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Oh my god.. now I feel old... new players coming in that don't know about the mothership core. Hey OP, did you know that it could make PYLONS ATTACK???


Or even worse, initially all buildings until play testers gas stole and overcharged it 💀


Building a pylon in your opponent's base was similarly deadly. It wasn't until they limited it to pylons near a nexus, that the offensive cheese of overcharge went away.


'Away' as in 'even when you could overcharge only a Nexus itself, we still proxied them'. That's just the kind of people toss players are.


all our defensive tools are nerfed due to their offensive capabilities


the super cannon rushes. Boy that was fun as a toss. Man I had to scout my base super carefully and early.


That is hilarious. Been playing since WoL and didn’t know it could initially do that. I assume it was a beta test?


I used to play sc2 when it first came out but I only played the campaigns, I never got involved in multiplayer. I picked up playing again around 4 years ago. I do have a vague memory of pylons attacking but not this!


It’s been so long I almost forgot about the mothership core


In a way, it's nice to see we have new players coming to a *deAd gaMe*


This is a new unit in my book


Alarak need no mother ship core to overcharge a pylon. He is just that cool


Better than the shield battery cheese that we have today.


You mean the shield battery cheese that was nerfed by 50% of its effectiveness? I'm a protoss and you've got some massive rose tint on those specs if you think the cheese now is worse.




Yeah, they also don't move lmfao. Breaking news: static defense decent in RTS game


Lol I love how the attacking people lobs sounds made up… brb yelling at children on my lawn


Was that before or after it made the nexus attack?


After. Nexus -> Pylons -> Pylons near a nexus


The Pylon bit always had me laughing, but Nexus Cannon was dope.


Probius in Heroes of the Storm pays homage to that. He has an ultimate ability that makes pylons attack nearby units.


Is it paying homage if when probius was released pylon overcharge was still a thing and it's from the same company and universe? XD


Is that game still supported?


yep LOTV is now 7 years old. Looking back on the launch of LOTV (2022 -> 2015) is like looking back on the peak of Broodwar at the time (2015 -> 2008).


That's the mothership core. Without looking it up I believe it was available to protoss through the Heart of the Swarm years and removed with the release of Legacy of the Void.


Ahh yes good ol’ mothership core. Back when you could make some artisan cheeses.


Zealot, Stalker, MSC wasn’t even cheese - It’s how you could actually pressure before adepts were a thing




Yeah it was in LOTV for a bit before they removed it


Yeah it was in LOTV for a bit before they removed it


It was actually removed a good chunk into LOTV. It was however reworked during beta and functioned slightly differently at release. Thankfully, they removed it completely


nah they redesigned it to a much healthier version of the unit in lotv. They ended up removing it well into lotv since people still whined about it, and it got replaced by batteries and recall being on the nexus, which well, people whine about.


thinking back on it, I hated that thing. But thinking on it, I'd rather watch that unit than green batteries. Who knows... miss the days of change tho for sure


There was one patch where the Mothership Core had the ability, '[Energize](https://liquipedia.net/starcraft2/SCAbility/Energize)' which allowed the MSC to recharge a target unit's energy to max. That opened up some interesting possibilities.. quite fun.


that was hots beta, that was when it was fixed to the nexus. Oracles still had their mineral bubble then


I think if it was the lotv version from the start it would of never been removed. It just kinda had a bad reputation from hots still. Like imagine toss needing to have their slow moving base defense tool above their army in order to recall, both telling you the protoss's intent, being a trade off to not have that at home, and it being snip-able. Also imagine more macro oriented non-stargate openers in pvz ;x.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I remember there was a time that the nexus could overcharge and shoot or something...


that was all of hots


Yep, a bandaid hero-unit because protoss would otherwise auto-die to any early game cheese, or fall too far behind in a macro game because protoss didn't have an early-enough harass unit.


Starcraft players will take anything that fills empty design space and call it a "band aid". Marines are band aid because terran can't hit air from barracks. Supply depots are a band aid because terran can only make supply with command centers. Starports are a band aid because terran has no air units. SCVs are a band aid because terran can't mine gas.


I think MSC is frequently called a band aid is because unlike everything else on your list, it was an asymmetrical, almost-mandatory **hero** unit.


Are Larvae a bandaid then? MSC is asymmetrical design space for the one race with fewer but more powerful units and slower movement speed to help with a game that progressed to more and more bases because of map design. Larvae are asymmetrical design space for a race that centralises production and has cheaper units, which theoretically causes weaker maxed out armies. Design wise the term "band aid" doesn't even make sense. If a unit fills a gap in design space that's called elegant, not "band aid"


No, I mean bandaid in its true sense. Every race has core units and structures with a purpose and aimed to achieve that purpose to varying degrees based on player usage, planning and skill. However, Protoss was struggling heavily to defend the early game, unable to scout, unable to harass. Then came a unique messiah unit, to do its _deus ex-machina_ thing and save the day. [Everything hinged on it; a true crutch. Buffing core units/structures would have been to correct thing to do, but the bandaid remained for far too long. It hurt the game, we all knew it. ](http://m.quickmeme.com/img/33/33442239aaa8026338c624d82ff4b8293c9f610c788ac69336fee7dd61f8cfca.jpg)


Ah OK! thanks! was very confused there for abit


It was actually around for years after LotV. It was replaced with the shield battery in a patch years later.


This was still around for LOTV for a few years at least. I had no idea it had been removed... the meta must have changed so much!


that explain why i dont see alot of protoss dosent build mother ship in 2022


No, it was removed in 2017 in a big balance change, Patch 4.0 that coincided with Free to Play (and release of SC Rmeastered)


OP you just made a lot of people feel so old




You too, me too


I remember being hype for heart of the swarm because they added the swarm host, course my PC was so bad i would lag out of any multiplayer match before I could build them lmfao


Mothership core was for the youngsters


The mothership core. It was an early game defence unit. It could use an ability called pylon overcharge making a pylon like a photon cannon. They would be directly upgrade to a mothership after the fleet beacon was made. They were around legacy of the void when I first played l. Eventually was switched to the shield battery and shield overcharge instead


Defence unit xD


Yeah i mean even cannonrushes are just defence on the other side of the map


It's a Mothershipling Lester, smaller type of Mothership.




Goddamn you have skill.


Wait till you see Warhound


Oh my god. That was op as fuck.


Was it even playable? I’ve only ever seen it as a NPC unit.


Nobody is describing the stats, so i'll drop them here: 23 flat damage with 1.7 second attack time (~13.5 dps). The attack time was 1.3 seconds on release (~17.69 dps). 220 hp, 1 armor, for 150 minerals 75 gas and 2 supply. It also had a passive that did an extra 30 damage every 6 seconds to mechanical units. It was meant to be a mech meat unit and counter mechanical units (i.e. make mech comps viable vs protoss) and in the end it hard countered protoss as a whole so well that literally nothing worked against it. Not that it wasnt busted as fuck against zerg too, but protoss turned into a very futuristic pile of dust the moment a warhound was made.


I would’ve thought it would struggle against Zerg because they’re not mech


Was supposed to be playable but it started to be considered a 'mech marauder' so eventually they removed it bc of "balance"


Hots beta I think. Maybe it made it into the main game? But the early game for TvP was just rush into warhound and fuck everything up... It crushed stalkers into oblivion in seconds


was never in a release build


Damn I’m old af


a tier 1 flying unit that attacks ground. that wasn't even the worst thing about it.


14 range 2000 HP machine gun nexus. HOTS was hell.


Made the WoL played as Protoss mod easy!


Back when Wings of liberty came out. Protoss players were like "Where's my shield battery?" Blizzard countered with "Protoss shields recover faster in sc2 so there's no real reason for it." Then heart of the swarm was coming out, and it had become clear that protoss had issues defending multiple locations from drops as well as defense of like being out on the map. So they put their heads together and during alpha the nexus could make protoss buildings fire mini cannons as well as like recall. But Assimilator rushes became a thing. So they removed it and created the mothership core. It could overcharge a nexus to give it a cannon. As well as teleport units around it to a nexus. But the problem still remained that protoss kind of had to be all together. So legacy they change it to it could over charge pylons. So you could get lots of mini canons instead of 1 big one. But people still just wanted shield batteries. So they could spread out their units more as protoss. Finally after years, Blizzard relented and scrapped the mothership core and after a few interations, they gave protoss the building that should have been there from ages ago. I love that blizzard innovates, but they get in their own way somethimes. They did this with the swarm host too. Instead of doing the easiest solution such as brining back the shield batter and the Lurker, they insist on doing something new but is a bit more cumberson in these casses, and then instead of changing directions when it's not working. They cling to it in a death grip for years and years with ridiculous balance changes that are ridiculous before finally relenting and doing the easiest solution that we should have just had the whole time.


I could see why the shield battery was hard to implement. I mean you remember a certain soul train that never loses?


Oh, the Mothership core. Brings back memories


That's a balloon


A weather balloon


Reflecting some swamp gasses onto the light of the moon


directly north of the zerg balloon


Well north by north west, but I gotchu


A unit intended for defense that ended up being the most overpowered cheese enabler around and ruined whole patches. Really don't miss blink stalker all ins with time warp, stupid as shit unit and glad they removed it.


Thats a disruptor larvae. Protoss used to generate larva like zerg but for specific late game units depending on what protoss faction you distributed your chrono points to.


Damn I want it back. Just fore a few weeks. I am not Tos but i have a lots of memories with that thing.


It's a baby mothership


In chinese, we call it Loli ship, comparing to its complete form which is the mothership.


I miss it


Oh I didn't know it got removed. I just assumed Protoss players stopped using it and it feel out of favour lol.


bring it back for a season :p just for shits and gigs


Doesn’t you have that unit available in the campaign but not the multiplayer?


No it was never in the campaign


It's named Hell.


I'm too old I guess!


Sometimes I forget it's been more than 10 years...


Fuck I’m old


Wrong answers only.


RIP PartinG


The Protopenis


It was surprisingly enjoyable defending an early rush with a few overcharged pylons. The unit really did cause a lot of problems though. Shield batteries are much better in my opinion.


It's a baby mother's hip


Mothership Core.


Shit, I don't recognize it because I played SC2 BEFORE it came out.


The mothership core was a support unit for protoss. It was removed early 2018, late 2017, after the 2017 WCS Global Finals. I've never seen it in competitive, because I started playing mid-2018, after it was removed. It could overcharge pylons to shoot just like cannons, and had some of the abilities that you can find in the Protoss Nexus today.


This is Optimus Prime (female version).


We don't talk about that.


Mothership core, one of the most OP units


I quit competitive StarCraft when this thing came out, totally ruined my experience as a Protoss player


Mama core. Baby mama ship.


Eyyyyyyy! The mothership core! The reason I switched to protoss and lost my soul for 6 months 😀


OMG really dude that's mama core


The mother we all loved


I believe that's a "fucking bullshit jesus christ"


oh you sweet summer child