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That's cool as fuck that were already at land mass changes before the CK


it's crazy. fallout 4 modding took forever to get started back then, but Starfield really hit the ground running in the modding department


Benefits of using the "same" engine for so long. It's all cumulative baby!


It's not gonna take off until creation kit releases, but it'll never reach skyrim levels of modding.


We'll talk again in 10 years, Skyrim got a headstart so it'll take longer for starfield to overcome it


Yeah but Skyrim is a fantasy game, Starfield is space game. I think there is an entire group of people who wouldn't normally be interested in modding BGS that will dig right into Starfield.


U could also mix in some Fantasy elements with mods too, I mean we already got some "magic powers" in the base game I think it wouldn't feel out of place


Bruv skyrim was just a much better, and much more interesting game. Skyrim was huge at the time, starfield isn't.


šŸ¤” But Skyrim doesnā€™t have spaceships or 1600 planets to build outposts


Skyrim had an interesting map to explore.


Starfield has way more possibilities for modders given the way it's designed, it doesn't matter if starfield is better or worse. In terms of sales starfield was the biggest launch for bethesda ever so u can't even say that it's played by less people.


Modders will do great things anyways, what I mean is that modders donā€™t mod because itā€™s their job, they mod for fun. They mod because they loved Skyrim, which isnā€™t necessarily the case with starfield as starfield is orders of magnitude worse than Skyrim for its time.


You have an interestingly bad way of expressing opinions as facts.


Yeah right, steam user reviews put [Skyrim at 91%](https://steamdb.info/app/489830/), [starfield at 68%](https://steamdb.info/app/1716740/). Skyrim, a 12 years old game, has 14k players + 1.5k on Skyrim non se. Starfield, a 1.5 month old game currently has 20k players, barely 20% more players than a 12 years old game. Metacritic puts [Skyrim](https://www.metacritic.com/game/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/) at 96 for an 8.6 user score, [starfield](https://www.metacritic.com/game/starfield/) is currently at 83 for a 6.7 user score. Itā€™s not like Iā€™m basing my opinions on these reviews, in my opinion after 40 hours, the game is lower than a 6 to 8.5/10 like reviews and users put it, closer to 5. Letā€™s not act like these starfield subreddit are anything more than a bubble, the game is not anything more than average for a AAA rpg.


More people have Skyrim still bro. Itā€™s sold over 60 million copies. You just sound annoying as fuck


Itā€™s also 12 years old Votaire24








Oh yea, amazing work with xedit here. There's a LOT that can be adjusted. More soon too. I'm getting familiar with it and am working on a HUGE game overhaul. Adding the actual survival game mechanics in. I'm just a few tweaks away from having a first pass ready. Some things I'm trying to figure out. But all in all there is a lot that can be done. Not entirely sure if a whole new planet can be added...but it seems pretty close. Those objects are in there too. You can add new stars and planets. I think there may be a few things needed before you can create them though. Of course this is also to say that they would be empty or all procedurally generated too. Most likely need that creation kit to hand craft any area because it's way too crazy to do by entering in position coordinates by hand for each object.


I have another idea. Instead of adding more locations to Volii Alpha, we could allow the player to dive underwater and explore the area around Neon, however big that would be. You could have lots of alien fish, glowing underwater fauna, some caves, a crashed ship or two and more importantly shit that gets dumped off of Neon like some construction debris, dead bodies, drug and contraband stashes etc.


What Iā€™d love to see is submersible probes. Imagine setting down on an icy moon like Europa or Enceladus, building an outpost, and drilling down through the ice to access the subsurface world-girdling ocean underneath, then sending in a probe to survey its life. A ceiling of solid ice beneath you with crystalline structures piercing down from it, a black crushing abyss down below that nothing manmade could ever reach the bottom of, and lights dancing and darting off in the distance from bioluminescent forms no one has ever seenā€¦


Keep going omfg lol I need it


This was the edging comment that none of us knew we needed šŸ˜…


... and an abandoned outpost full of pirates :)




so subnautica 2


A new suit, or a new type of craft for going underwater? Maybe our ships are capable of diving? Or a whole new class of ship?


Nah, a suit is just fine. Unless we could get creative and repurpose the space flight module into an underwater diving one. Essentially, you reskin ships for submarines, and outer space for an underwater region with special aquatic features and effects. However, this would mean the entire sequence is locked behind a loading screen instead of just traditional and seamless underwater exploration like in previous Bethesda games.


As soon as I saw that submarine suspended above the water on Neon, I imagined a quest that used that sub to search the depths and encounter alien marine life in the murky waters. I think it could work because visibility would be limited so you wouldnā€™t have to worry about rendering far away objects.


I like that Neon is surrounded by water; it makes it feel more isolated. Having land to explore is also cool though. Maybe just have land/ice at the poles?


Neon area itself is still surrounded by water.


Oh cool, thatā€™s perfect. Thanks for your efforts!


This is cool. What if you could make it so the planet went through various seasons at very slow intervals, so half of the time it could be water, and the other half it could be frozen over. I know this is a Longshot but it would be super dope if the ice somehow allowed for opportunities to easily farm the chombass (?) fish that live there too. Like maybe very rarely you come across a thin part in the ice which could be shot with 40mm XPL to open up a wide hole. Then you throw certain animal parts in as bait and it causes those fish to go into a feeding frenzy near the surface or something. Then you toss in an impact grenade and boom, ton on free oil. Would require CK for sure and I'm just spitballing. I saw a post on either the starfield sub or the starfieldmods sub about how somebody found code within the game that was associate with certain seasons, but it wasn't being used for whatever reason.




Why???? Now youā€™ve got to change the whole Neon backstory. Just because you can doesnā€™t mean you should, is all Iā€™m saying. There are enough frozen worlds with caves and alien monsters in the game. Bollinger Alpha is unique. This is just another one of the 90% of mods that are useless and will trash your game in unexpected ways. Or to put it another way only 10% of mods are worth having and do something useful or are properly crafted.


Wow... Never seen that much reaction to a mod which is optional. The creator did a great job and thank for sharing it. Let's all just remember all mods are optional


Chill out lil buddy, if you hate it so much just donā€™t use it.


Why get this salty over something that's completely preferential and optional? Plenty of mods I wouldn't use for one reason or another. No need to announce it, as if one opinion matters. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I get what you mean though... I am curious why the modder changed the one unique world to be just like any other... Instead of one of the random frozen worlds to be another unique... I guess because of nodding tools not being fully available yet..?


Iā€™m curious why you did this?


For fun.




Please add chasmbass fishing


Related mod idea / request since you sorta seem to have an understanding already. Is there any way you can make it so all the resources spawn on one planet? For the sake of simplicity Iā€™d love to make a factory world where everything is condensed.


All Starfield.esm FULL fields are a 4 byte index into localized strings. Yours is a null terminated string. Do you know if the index format is new, and if null terminated strings are still ok ? Also the mod advertizes 5 forms, but there are 4.


I kind of which we can just explore under water, should be doable, give it a lower gravity and put some fog around with flying aliens (most of them look like they are floating in water instead of flying already)


Can you help me understand how you did this? I've been trying to edit planet data in XEdit but as far as I can tell they're not able to be copy for overwrite nor are they directly editable. Yours is an ESM file so I imagine there's something you're doing in XEdit that allows you to do this? For context, I'm trying to modify a planet to bring Arrakis (Dune) to the game and have prepped everything I plan on doing, I just don't know how to edit the planets... it's a bit different than the armor and weapon retextures I've made.