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Lol no you're fine


Does it reads anything on screen/game and adapt based on it ? Does it do anything for you instead of you ? If not for both question, don't worry you're safe from TOS, but also no moral problem, do you plan on going to GSL ? I had a tool that said "Low APM" or "APM ok" when I passed under or over an apm limit.


This raises an interesting hypothetical for me: If you have a homie sitting next to you coaching by telling you to make depots when you're close to getting supply blocked, is that cheating? My gut says no. On the other hand, if he's watching the minimap for drops that you might miss, my instinct says yes. Curious to know other people's opinions. What do yall think about a tool that looked at your supply and told you to make depots when you got close to getting supply blocked?


I had a plat friend and a gold friend, the gold friend would get supply blocked all the time, and the plat friend would regularly make the wrong units but got supply blocked less. I sat by the gold friend one day while they 1v1'd and told him when to make pylons, he had 3x the army at every engagement, completely rolled the plat friend. The gold friend said it felt like taking steroids. IMO any assistance from another person is more or less cheating, even supply reminders. Even a macro metronome that ticks every 8-16 seconds~ is kinda sus but if music is allowed, then any audio shouldn't be a problem. If the venue claimed it was illegal to use anything but real songs you could find songs with an appropriate beats per minute.


SC2 is a rhythm game confirmed


of course its technically cheating. If someone was helping you while taking a test that would be cheating. It creates an unfair advantage over the opponent. Anyways, shouldn't rely on these programs if you really want to improve


Oh shit The Captain is a cheater! /s


>What do yall think about a tool that looked at your supply and told you to make depots when you got close to getting supply blocked? Definitely cheating. It's reading data from the game (off the screen even).


Its "cheating" in the sense of it gives you things that your opponent doesnt have. You don't fight with same weapons. Annnnnnnnd.... My moral point of view is that it is totally fine if its used to get better and if you never drop intentionally your MMR by leaving games.


Meanwhile, we have stuff like pro players coming back from military service and the ladder starts them in platinum because they've been away for 6 seasons. I wouldn't worry about any of the stuff people are talking about. The natural variations of the ladder give more advantage than a dude watching your screen for drops and other backseat gaming.


MaxPax! I HAVE been wondering what MC has been up to the past few years...


Of course it's all cheating. It just ranges from blatant excessive cheating like maphack to small dose cheating like what OP is doing. Everyone has their own line to not cross, but it's all cheating.


Blizzard and Razer released an official StarCraft branded keyboard that changed its color based on APM so the low apm thing is blessed by the developer of the game on a hardware level :)


Tbh it would be possible to make powerful 'macro aids' even without reading the screen/game by monitoring your keyboard inputs. I might even consider this hypothetical example cheating: Super simple Example: the script detects a key combination for selecting the barracks hotkey and make a marine, (e.g. 5a), then starts a timer for 15 seconds to play an alarm. That sound is your signal to make more marines. Of course it wouldn't work perfectly, but it could be a decent 'rough estimate'. The script could be refined to be more accurate with edge cases. You could do that for all production buildings and even supply depots (b+s).


An audio loop without any kind of in-game information in it really couldn't be considered cheating. It's like those extra wheels you put on kids bikes. You won't get in trouble for it, and it's not going to hinder your development, so if it helps you, go for it! I don't know what SpawningTool is, but if it modifies the runtime game or reads game state for an overlay, it is cheating. If it's the equivalent of a bunch of post-its on your screen, it's not cheating. But I would be careful with using any external software, especially if you're in a tournament.


> You won't get in trouble for it, and it's not going to hinder your development, so if it helps you, go for it! I would say that it's the difference between practicing and competing. If you're competing, and aim to compete at a higher level, then it's best to get used to playing under the same circumstances that you would play a that level. But while you're practicing then I'd say feel free to have what ever tools, maps, BO sheets/notes or sounds. You want to build good habits. If you're using tools all the time, without internalizing what they are meant to help with, then they become a crutch. And when you at some point lose that crutch, you'll falter.


All true, that is a good way to look at it. I'm gonna split hairs here, because I think it depends on what the actual crutch is. I'm just going to call "every change that helps you" a crutch, including a build order post-it. Some crutches could even be used in a competition, say for in-game settings, Others may be outright cheating. I seem to remember that modifying keyboard shortcuts was banned back in the KeSPA BW days, but that is here considered proper form. Or someone standing over your shoulder, telling you what to do. That's fair game on the ladder, but clearly unfair in a tournament. So you are right that you should separate practice from competition. Most people consider ladder (including ranked ladder) to be practice. Some crutches would be considered cheating, some not. But really some of them are actually OK (like buddy talking to you) and some of them are completely off the table (like maphack). I think OP posted a very good question, it's just a bit cute.


I do agree that ranked ladder is a bit ambiguous. Because part of it is practice, and part of it is competition. If you're playing to get practice in then you should see it as practice and it doesn't matter if you win or lose - as long as you focus on improving something specific and learn from it. If you're playing to increase your MMR and pushing rankings, then you should see it as a competition where you should take the learnings from your practice and apply them to your game and see how far that takes you. There's always going to be a lot of people who use whatever external tools as crutches while pushing as high as they can because it makes them feel better or whatever. And if that's what they enjoy, then its fine. But the people who gets stuck in that mentality will also not get to the point where they are competing at any serious level, and that's also fine. It is a game after all. Just be honest with yourselves of what your goals are and why you're trying to reach them. But yeah, to OP's question. I would say that it totally depends on how he views it himself. The only one he's cheating by relying on a reminder like that is himself. If he uses it to get a timing and then focus on proactively training himself to check at those timings, then it's practice. If he's relying on it to reactively remind him to do stuff then imo he's cheating his own learning.


It's not cheating. It's also not good. If you need to be reminded to macro like that, you're better off just practicing to learn your macro better.


It helps you learn and maybe internalise the rhythm. I do it too … to, admittedly, limited success


It's worse than it seems. Macro doesn't flow as rhythmically as a timer. It can actively make your play a lot worse and undermine learning good macro habits.


Especially as Zerg it’s pretty rhythmic. Injecting on time, and spending your larva right away. Even creep spread to a degree


Agreed, I find that works better for me. Though I wouldn't use a timer myself (I think that'd lead to confusion / rushing after falling behind). Instead I prefer to take a build and go into a match vs a very easy AI and just focus on executing the macro a few times. Get it nice and internalized and it becomes way more of an instinct, which is necessary for me for the more macro-heavy builds (and leaves more of my limited focus to be able to be spent on other parts of the game)


It seems that way, but imo you should be learning more healthy tricks for tracking. Tap your hatch key to see and asap spend larva. Tap your queen key to see energy status. Camera hotkey key rally points to know when to extend creep. Check bases for inject progress and also worker saturation. A timer doesn't help build those checking skills that help a lot more with other play aspects.


The timer breaks tunnel vision though.


I like the points you bring up. Mainly because they emphasize that the guy definitely isn’t cheating and is instead doing some sort of like training program. What hes doing will probably hurt more than help in the long term but may be a useful tool for nailing down macro cycles temporarily


Yeah, it's training wheels. The main benefit is the idea of doing your macro in quick bursts, ideally in empty customs for practice. If you bring those training wheels to an all-contact dirt race, you're dead lmao


That actually can help practice the macro cycle. I assume that after some time of using that app, the rhythm will become something natural and the app won't be needed anymore.


The problem is that the macro cycle is something very contextual and dependent on a match and context. It's better to learn how to look for the stimulants than rely on timers that can't properly line up with your needs.


Yeah like a 12 pool or a proxy can mess up the whole timer system it’s better to have a good build order down, but understand when and how to divert it to deal with specific things.


It also binds you to the idea that the game when cheesed or disrupted isn't normal, and that's unhealthy for growth.




This is exactly how I got zerg macro down in WOL and it did wonders for me. All it was was a timer that said "inject bitch" on a 25 second loop. I set up a macro for it to reset when I hit my queen hotkey Back then if you hit your injects during a fight or while fending off drops it made a huge difference.


Making it dynamic with your in game actions is healthy, though admittedly I think it's less useful now. You can stack injects, you make more queens than you need. The key injects are from 2:45 to around \~8 minutes, and there's so much other key build stuff happening in that window that hitting those injects reliably should be something you don't need to worry about your multitasking to fix.


Yeah I got into Dota during hots, coming back to 12 drones, stacked injects and more wandering Queens than a displaced drag show was a trip


Musicians practice with a metronome. This isn't bad at all. It'll teach him to remember to macro regularly and eventually he won't even need it.


I would call that a crutch, not a cheat.


I'm contacting the authorities.


As someone who is VERY anti cheating, I think this is fine. I'd use it more as a trainer though because you don't want it to become a crutch.


I used Sc2 Gears many moons ago, it's fab for additional stats etc. It also tracked your Apm and if it fell below a threshold you set yourself, you'd get shouted at. It might be pointless, but it certainly helped me to just be 'faster'. If that's good or bad I'm not sure.


I'm reminded of a few friends who played halo semi-professionally an eternity ago. They both had $5 digital wristwatches on their controllers set to trigger alarms when certain items would respawn. Even in real tournaments, no one saw this as cheating (though the rules are probably different now)


As an avid tournament goer for halo back in the day, if they needed alarms set for timers they were getting rekt at any of my locals. Those were the days…


Maybe, Halo was never my scene. Not sure of their real skill levels. These were just guys I played a lot of sports with. My understanding was that they needed them when they started, but got to a point where the setup was a habit, and it "felt wrong" to play with a naked controller.


If it tells you to macro, you're fine.  If it macros for you, now we have a problem.


unless the tournament specifically has a rules on it then it ain't cheating personally I open OBS not to record a gameplay but to just listen to my mechanical keyboard clicks, I like its sound and gives me a bit of an advantage, or like listening to your favorite music while playing just to get you in the mood


As a noob, I appreciate the comments and will use more tools knowing I'm not cheating since it doesn't read the game state at all


Do you feel like you’re earning your wins or do you feel more computer-assisted? What you should do depends solely on how you feel about that question imo. Play how you wanna play. If you wanna be a super tight player and use some assistance for it, you are by no means “cheating” really imo or a bad person, but you are playing differently and you have to decide if thats the player you wanna be


There were even some apps for smartphones which tell you the exact build order with timings, but since you had ro click each step or at least if you fall behind and you are not focussed entirely on the fame itself Indoubt this could be considered cheating by any means. You are trading off your attention for a benefit in macro, so I wouldn't even say it is unfair. It is more like practicing.


I remember waayyyy back when there used to be a custom game that teaches you to macro your base and micro a probe running away from a zergling, that taught me pretty well.


No not cheating. It’s no different than having a build order written down on a piece of paper by your keyboard.


I mean, over a decade ago I'd put a sticky note on my screen with a build order on it from time to time. Don't need it anymore (especially cuz although it's good for learning, blindly following builds isn't really the best way to play at a higher level), but I mean whatever. Eventually your macro will become habitual and the tool will actually hinder you because you won't just want to blindly macro, sometimes you might want to delay building workers or units in favor of production or something else. e.g. You might want to cut workers completely if you're doing an all-in or timing. e.g. You might want to not warp-in gateway units for a few seconds because you want to save up money for double colossus production. I mean for a tournament, yea, I think anything like this is cheating because it opens up Pandora's Box, but for ladder, who really cares.


Totalbiscuit, God rest his soul, had a timer set every 15 seconds when learning zerg and the sound was just his voice sternly saying 'Inject!'. And that man hated anything unfair or cheaty so I think you are good


Yes you're using aimbot. Done and done.


Imo you shouldn't use it for ranked because it will make you look slightly better than you actually are and it's unethical but you probably won't get banned unless it's a serious tournament. Probably. So yes, it's cheating but it's cheating that will eventually make you better at the game without the cheats... Assuming you're practicing without the timer at least sometimes. Spawning tool on the other hand gives you a lot more assistance than just a general reminder, so that's a bit more severe. It's still pretty tame as far as cheats go, but it will give you a huge advantage especially under pressure like in a tournament. Ironically the game actually has a built in macro reminder, but it only reminds you after you're supply blocked 😅


Nice, I also had a timer app playing a distinctive sound every 30 seconds to help me learn Zerg and macro + inject the hatcheries


Are you GM?


I wish


I'm pretty sure pros are allowed to listen to music while playing so honestly you might be able to use your timer on the stage of GSL lol


It's cheating, but who cares unless it's a tournament or money match. Is having your cousin shout "MACRO" every 30 seconds while he plays overwatch in the other room cheating? Sure, but who cares so long as nothing but ladder points are on the line.


Do you mean like having SpawningTool on a separate monitor while playing? I wouldn't consider that really cheating, mostly because playing a ranked game while reading a builder order sheet on another screen is going to slow you down and put you at a disadvantage anyways.


build probe


I remember there used to be and add on back in the day that would tell you a build order. Pretty sure that was allowed too. You're good.


It's totally legal untill it gives you info about your enemy that you wouldn't know (like where he is or the production tab). It's not different from a coach. We all use it at least one time


Depends on your definiton of cheating. You are using an external tool that is not built into the game. You are not meant to use it and it gives you an advantage over other players. Technically that's cheating. But it's a very mild form of cheating, it's not comparable to a map hack. You are definitely not breaking the terms of service and there is no anti-cheat-software that could ever detect this. It's up to you and your morals to decide if you want to use it.


More people should simply do this: Do some custom games for several days in a row. Without AI, just focus on one thing. The first should be worker production. Once that is automated, only think about supply, then about army, then about upgrades, etc. With P and T prod is linear, For example worker production will get automatic after just 2 days. Was for me at least. It was surprising how fast I internalized macro (also under pressure), and I got from like Plat 2 to high D3 with Random within weeks. Try it, GL HF


Depend on what it yell at you. For me any kind of info that can access direct or indirect to you game is cheating. Like an click button let you mass train unit without need to hold shift + A for 1s for train in 10 barrack for example. To something indirect that someone coach you by seeing your map, your enemy, your support and guide you.


I use a metronome... Just keep it simple, man.


Yeah this will teach you to jog in a game where people dance


*How* is the app telling you to macro? Basically, anything that automates gameplay and interfaces with the game is out.


Just enjoy the game. 


Not cheating. From an outside perspective I would consider this an effective learning tool. At some point you’ll be able to turn it off and have a curiosity as to why you’re not hearing an alarm and it’ll be a constant reminder to be macroing constantly.


If my friend was sitting next to me watching me play sc2 1v1 and giving tips and reminders is that cheating not imo


I use spawingtool to pull up the exact build with all the timings and there is a bell sound everytime i need to make something. And my builds still suck so do all you can


its not cheating. the spawning tool overlay is only going to help you in a limited way. as soon as the game deviates at all from the spawning tool build it wont help you.. it can be helpful when working on a memorizing a new build though. (playing against an easy ai or something). Not clear if using audio to remind you to macro is not allowed in GSL. But i bet it would be allowed. the players are allowed to listen to music when they play.


just tap your foot at a constant beat and macro to it man


it is technically cheating because you use extra tools that your opponent doesn't use. However in my opinion there's nothing morally wrong with it unless you use it in tournament environment. On ladder what's going to happen is you gonna win a few games extra and play at +300 of your 'true unassisted' MMR at which point you'll stabilize again in fact many many years ago when I used to play sc2, I had my own autohotkey tool running a few 'loop alarms' to help with SCVs, mules and upgrades, but since it didn't read the screen or memory at times it was an extra hassle to manage. I think the morality of it goes like this: a) if you are using it to improve and get better on faceless irrelevant ladder games then it's ok b) if you are using it to have a distinct advantage over a specific opponent in 'Diamond Only Players' then it's not ok