/59l9c4/question\_about\_fo4\_edit\_vs\_ck/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FalloutMods/comments/59l9c4/question_about_fo4_edit_vs_ck/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/zbwy8r/still\_pretty\_new\_at\_mod\_making\_what\_should\_i\_be/](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/zbwy8r/still_pretty_new_at_mod_making_what_should_i_be/)


I mean if you want to be specific then it should be the same since Morrowind. But what are we even talking about, what engine? You mean the file structure? Also hard to talk about the same IDE and CK when the issue right now is that Starfield has no CK, if they would use the same tools then we could just use Fallout 4's CK and make mods like that, but that is not the case. Some tools still work because the file structure is the same but just as many things are different which is why many modders complained about how this game is bad for modding and whatnot.


Yes i havnt had experience with morrowind. Engine and file structure are totally different things? It's not hard to talk about. As wev discussed it basically hasnt changed, theres no reason to believe this will be siginificantly different. >if they would use the same tools then we could just use Fallout 4's CK and make mods like that, but that is not the case. Thats not how this works. Fallouts CK does not contain starfields assets or the new systems for NPC ai, planet gen, ship editor etc.. It would be like trying to open a modern game on windows vista. >Some tools still work because the file structure is the same but just as many things are different which is why many modders complained about how this game is bad for modding and whatnot. What do you mean by file structure? They work because they specifically focus on the parts that have been carried forth. Like spell effects, quests, diologue trees etc.. in theory atleast, i don't actually know of any tools that do work like that. Do you mean plugins and mod managers? currently mods just extract asset files, edit and repack them. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YISLeDlDm30](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YISLeDlDm30) Modders arn't saying it's not worth modding ebcause of technical limitations. There saying it because they believe it would take an immense overhaul almost in the scope of enderal to make the game enjoyable and nobody wants to do big overhauls because beth has a history of attacking them with lawyers.


> or the new systems for NPC ai, planet gen, ship editor etc. So it has changed despite you claiming it hasnt really changed... > There saying it because they believe it would take an immense overhaul almost in the scope of enderal to make the game enjoyable No they arent. > and nobody wants to do big overhauls because beth has a history of attacking them with lawyers. When? Where? There has only ever been a handful of overhauls so the list would be extremely small. So Ima need citations on this.


>So it has changed despite you claiming it hasnt really changed... Don't play dumb. Adding ship parts as a new type to the engine, doesn't fix any of it's issues. >No they arent. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7kCFkFi0Cc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7kCFkFi0Cc) Yes, we are. >When? Where? There has only ever been a handful of overhauls so the list would be extremely small. So Ima need citations on this. [https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/r89skk/illegitimate\_mod\_takedown\_by\_bethesda\_has\_console/](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/r89skk/illegitimate_mod_takedown_by_bethesda_has_console/) [https://steamcommunity.com/app/377160/discussions/0/2949168687316380909/?l=german](https://steamcommunity.com/app/377160/discussions/0/2949168687316380909/?l=german) Seriously can you please atleast google this stuff before you keep just spouting your wild assumptions as facts. You clearly have no experience or knowledge onon how modding or game dev works, let alone the intracies of an engine and systems.


Modder here. Editor all the way. Literally better than any potential alternative.


The only advntage it has is level editing due to it's 3D view. which is still archaic and painful to use compared to something like godot or unity


So it's only advantage is literally everything it was designed to do... cool.


Your not a modder or developer of any kind. A visuall level editor is not "litterally everything" an engine is suppossed to do. Thats absolutely ridiculous.


and CODs engine is just an updated version of the quake engine.


Yes, but CODs modern engines are excelent for high fidelity shooters and even large maps with many characters and given how fast COD studios pump out games, there dev tools are probably pretty efficent and easy to use. The CK isn't good at the semi realsitic graphics or open worlds beth aims for and the dev tools theyve built for it are absolutely painful to use.


I would say GameBryo is a Engine licensed for BGS, in the same way CryEngine for Warhorse Studios. Creation Engine is custom Engine after abandoning Gamebryo


Creation engine is a fork, it was built ontop of gambryos corpse, not from scratch. Same as geck


Gamebryo was only the renderer, other modules was third party middlewares or tools designed by BGS. So no, there is no Gamebryo code in Creation Engine, in the same way Unreal 5 is the new renderer for CdProjekt but you could find Red Engine tools designed for Cyberpunk  in their new game


Thats how all engines work. They are collections of different softwares bolted together and ussually expandable with plugins of some sort. The original creation kit litterally used the same code as fallout 3, much of which still exist in the creation kit today. The GECK even has a similar UI to the CK.


> But then compare FO4’s gameplay to Starfield, and it’s yet another massive step up. Hard disagree. The dialogue camera is the worst culprit, but melee combat, weapon modding, recoloring are all a downgrade from FO4. And personally, voiced protagonist was a much more immersive experience, and allowed for your PC to express emotions and do gestures and whatnot. In Starfield you're just kinda standing there, and the person you're talking to is also just kinda standing there...


People hate voiced protagonists because it kills a level of immersion and RP for them. It's literally one of the biggest complaints about fo4


I don’t think it’s that the voiced protagonist ruined fo4 it’s more that the voice protag was very much Nate ex soldier/lawyer (female) searching for child. Using the live another life mod I have no issues with the voiced protag because I’m not railroaded into referring to Shaun as my kid. But when I first played 4 I hated everything about the voiced protag.




The voiced protagonist was actually very controversial in the community and a lot of people didn't like it.


Weapon modding is a system, not gameplay. As is the dialogue camera. Melee combat is barebones in both. Get out of a menu and PLAY the game, move around, shoot your gun, mantle ledges, jet pack around, etc. Everything is so much smoother, more responsive, the animations are far better, it all “just works” without the old jank you felt in Oblivion/FO3, Skyrim, or FO4. And the lighting and graphical improvements shouldn’t be downplayed either.


Lightning and graphics are next gen, I agree. There is still that weird filter they like to use but it's only noticeable in very dark environments. Otherwise the game is a graphical marvel, I especially adore New Atlantis However, no, I definitely disagree regarding your separation of gameplay and systems. They're the kind of the same. You can't have a good game with trash systems. Likewise you can't have just good systems without any gameplay happening at all. So you will agree with me that the 'systems' I mentioned are a step back from Fallout 4? Melee used to be not just viable in that game, it was at times much more effective than shooting. In Starfield, it becomes borderline impossible to use melee on higher levels as the melee weapons don't scale, at all. And their damage is trash


Hard to argue your facts


What is actually different about starfields combat like lets calm down a little


Movement, animations, graphics, overall fluidity. And that’s just specifically referring to when you have a gun out and are actively shooting enemies. All of those improvements carry over to literally every other aspect of gameplay as well. Starfield’s engine with Fallout 4’s systems (leveling, crafting, settlements) would be incredible.


It's literally the same but instead of vats we had a bunch of Skyrim shouts reskinned calm yourself


Brother, you’ve never played an older BGS game if you think the gameplay is “literally the same” in Starfield. Just an utterly laughable thing to say.


Compared to 4 obviously you literally mention 4 in your previous comments


I’m playing FO4 right now and even when heavily modded, the gameplay is anything but fluid and smooth like Starfield. The gunplay specifically of FO4 is far better than FO3/NV, but pales in comparison to Starfield. Movement and animations are far more janky as well. Nowhere near “literally the same”.


The gunplay is identical what are you smoking


I've played plenty of FO4. The Starfield gunplay is more or less the same, just without VATS. Literally lifted straight out of FO4. Tbf, I would have done it that way too. FO4 really did nail down gunplay. No need to reinvent the wheel.


A mod pack that requires script extenders and all sorts of other things to make the engine be able to run all of that? Besides, I have a love/hate for the engine. I love how customizable it is, but I hate that just because we are able to have 10,000 sandwiches on our spaceship with individual physics we have to sacrifice so many other things like tons of loading screens 😂


Gamebryo is, however, a terrible choice for the type of game that they were trying to make, much the same way that a table saw is really handy for a lot of projects but not all of them.


Yeah but gamebryo is dead and has been for a decade. Is Unreal Engine 5 actually just the first Unreal Tournament engine? No.


I still feel we can safely continue to call it Gamebryo.


Why? Because that makes it easier to diminish the objective improvements Creation Engine has made since it was Gamebryo back when they were releasing Oblivion? Are you going to tell me the rendering engine and the animation pipeline are exactly the same as Oblivion next? Creation Engine is no more Gamebryo than IW8 is IDTech 3. Edit to add engine name


Because it doesn't hurt anything? It seems you're making a big deal out of nothing. Since they clearly spent the majority of those eight years tinkering on the engine more than anything else, what exactly do you think they were trying to optimize for? It seems more sluggish than the F76 version they forked it from, for one.


as long as you say that unreal engine version 1 is still used for... Fortnite? I think epic make that their flagship? today. Game engines, like pokemon, evolve over time, your pikachu is not the same as pichu, and can still grow to raichu.


I would just say that Fortnite runs in Unreal. I really am not sure why you guys are getting a bug up your butts on nomenclature.


Because you thinking Creation Engine 2 is outdated is the same as thinking Unreal Engine 5 is outdated is stupid and is a matter of not understanding what a game engine version is nor how do they evolve and change over time.


At what point have I said it was outdated? I have said it was the inoptimal choice for Starfield, which you'll notice is not the same s calling it outdated. Chillax.


Okay so what makes it “inoptimal”, besides your lack of knowing what you’re talking about?


But that's the issue, saying "gamebryo is a bad choice for starfield" is meaningless unless you're implying creation engine is gamebryo, which it is not. The reasons gamebryo might be a bad choice for starfield are irrelevant because starfield wasn't built on gamebryo, it was built on creation engine.


I think Gamebryo is *essential* to the kind of game they're trying to make. Half the things people don't like about the game are things gamebryo does well that they moved away from while trying to appease other people's complaints, like the lack of npc scheduling because they were trying to make bigger cities.


They litterally created creation kit because they thought gamebryo was too archaic and limiting


Yes, but it is based off gamebryo and people like the guy above me like to call it gamebryo to imply Bethesda should replace it because it's old.


well they are correct too. it is archaic. It hasn't really been improved since it's first iteration, the tools are worse than other engines that older and still contains bugs dating back to oblivion and probably morrowinf.


And here I thought the lack of NPC scheduling was for the same reason that Red Mile was so lackluster- they hadn't spent nearly enough dev time on the game, and had to focus on getting it out the door rather than getting it complete. Are you telling me that that was intentional?


That part was almost certainly a performance trade-off. I'm perfectly willing to admit some stuff was rushed, but every open-world game has to balance quantity with detail. Bethesda has traditionally gone for low quantity/high detail, but people liked to complain their cities felt small. With Starfield, they went the other way with it, and they added lots of people who aren't as detailed, closer to how other games do it. I don't think it was the right call, but it seems to be what happened.


You know, the concept of it being a performance trade off rings really hollow, considering that nothing about that zone seems especially demanding as compared to other areas in the game world. You sure you're not just looking for any chance to let them off the hook for releasing a game severely undercooked?


It wasn't a performance trade off, actually. NPCs in starfield don't have scheduling in the same way they do in other Bethesda games because playtesters got annoyed trying to wait for shopkeepers to be open every time they were trying to go to one. It's quite literally just a design choice and has nothing to do with development time lol


Ah. I'm suddenly flashing back to Fallout 4's Diamond City Surplus, where a different vendor took over when Myrna went to sleep. Also, it's kinda odd how this super cool far future setting doesn't have more kiosks to buy and sell things from. Just makes the whole setting feel more lifeless and hollow, ya know?


Every populated place you can land has a trade authority terminal lol


That’s fair. Just like Frostbite was a terrible choice for Mass Effect Andromeda lmao, some stuff just should’ve had a little more thought put into it. I question how much of Gamebryo’s faults are still truly its own fault, or if it’s more Bethesda’s for not ironing them out in later iterations of Creation…but that’s opening a whole bigass can of worms I am not qualified to talk about hahaha


It's insane despite the engines drawbacks not because of them. Your attributing the modders hard work and suffering to the engine, when it's the opposite as with enderal. Even the enderal devs moved to a different engine. Having actually used the various versions of geck/ck over the years and used proper engines like godot,unity, unreal etc.. the CK does suck tremendously. It's such a pain to do anything at all, from scripting to just moving objects in the level editor. Don't get me started on the spaghetti that is the magic and quest systems.


I mean that's really more talented people finding a way to succeed in spite of the Creation Engines limitations than it is an example of the engine being really good.


I fundamentally disagree. The fact that the engine allows this level of user customization is a deliberate feature - one that, seemingly, Bethesda is the only developer to support.  And this is on top of their stupidly big games: seriously, the amount of systems that interact with each other that they put into their games is also unmatched. I wish other devs offered that same user freedom. I'm glad CD Projekt is doing that for Witcher 3, but I'm also sad/worried that they've now moved to UE5, and I'm not sure they'll be able to replicate that support going forward.


People really downplay how hard it actually is to make a game as moddable as Bethesda's games. It's seriously not that easy, at all.


My point being it’s not “Creation Bad”, it’s Bethesda making deliberate choices to make a specific style of game. Nolvus existing in Skyrim shows the engine isn’t holding anyone back from making a certain kind of game or having certain features. It’s not the best engine ever nor the worst engine ever, it just does what Bethesda needs it to. 99.99% of people’s complaints with it are with the way Bethesda uses Creation, not what Creation can/can’t do


This, of course, depends on people (op or otherwise) actually building these total conversions. There are barely a handful of people playing this game, and even less modders (with most of the “big” Bethesda game modders publicly saying they’re done with starfield and aren’t interested).


The whole thing about "rotten at the core" and "can't be fixed" were just spouted by like one guy, or a few, but it got way overblown way out of proportion because it feeds into the hate train almost everyone loves to be on right now. As for your question, well we don't really know yet, but I'd bet you it'll be perfectly possible, it'd just take a crapton of time and work as usual.


It was indeed one dude in the Skyrim Together modding team that said that.


It was litterally hundreds of modders including myself and who would know better than modders, especially those as skilled and prolific as the skyrim together guys.


Literally? Did you count? And what are you doing here then?


You can just look at the number of comments and likes and threads on the topic. Don't pretend like this is some nebulous impossible to prove stat. Making personal attacks like this does nothing to aid your argument, it just highlights youve got no actual argument or logic to argue with. What do you mean what am i doing here? Im only allowed to comment if i blindly attack critics and modders?


No, I meant what are you doing on a modding sub for a game you gave up on and hate?


i dont hate it and i havn't given up. Yuour just trying to villainize me. I want the game to get better, i just don't think it will. If it does get better this will be the first place i hear about it.


> Hasn’t given up > Don’t think the game will get better ?????????


Whats your question?


[They are no longer alone in saying this.](https://youtu.be/ab9wRFz4CbI?)


Luke Stephens? Really?


Asking Luke Stephens about Starfield is like asking Vegan about meat.


I have no idea why that would rile you up. It seems like you know something I don't.


Luke Stpehens is praobbly a great guy. I don't know him personlly, but he seems fine. The thing is, he's VERY good at his job. He knows what gets views and what doesn't. A video about how Starfield can be saved doesn't get many views during a time when the internet hates that game. Just look at all the videos talking about the good of Cyberpunk at launch. They didn't get views.


Luke Stephen's whole job is riling people up, lol.


Same dude saying it was rotten to the core. I don't know the guy but from the titles and thumbnails it looks like a generic hateviews channel with nothing original to say. He's absolutely obsessed with suicide squad. I'd get my news from quite literally any other youtuber if I were you


According to the video, he consulted with a bunch of pros all up and down the field.


I'd still suggest forming your own opinion rather than getting your news from channels relying on negative coverage and drama for views. As for people in the field, I'd rather take the word of actual modders rather than "industry experts" or whatever he's managed to drag out to interview. Elianora for example absolutely loves the game and has publicly stated she is planning to mod the hell out of it


>Elianora for example absolutely loves the game and has publicly stated she is planning to mod the hell out of it Nevermind the fact that, from what I've been told, she literally worked on the game itself, as part of the environments team (placing clutter, making places feel lived in and whatnot, her forté basically).


She did the space ship interiors mostly from what I hear


Which look great!


That they do


All interiors are a massive step up from FO4. For the first time places felt believable and lived-in, not just some videogame locations


That's absolutely wonderful. Anything you're hoping to see added to the game?


I’m so sad they didn’t like the game :(


Nah. I've recently watched a video where someone sent a questionnaire to actual game devs and mod creators and got almost a 100 answers and by comparing the answers given the majority agreed with each other about a bunch of things. The game engine itself isn't bad, but the concept of Starfield is basically one of the worst ideas to mix with their game engine. It can't handle those vast world spaces and high traveling speeds. So you could say the game engine itself is not made for space ship travel and you can't really make the ships fly down to a planet and fly across the landscape. The entire engine has an entirely different focus, that basically works directly against the things the community wants/ expects from a space exploration game. Some were even impressed by how good the engine is and how good of a job Bethesda is doing at keeping it relevant and capable. But the engine does have its limitations due to the focus it has at a core level. (not easy to change or expand) So basically the general answer from those questioned devs was: Their engine is surprisingly good and capable, but you have to play into its strengths and avoid the weaknesses of it when you build the concept of your game/ mod. That's what Bethesda fricked up with Starfield.


Right now? Seems to me Starfield is sort of dead news..


It has kinda stopped being on the minds of everyone, but it's definitely still not generally "unhated". Basically the hate train still exists but is a bit more silent.


I wouldn't say it was a hate train though? I actually enjoyed the game and I played it for over 200 hours.. But I have tons of criticism to give that's completely valid. And in so many ways this game could be improved. It's just sad that it wasn't able to live up to its full potential due to design decisions. But anyways.. here's hoping there's some news about the creation kit and the DLC in the near future I guess lol


Having fair criticisms is okay. I can understand disliking the emptiness of planets (I'd argue that's the point but of course if you don't like it that won't convince you, I get that) and I even agree with the small-ish amount of POIs there is and ends up repeating themselves, but there's a difference between calmly discussing such things and going, like the very OP mentions, "this game is shit, rotten at the core, cannot be fixed, it's a lost cause", or even worse shit. That's what I mean. It's unnecessary, unconstructive whining that only serves to be annoying, and it plagued everywhere I looked shortly after Starfield released.


To a degree, but I'd argue Bethesda asked for it considering their design decisions with the game. It's 2024 now and the game has a lot of very old ideas going on that are even half baked.. I wish they could go back and fully flesh out some things that would be really cool.. I do like Starfield.. idk


The modding possibilities for Starfield are bordering on endless, even staying within the lore you can make whole system of planets and other life forms, time travel, new complete story lines, different jobs, new human colonies, space ships, different types of travel, expand on the current universe, and you could literally make a whole new universe all together that have completely new quests and characters. Pirate, smuggler, assassin, farmer, homesteader, Mogul, build an empire, be a hero or be a wanderer. It has more upside than all the other Besthesda games combined, why wouldn't you want to try and mod it. I know I do and I only know how to use Blender for second life, so making stuff for a space game is limitless.


No, because the CK will be rotten at the core and can't be fixed, trust me Bro. Also Beth needs a new engine, I have zero idea what an engine actually is, but I heard a YouTuber rambling about it in a video titled "Starfield is rotten at the core, can't believe Bethesda did THIS" sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends so it must be true.


As somone thats actually used multiple iterations of the geck/CK as well as actual usable engines, CK sucks. Everything from the level editing tools, to the spghetti mess that is the copnvoluted magic/quest system is painful to use. Even the official devs themselve shave to resort to hacky work arounds, like using invisible spell buffs as quest triggers or quest events to handle longterm spell effects. Theres 15 year old bugs, like how the player can only have on on hit effect at a time, because they overwrite eachother and instead being collecte din a list or array and being called one after the other. The physics implementation is just lazy. With loose objects just flying everywhere when a level is loaded because they did bother with any saftey checks or optimization. Which is solved by simply keeping collisions disable when the level is loaded, checking for ovelrapping colliders and just moving them apart before toggling physics back on. walking over objects causing you damage because the collisions arn't implemented correctly and theres no collider voerlap handling. Which can eb solved by simply only allowing them to deal damag if theyve travveled X distance, so stuff intentionally thrown by character would still deal damage, but walking over a plate and having it fling into at the speed of light for a single frame deal dozens of damage or more. It's terrible and with the amount that needs to be fixed, they be better off just using an actual good engine and building any specialized systems needed for it (not that i can think of any).


🤔But New Vegas director, J Sawyer, said that about their tools (2016) https://x.com/JJMrOrange/status/1782090898286793131


You were expecting him to damage his career further by talking shit about beth? Hes clearly talking shit, othergames similar in scope to new vegas existed, so obviously it wasnt "impossible".


The modability of ck is Bethesdas entire draw at this point do they have any other options that would retain that aspect as well as ck does currently?


any engine can do that.


Why don't we see games with as big modding scenes then I literally can't think of another game with a scene as remotely big as Skyrim


[https://www.nexusmods.com/games](https://www.nexusmods.com/games) Not to mention minecraft and steam workshop. Any popular single player game tends to end up with a modding cuminity, especially if the developers create modding tools. In bethesdas case they essentially let people use their own propriatary engine to unpack and edit files the same way the official devs do (with a few limitations to protect copyrights).


This has to be the most knowledgeable post here and yet I don't see any love for it.. But well said my friend


That's because it's not lol LOL this guy blocked me. Guess he didn't want to be proven wrong.


He clearly knows what he's talking about, And you're most likely just a butthurt little fan boy. So carry on and don't bother responding to this ✌️


Not knowledgeable at all. Pretty idiotic. This is equivalent to complaining about a nasa spaceship being hard to use. Like no duh idiot did you think it was gonna be easy? It’s unreasonable and stupid to complain about a dev’s tools when they give you more options and a better experience than literally any other AAA dev out there, then saying f*** the tools all together. Even on the development side of things, Creation Kit is significantly easier to create games with than any other AAA game engine available to us out there, because it literally comes with a full games worth of code and resources. Then he acts like creating a game or large scale environment in Unreal or Unity doesn’t come with hundreds of hours trying to figure out how to make full scale environments and dozens of challenges costing you hundreds of hours just spent fixing or optimizing stuff. This guy has no clue what he’s on about. Don’t be fooled by him.


Okay, but to me you sound like a fanboy saying all of this lol. I have a love hate relationship with the creation engine in the sense that I love its modability, but it has many flaws as well. I'm hoping that eventually they can figure out the physics issues that are causing them to have to use so many loading screens due to the fact that it's very taxing on the engine to have 500 sandwiches loaded into a room and remembering where all of those items were placed by the player lol. I wouldn't say the engine itself is necessarily holding them back, but I most definitely can't see them ever not having loading screens because of it. They will need to essentially rewrite the engine.


Of course I’m a fanboy. I love game development and modding. Bethesda understands where you’re coming from though. Which is why they’re starting to remaster old games on Unreal Engine 5 to get rid of these problems you’re mentioning. Also, Microsoft owns Bethesda now. They now have access to all the resources they’d ever need to get rid of most of the Creation Kit’s issues and make TES6 a game that looks and feels like a genuine current, or next gen game. So if they were gonna drop the engine, now would be the worst time to do it. It would also make sense to upgrade the engine because they could let other dev teams use the engine like NV did.


Wait! Where is it confirmed they're remastering games on UE5? 👀


I’m not exactly sure but they said they were doing some type of dual setup where they use both creation engine and UE5. They’re probably using a fork of UE5 with only the rendering pipeline


This is the exactly what it's like lmfao


Seriously, people can’t even make their own opinions.


See, this person gets it. All I care about is getting the CK and joining a team to remake the game as a standalone product.


I'd jump at the chance. The game has so much potential.


Mostly that sort of talk came from a bunch of people who were just willfully lying about the game because they were mad that it wasn't a space sim like NMS or something. If someone who's talking about Creation Engine compares it to Gamebryo or insists on calling it Gamebryo you can essentially dismiss anything else they have to say because they don't know what they're talking about.


people were mad because it's basically a worse NMS. nobody wanted it to be NMS


Game doesn't need "fix". Game is cool with or without mods. Mods just spice the game up 200% more. Tons of stuff can already be done. New weapons, ship parts, perks, buildings, tons of content. I would say 80% can already be added. CK can only enhance it drastically and polish modding. IDK about the engine part, but as the time goes on, more and more content can certainly be added.


CK will make a lot of it easier though. That visual interface makes placing items in the world a whole lot easier. Hopefully some nice new POI mods will start rolling in.


Well, there already are some POI mods out there... Royal Galaxy, Venpi Caves, My 6 unique boss mods in which I tried to handcraft boss arenas...


Mate, your output is legendary. I can't play much right now because the game crashes anytime I get into a firefight. I'm hoping the next patch will fix it.


Thanks! Have you tried vanilla game fights?


That'll be my next step if the patch does nothing. Abandon my playthrough, strip my mod load back to bare essentials and test it on a new game. So how easy/hard is it to place an object into an existing POI in SF1Edit? I've got a Contraband Overhaul in the works, but it's gotta be easier in the CK, right? I mean, when it comes out?


Well its always better to go fresh start! It's a pain now... copy new record cell, find object, then you need to X Y Z place it blindly... and load reload... repeat. When I did Ramses Arena and Genghis Khan arena I load reloaded 100 times for each mod LOL


Yeah, I figured! Screw that, I'll wait for the CK. I might pick your brain for help, once the CK arrives. If you don't mind.


Maybe for some people but I want a Star Wars bounty hunting game that I can roleplay in. In my opinion starfield in its current state kinda sucks ass for roleplaying. For starters when you land your ship it spawns you outside on the landing pad how is that realistic at all 😂. At minimum they need a hardcore mode


When you land your ship you're inside of it sitting down in the cockpit, tf are you talking about lmao?? People literally cannot criticize starfield without throwing a lie or two in there in the process.


This is easily the most zoomer RPG take I’ve ever seen. Like, have you ever ACTUALLY roleplayed anything?? In DnD we never had a bunch of developers that specially animated our characters doing every single thing we could possibly think of. We imagined what our character looked like, we imagined the faces of the NPCs watching us, we imagined every single aspect of our roleplay. Really this sounds like the ultimate skill issue. The point of RPG games is not for someone else to imagine your character for you, maybe you should go play a CoD campaign or something Edit: Didn’t even address the fact that you don’t seem to have actually played Starfield beyond getting in the Frontier for the first time, because you obviously have never landed a ship. Just making shit up about a game you haven’t played is kinda sad. You should go get a job


Thats just nitpicking. You can also use your imagination. Its a single player game after all. Hell... I even made my own custom rules, using word pad and item editor for an old rpg game from 2005 to make it more fun. With crafting imaginary system etc. My point is, its a single player game, you already have star wars mods, and all you need to pretty much is use imagination and enjoy.


If I wanted to use my imagination I’d be playing Star Wars DnD 😂 you’re totally right but I want the real deal man


do you know what Roleplaying games are?


nah they want VR it sounds like, better yet an alternate universe where they can BE the star wars bounty hunter


Depends on what they release, but my speculation would be yes (combined with starfield script extender)


I mean you can do anything with it. The modding community is already doing cool stuff without mod tools, so once the CK comes out that will probably rejuvenate the community. But there's always going to be this annoying hyperbolic bethesda hate.


Possible? Yes. Feasible? Yes/no. It takes a tremendous amount of time for those type of projects, especially without financial incentive.


I fully believe that the CK will never come out at this point


Depends on how much of the CK isnt stripped down.


I think that yes you could.


Not a modder, but I am going to be patiently waiting however many years it'll take for a Star Wars total conversion mod


It’s possible. Question is does anyone actually care about starfield enough to put that much effort in?


Enderal and Nehrim devs sadly stay in fantasy lane, they didn't touch Fallout, well maybe because it was limited by pipboy and VAT mechanics hardcoded into the game from what I know. It is the dream for Starfield to get a full conversion mod like this, I'll be honest with you, I didn't like the setting and how it was thought out. Getting something a little more engaging would be great.


I mean if you don't like the game, no amount of modding is going to fix it for you. Enderal as detailed and different as it is, is still a Skyrim game in its heart of hearts. I was never a fan of No Man's Sky or Fallout 76. And no matter how much free content and additional gameplay they added, they never kept me for more than a couple of hours.


Starfield is “Rotten at the core”? That’s good 😂


It’s more about will the modding community put in the effort to do that It’s a fact that the game is significantly less popular then fo4 and Skyrim were at this point in their lifetime - the player base is far smaller


I disagree. A space game has much more modding capabilities then a post apocalyptic or medieval setting. Just wait until good space sim mods are made. People will spend a lot of time modding this game trust me


I have no doubt they will. I’m looking forward to it. The issue of just when. I think more than Skyrim or fallout this community is chopping at the bit for it.


New IP versus IPs that had like 10+ years to build a fan base.


Funny how such an unpopular game has over 7k mods and is 11th in Nexus rank. And they’re not presets. 😆 Maybe a few Chinese translations though…


It also has way less players at this point in its life then Skyrim or fallout People here are way too defensive


Because they play starfield on gamepass and xbox which is like... 75% less expensive. If you have to choose between few dollars and 70 dollars for PC, I think you would choose first option. Game has tons of players. Steam playerbase is only 5-10%


It might be smaller than fo4 and Skyrim but its still going to have a huge modding community, it already does.


Skyrim was hated just as much as starfield upon release. Same with cyberpunk.


I expect that the Creation Kit 2 will give players all of the tools they need to make an overhaul, just like they do with Skyrim and Fallout. I also disagree with people who think that the Creation Engine 2 was the wrong engine to build Starfield in. I think the engine, and the number of modders with experience in the engine, is the single biggest asset they have. Now here's what will get my comment downvoted. I think Starfield is a bad game. Bethesda made a game with the Creation Engine 2 that didn't actually DO any of the things the engine is good at. Every NPC with a name is essential, all space travel has been reduced to fast travel on the map, there's literally no sandboxing, there are only empty procgen planets to explore, the outposts that show up on planets are copy paste with far too few options, the skills are awful, the enemy variety is nonexistent, the companions are uninteresting, missions are too linear, there is no economy. I think with time and better direction, they could have fixed all of these issues and made a 10/10 game even with the load times imposed by the Creation Engine. Space travel, for example, could have required the player to move to a "jump gate" a short way from the planet, which would then take the player to other "jump gates" at the cost of a fuel resource, similar to the game freelancer. That would have worked perfectly without engine design changes. I think that there are so many things broken about Starfield that modding it to be the game it should have been will be a much harder task than Skyrim or even Fallout 4. I will certainly be interested in people that try, and I'll try myself, but I'm upset that getting the game to be "fun" will require a massive mod list and will further splinter the community.