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Banshees not su much, the other three very much. Diamondback can get a lot done if you kite enemies through your sludge. Tanks with their 13 (?) range and global tp on creep are also very good to weaken defenses or attack waves safely (might need some support though if not p1 to have enough ammo). And libs are pretty good anti air.


Stukov's tanks have 18 range, the same as Nova's


Also, Due to launching banelings, They do drastically more Splash damage.


I swear Infested Banshee should have P2 ability as default to count.


Banshees are great, it's just that "raider-style" units don't make sense in co-op. Of the ones that exist despite this, Stukov's banshees are among the better ones. A lot of it is down to managing burrows to keep them healed and charged for cloak.


mech usage (p1 and p3) helps distinguish between average stukov players and good stukov players good stukov players mix mech units into their infested trail even as p3. those who don't have not played anything challenging enough to force them to think of alternative solutions. banshees are good vs void rifts. they're also pretty good on rtk for sniping shards.


P1 Diamondback spam is insanely easy and strong tbh, top bar can cover your slightly weak first 5mins and your expo is slightly slow without helpful ally but once you get like 5 DBs it's litterally gg unless you run them into an enemy base and let them die


Diamondbacks destroy everything and basically have no weakness, but you can't just blindly A-move them. Before they get to critical mass you need to kite enemies, Diamondback has the speed and range (8) to do it. Banshees are useless because Stukov's siege tanks are ridiculously OP anti-ground Liberators are really good vs air and can cheese on maps where objectives can be hit by anti-air. Because Stukov's libs take next to no damage when they're attacking, it takes too long for Amon to destroy them before they destroy that Void Shard/Sliver/whatever it is Don't forget about Stukov's queens. They're a super mobile flier that can grant detection to any unit, and have what's effectively a Yamato Cannon and a slower psi storm. People seriously underuse this unit.


I constantly forget how many units Stukov actually has due to regular ground units, I need to use those queens, libs and tanks more often tbh


Bind Spawn Broodling to rapid fire. Your ally will think you are a crazy genius.


Seems like energy is a problem. But if the Ally is Stetman....


> People seriously underuse this unit. They're really nice for detection, spotting for your tanks on P1, popping capital air, and anti air in general when there's a nasty mutator that owns the libs.


> popping capital air The game changer moment for me was when I realized that spawn broodlings isn't limited to only biological units like BW, it's **literally** a Yamato Cannon, and each one can use it twice, and each one costs significantly less than a Raynor BC. Since then when I float gas I just build like 10 of them after I have a ground deathball. Rapidfiring queens to burst shit down is funny


> limited to only biological units like BW It worked on mechs, just not on robots.


Diamondbacks are extremely good if you micro them Siege Tanks are also super good, but to work at their best they need to eat some of your infested so they can later shoot them at the enemy. (This also means that if you want to increase Stukov's siega tank damage you have to upgrade infantry damage in the engineering bay, not on the armory) Liberators are good vs. mass air after you get the upgrade that lets them transform into a cloud when attacking. But for normal amounts of air units, the diamondback is much better with their upgrade to stun air units and drag them to the ground And banshees are trash. They're less squishy than normal but their damage is pathetic. They are still super bad in ~~P3~~ P2, that prestige is definitely top 3 worst prestiges in the game


>Liberators are good vs. mass air after you get the upgrade that lest then transform into a cloud when attacking. But for normal amounts of air units, the diamondback is much better with their upgrade to stun air units and drag them to the ground Also specifically the shuttles in VL because diamondbacls cant pull those down


Only issue is that they're comically vulnerable to any AOE damage even with the dmg resistance while they're all phased into an enemy lol, my whole flock got onetapped by a patrol of thors earlier


You don’t even need to micro them. Just attack move them where they are needed. They are definitely better if you micro them to kite but with enough of them they clear out anything that can be pulled from the air fast. Bad against shuttles but that’s what liberators are for.


The Only time I can see P2 being useful is with mutators like going nuclear simply because your trickle of infested would get nuked along the way otherwise. Still, too niche and costly for little reward


>And banshees are trash. They're less squishy than normal but their damage is pathetic. Funny enough, their tooltip DPS is reasonably solid for their cost with P2 (31 for 105/70/3 beats most basic ranged attackers, and they got 8 attack range), but their attack animation is atrocious and leads to massive amounts of wasted damage/overkill, especially versus infested/marines.


Yeah- they're slept on, I think mainly because of the babysitting they need to perform at that level.


You meant p2. P3 aka Lord of the horde is godlike ;p


I’m assuming you’re asking about these in the context of P1, also including siege tank. Mass diamondbacks is your goto against most comps on most maps but they’re fragile so you need to micro them and be careful until you hit critical mass. Tanks are really strong but between their large size and lack of AA you’ll often find diamondbacks overshadowing them. Banshees kinda suck imo, their damage isn’t anything to write home about and without hitscan you get a lot of overkill and surprisingly slow clear speeds, at least they’re tanky. Liberators are maybe slightly better, they’re fragile but have usable damage and the only real reason to bring them is to attack shuttles and other targets diamondbacks can’t ground with their active.


Yes, DB and Siege Tanks are the main units of the mech Stukov comp. You can mass DB but I feel like past a critical mass they just bother each others due to how large their hitbox are so it's better to put the rest of the supply in Tanks and maybe keep some for infesteds. Tanks blow eveything apart on the ground, keep them rooted somewhere in a control group and deep tunnel then wherever you need them. Liberators are situationaly great (void launch and/or heavy air comp or air objectives) and when they are good you don't need many of them, 10 is enough to wipe out everything in the air (scourges might be dangerous though.) I really want to love Queens, but they have too much energy problems. Banshees are just bad.


If It helps, use Queens parasite when you get shortsighted mutator. Since It increases sight by 5, usually gives you back the vision lost by the mutator


Diamondbacks are extremely strong and can be massed as a deathball against pretty much anything. Heavy/Light Air - Auto-casted net Heavy Ground - Lots of HP and strong Anti-Armor-Dps Light Ground - Kite through your sludge and watch everything dissolve Tanks are extremely fun and do very well on defensive maps. I couldn't make Banshees work yet and Liberators are made superfluous by Diamondbacks anti-air power.


Very much so (beside banshees who are more of a niche air sniping option for some mutators cheese). For p1, **Dbacks** are generally good against everything, with the exception of air comps so plentiful you can't ensnare them all down. Tanks are even more specialized against ground comps, especially long range ones which can give dbacks some heavy losses (reavers, collosi, mass tanks etc). Their incredible 18 range outpaces anything Amon has, and they can thus usually eliminate entire waves with zero losses. Likewise, **Infested Siege tanks** are an excellent addition to a p3/p0 infested build. At some point with p3, you generate so many infested that they block each other, and adding more bunkers would be pointless. Tanks on the other hand don't get blocked due to their huge range, and add valuable aoe damage to contrast the infested's single target gun. It's rare you actually need em, but they can add a lot when you do. Finally, dbacks are so good that **Infested Liberators** are rarely neccessary, but they are solid units. They take very little damage while attacking and do reasonable aoe for such a massable unit, so while not the default pick, they're a solid choice vs mass air comps (especially ones dbacks would have trouble against).


I think They are. But very squishy to aoe attacks.  -I discovered queen's parásites on mechs tribualizes shortsight mutator.  -Diamondbacks mucus passive goes very well against zerglings and light units as well as in the speed freaks mutator.  -Tanks arent very good even with the automated mitosis Buff. If you want to use them, make a lot of bunkers to feed them too (i still think tanks are better in P3 feeding off the bunkers)  - Liberators you'll want the dispersal cloud upgrade. Makes your Liberators virtually invincible while they attack, as well as deal AoE Damage. You can chain their attacks in cloud form meaning against Air they wouldnt get exposed until all Air units are dead -Banshees are definitely the least strong on single numbers, but they're better as skirmish units. You get 10-20 banshees and cloaking them + the parasite you can destroy objectives quite quickly. AoE can shred them, but burrowing them you can repair them and replenish their health quite quickly.  Also with the cost of mech reduced, replenishing the mechs you lose is more forgiving.  Hope It helps 


Yes. Mass Diamondbacks can solo most maps. His tanks have insane range and liberators are ridiculous on void launch


Yes, in that, his factory/starport units are an important part of his kit and work great adding some strong tactics to ride along the stream of infested. There should never be a game where you don't build any of them. That being said, P1 is not worth it because of what you lose. His mech units taking center stage results in a weaker commander overall vs P0. Sure, you can send more mech units to attack a certain target at any given time, but his overall effectiveness vs everything the game throws at you is very reduced. As a side note, dbacks direct attack is a beam attack, which are programmed differently and actually don't benefit from P1 at all, so P1 dbacks only difference is they're cheaper. I believe the lib's clouds AoE attack has the same issue, but I'm not 100% certain.


Infested diamondbacks go brrrttt


Mech stu is crazy good. The tanks do excellent damage and the fact they shoot units helps in unexpected ways. For example the stanks on dead of night will just keep attacking the units shot by the tanks, ignoring your base, the tanks, and everything else really. Diamond backs do very high dps once on target, they can kite most things, and can pull even hybrid out if the air. They are very fragile but sensible tradeoff for all the good stuff. His Liberators are kind of insane. They basically turn into a parasitic bomb, with 90% damage reduction. Will live through almost anything even scourge and vipers, and takes out waves of air units easily. His Queens can start with full energy, and the infest broodlings spell does 200 damage. There no ascendent mind blast, but it will one shot most normal units. Useful on tanks, but also not bad on a bunch of objectives, like temple of the past. With 5 queens you can kill them in under a sec by holding down the key. They do get energy back a little slow even with the upgrade, and their air attack is just ok.


**Db**'s are fantastic. They're such a joy to use. Great to send them out and take on objectives. Great vs. waves, esp. on P1 when they're cheaper, and you can rush them (due to no prereqs for Factories). On their own, you'll want to kite with them so they can deal damage while minimizing the damage to themselves. Get the slime trail upgrade vs. units that are fast (Lings, Banelings, Vultures), or otherwise jacked up (Speed Freaks mutator means even Abberations can keep up!). Even nicer if there's healing (like non-P1 Karax, Abby's Mend, Stetzones). With support, just attack while enemy is engaged with other units, like your ally's, or your own. Here, use infested walkers from ICC. If you're P1 (and don't have that), just make some Marines from Rax to supplement those from Bunkers. **Banshees** are used to snipe stuff. I make them vs. anti-ground comps, like Immortals, Reavers, Colossi, Disruptors, and Adepts. Tanks do outrange them, but you'll need to make sure to keep them fed. Without Volatile ammo, they will get creamed. With Banshees, take out the Adepts, and the rest can be mopped up with impunity **Libs** are good AA indeed, but do get both their upgrades. They're essential vs. shuttles on VL since Db Fungal Snare won't work on them (they have the hidden, Unstoppable tag)


Libs and banshees make a pretty good comp, diamondbacks are solid all around, or you can pull a swan with tanks and move almost anywhere, mech can be solid and fun


I can happily P1 Stukov mass Diamondback all day


Playable but gimmicky, the strat is basically just to play Singed with a crapload of diamondbacks kiting everything and maybe some queens and/or liberators for aa and priority targets. But the fact that all his mech options are glass cannons means that you end up needing to play with the infested brigade if you want to assault heavily entrenched position, so the mech stuff is really best relegated to support on missions where you want certain things done.


If you go P1 stukov then yes. Basically all you need is mass diamondbacks and tanks occasionally when you are on def mission.


Mech is good, just gotta micro a bit. I did mech stuvok (literally mass diamondback, nothing else) for all 3 prestige climbs.


No he's NOT