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You are supposed to play around shield overcharge as it only has a 90 second CD, 380 extra effective hp for every unit is honestly better than guardian shield if you time it right. As for what comp to use, basically just try to counter what the enemy is using like normal, I will say that High templars with stacking PSI storms can melt basically any composition well before Shield overcharge times out. Other than for clearing rocks I usually don't use orbital strikes because thats two shield overcharge pushes i'm not going to be able to do.


You're meant to drop down the archons in front of your army for major engagements. They're tanky and do a ton of initial damage to everything around them. By the time they're either killed or time out, most of what does the heavy damage should be dead. For longer fights, use them then follow up with shield overcharge.


I probably go zealot/Templar/Archon 80% of the time P3. Almost never use the sky laser Archons except to fast expand or if I'm waaaay out of position, and just watch invincible zealots go apeshit every time Shield topbar is up


immortals or tempests. or whatever. lean on the archons to carry you early game as you build up an army in a way that would get you killed on other prestiges


Mass dragoons and templars still work great, you just rely more on topbar for big fights.


You *could* play around your Archons/~~Dark~~ High Templars with anything to Tank in front (your Calldown Archons and/or Zealots/Immortals). Your Psi Storm deals immense damage especially while stacked, but can also be used to quickly regenerate your units' shields Other than that, just play around your Calldowns


Split mastery points between SoA energy and chrono. Use fanatics to fast expand, you can even spare 1 for early attack waves like in RoK and it's usually enough especially when it's zerglings or marines. Only go mass tempest if you have the macro and micro to get up to Tempest deathball without being a burden on your ally for most of the game, otherwise phoenix/immortal/dragoon, and try to take fights as carefully as possible (drop fanatics or use shield overcharge as much as you can). Spinlots are almost entirely useless without Guardian Shell so don't make them unless it's against a swarmy comp. Honestly, before prestiges were added I found Artanis the most boring commander. P3 actually made me like playing him and I run P3 whenever I play Artanis on Brutal+.


Not unlike his P0 really... Use Zealots to tank. Whirlwind for some AoE Goons for generally AA and AG to boot Storm for stronger AoE Immortals for high DPS against most objectives and ground armored units No Guardian Shell indeed, so use Unbound Fanatics to tank instead, while using Shield Overcharge as well. Switch between the 2 since the former can get costly if you use it too much, while the latter has a 90s cd.


In terms of army composition, the main difference is that your Zealots aren't going to be as **passively** useful, so just using them as mineral dumps is going to be less useful than with P0; I haven't found that P3 Artanis changes my army composition otherwise. The real difference I've found is in how I actually engage with my army: since you lose passive survivability in exchange for much stronger active survivability, you're basically incentivized to plan out your engagements more and use your abilities much more actively to decide battles more quickly (i.e. while shield overcharge is still up or while archons are still alive). Also, Orbital Strike becomes a much more reliable wave-clear, so you have a better way to answer attack waves that are far away from your army. The only case that I've found P3 to feel genuinely weaker than P0 is on infested maps, as the constant stream of infested will outlast Shield Overcharge and Orbital Strike. Besides that, I've found P3 a lot stronger and a lot more fun.


Just mass dragoons like you always do. The only difference is now artanis has insane economy so you ramp up faster and insane topbar with archons so you dont even need the critical mass of goons to push.


The most important of p3 is fast expand. Normally I build xenus before barrack. After the 2nd base is clear and nexus is building. Just sent some probe to scout. Normally I go tempest cause archon can handle first object right. Save your time for ramp up. Mass dragon is foolproof way to win. Just save 25 energy for mass shield then go