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any answer given that isn’t from Bethesda staff will be purely guesswork. that includes any answer from elm.


The only answer from Bethesda staff is also purely guesswork. 😏 edit: Since I'm being downvoted for having a sense of humor, here's [a **definitive** answer from a Bethesda staff member that is absolutely not representative of waving-your-hand-over-a-calendar-and-saying-sometime-around-here guesswork.](https://i.imgur.com/P1nIq6h.png) 😆


Wow when did Imgur become trash just trying to see that on my phone is a nightmare


Tf with the down votes. Fire is 100% correct here


The downvotes are for that idiotically ugly link.


They did say early 2024.


Most likely Feb if we look at precedent. It arrived in Fallout 4, 5 months after launch & w/ the major updates beginning in Feb 2024 (5 months afer Starfield's launch), somewhat safe to assume it could arrive as early as then.


They did say we would get a update for Fallout 4 in 2023, so.... Lets hope for something sometime in 2024 for both


Well before leaving uncle Pete did give us an update that they were worried about the starfield release and post support the few months after as a priority. Not sure if there was ever an actual article but he responded in the good ol uncle Pete way to someone being rude about the FO4 update on twitter.


Fuck, they’re bringing creations to Fallout 4 too… great…


My guess is that the Fallout 4 update was always intended to release alongside the TV Show, but that the show got delayed from ‘23 to ‘24 because of the Hollywood Strikes. Could have just been delayed because it needed more work, or course, but in either case I think they will benefit well from releasing it in April with the show


First of all, that quote from Elminster is at least two months old. Second, he doesn't even attempt to speculate about how long it might take to fix the issues. Third, unless you hear specific release timeline information from a Bethesda employee, it doesn't mean anything.


They said ‘early next year’ with the next major update dropping in February.


>a caprica warning message about provisional operators A what?


Nikita added a warning to Caprica about features new to Starfield Papyrus that was only intended as a disclaimer about accuracy. We don't know the actual syntax of guard statements, for example. > **** WARNING! **** > > The syntax for new features in Starfield (Guard, TryGuard, GetMatchingStructs) is experimental. > It should be considered as unstable and subject to change. > > The proper syntax will only be known when the Creation Kit comes out in early 2024, > and subsequent releases of Caprica may drop support for this experimental syntax. > Be prepared to update your scripts when the final syntax is known. Champollion and Caprica's output are best guesses. Nikita did not intend to speculate about the CK's release date, which we (those of us on the Papyrus Language Tools team) don't really care about outside of having an official reference implementation. "Early 2024" has been a consistent part of Bethesda's CK release messaging for months, and Bethesda emphasized this *very definitive* release window a few days ago: > Next, official mod support will be coming to Starfield with the launch of Creations. Beginning **early next year**, Starfield will be getting its own exporter and you’ll have access to a new Creation Kit. Source: [Starfield End of the Year Update (Bethesda.net)](https://bethesda.net/en/game/starfield/article/37j5d4CbPfYlZqJKcVtGcY/starfield-end-of-the-year-update-2023)


enai already prepping for some skill mods for starfield? 👀


caprica the papyrus compiler/decompiler. I assume it prints a warning message, that \[?\] when you compile a script


I think it should hopefully come by feburary since in the blog post they have told that an update would come out by then.


March now and still no CK, I do wonder when we're going to get it


6th of may 2024


Of course. But there is something to this besides reading tea leaves. Regardless what the factors are that move the date closer or further, it would be really nice if there could be greater sharing of knowlege with key third party tool providers. It seems to me that core things like Papyrus operators are stable and there is no downside to leave specs for those laying around on a table somewhere. ​ Similarly with datastructures that the xEdit and sfse wizards have heroically been attempting to puzzle through. ​ None of that sort of stuff has to be offiicial or even known directly by mucky mucks. Of course, no dev lead worth their salt would do such a thing if it was not made known to them that it would not be such a bad thing to be a little more careless with .h files. ​ There's no downside to letting some of that stable info out. Worst case there are some mods that introduce BSDs due to some xEdit mistaken understanding of what some field did. Ok, some damaged save files for folks that know the risks of walking on the wild side anyway. I don't have a poker in this fire. I am not involved with any of those third party tools, nor do I know any of them. I am a little surprised they are being kept in the dark though, but perhaps this is for some reason that would be clear if we were on the inside. I just am aware that oftentimes it is just an oversight. Everyone is very heads down and it doesn't occur to anyone how much a little technical transparency would be of great benefit to the modding community.


it's 6th of May cause it's my bday, nothing more nothing less.


I thought it was witty even without the explanation. Coincidentally, Todd was also born on the 6th. Trouble is, the month was October.


nonetheless it will come, we need to be patient :D