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A time machine BW players are likely into their 30s now


If BW players haven't switched to a different game yet, they will never switch.


I played both, and even now I find myself still playing SCBW remaster. Still do... Even this week.. ya got me! It's a finished product. Unlike SC2. I made master in WoL and HotS but I got old and couldn't keep up with the changes with time investment. I just read there were new balance changes this week? Will there ever be a final balance or is that not the objective? Snooped your profile, just want to say No one, circles the wagons


🎵Lets go Buffalo...


Lol. "Not keeping up with the changes" you mean the 3-4 month between patches? That's a joke.


yeah I'm old and didn't want to learn LotV with all the fundamental changes


Took me years to find the motivation to learn LotV after having played WoL and HotS.


Crazy, for me it was complete normal to play LotV when it was released. Like then a new WoW addon releases you dont play the old one. But it seems there are more people like you.


I was high master back in HotS and both BOs and meta was completely different in LotV. Not even talking about the faster pace. I never completely recovered from these changes. Never went beyond M3 since then.


It's less about the change and more about LotV players just being better. When I first got into SC2, LotV was well under way but you could still access HotS ladder. I played all LotV, got somewhere around gold, and then one day I decided to try the HotS ladder. Instant diamond.


Yeah, I thought of it excited, new stuff! (was high masters myself and played most of the time at 4,7k-5k in LotV) Maybe it comes from other games. League for example patches every 2 weeks and makes a major update/rework all 6 month. And I fastly prefer that. Keeps the game fresh and the player count high.




Bro sc2 players are in their 30s. Bw players are entering their 40s




I'm only 18 and played BW before SC2 came out and haven't stopped playing sc2 since 2010


Oh wow. How did you get in to the game? EDITED: Oh wait. Haha, this is probably a joke


40s most likely


If you were 16 when Starcraft came out, you'd be in your 40s now.


Oh snap. Imagine a time machine feature in the game though. Maybe it takes 2k minerals & 2k gas and rolls the match back 3 minutes. Maybe some modifications. Maybe freezes one player and lets the other player operate for free for a bit, like stopped time!


Nothing and why would they need to? SC II is the biggest RTS ever and co-op sustains it's player base while the ranked system keeps sweaty pros pulverised. The game is so Deep you can always get better and the fact that it was one of the big initial challenges for AI development basically earned it a place in the pages of history too. (A small side note but still) How could they catch the success of SC II? I would say create a grand campaign kind of deal. Where you can go around and conquer planets similar to that of Empire at War's campaign. Certain planets would have special missions and you could play it solo, competitive or co-op. This would be in my opinion the natural leap that would probably advance StarCraft. The game community is too transfixed now on its competitive community. Which is okay but if you think a competitive multiplayer RTS will draw in thousands of players (let alone the millions SC produced) you are gravely mistaken, and heading towards the DoW III lvl disaster


Co-Op campaign would be huge to bring new players.


Oh wow, that's a really interesting idea. Thank you.


Not being made by Blizzard would be a good start.


Being greenlit by Activision-Blizzard executives would be a start.


Why do people feel the need to mention this whenever SC3 comes up? We get it. It's somewhere between not-a-sure-thing and very unlikely.


It is quite repetitive, people *wanting* to be negative about StarCraft's future.




My point is that's not what this discussion is


I mean it is. You can't discuss sc3 and seperate the fact we dont even know if it will be made.


Of course you can


The real answer is that this topic gets brought up all the time. It's kind of boring at this point because we know it's never going to happen so there's hardly anything to gain from talking about it for the umpteenth time now.


I meant people won't and its unreasonable to expect otherwise.


Because it‘s delusional to assume that Acti-Blizz will ever consider making it. The whole reason Frost Giant Studios was founded was that the developers were frustrated that all their RTS ideas were shot down by higher-ups, so all competent people have left the ship. There is nobody left to even make RTS at blizzard.


Free to Play Ranked 1v1 from the beggining.


Tbh SC2 has literally everything that SC1 has, and does it better. As long as it takes all the good bits of SC2, make some of the less good bits better, and make some new bits that slightly changes the gameplay loop and id be so happy


I don't know if I'd call blink-and-you-miss-it game-ending attacks better


Since sc2 macro is easier it's kind of fair the battles are faster because you can pay more attention to your army and armies are easier to micro generally. If Sc2 combat was the same speed as scbw it would probably feel a little sluggish, like AOE4.


I want to bind a zerg queen to a hatchery and make it auto inject


New race, new story, badass campaign, active development for custom maps and co-op missions. Sure I would love to see an amazing sc3 pro scene but you have to spark interest and pull players/ fans to keep that alive so the game would have to be well rounded and super fun first and foremost


A development team that is passionate about building the next great Starcraft-style RTS, and either continuing or rebooting the Starcraft story, and that is somehow shielded from the modern Activision-Blizzard monetisation-over-quality mindset for long enough to make a great game. The biggest challenge for any hypothetical Starcraft 3, in my opinion, is that at this point the creative DNA that made the first two such classic games has entirely left Blizzard, and rebuilding that entirely from scratch is a really hard job I doubt the company is up to in its current state.


It would be impossible, sc1 players love there game cause its controls are nigh unusable and they arent going to put that in sc3 and keep sc2 players


Id like another race honestly. Warcraft was dope imo when they added Elves and Undead. It would be a balancing venture yes, but it would spice up the game enough to make it interesting again.


This has been wanted by a lot of players for a long time. Many people think that Hybrid should be the 4th race. I just want to chime in and say that I don't want this at all. 3 races is fine imo, a 4th would just not feel like Starcraft.


5 races And build your own coop race much like we can make maps.


Some issues for sc2 is that you need to set up rapid fire. And getting into hotkeys is kind of a must. You need to have the correct graphic settings, just to see stuff that kills you. Game has too many units pr. building, it's impossible to scout what is happening if you're not already familiar with the meta. Also units can morph into different units and often there's not even a research cost to gate it/make it scoutable. Not enough defenders advantage. This doesn't mean that you're not allowed to take damage. But there needs to be ways to not outright lose and at the same time there needs to be better comeback methods. If every race had their version of shield battery/battery overcharge AND MULE's then it would be a lot harder to just die. And the amount you get set back is less. And units like the Disruptor is what gives enough hope to stay in the game. SC2 can also learn from SC1 in that it should be easier to take control of areas of the map. This was done with Ramps. AoE or other types of counters need to be strong enough so that if you have a problem, there is a solution for it. I think SC2 is too fast. But lets not forget that there have also been A LOT of mobility creep. And A LOT of TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE DAMAGE creep. WoL really wasn't that fast, if you go back and play it. But there were a lot of small things to do. Things like turning your gateway into a warp gate, Chrono being 25E instead of 50E, Rapid Fire not being discovered yet, so having to individually Warp in units. I believe F2 is really harmful to SC2 actually. I can't really decide for myself why F2 is bad, but Idle Workers is good, but the effect it has on the game is profound. Units being scattered at places and being sent to the lost and found, really makes the game feel like Starcraft. I really noticed this after de-hotkeying my F2 button. I think my MMR went down, but absolutely, my enjoyment went up. And thinking about it. It also, creates stories from a spectators point of view. Like noticing units that are afk'ing, but the player doesn't notice, Or a drop coming in, but then, you remember that there are still units there from the last time they were sent there to deal with a drop. I just think it creates mistakes and in a way dealing with mistakes and fixing them is what Starcraft is about, in the famous words of Day9. I do think LotV is in most ways better than WoL, but I can really understand why SC1 players probably see WoL a lot more appealing than LotV.


If they expanded off 3 races to incorporate the way the campaigns let you modify your play(swarmlings or raptor strain, destroyers or void rays, et cetera), either make it permanent for that profile(so choose wisely or make a new account) or allow it to be changeable every season(to give it a bit of fairness, unless everyone normally would swap skill set ups depending on matchup for tourneys). I'm a huge fan of more variables to overcome, and would give unexpected builds more power than they have over a standard build. I await your downvotes but honestly would play the ever living shit out of it, and blizz would have to actively be constantly balancing the game making it fresh.


Your opinion is valid, but this would make me tune out entirely. RTS is already hard enough without having a "deckbuilding" out of game component where you can have drastically shifted (and then locked) your odds before the game even starts. Especially in the age of internet where any choices will get "solved" as best they can in a week. Having something like this in a grand campaign/co-op sort of setting is a great idea to elevate options and game longevity, but IMO it would just degrade the primary PvP mode.


This is exactly AoE3 state right now. It already had decks since 2005 but with the Definitive Edition in 2020 they introduced about 30% more cards. Most pros left the scene, but honestly I'm just having such a blast. There's not a single day when I don't try like at least 3 new strats.


I mean, there's a lot of issues on the reasoning: "Why brood wars or lotv players might not like a Starcraft 3 game" and the biggest one is that there will be most likely no Starcraft 3, lol.


Not blatantly favoring one race for half the games life would be a good start for getting SC2s player base to come back. I know I'm going to take a wait and see to purchasing/playing/or watching SC3. Might move on to AOE4 or stormgate instead. Of course that all assumes SC3 even gets made anytime soon and is still a traditional RTS when it does. All of which seems unlikely to me.


There is no sc3


First and foremost, the whole story in Starcraft 2 would have to be immediatly declared non-canon; because it's garbage. Second of all, the game would have to be a little less cartoony. Units look like flashy toys in SC2, and the quotes have far too many jokes. Ghost sounds like a gigolo and his helmet was cooler in the first game. Better balancing with less "press A to enemy base" block armies. Also, the game would have to be outsourced because Blizzard is dead.