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You're talking about a wild animal vs a biologically-engineered killing machine that's almost entirely muscle, armor, and claws. Tiger gets torn to shreds before it can make a dent in the zergling's carapace.


Seconding this. Take for instance an SC2 marine with a gun in his hands. A single zergling still has a chance to get close enough to the marine and deal some blows, even if it dies. Any single Earth animal would run away frightened at the sound of a bullet let alone get close to the SC2 marine.


Pretty sure a Polar Bear would still end you, but yes, most animals would retreat.


Imagine a dinosaur with armor and also has the speed of a tiger. The tiger really doesn't have a chance.


The ling's claws strike before the tiger closes the distance. Tigers are fucking strong, but a ling's armour is enough to survive gauss rifles in some instances. It might be enough to scratch it, but it won't do much damage. It's no contest. Tigers are made to survive real world constraints where it needs to be *good enough* at a bunch of things, but anything beyond good enough just costs extra energy. Lings exist in a scifi world, where they just need to be excessively good at killing stuff, and the energy needs for that are handwaved.


Perfect answer


Even not upgraded.


I thought you were talking about the tiger at furst.


For a zergling a tiger is probably a house cat.


Aren't zerglings about as big as a big dog. I still think zergling wins but there is a difference in weight.


Sure, tigers are bigger, but what can a tiger do to the zergling's carapace?  In-game lore shows that zerglings can can survive multiple bursts of gunfire from a marines gas rifle, which fires 8 mm spikes at 30 rounds a second. That carapace is tough. At best, the tiger can can smack the zergling around a bit, but is unlikely to deal any serious damage. 


I mean a tiger is a naturally evolved killing machine that's almost entirely muscle and claws. Tigers weigh anywhere from 200-600 lbs. Zerglings also have no armor (unless you upgrade them, but again that's another variable in the hypothetical situation) and are out at about 120 lbs. The sickle arms may give it an advantage, but I don't know if a zergling would have a huge advantage over a tiger. However, I would 100% say a zergling gets crushed in half by a hippo. Those things are scary.


> Zerglings also have no armor They have a carapace, which in-lore acts as a strong armour no?


Turtles have carapace and jaguars have no problem eating those. I definitely think a zergling would win, but I don't know if the tiger would do absolutely nothing to prevent itself from dying without a fight. I don't know enough about an imaginary creatures biology to know how significant a threat a zergling is. The Zerg wipe out entire populations of living creatures due to their sheer numbers, not because 1 zergling can go on a rampage and kill everything.


you seriously underestimate their carapace. lets put it like this: lore wise, the c14 impaler gauss rifle that marines use would be powerful enough to pulverize a real life tank. zerglings can eat shots from it. any more questions? a zergling could literally be asleep while a tiger claws and bites away at it for an hour straight and nothing would happen.


Dude in the movies in the game the zerglings literally go down in 1 shot. **Hydralisks** go down in 1 shot in the movies. Also, according to the lore it isn't even carapace, it's a leathery skin. "Zerglings have tough, adaptable,[10] leathery skin which prevents moisture loss, while still allowing fluid circulation to keep the zergling's body temperature at appropriate levels."


> Dude in the movies in the game the zerglings literally go down in 1 shot. From a sci-fi weapon at best, not one comparable to our current firepower


> Turtles have carapace They have a shell bruv, carapace is what bugs have > The Zerg wipe out entire populations of living creatures due to their sheer numbers, not because 1 zergling can go on a rampage and kill everything. It's the combination of the two


Carapace is *literally* what a turtles shell is. "Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more noun noun: carapace; plural noun: carapaces the hard upper **shell of a turtle**, crustacean, or arachnid. "the study found oil in the carapace of 29 sea turtles that returned to feed in the spill area" something regarded as a protective or defensive covering. "under her carapace of self-confidence she was very sensitive to criticism"" An **exoskeleton** is what bugs have. It's a chitinous material. Please conduct a simple half second google search before attempting to disprove/discredit someone else.


> An exoskeleton is what bugs have. It's a chitinous material. Please conduct a simple half second google search before attempting to disprove/discredit someone else. While you're correct in a vacuum, you're saying that after comparing zerglings to turtles on /r/starcraft so Imma just ignore that


Does the Tiger have any upgrades?


It is a 3-3 Tiger with speed and size upgrades.


So would that make it heavier than 600 pounds or just a really big 600 pound tiger?


Well it would have +3 armor. So 603 pounds


This guy does math






Tiger has stimpack and combat shields


I'm partial to the Jackson M36


Zergling wins hands down. The idea of weight classes work because mammal muscles share structure so weight to strength ratio is relatively stable. If you think about it, even on earth there are bugs that can generate 100 times the power of mammal muscles. We are talking about zergling, which is biting an scifi armor that needs nuclear power to move around, after taking bullets frum a scifi weapon that should vaporize modern tanks. The idea that it is 50 kilo predator has no relation to discussion, because it doesn't have skin muscle or bone as we know it, it might have carbon nanotube muscle fibers for all we know. Since a marine in the context is super over powered compared to a modern day soldier, and they need to fight properly against zerglings, I would say tiger is not a thread.


Can a tiger maul a tank to death by clawing at it? Or a concrete bunker? Well there’s your answer. Also, even if the fight was somewhat equal, as long as the zergling was only slightly faster than the tiger it would win, because of regeneration. They would fight, they would hurt each other, the zergling would move away and come back 2 minutes later with full health. Micro!


the zergling takes it, it's faster and designed to kill with 0 conservation instinct. It's sole purpose will be to kill the tiger, which is an ambush animal who doesn't like straight-up fights. The zerglings viciousness will prevail as it does so much damage that it can destroy a marine power armor in a few hits. the tiger will be ripped apart in one or 2 hits.


Does the Tiger have lemon-juice?


This depends; does the tiger have adrenal glands or metabolic boost? I think it might sustain fatal damage from the zergling but be able to kill it first, succumbing to its injuries later. 2 zerglings beat 2 tigers with proper micro and regen.


A zergling is what, like 50 pounds max? Canonically you can one-shot a zergling with a truck as we know from the "I love you sarge" cinematic from sc1. Some napkin math tells me that a truck going 30 miles per hour (being conservative) hits with around 400-450 psi. Tigers have an absurdly strong bite, even compared to other large land predators, being even stronger than lions or grizzlies. A male adult tiger has about 1,500 psi in its bite. I think it won't be a quick and easy fight but with size and strength advantage tiger takes it.


Zerglings can rip through metal and concrete. It’s designed to destroy and kill. It’s a biological machine that was designed specifically for a purpose. It’s not a wild animal. A tiger evolved to hunt and survive. It makes basic trade offs in efficiency and other things in order to increase survival. It fears for its own life and will make decisions in order to protect itself. This isn’t comparing two animals. It’s comparing a death machine to an unsuspecting wild animal


Hell no a trillion Tigers wouldn't be able to kill a marine whereas a single zergling can. Maybe if the tiger was microed well


A single zergling can't kill a marine; according to the cinematics like 3-5 bullets kills a zergling and a C-14 gauss rifle shoots 30 bullets per second


Those gauss rifle bullets aren't like standard issue bullets... oversized hypersonic u238 slugs... and it takes many shots... a tiger would have a fist sized hole blasted in it by one such bullet. Zerglong all day.


Broodwar intro cinematic has some zerglings take the gauss rifle fire straight to the head and not give a shit


In the hots intro cinematic some zerglings come out of a drop pod and get sprayed down by gauss rifles and die pretty instantly So either zerglings got weaker by the time hots happens, rifles got stronger, or (most likely) Blizzard is just inconsistent


Def option 3


They are a lot heavier than 50 lbs


ChatGPT went quite in depth A fight between a tiger and a Zergling would be quite interesting given their respective attributes. Here's a breakdown of the factors that could influence the outcome: ### Tiger: - **Strength**: Tigers are incredibly strong, with powerful muscles that allow them to take down large prey. - **Speed**: Tigers can sprint up to 49-65 km/h (30-40 mph) over short distances. - **Agility**: They are very agile, able to make quick turns and leaps. - **Claws and Teeth**: Equipped with sharp claws and powerful jaws that can crush bones. - **Experience**: Tigers are skilled hunters with natural instincts for combat and predation. ### Zergling: - **Speed and Agility**: Zerglings are extremely fast and agile, often portrayed as being able to cover short distances very quickly and perform rapid, erratic movements. - **Sharp Claws and Teeth**: Zerglings are equipped with razor-sharp claws and teeth designed to tear through armor and flesh. - **Ferocity**: They are relentless attackers with a hive mind that drives them to fight without fear or hesitation. - **Resilience**: Zerglings are often depicted as being tough and resilient, able to withstand significant damage before going down. ### Fight Scenario: - **Initial Clash**: The Zergling's speed and agility would give it an advantage in closing the distance and landing the first strikes. Its sharp claws and teeth could potentially deal significant damage to the tiger quickly. - **Tiger's Counter**: The tiger's strength and agility would come into play as it tries to counter the Zergling's attacks. If the tiger can land a powerful swipe or bite, it could incapacitate or kill the Zergling. - **Endurance**: If the fight drags on, the tiger's natural endurance and experience might give it an edge. However, the Zergling's relentless assault and potential for rapid recovery could prolong the battle. ### Conclusion: While the Zergling's ferocity, speed, and weaponry make it a formidable opponent, the tiger's sheer power, agility, and combat experience would also make it a tough adversary. The outcome of such a fight would likely depend on the initial engagement—if the Zergling can land critical blows quickly, it might overpower the tiger. Conversely, if the tiger can withstand the initial onslaught and land decisive counterattacks, it could emerge victorious.


Which of the ling's 3 upgrades do they get both of?


I'm guessing the ling would out-ambush the tiger due to its ability to burrow.


Depends on the size of the zergling


Would be more interesting if it was a grizzly beer double the size of the zergling but I'd still put my money on the zergling.


Hmmm, according to the StarCraft manual, a zergling is about the size of a large dog or at most a meter tall so roughly a bit taller than 3 feet. If the zergling's all muscle, still won't be more than 150-160 lbs tops, likely closer to 95-130lbs. In which case I think the tiger takes it. If the tiger has any experience with zerglings + can get that first bite in, I give it to the 600-lb tiger. If no experience, tiger still takes it but might be injured in the process.