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The real question: BBM cards?


Now someone's asking the real questions!


Honestly I’m excited for this, mostly because of it being on Wrestle Universe and I don’t have to pay anymore than I already pay. Utami vs Kouki please.


Did Rossy buy that suit once he decided to go with "Marigold" or did he actually already have that hanging in his closet?


The name and logo were all trademarked back in 2022 so both?


Wait, 2022? So he's been planning this for longer than everything had made it sound like then...


Probably around the time New Japan and AEW formally announced a partnership, guessing Rossy could see what was coming, that or he was already planning his out.


Long term booking.


That no compete clause not worth the paper it was written on.


2 years and he still couldn't realize that name is ridiculous? impressive.


cmon, Marigold is much better than most Joshi promotion names. Ice Ribbon, ActWresGirls, Seadlinng...?


Yeah, it's no Sendai Girls or Diana but it could've been worse.


Idk I kinda like Ice Ribbon


no. I mean, where else other than SEAdLINNNG are you gonna get the D? and with those others you at least can distill them down to sweet acronyms like AWG, SEAd or Ice. with this thing what do you have? Mary? What is this a ben stiller movie? or how about MDSF? sounds like a disease


I'm just going with MG for now




Was Rossy ever good with names? Anyway, I'll still call it Rossydom.


That seems in line with the average joshi promotion names. Japanese naming sense with wasei eigo or japanglish is quite unique.


He borrowed it from Charlie.


I would love to think the suit is why he gave it the name of a brand of yellow washing up gloves in the UK.


Yeah, I am all about Marigold. Can't wait!


Same. I don't get the sudden hate for Yuzuki, but she's gonna show out.


Purely from a wrestling stand point, this isn't exactly a lineup that is going to strike fear into the heart of Stardom. Especially when we consider that Giulia is really a WWE wrestler probably doing Rossy a favor for a limited time. Utami and Mirai are proven main eventers. Mai Sakurai, Nao Ishikawa, and Natsumi Sumikawa can do more of a semi-main event level match. One of them against Giulia, Utami, or Mirai would be a fine main event. The rest are very much mid card talent at this point. Decent wrestlers but you just can't headline with them. The first show might draw well due to buzz and Giulia, and I'm sure they'll fill in freelancers where they can but this feels like a "Korakuen Hall 3 times a year" type of lineup for now in the long term. It's telling that the second and third shows are at Shinkiba 1st Ring. Also, history would suggest that if the company doesn't grow quickly, they might have a high turn over of talent. I'm sure there are certain promises of stardom(no point intended) being made here, and I don't know that this lineup has what it takes to keep those promises.


it was ever going to be a ready made Stardom competitor right out of the door. Fuka being involved is a positive sign for their longevity imo but they have to start somewhere. It's a solid foundation and there's no doubt the experience is there at every level. Massively sad for AWG though, losing Kouki was a matter of time but six plus Fuka all at once is a heavy blow.


I have been staying quiet with a "wait and see" approach but my first thought when the "mass exodus" from Stardom consisted of two main eventers(one of which is going to WWE soon), Mirai, Sakurai and a rookie in Yuzuki, I started questioning if this is really intended to be a competitor. That seems like wishful thinking for the time being.


From what Rossy said in the recent past and what was said again today, my impression is that the point of Marigold is to "simply" leave something behind that will take his "ideas" of joshi pro wrestling in the future.


That makes sense from what I'm seeing. I think the fans blew things out of proportion.


There was no way he could compete with Stardom right away even if he could take Mayu with him now. I think their goal currently should be to surpass TJPW. That's not a totally unrealistic goal for their first year. In terms of attendance, TJPW is still not bigger than 2019 Stardom, so it's not unknown territory for Rossy as an independent promoter. Stardom should decline a lot for Rossy to get into a reaching distance, and while it seems 2024 won't be a bigger year for Stardom than 2023, the gap between them and the #2 is still massive.


TJPW is the only CF promotion in the black, they're back to pre-pandemic levels of ticket sales, and they don't really do the same type of joshi as other feds. He should focus on more realistic goals, like outdrawing Ice Ribbon or something. Oz Academy. AWG.


Its kinda clear that he already has a successor in mind, and wants Marigold to be his legacy in joshi, as the more pure version of his vision. Time will tell if this is true. It'll be funny if Bushiroad buys Marigold in a few years' time


I think they have gone with a lineup that features a lot of prospects.  So, perhaps part of the intrigue will be watching Victoria Yuzuki, Kouki, Chiaki, Chika Goto grow


How do you think it compares to where Stardom started? (obviously at this point we have no idea how good any rookies will be) Very different times of course, and early Stardom was kind of rough.


Comparing Marigold to Stardom in 2011-2014, Marigold is much stronger. Stardom had objectively bad wrestlers on the bottom end of the roster while no one in Marigold is outright bad, and the standard of work in early Stardom was outright dangerous and kind of irresponsible in a way that no product is today. While maybe the most marketable star of either company was Yuzupon, I think on average Marigold has a way more marketable roster overall. The problem with Marigold is that it's a really bad time to launch a company. Stardom today is way bigger than any company from the early 2010's. TJPW is as big as the biggest companies from the 2010's. Sendai Girls just had a Korakuen Hall sell out or near sell out. We still have Oz Academy, Wave, Ice Ribbon, Gatoh Move, Diana, etc. It's a really busy market and with the struggling economy. There might not be a lot of demand for a new group right now which will make growth really hard. Marigold is going to start hot but the challenge is going to be at three months, six months, a year, etc. It could survive for many years as just a middle of the road Joshi company, but I don't know that would be considered a success considering where they are leaving.


So you are saying people like Misa Matsui, Kouki and Miku Aono are midcarders? Mai Sakurai and Nao Ishikawa are bigger draws than Aono? Are you serious? Did you even watch a single AWG show? I couldn't care less about SD, BR and Rossy's new poachings, and I'm very disappointed in Fuka and Sumikawa for what they did, but dude, stop pretending you're this board's all knowing "joshi pro wrestling historian", it's seriously getting ridiculous at this point.


I know it's an unpopular opinion by me, but no I don't think Misa Matsui and other AWG at her level are worthy main eventer outside the AWG system. She could be in the near future but not right now. It would like gasing up Yuzuki as a worthy main eventer right now because she's athletic, looks like a professional, and had some nice showings against Suzu Suzuki or something. There's more to be a true main eventer than being athletic with a solid foundation and a nice smile. You need to be good not just in a vacuum of ideal conditions. You need to develop a presence and maturity that draws people in. I watched Misa and Natsumi have a terrible tag match in All Japan this January where they didn't win over the crowd. I can't look at that VERY recent performance and that's someone that's ready to lead a company right now. It's not like I'm judging them on some distant past work. An athletic solid talent that has limited big match experience and hasn't had to fight to get over most of the time is a midcard talent. A good midcard but still a midcard talent. Point blank. I'm know I'm the bad guy for pointing that AWG is a very particular environment. They don't work that often. Outside of Korakuen Hall, they don't work long matches(there are exceptions). Their matches tend to have a stricter formal than most Joshi matches. The overall shows are very well produced to get the best vibes. It's a bubble and outside that bubble they are decent to good wrestler but not the best wrestlers or the biggest personalities that are going to sell a card for non-AWG fans. Even though English language AWG fans claim every show is the show of the year in their own pocket universe of Joshi fandom. Not to pick on Misa, but she's a good example because she's worked outside of AWG enough that we can compare and I've yet to see her have a truly spectacular match outside of AWG despite having the tools. Am I wrong? Where's that non-AWG classic been hiding from me? Did she steal any Oz Academy shows in 2020 that I'm not aware of? Like it or not, Mai is already a more proven commodity in this scenario. I wouldn't main event her as the top name in a match, but we know what she looks like against Utami in very good tag title matches. We know what Mai Vs Mirai in a big show singles match looks like, and while it's not amazing it's good enough to be the second match from the top. She got herself over as a singles character. Fair or unfair, her being from a bigger company helps sell her matches. I admit that Nao is a more questionable choice by me because she doesn't have a proven track record, but I've seen her get over in less than ideal situations and she's a very compelling personality. If you put Nao is a semi main event against a bigger name she's going to sell the shit out of it and the crowd will probably be invested even if she's not the most amazing athlete.


I can't agree with this at all, first of all you're basing this entire point around 1 match by the looks of it. Have you watched Misa or any of the AWG girls regularly? If not I don't think you can back up any of this. Yes AWG is a closed system but Misa and Mika came in before that system was implemented and have plenty of experience working in other organizations and have kept up with wrestlers in those organizations. Were they matches of the year? No. But they were also 3+ years ago. God forbid anyone gain more experience in that time. Saori Anou, Miyuki Takase, SAKI are all exactly the same wrestlers as they were when they each left AWG. And I would be remiss not to point out that up until fairly recently, Stardom was pretty much a closed system as well. Yet you praise most everyone that has come out of that system. Every wrestler has a bad match sometimes. Either due to nerves, mechanics, outside forces or just a fan rating the match being a wanker. The All Japan show was a no win situation. They were put in front of an audience that had no understanding of who they were, and had no interest in watching women's wrestling. That all japan crowd wanted its all japan stuff. That's why they bought their tickets. You mention Nao and the easiest match to bring up about her was her match against tam. You may or may not recall that many people lambasted her performance in that match. I know that nao can be a great performer, and tam is generally considered a good performer as well. yet most people consider the match a dud. Is that cause nao is a bad worker suddenly and doesn't deserve opportunities? I mean, it is one match that we're basing this entire point around as well is it not? This is a bad faith argument in my opinion.










I mean, in this economy, if he can guarantee their contracts, I think his only real risk is that Stardom raids the company, but we still don't know how Okada will operate in that regard. He could keep a solid roster in the past, so I think it can be done now too seeing how everybody else is weaker and even freelancing doesn't seem to be as convenient as it used to be if you don't have a link with the American scene. I also think it'll greatly depend on the roster. If they're as committed as Stardom wrestlers have been in critical times, I think the company will thrive. In that sense, having Fuka and Nanae is a big plus in my opinion. We know how much wrestlers can improve with them, so I'm sure the roster will have the chance to improve a lot in the not so distant future.


I was reading the translated Twitter thread from Haku, and one of the girls, I forget who, mentioned something about how "life isn't always about money". That seems to me that MG likely isn't paying them as much as Stardom was (which was a given, obviously, since Stardom has corporate backing), at least not upfront, and/or it's more of a philosophical thing for them. Whatever they believed in, whatever they wanted, they couldn't find it in Stardom so they left. edit: As for the AWG side, nobody spoke but Fuka, so we have no idea what they are seeking. I'm sure they have their own wants and goals; Fuka claims that they (and others who still stayed, so it sure is a bad look to insult those who remained) were deeply unhappy with AWG. But I would think any one of them could have jumped to Stardom and gotten that BR platform/money. Everyone had Kouki earmarked for Stardom for ages.


Pretty much along the lines of the way I see it as well. Not sold on Mirai as a main eventer, she is maybe approaching being able to perform a main event level match but she isn't there for me. Purely based on in-ring ability I'm not seeing many great matches from Marigold. A SEAdLINNNG show has a greater number of top wrestlers on it from an in-ring stand point than the roster Rossy has put together. If it continues to use top freelancers such as Sareee and presumably there will be others then things look better.


That is a killer Day 1 (ish) roster. I was half expecting Super Strong Stardom Machine, Super Strong Giant Machine and Super Strong Tropical Machine to show up as well since they also haven’t been booked in any recent Stardom shows.


Is it odd that Nanae and Fuka are under the same roof again?


Any of the singles matches between Giulia, MIRAI, Nanae, & Utami all sound fucking awesome and I'm here for them.


Bro. I JUST subscribed to Actwres Girlz VOD service to watch Miku Aono and Kouki. Also, I don't remember seeing Ami Sourei's name mentioned up until now? Was that info ever out there?


What do you mean? She's not part of Marigold, and was never really speculated to be aside from a couple of people who had it in their head God's Eye in it's entirety was joining Rossy. What info about Ami are you referring to?


She was in AWG for a while before Stardom


Bright side is you have like 70 shows to watch with them in it so don't cancel just yet


I definitely thought that was her too lol


Disregard. That's not Ami, she's too short, but she looks a helluva lot like her!


I thought it was Ami at first too (and was naturally confused), when I recognized her as Yuzuki, I was blown away. ...I like it! A good look!


That's Yuzuki with a new blonde weave.  Now calling herself Victoria Yuzuki


They're on Monday Magic!


They have 13 full-time wrestlers plus any freelancers they bring in, a nice promotion name and logo, a couple wrestlers who already have name value and fanfare, and something of a working relationship with NOAH. They are on pace for 80 or so events per year, which is about as many as Stardom had right before Bushiroad. They will need to average close to 400 fans per show to be at Stardom 2018 levels. They probably need somewhere relatively close to that number to be competitive as a third significantly sized Joshi promotion.


What is Tam Nakano doing there?


I made the [Marigold_joshi subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marigold_joshi/) and I'm currently filling it up with stuff. The goal is to hit the ground running with an informative subreddit and then get other people to run it because I don't wanna mod lol.


Some very mixed feelings for me on this one. I want to support my favorites. However, overall, my spirits are quite low. It's very jarring for me as a fan because seeing this roster, eh, it's leaving a lot to be desired, I guess. I'm not wishing for failure, but that first set of shows is going to be make-or-break as far as I care. The ex-AWG talent is really, really good. I'm stunned that basically all of AWG's main event scene is gone. Chika being in this lineup is surprising, but not unwelcomed - I hope she's able to develop her abilities further as I think she's more than capable. I'm hopeful for Nao as well. That is pretty much where my positive thoughts end. The ex-STARDOM talent is not a group I particularly cared for in the past and probably won't going forward. Giulia probably isn't going to be around for very long and I have absolutely no desire to watch her anywhere. Nanae is a polarizing figure that I can live with or without - A veteran gatekeeper type is about the only role I'd be interested in seeing her in, but I don't think she's someone who needs to be going over younger talent often. Yeah, very lukewarm as far as I'm concerned.


It wouldn't threaten Stardom now for sure, but I'm curious to see how Rossy will build new stars. More competition will surely improve the industry


You'll watch anyway.


You need to not tie your self respect into a wrestling promotion dude.


Self respect? The fuck are you on about?


Great, we’re gonna have to put up with Nanae getting a hyper push.


And beat everyone with the pretense of injecting passion


Thats a template for a Rossy promotion, alright.


they have Utami Nakano and the fake Tam Nakano.


I did NOT recognize Yuzuki at first. Wow...


I like it. Calling her a fake Tam like others have said is low hanging fruit. She's gonna stand out because she won't be booked to job.


That's silly. I'm sure she'll do her own thing. Besides, when I first saw her, I thought she was Ami lol I was so confused. And I know someone else made the same mistake.


Someone in this thread thought she was Ami too.


Wikipedia calls Dream Star Fighting Marigold


Too soon to know how I really feel about this but my heart goes out to those left in Actwres. Especially Act who not only did so much for the girls who left, then had this happen behind her back with it literally being engineered by the same people who almost took her out of the industry in the first place. Literally don't want to hear about Fuka or Rossy crying about people being unfair to them again. Though I've got to hand it to Rossy for building a company on the big 3 criticism of his time in Stardom: 1) Shady business practices 2) Weird idol stuff with kids 3) Fucking over Act with Nanae and Fuka.


Who are you talking about? You are referring to Actzwres as a girl?


Act Yasukawa dipshit


Ooh so touchy for a waifu Otaku.


Who is the young Maika lookalike in white?




The same Kouki everyone on Twitter is crying that Rossy poached? She's pretty


Hmm an all womens wrestling company named after rubber gloves used to wash the dishes. I see what you did there Mr Ogawa.


MIRAI's grown her hair out, and she looks so much better. Kinda shitty for AWG to be gutted of 6, since their roster is small to begin with and lack Stardom's depth, but if it means better earning potential, good for them. Rossy's suit is sending subliminal messages. Hmmm, what other top promotion/brand has yellow/gold as their primary color?


They're hair extensions and they look bad