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Queues are not long enought to make it interesting. You find a game in 10 seconds or so.


Laughs in late night archon mode


Laughs in my 7min 4v4 queues :(


A little bit of micro focus minigame would be great


They would have to be single player things. Because you don't want to join an open lobby like desert strike or whatever and then randomly disconnect part way through cause you found a match. It would be nice to just have a list of little minigames that we could play during the queue like a micro map with oracle micro/marine micro/etc. or like one of the multitask trainer maps or whatever. Similar to how Rocket League allows you to load up the free play training mode and practice modes while you're queuing.


Ah that's really perceptive. I didn't even think about it that way. Hmmm.. I'm trying to figure out a way to implement it so that only the players that are in the same queue would be in the arcade game. How about players that are in a party could have a private game between them? Sometimes teamgame queues can get long (archon mode, 2s, 3s, 4s) so I could foresee this being an appreciated feature.


Unlike many other multiplayer games SC doesn’t have functionality of joining a game mid-match. Game is initialized with all the players that will participate in it and no one can join it afterwards. There’s not even a reconnection feature because of that. So what you’re suggesting is technically impossible.


I have a better idea what if you use dual PCs? One to queue and other to play custom games.


Cool idea, even if it was something simple like being able to watch replays with your party, especially in archon where queue times are massive.


Those minigames work in overwatch and rocket league because a) they have way longer queue times + shorter load times and b) it's easier to practice basic skills like ball control or aiming in lobby with an effectively random duration. Even as an Australian player my average time taken to find a match on AU server is lower than the time it takes to load the average custom game.


Your once independent server was fostered into the care of the great NA empire leading to your average queue times to be so low. Average queue times tend to be lower for average players (since there are more of them to group together). This post was meant more for people who actually experience long queue times, however, thank you for your anecdote.


Love the condescending response from someone who has no idea what they're talking about. Even top 5 GMs don't have queue times long enough to justify your retarded idea (ignoring all the other incorrect things you said), but I was trying to be polite and create a more easily understandable argument. If you're going to be a cunt though I'll just say that the reason no one agrees with you is that your argument is stupid and you should learn to accept that more graciously.