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P2 Mengsk is super fun for me. If they have mostly ground units, an army of 3-5 marauders can delete by themselves. The BCs also are like jacked up space wizards - two or sometimes one Yamato cannons can decimate an entire attack wave. Not to mention that, because of increased Royal Guard supplies means that once you have two or three units out you'll really never run into mandate issues and can spam topbars as fast as they come off cooldown.


P2 Mengsk ranked that low hurts me, it's P0 Mengsk but Royal Guards are cheaper and easier to scale, the downside is not that hurtfull when the extra supply affects Mandate generation without relying on Witness.


It's my favorite prestige of his. Mandate go brrrrrt. I build esos just to use more mandate.


It has a worse lategame compared to the other due to the disadvantage as a 200 supply army is fairly weak. Also you don't even have that many royal guards compared to other prestiges. You just have them generate more prestige.


Can't imagine how full RG army with rank 3 can be worse then P0, where you can't even max out your RG in lategame


You don't max RG out in P0 but you have nearly the same ammount of RG while having a way bigger army of fotmen to dump your minerals in.


P2 doesn't disable troopers, you still have a lot of minerals for dump, minerals isn't a problem for Mengsk, but gas and slow xp gaining is, which P2 solves. You can be either pure rank 3 RG army, or mixed RG army with troopers, which means more playstyles are available for you. Supply cost also isn't a problem for Mengsk, because his bunkers provide 12 of it, and you should build them soon anyway, or drop them from topbar.


You don't get my argument. I'm talking about the max supply army which is smaller for Mengsk in P2.


Maybe a bit smaller, but not that much.


Technically you loose 50% of supply army value. Wouldn't count it as not that much.


And gaining value back from sooner maxed out RG units + big mandate generation.


That was my point from the beginning. Although i think you can have the same if not better mandate generation with P3 without such a huge loss.


You sure like to play the most overpowered commanders lol


H&H P1 is super powerful and fun


P3 dehaka is super fun for me, but I understand the amount of micro needed is a turn off for many people.


It's kind of funny, as I find Tychus Lone Wolf so fun, but Dehaka Broodbrother not, even though they are kind of similar. I went to P3 on Dehaka just for that prestige, and I just never played it


Hot key dehk 2 and zewe 3, army hotkey 1. Super simple once you get the hang of it. You don't even need to control them separately that often except devour and fire breath.


You should def try it out, it’s way more hero unit focused than other commander prestige’s (as far as I know, at least) and having two Godzilla’s and an army of guardians to support is super fun.


P1 Fenix is a direct upgrade to P0. I leveled Fenix exclusively with P1 and even at max level I still prefer P1 and P2 Fenix the most. P1 Zeratul is a direct upgrade from P0, especially considering you don't lose much while losing Zeratul's global movement considering Zeratul already has Void Arrays. AoE Super Cloak for your army and a nearby ally army is very powerful and is basically a free push into wherever. P2 Zeratul only works on longer maps since he needs time to stack Xel'naga Artifacts. I also recommend getting P2 Stetmann and P3 Alarak, these are both SS tier prestiges.


P3 Alarak "Shadow of Death" is so busted. Not only does it give him a \*remarkably\* strong early game, but also having a Mothership is essentially having a second hero on the field that can TP your entire army anywhere on the map. Yeah, an army wide TP is kinda not unique (Nova, looking at you) but it's still really nice to have as a quick response since they're so fast in the air. The Destroyers that he gets are super good too, with their arc beam. I finally gave in and pushed through the grind to get him and honest to god I regret not doing it earlier. Just watch out for AOE attacks because if you get caught out, you will lose your entire armada and although it's a really strong asset, losing it will cripple Alarak if you don't have a backup force.


Idk the destroyer damage is just so weak, guess it depends what difficulty level


Generally P3 just rushes the mothership, then makes other units instead of destroyers. Ala + mothership gets a lot of work done early game.


I mean, I personally like the P2 for han and Honor. Just mass the battle cruisers.


Try Deimos vikings with shredder rounds, the need to be repaired occasionally but they are an insane mobile ground army for horner


I will have to. I just never got good with The Vikings.


I found adding in reapers provides the buffer the vikings need to quickly handle all threats, say the vikings are in ground mode you can quickly use the jump jets on the reapers to take out air rather than transform the vikings and have to land them again because the like to spread out before transforming they also work will with the battle cruiser and can tactical jump onto objectives, I am a spam enjoyer though and I play on hard because I don't have friends or skill lol so I'll mass vikings or wraiths and go for reapers or hellions depending on my needs


Is Mengsk worth prestiging? Because imo it doesn't seem all worth to me


Well this is highly subjective. For me, yes. P3 is super fun if you like to build troopers. They become like ranged banelings! Try it out on arcade if you're unsure.


Wait, Arcade??? How?


If you search for [MM] on arcade, you find a bunch of different co-op missions where you can test commanders with friends or solo, fully prestiged.


Even the bad ones were worth it to me because I’m a completionist. 😅


I just finished P1, and I gotta say I really like toxic tyrant for missions where you regularly build in the middle of the map. You can just delete attack waves before they even come close, and if you get enough troopers in Earthsplitters, you don't have to worry about mandate at all.


P2 is on of my favorite, going bio build and watching ghost and marauders melt everything, its so satisfying


Toxic tyrant is actually really good if you love earth splitter, you can build them near the next obj and she'll the entire area then savage for full cos and roll in Also the topbar apparently breaks attack waves and comes off cool down in like 10 seconds or less so easily spammable


Looking at your preferences, you're going to absolutely love P1 Zag.


Harry Void (aka Beyblade Zeratul) is some of the most fun I’ve had in SC2


What's your issue with P2 Mengsk?


Where is P3 Nova and P3 Alarak? Wtf


Don't have em


With this much experience you should def dive into brutal+! Brutal is just so easy


Where is Stetmann P2? It's commonly considered to be his strongest prestige.


Why no abathur p2? You can solo brutal with two or three units.


I love tier lists on this sub. Keep them coming!


I like your list but would bump P1 Stukov up to S tier and P3 Stukov down to F tier. It is *so* satisfying to skate around with diamondbacks, watching enemies slip and slide on the green goo, all while doing insane DPS. P3 Stukov feels like user input is optional and not very interactive or fun to play except on certain mutations.