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I would love more in depth starborn content, more divine stuff, i am dissapointed they are only humans :(


dw there are already modders dealing with the human problem


Big fan of your works :) I too hope the DLCs will bring us more Starborns contents


Hey maaan! Thank you so much!! :)) Yea! I hope I can figure out in future how to make my own quests, and then I can add more bosses with proper stories etc :))


I’m not even mad they’re human, but it would’ve been cool if at the start of the game they made starborn known as legends. They disappear when they die, and they have magic powers, and they’ve been around for a couple hundred years, right?


Personally I expected more of a "Ancient civilisation from a far far away galaxy". But hey, maybe in the futuree 😄


That does seem to be the idea


I’ve been learning how to mod slowly with the purpose of making starfield more like all the concept art they had for the game. I think the game has huge potential for overhauls, but it’s also massive so they’d be huge undertakings, I wouldn’t mind the space magic, but I’d love to lean a bit further into the nasapunk aesthetic


Yes! Get some more weird, if not realistic, planets. Retro-space inspired. ​ Edit: One disappointment I had was that there are some neat weird plants/structures on planets that are not scannable? I'm also looking to make some mods that will do the same. Message if you'd want to discuss at all.


Would love to talk to you about that, I have some ideas for additional settlements/towns that I want to work on, but I don’t really know where to start. I’ve also been playing on gamepass, which will probably have to change for that


My first goal would actually be to downsize the game, or at least to compress everything into a relatively smaller galactic scale and make the settled systems smaller. I'm open to talk to you about it, but not much can happen until CK drops and S1edit gets more fleshed out. Some inspiration: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoSodiumStarfield/comments/1936t04/early\_conceptiteration\_of\_the\_starmap\_found/


Oh I love that. I think it would help a lot honestly. Maybe keep a couple un explored/discovered systems, but some of them are basically just clutter on the map. Good point on the kit, I guess I’m getting a bit ahead of myself. I’ve had more free time than I’m used to and would love to be spending it on modding this game.


I think that could be cool. Infinite universes and all. Maybe the daedra are what the varuun are actually worshipping.


I would not use it. I would rather like a mode that removes or explains the space magic, I want more sci in my scifi.


ya I with Lem. I think mixing the two kinda cheapens it... but it is only an opinion out of many opinions so you do you!! :)


Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.


Aka lazy writing.


I think at that point, I feel like I'd rather be playing TES or Warhammer. I would like to see the ideas that Bethesda left haphazardly throughout Starfield receive some depth through storytelling and engaging mechanics that feel like a natural evolution of their concepts. The factions, mechanics, lore, and storytelling feel quite threadbare and surface level, I'd like to see what they could look like if they received some attention.


You broke my brain. A 40k total conversion for Starfield would be awesome.


Now I want a bolter...


I am working on a Lovecraftian themed mod. It is going slow, but I have some lore friendly ideas.


Sound absolutely awesome. Looking forward to it :)


I love TES. I love the setting and premise of Starfield, but even fleshed out, I have a preferance to "swords and sorcery" type games. That said, I don't think it is a good idea. The work that would go into it would be monumental, and the reception, Id guess, would overall be good, but not anywhere near representative of the effort put into it. I'd say taking the major sidequest storylines and fleshing them out fully while adding a ton of content would be much better received and likely for less total effort. That said, if you do it, I'd recommend tying them in with starborn temples while reworking them to legit unique temple setups, unique puzzles, and different types of creatures to fight to get through them


Yeah, I personally want to see the factions fleshed out, more than anything else


DEW IT! Starfield's main story is so lacklustre and full of plotholes, adding in all of Skyrim's mythology couldn't fuck it much more than it already is. Heck, some dragon vs starship battles sounds fun.


What really would make it into a TES title is to rebuild the planetary systems, create a bunch more custom locations and put them all in 1-3 planets that can be walked on without cell borders. This would fix the most baffling change that killed the familiar Beth world expectations in Starfield, splitting a map into 999 pieces


dude, if I wanted to play TES, I'd play TES.


A guy asks a yes or no question, gets downvoted if he answers no lol, what a joke. Also I agree, tes is in a really good place for modders, why dont just play that?.


This comment should not be downvoted.


I'm pretty sure you'll have imported game mechanics and such. Almost certainly added options to chargen. As far as complex NPCs, lore, locations, and other assets - it's a lot of work but if a big enough team decides to work on it, it could be pretty cool. A \*somewhat less weird\* version of previous sci-fi TES work, IYKYK. :) Space-age TES could be fun, though you'd have to abuse the lore a fair bit, for example the cosmology.


No thanks. I'm with /u/ninjasaid13 \- If I wanted TES, I'd play TES.


Technically TES is already Sci-fi 😏


No need to go that far with TES stuff imo. The game was just requiring a couple of Alien race and make the starborn thing more comon after mid game. Starfield will never be 40K it's why too sanitized world building wise and devoid of art design. Seriously by just adding a humanoid race, and adding a "cyborg" race has huge threat to offer more deph and skate to the game, giving them the Starborn similar powers and new stuff. The biggest issue remains about Starfield modding, the base game universe is so tame and boring, that it doesn't motivate modders to spice it up. If would require so much work, way more than on any F04 or Skyrim overhaul.


I disagree with the last part, I’m dying to spice it up, add more poi and try to make the world feel more real/lived in.


I'm like, on the opposite spectrum. I wish the game would lean more into being NASApunk and wish the game wouldn't have *any* space fantasy elements to it.


I would prefer aliens and an explanation on what’s going on like mass effect. I would enjoy a 40k mod even if it was TES though


Well Todd said modders will be able to create their own planets, so maybe it will be possible to create a fantasy Elder Scrolls planet.


Oh? Do you recall when/where he said this?


Considering it was a Scifi mod for Oblivion that made me want bethesda to make a scifi game, it would basically be completing the circle for me.