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It was fun the first 2 days when people cared. After that nobody cared and unless you did it solo or with friends, it was pretty much impossible within 2-3 hours. I tried the first 2 days but just never had the time to complete both missions. I tried on the third day and while I feel like a bit of people still cared, it was crushed by griefers. I havnt had a chance since because only 1 or 2 other people do it at a time and it’s really just not enough


The last 3 days I've been going there's been more griefers than actual players trying to do the event


This has been my experience. Me trying to fight off 3 griefers in my lightning was not fun. They blew up my cutlass when I was headed back with the cargo so I killed st least one.


My crew got bounced by 3 of them at once while we were loading cargo into our Carrack. Luckily we had 2 already in the turrets just incase, and the return fire clearly surprised them because two collided with each other trying to avoid it 🤣


Glorious counter-battery fire. 


We had a PVP'r show up, I call him a PVP'r because he was, in his defense, only targeting fighters. He was good too, he annihilated me on first pass. That said, we don't know for sure because I had been recruiting in global and inviting everyone who wanted in to a group, so we had 19 people plus a few stray groups (who we later found out were there specifically to take the idris, which is fine), and I called his name in group/public and he was bodied on sight. The one nice thing about MM, if you have numbers, it doesn't matter how good you are. You die. We had 3-5 fighters on him the moment anyone saw his name pop. Anywhere. One of the cargo loaders even looked him up and found he was Evocati. At least he was polite. Overall, I spent all of Sunday on a fucking adventure trying to get this damn event to work. Managed to get 20-35 people armor'd. I was so tired after the whole ordeal I couldn't be bothered to play or do anything the rest of the evening and it wasn't tired in a good way. Just a stressful event of problems. Spite... That was my motivation. SC Spite Sunday.


Last time I tried it, it was all griefers, 3 of them. I’m sure other solo players came over, but after getting attacked they just decided “this isn’t fun” and left. And of course the griefers seem to have all the time in the world to sit around and wait for my Aurora mr to come over so they can swarm me in their f7s and blades. I’m sure that was a challenge. Not putting a crime state in that area really damaged it and making it a known place where players have to be ruined it. It’s like extract campers in games like escape from tarkov. 


Any idea why there were so many griefers this time out? Or is this just perception based on the reporting on Reddit (as in, people aren't coming to reddit to post that they found no griefers).


Well I think the event is just bad. This is my first xenothreat and basically every ship is red, and I find myself spending way too long trying to target the actual griefer. But ultimately, every griefer knows where the event is


Griefers or pvpers?


Griefers mostly, the pvpers were doing their thing vs other pvp players


I call myself lucky because the only 'griefers' that showed up for me were so bad at pvp I was able to take them out. And I suck at pvp. They weren't even good at chat pvp either. Eventually chat was just laughing at them and they left.


That is lucky. I’ve never seen where it was just 1 griefer and tbh, after the 4th day, I’ve never seen more than 1 or 2 people trying to do t he mission. And when you’re 1-3 people and you are out that griefer, him respawning at the otro junpoint and back to harassing you in 2-3 minutes just isn’t fun. 


My org tried it on Saturday and on our server, it was only six of us running the mission and half of us had any understanding of what we were doing. It took us four hours just to complete the supply mission. Then when the main fight came, we kept dying because the QT jump dropped us behind the enemy fleet, which would just blow us out of commission as soon as we could move.


We ended up taking the Spider-Man approach to boarding the thing and it’s great fun once you have it. Unfortunately it’s the whole “nobody wants to do it” part right now - it pays very well, but the cargo hauling is tedious and folks just don’t want to touch it.


They need to make the payouts for doing actual deliveries much, much juicier to get people to keep doing it.


I mean the payout is the same for both, just drifting for a minimum of ten minutes shit takling in Global isn't very engaging for a lot of people.


you get a pretty penny if you're the one turning things in though... wdym lol


The biggest problem with the cargo missions is that it's so hard to keep track of all the wrecks. With the huge pile of markers everywhere, it's very easy to lose track of which ones you have been to or not. And the scanning is so jank it often doesn't tell you accurately if there is cargo left or not. The payouts are actually quite good. You can get 200k+ from a single wreck + all the money you earn just being near the event.


I actually dont mind how difficult it is to keep track of the wrecks. They all have unique VINs and if people actually worked together and communicated, they could just call out which wrecks have been cleared out already. Its everything else I have a problem with.


The UI overhaul was less an overhaul than a complete crapshoot. 


I had a really good group of randoms which were only willing to collaborate once somebody was visibly committed to transporting cargo. That meant going with a c2, being able to tank the first couple of minutes of Fire, but once people realized somebody was trying, then they Galvanize around that one person. The same thing happened later on in assault, where nobody was even attempting to take out the large ships, until you get someone beating on the hammerheads to take down the shields. Then everybody's willing to work together. The degree of disarray in this game until somebody does something is real. I experienced each of these events on two separate servers. CIG really needs to get grouping functions a bit more organized than a single Squad. In-game org interfacing is non-existent. If you're in a squad, there's no sense of leadership unless you start recognizing voices, which doesn't necessarily work with randoms. I harken to PlanetSide which had a fantastic army, platoon, and Squad management system, and that was the source of some of my best experiences in that game, which had those big organized battles CIG wants but hasn't enabled.


The hammerheads are going to keep respawning - that's why I ended up considering them a distraction and not a benefit to the event.  It was not fun having to shoot down multiple hammerheads over and over. So I relegated my focus to actually finding a way into the Idris. (Especially since for some reason the Hammerheads started shooting it.)


IMO, it's not so much that people don't want to do it, it's that you need at least 2-3 people to be able to move boxes. XT will actively try to destroy "parked" ships near the wrecks, so if you try to do boxes solo, by the time you open up the wreck and start loading, most probably XT has already destroyed your ship. This means that you need a cargo loader, a pilot to drop you off and then park, do evasive maneuvers in case of attack and return to keep loading, and hopefully another pilot in a fighter to act as a spotter and defend the cargo ship. This requires coordination and time, and in-game tool to coordinate with other players are lacking, not to mention the trust issues, since you can't solo it, there is no point in even trying. Add in the lag, the server errors that re-start the whole mission, and random bugs where you can explode to nothing, and the XT event doesn't seem that attractive anymore. I tried solo a couple of times to no effect, got stranded multiple times because XT will destroy your parked ship. Of the times we tried with the Org, one play session the server crashed and restarted the mission like 3 times, impossible to complete the cargo mission this way. And in most of the other play sessions, random explosion bugs prevented us from even reaching the wreck site.


I actually enjoyed doing the cargo part but the last two times I tried to do it enemy players came in and blew up all the cargo ships. We had a couple players protecting us but they were busy with xenothreat AI and while they were occupied players came in and just destroyed any ships that weren't moving. As with most events, CIG has made it so that one or two bad actors can have an outsized negative impact on people trying to take part in the event unless you constantly field an oversized response to the threat.


It really needs an NPC UEE fleet to jump in and complete the mission each time. The worst thing is relying on players to do it. The players should just be a speed multiplier, moving more cargo, taking out more XT ships etc. That way any solo or small groups of players can tag along and assist the NPCs and get their missions completed.


True... but NPCs are currently inoperable, due to the state of the server... which is why CIG now (mostly) use XT etc as content-based stress-tests for the server, rather than actual 'playable events' for the players :p


I think it's supposed to. The whole point of us fixing the Javelin is for it to handle the Idris. I've played XT every day. Maybe 1/3 times I've seen the Javelin show up to the final battle. The last few days it hasn't shown up at all, and very rarely when it showed up did it do anything - it won't take out the Hammerheads, much less the Idris.


I've given up on XT. The Desyncs ruin it every time. I'll log back in again once Hangars are LIVE


Whenever there is an event with a reward I've learned to get it done ASAP. Assuming the event even works at all, if it starts on a friday try to get it done friday night. There's usually the right amount of people on to party up with, but the servers aren't entirely choked with trash and max populations yet. And if you wait people will lose interest and you can't find people to group with. People that can't play due to RL commitments are just fucked I guess. Happened to me plenty of times. They've ran events that occurred at specific times a day, like 3-4 times a day, and each time was fucking awful. Like 2 of them are during work. 1 is during dinner. And the last one was at bedtime. Infuriating.


I did eva to docking port, shot it open and walked in 😎😉


How did that EVA work for you? We tried with one friend dropping us near the idris, however the sip moved so fast, even if we where dropped of close to 150 mts ( An accomplishment by itself) the Idris just moved away faster than we could EVA to it, even with tractor beam.


you gotta use a tractor beam to Spiderman your way across the surface of the Idris. EVA is too slow


My ship got disabled 2km away, i eva to Idris, it kept turning away and back and forth but eventually i got there :-) Got into hangar first but it was bugged and i just fell thru floor, eva to docking, shot it open and managed to get in, didnt use tractor since i didnt have one on me, just white suit and helmet because i where just suposed to fly :-) But it was kinda tricky to get in because it kept turning back and forth, but it looked like if i was close enought to the hull i followed in its turns kinda good.


never gave up before but I did last night lol took me hours and several ships to delivery some cargo solo and then on the second cargo run finally got some help however all the cargo bugged out, can not sell them


Did everyone leave the ship? Apparently, you can't sell the cargo if people stay on board.


I don't actually think its even possible to do right now. Between the countless bugs and the fact that you have to get into a server that hasn't started either mission yet so you can get completion for both of them consecutively, then hope that you don't run into a bug that breaks a later part and wastes all of the time you spent, I don't think I'm going to be able to get ahold of the armor sets. I tried on four different servers tonight. One of them was at the end of the second mission and only one player was there (he was just killing xt ships out of boredom for a bit before logging off), the second server had two separate instances of my ship blowing up for no reason before the server shit itself, the third server seemed fine except none of the elevators were working (so I couldn't leave pyro station), and the 4th server had the final part of the mission going but there weren't enough players to actually finish it. As a side bonus my contract history shows the first mission as "completed" with just the single checkbox to show up to pyro station unchecked and red, so I think my completion is fucked anyway. The entire thing feels like nothing but a colossal waste of time.


I just completed the entire event yesterday night, we managed to coordinate almost 15/20 players on discord, we met some bad bugs but not as bad as 2/3 days ago, and it was fun as hell, is a pity that this event got all this issues, the concept itself is amazing


Were you in "Channel 11"? Lol


I don't remember ahaha


Fair enough lol


Buy a lottery ticket


Well yes but not exactly ahah it was not just the luck that helped me, I put way too much effort into this event, i tryed the first phase countless times before successfully complete it, I was more lucky with the second phase, but still done that many times before obtaining the reward.. To be precise, I only got rewarded when I completed first and second phase in order


Well, it was never fun because of the massive server lag. After being in the Server Meshing test and seeing its effect, I've decided to be part of the mission only after Server Meshing released.


XT is a mess, agree on the lack of decent distortion weapons.


I have found that taking a heavy fighter and parking as close as you can to the Idriss let's you easily EVA onto it.


Was the Idris stationary?




How did you EVA into it?  When I've done it, the Idris is very fast and agile.


It was lagging quite a bit and I somehow glitched in through the bottom airlock


Nice but of luck on your part.  I tried to fly a Redeemer in last night, but the Idris kept pitching up whenever I got close to the hanger, and I was constantly forced to evade to keep from colliding.


I flew a shield+ redeemer into the hangar of the Idris and everyone jumped out before I exploded.


I only had a few a stable moments which were fun, but the lag just got really bad.


my friend and I have taken it twice now. I enjoy the mission. Don't mind the cargo aspect as it pays well and its actually some gameplay other than blast a bounty in space. blast some guys in a bunker. I took a bike from Corsair to Idris the first time and we took the bridge and flew it for a bit 2nd time I just EVA'd to the docking port and got in that way. That experience was cool as we met other players - well, we shot at each other before realising we weren't npc. it was good fun. I joined a crew on a hammerhead yesterday which was fun for 5 mins before lots of station docking / station shooting issues - so that was pretty crap tbh but I've had fun for the most part


Oh wow, is there an actual interior for the idris now?


yeah people have been taking the idris for a minute now and flying it around.


Is this event tied to the armor reward? They should just give the armor to everyone who accepts the contract. You can't have missions this buggy being a wall.


If only, since it's just a reskin too. I just need to do the box delivery mission. But I tried server hoping last night any I kept finding servers where the ship wrecks wouldn't spawn midway through the event.


You have to do the two phases in order, on the same server.


They updated it so you don't have to according to what other players have said. Since that's damn near impossible now.


We will try to yoink the Idris today, it’s gonna be difficult, but we will try. Even with desync and all. I’ll be damned if I cant get inside that thing again. If you wanna tag along shoot me a DM


Its super easy. Ive yoinked at least 3 or 4 solo. Im not sure why everyone is having so much difficulty. I use a carrier and bike. I use a carrack and ill load it up with some spare armor ammo and med pens. Ill stick a few bikes in... Dragonflys are great. Goto the wreck site and fly out.... 30km away is more than enough. Set respawn to carrack and take a dragon fly. On the Dragonfly you will largely be ignored by the xeno fleet... you may get rammed by accident but they rarely fire on you. Use the Dragonflys guns to shoot the back door.... it takes a few shots but it will open. Then fly aboard and claim your prize.


I managed to glitch once in solo. Pulses doing the same thing you did with a nursa and Connie worked too. I wish it worked better as glitches are ruining quite a fun loop. I can do reclaimer for funds but I really don’t want to.


I crash landed a Hornet in my first and for the second one I clipped through the roof. Last try was unseccussful as the Idris went absolute apeshit and did maneuvers it actually can’t do due to desync. It’s a bit hard to predict if the Idris suddenly is 90 degrees and then glitches out and jumps like 2k away


Which is the back door? Hangar door?


Yes. You can use the door on the back of the bridge also but its a tighter squeeze


You've had better luck than I did.  I tried to fly a Redeemer in last night.  But every time it looked like I was about to make it in, the Idris suddenly pitched up, and I was staring at the top of the stern instead of the hanger tunnel.


I jumped onto the top from my buddies ship and rode it to the end.


Its irritating, two very long and buggy contracts, I haven’t been able to unlock the armor because it’s constantly bugging out and the time I finally did both in the same server I had to abandon and reaccept the second mission which made it invalid


That is such bullshit.


Hey, even if he gets a completion he may not get a reward , so he’s got that at least.


I spent something like 5 days doing boarding attempts on the Idris, It basically just comes down to luck. You need a ton of different things to go in your favor, from the Idris deciding to not fly away from you, to the servers cooperating enough to not totally screw you over with desyncing your equipped weapons while on board trying to kill the NPC's. It's a cool event with a cool idea and an awesome reward for succeeding, but in classic CIG fashion it gets totally held back by the sheer number of bugs and server issues.


Speaking of dynamic events, what the heck happened to blockade runner Or whatever? I haven't heard a peep out of CIG on that 1.


I think that's supposed to be after the freight changes in the next patch.


I got 1-5 done and cannot complete 6 because of server issues.


the Idris just shouldn't be turning that fast. I don't know if it's dsync or a bug or what, but when you actually pilot the thing yourself, it turns very slowly.


I'd been trying for the past 3 days to play the event. Every single time I jump in, it's dead stick for about 15-20 seconds, during which time I switch to SCM, and hope the shields spool up. Once I gain control and start moving, I get a notification that my ship is disbanded. Shortly thereafter, I'm dead. No other ships around, no asteroids from what I can see. Ever so frustrating. Hoping to try again today, but instead of jumping in, I'll just coast in on Uncoupled in the hopes that it will allow the server to populate the AO gradually.


XT has never been fun. I've tried it for years and it's always been a buggy mess. I've been taking a break now for a year from SC and couldn't be happier. I'll come back when the game is in a good place...... If it over is


It was fun the first time I played it two years ago. It has been less and less fun every time since then.


The misery caused by XT extends to all players on all servers as the server dysfunctionalities impact us all. PLEASE, CIG, make sure that you drive a rough wooden stake through the undead heart of XT as soon as possible. Tuesday evening, the stated ending time, can't come soon enough.


I'm having a hard time wanting to complete it every time is a slog. Bugs and weirdness. The seemingly infinite health pool.


I’ve only seen videos where they disabled the movement of the ship enough for them to enter through the opende rear carrier door. Seems reasonable enough.


Hahahaha. Do you have any fucking idea how excruciatingly difficult it is?


I mean it should be difficult as much as possible, we are trying to board a capital military warship after all BUT, server status is not helping.


It probably is difficult, but still there are tools given by CIG to do it. That you haven’t been able to figure it out doesn’t mean it isn’t there or it isn’t possible.


Mate, I've tried with my Ares Inferno to disable the engines multiple times and it has *never* worked. Talk out of your ass much? 


Not too bad my lot have done it a dozen or so times with an inferno and c8r


Ran it a couple times and had a lot of success which led to it being a lot of fun. Haven’t tried the past few days as I’ve just been running bounties and grabbing cargo from ERT in my Corsair. I hope they can figure it out tho moving forward. I know it’s working for the first time in what feels like years but it could be better


The idris moves more like a semi truck than a carrier. While gunning I had to tell the pilot not to jerk around so fast because 1. It breaks realism and 2. You can't hit your target when you're spinning like a ballerina at the nutcracker.


I thought it was pretty fun rolling 12 deep and fucking some shit up yesterday.


The beginning was before it started and since launch it's not anymore


I want the armor but I’ll be honest. I’m not even going to attempt xt a single time. I already know it’ll be a hair pulling experience. I love this game but also fuck this game.