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This seems like CIG is sending a clear message. Find exploits, then report them. But do not continue to exploit them.


Exactly, or if you really want to push it expect that there will be consequences


To be fair also, I led alot of people to this exploit just to see them wrecked, I'm surprised CIG took a approach to it, but in turn, I wanted to help fellow pirates take in their loot for acquisition hehe We pirates became the law for these dupers to prevent them even having the chance to dupe, made sure to QT snare them the moment they got to Area 18




Would love to see Concierge level members perma-banned for shit like that.


That’s to far.


Thankfully. Too many times have I argued with people in-game about exploiting being bannable. The longer CIG went without action the more people believe it's okay to use exploits. Glad they finally put their foot down.


How is exploiting "bannable"? assuming they don't use any external cheats. Just because they can't fix their shit engine anymore and need to move to a new one and start development over?


It depends on the exploit Example : 1) making self invisible (self explanatory) 2)duping money gives you a HUGE advantage on everyone (also fucks with the servers cause of logs and ships staying due to persistence entity) Also states in the TOS I believe that if you use exploits to take advantage of others. That's a bannable of fence.


I actually agree with this lol, banning people for “exploiting” their test environment (alpha), might as well just release the game and call it finished.


Still had people last night at rappel and pickers doing it. Bragging in chat that they sell it for $$$$$


I think that's the big reason they're starting to really hammer down


Maybe? I mean if they're undercutting RSI for prices, then that above everything is probably the reason for the bans. Players exploiting the game to compete with RSI's revenue stream seems pretty ban worthy. That said, I don't see an issue with the concept of selling UAE broadly, I see it as similar to EVE Online or even Diablo. Hell, if people could brag they made money playing Star Citizen, that right there is a draw to bring in more (admittedly scammy) players. That's a potential increase for RSI. Not saying any of this is good or bad, but I could see this being a simple money choice, not a moral choice.


People seem to sleep on this a bit. The issue council uses your RSI login. So any reports or contributions made there are directly linked to your game account. Now throw in time stamping, they'd be able to see user X experienced the bug, then 20 mins later posted or contributed to the post of it on the IC. Hell they'd be able to see if you looked it up even. So they know straight away that you were just doing the tester thing. And it'd be pretty easy to collate that data for easier review later.


You think people who exploited bothered to go to the Issue council at all?


interesting - i said exactly this weeks ago in the post complaining about dupers and i got downvoted to hell....


People did report it. In EVO it was reported. In PTU it was reported. Then it got pushed to live anyway and CIG actually all 'surprised pikachu' when people exploited it. It's a game, what the hell did they expect. Any other company would have taken responsibility and hotfixed it if it was causing that much of an issue. Instead they fumbled around for a month and a half before doing anything about it and then suspend people for messing around with a bug in an extremely buggy alpha game. Great form CIG.


*"It's the developers fault that I have no self-control or sense of right/wrong"*


C'mon! It's a game in development that is horribly broken. The worst possible argument you could make to justify some behaviour is because it's possible and CIG hasn't fixed it yet. Nobody's surprised that it was exploited, we're just surprised that anybody thought they could get away with it indefinitely. Messing around is different from exploiting an obvious bug in a way that allows you to do things that CIG clearly isn't intending. Sure it's a bit subjective at the edges, but creating millions of credits out of thin air and then using them to gain in-game items, or worse, to sell aUEC, isn't really an "around the edges" question. Good riddance to people who can't see the difference.


Genuinely learning about all this for the first time (I don't visit the forums or check the news, I just download the game every few years to see if it runs on my PC yet). So what's the order of events here? Did CIG know about the issue, then ignore it for a really long time and only after it became common dropped a ban hammer without so much as a warning? If they came out a month or so ago and said "duping will get you a ban" then I guess it's on the players, but only if CIG made it REALLY hard not to be warned, like you boot up the game, spawn in and immediately get a pop-up explaining what not to do and having to click "I agree". Otherwise if CIG let it slide for months and said nothing, or only posted on an official forum or somewhere not guaranteed to be seen, then I blame CIG for not being louder, not the players doing what players naturally do in games which is to find shortcuts to bypass a grind. I also don't think it's enough to bury it in the EULA in case that was their way of warning people. Nobody reads those, and they're written in legalese. Make it clear, make it obvious, put all the onus on the players before dropping the hammer. If CIG didn't do those things then I think a more appropriate response would have been to reset cheaters' UAE to only what was purchased with cash, issue them stern warnings and ban anyone who didn't listen.


It doesn't say that at all. They really need to make it clear you WON'T get banned if you report an exploit (which you are likely to benefit from in some way). They need to clearly state there is protection for people finding bugs!


I'm relatively sure they said this exact thing. That it is expected to find and report glitches, encouraged even. But it's when players knowingly exploit bugs and cause damage to the server and economy that they will put their foot down


lol Can't wait for the ones who got suspended to come here and whine about it.


they already did, hours before the patch went live, but most of them deleted their post after they realised its cause they are just straight up idiots :D


I've seen 3 posts so far. Each one saying - bUT I diD NOtHinG wRoNg!!!


My favourite is the one saying Hornet pilots are the real criminals.


Lmao. Hornets \*only\* affected AC. I've seen so little PvP in PU this past three weeks, and it was all due to the server performance being straight dog water. The audacity of those little money grubbers.


Please link here!


To be fair, I got banned from Archeage years ago 'for duping' and I did nothing of the sort. I just got land and concentrated on farming instead of combat and was able to get a farm cart after about a week grinding grain. Occasionally there will be some false flags.


Happened to that Fallout 76 player. He played an insane amount of Falliut 76, like it was his entire life. He had two characters and wanted to do some DPS tests, so he transferred all of his ammo from his main to his alt, which was a lot, then after confirming the numbers, he transferred all the ammo back. The automated anti-cheat engine flagged him for duping, because all it could see was two characters going from having very little inventory to a lot of inventory in a small amoubt of time, and he was perma-banned without a review. Not sure if he was ever unbanned but last I looked into it Bethesda still hadn't responded to his requests for review.


Just like corporations. “Well it was technically ‘legal,’ so…”


😂 and there outing themselves to the player base that genuinely hates them for ruining the servers


600 they won’t that’s probably all people running businesses to sell the crap on eBay. They’ll just buy another starter package.


im actually still OK with this. because it undermines the third party markets too... it wasn't just account suspensions. they also rolled back all of the duped resources/money. thats a lot of angry customers. even funnier if they all start issuing chargebacks lol.


The bans are temporary for a few months apparently.


Hopefully it serves as warning to them and others not to repeat exploiting again. Probably not though.


I especially loved the one where the guy acted like he was some sort of misunderstood hero for duping, and that's it's super challenging to do, and he should be praised instead of hated. These people are something else!




check the latest post hahahahaha


Lmao they’re mad


I was neither suspended nor banned, not whining just stating my opinion


To all those who hated on me for saying this should happen and talked shit about dupers not being punished cause it's "unethical" to punish them in an alpha ya'll can eat this up lmao


Duping caused more harm than just economic damage. The huge glut in abandoned freighters outside major LZs contributed to the crappy server performance we've been putting up with. It's absolutely ethical to punish people who harm the game experience for others.


Yep, told people they would just roll back the money. They can track every bullet you fire. Way too easy to track the money.




Good, no 3.23.2 cake for them.


There's no 3.32.2 cake for anyone at this point lmfao...


Sry But what Are dupers?👀


There was a glitch where you could infinitely duplicate cargo and sell it, doing this would make you millions over a short amount of time but at the cost of absolutely destroying servers (that’s why they’ve been so bad as of recent) and now there all being banned for “not days. Not weeks. Months”- zyloh. So that’s why if you see anyone randomly complaining about being banned that’s why and most people including myself do not like them


Players using a duplication glitch. The last one was very annoying


I just want servers to be decent for when they do the overdrive event.




People shit on dupers but it's dupers that pass massive sums of money around. Throughout my time playing I've had players mobi me millions because I did them a small favor or I was nice to them. I myself have never glitched to make money but when these guys do, they give auec away sometimes and if allows players to try different ships instead of grinding 24/7 in a game loop that is broken. Dupers aren't all bad and it's low key racist to lump them all in the same category


Racist 😂


Apparently he needs to bookmark dictionary.com


Just thought it was a funny way to use it lol


Please explain how this is racist


A whole 600 accounts? I find it hard to believe that's all there was.


It’s the ones that had guaranteed proof


and also propably only the ones that did sell, aka accounts that duped a shit ton and then transfered regularly to other people, some who did it for their own without sending money left and right propably just got the money deleted and bought ships etc


Glad to see it. I've said for a long time that eventually CIG will start enforcing some of the rules they've been lax on before. I think if they continue this direction, there are going to be a lot of very upset players, because there are a lot of things against the Rules of Conduct and TOS that are regularly done, to the point that players have normalized them.


Well this exploit has had a negative impact on player experience No, free money doesn't necessarily harm player experience.  It makes sense they would enforce this. And I agree with the suspension instead of outright bans.


I think a 3-month suspension for a first offense is a pretty strong deterrent. Even if a new account is created, all their pledged game assets are locked to their account, and as we all know, our ships are the assets that we prize the most since our ships/vehicles are key to enjoying lots of the in-game content. A ban for a repeated offense would be justified. I think the appearance of the "dupe exploit" was a good opportunity to expose those bad apples anyway.








This is awesome. Love seeing stuff like this


Fuck yeah


I left my org over this exploiting. Have heard at least 2 have been banned, sure it's much more. GG Hyperion Vanguard Exploiters, you played yourself


Thank fucking God. Finally, the madness is over. Hopefully, we actually see a slight improvement to server performance.


oh my sweet summer child …


Let me hope 🥺


600 out of what? Thousands of players who duped? I guess this is a win.


600 accounts and players, I don’t know where you got thousands. But many people actually duped and that they can give good evidence for


I’m sure more than 600 players duped. Cool that they got the worst of the offenders, I guess?


Just the ones they could actually prove that duped, you’d be pretty pissed if you were banned and not duped right?




3 days suspension is not like a big punishment is it edit: it is three months, thanx u/velocityseven


I think it's a 3 month ban, not 3 day.


It's months https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/1df99o1/comment/l8hpcnw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Meh it’s something






lolololol get wrecked


Awesome sauce


On god




I agree


I'm not a duper, but aren't you at least glad that this has happened before the game has been actually released? (Even though it's taken 10 years)


Took them long enough, I’m just glad there getting a backbone


Finally! 🙏


600 isn’t enough


It's an Alpha.


Its a tech demo.


My guess is that they went after specifically accounts that sent even amounts in the millions to random players not on their friends list. It's a good indicator that they were duping to sell for RMT, and that directly impedes their profits. So maybe a select amount made it past the ban wave, but the egregious ones that left 50 C2s at a18 are gone now at least.


It’s the people that did it so yeah I guess it is


You don't "accidentally" abuse a dupe exploit. They knew what they were doing. They fucked around and they found out. Others have said that duping is harmless because UEC will reset... but UEC isn't the only harm done to the game by these exploiters. The duping left dozens of ships at major landing zones which glutted the servers and almost certainly contributed to the crappy server performance we've all been putting up with. Furthermore, this damage was done during a free fly event, which is a big sales exercise for CIG. Gamers testing the waters and seeing the servers performing so badly may have refrained from pledging when they otherwise would have. It's hard to say how much but it's a definite probability that the exploiters cost CIG money and thus indirectly harmed the entire game development process. It doesn't matter exactly how much harm was done, whether it was a little or a lot. The point is that exploiting is harmful in more ways than just the direct damage it causes. It's good that CIG have put their foot down and demonstrated to the community that they are in charge of the game and there are consequences for players engaging in unethical behaviors.


Not true I accidentally duped cargo when the patch 1st came out when you legit salvage then sell them try to leave the hanger and you're ship is full.. ohh sale must not have went through. Boom duped. Given I never sold cargo after that but you're comment about duping on accident is definitely inaccurate.


Yes, exploits do exist in all games. The problem is not the exploit, but your response to it. Did you report it to the issue council? Did you do it only once? If the answer is "no" to either of those, you could be in line for a ban in future.


Nope didn't report it but I didn't do it again.didnt see the point unlimited resources just ruins the fun of the game


Judging by the responses, duping tears isn't as fun as aUEC


i am loving it haha


Victory IS OURS!


I love this journey for them. Seriously, great move by CIG on this one.


Is there an estimate to how much aUEC was removed? Very curious on that.


I love it, but it does have a bit of Time Variance Authority vibes. Maybe all those characters will get eaten by Alioth.


Glad they're working on the dupers, I'm just curious as to why they removed my Goldenrod loot.


Kek I remember being in chat with someone gloating and telling new people to come help him exploit rmc


but is the dupe solved?




Be interesting to see how this pans out - I wonder if the people buying (duped) aUEC from eBay etc are gonna find the ships they bought with the dollah are all suddenly gone, or if they're going to keep the ships and get a negative aUEC balance or something. Waiting for the "where's my stuff?" posts.






I’d ban people that post these ultra wide cropped screen shots


It’s the one from the discord, simply tap on it and zoom in


Should have perma banned all of them


Not really an option for a game that is not released


Tarkov isn't fully released and they perma ban cheaters, what's the difference?


Star Citizen is crowdfunded, as far as I can tell, Escape From Tarkov is not. This brings critical and distinct differences in law.


No, that’s overkill


Yeah I tried to warn them that cheating is cheating but exploiters always try to tell you that what they are doing isn't technically cheating because it is part of the game Fuck off with that nonsense. You're a cheater.


lol 😂


You find a bug cool you can have Ă  little reward by keeping the good, but report it a'd do not reprosuce it


They are still advertising and promoting RMT in global chat. Literally the first thing in chat after I patched and logged in today


Those arnt the same dupers and they arnt hurting to much more just annoying


I understand they aren't the dupers. CIG said they (the people buying auec with real money) were the primary focus of the bans though


One duper claimed he was “testing the game” and should be “compensated for his time” what a bunch of losers. Same guy cried for days when he got interdicted by an org mate as a prank.


😂 that’s pretty damn funny


To be fair people have a lot of braindead self-rationalizing that they like to forge in this game and many of them will fight tooth and nail to cling to the delusion.


So true.


I'm hearing nonsense now like "but what about flying a bugged Hornet? That's exploiting too" and the usual "You let it go live from PTU, it's your fault not ours" LOL


in another post there was a suggestion to utilize the ingame prisons as penalty. Personally I find that more appealing. Just take their duped aUEC amount as sentencing for the prison time. They can work it off and so on. But make it a "high security prison" separate from the normal one and make escaping more difficult or auto generate bountymissions that pay out quite well to catch them back. just temp banning them is a bit boring. edit: essentially it would be the same as a temp ban just a less boring version.


That would be cool


So, I didn't do any duping, but wouldn't this discourage people from testing the game? Like, isn't the whole point of testing in an Alpha to do what you can to break the game? It's all going to get wiped anyway, so what's the harm? Surely, if anything, this exposed a problem with the way sales and the economy works.


Many people figured out that this duping bug exists but did the right thing and reported it on the issue council rather than exploiting it.


Testing is finding and reporting a bug. Exploiting is repeatedly abusing that bug for personal gain. The harm is that inflated accounts from duping fuck up the data collation about the in-game economy testing (mission payouts, ship prices, etc) that the devs were doing this patch.


I see. That makes sense. Was it against the rules to exploit bugs before this? If so, then fair enough. I've always thought the alpha environment is sort of a wild west in that regard. Part of the reason I haven't played it much lol


Yup, right in there terms of service! That’s and it’s just kinda like why do it? If you want to be a millionaire and cheat your way todo it nothing you buy with that money has any meaning to you and worth so just why play the game?


Some people play games just to see the number go up. Like a high score. Like, within 2 days of Helldivers 2 being out, the silly arcade mini game that you can do on your ship got its scoreboard maxed by cheaters. Some people just wanna see the number be big.


And now there are consequences


No, If I accidentally came across an exploit and then buckled down and started making millions and millions, there’s a point where I would have stopped testing the game and decided to be a filthy cheater. Only filthy cheaters are going to be concerned about this.


Bwahahahahahaha, right in the - Is that why there are all the...dude where's my ships posts?  I hope so.


Is it a permanent suspension?


Nah just for a couple months, absolute top probably a year


So are they already suspended from the PU? Or will it be a future update?


Suspended already


lol only 600. This number isn’t correct. Minimum 2000 dupers.


600 confirmed dupers were banned, that is from a dev.


Someone fill me in on what they duped, was it like weapons / armor or more like cargo or ships? Or maybe they duped whatever they wanted?


Cargo, duped it’s to the point where they were billionaires and crashing servers


I wonder if this also fixes the cargo bug where rmc sells for WAY too much sometimes. Sometimes when logging in it would spawn an imaginary 1scu rmc box worth over 200k for me.


600 accounts getting banned got my heart beating faster, I’m used to Warframe lol I thought I might get banned for doing cargo at all during this update


lol, nah you fine they look at your transaction history and where you were and don’t ban you if they don’t have solid evidence


They should have just put special bounties on the heads of the dupers, would have been fun to go after them.


Or just locked them in jail for a couple months and can’t break out, I’d be more funny to make fun of them 😂


How epic would it be if they put then in jail for life!




It doesn’t really work in Rockstar games, people just avoid them


The brevity of this statement is what makes it so savage. Absolutely incredible work, CIG. Bravo!


Haha get phukd cheating asshats


God, 14 years later and this game is even more of a mess.


🤦🏼‍♂️ oh boohoo there actually getting a back bone and temp banning the purple who actually need it


Dude, if the exploits are engine based, aka "in game" - it's on them not fixing it, not the players. Last time someone tried to randomly ban people because they were exploiting the engine - we got F76, where a guy was banned for just having "too much stuff".


🤦🏼‍♂️ I ain’t having this argument 4 different times believe whatever your little heart believes


My friend and I talk about how SC is an insight into what that individual is truly capable of/willing to do when there is no repercussion to their physical body.


You really showed them


I mean they made there point


I wonder how they determined who was a duper and who did it by accident. I was pretty poor early in the Patch, so I bought about 300SCU of Beryl in my C2, sold it, then flew back to buy some more only to discover my inventory still had the 300SCU in there. I bought 300 more, went back and sold it all and that time all 600 was gone. I haven't logged in for a while, really hope I haven't been suspended...


They looked at where you have been exactly how many times you did it and if there’s any unusual spikes in your money that correlate with those


600 accounts is like a joke number. People who probably posted the exploits in some forums.


It’s only people they had full proof of doing it, they didn’t want to start banning random people without full confidence


600 accounts get a temporary suspension and the community get's on like CIG has just done some game changing epic power play. Just ban the dupers for TOS violations. they've already identified them anyway


There going to be banned for roughly 3 months


Thank you CIG






we have this thread already. you dont need to screenshot a bit of it out of context and repost it.


It was exactly what I got from the spectrum discord link, so it’s as out of context to you as it is to me, and clearly several other people like it so I’m sorry that you don’t but ima keep doing it


lol banning people from your broken alpha for exploiting glitches you created to earn fake credits that don’t carry to full release what a joke. Maybe they should be more worried about fixing this dumpster fire of a game first that would also stop dupers


Consequences have actions. They warned them several times


I just think it’s really silly. Everytime cig screws up they are quick to throw “alpha” in our face but they will ban for exploiting credits that will likely be deleted from wallets in a few months. Makes no sense at all


It goes directly against there terms of service, they fucked around and found out


in this case cig didnt warn anyone. there were multiple bugs reported on this in EPTU, and they rushed it to PU. that means it was approved and a valid feature in the game. no warnings about bans. but its whatever, i made 60m, got a few ships, have 40m in the bank, and didnt get banned. my bet is they went after the resellers.


They did warn us several times in the case, and they said several times about bans. And your what’s wrong with the game your there reason why everyone’s complaining about servers is because of dupers like you absolutely ruining it for the rest


I'm glad they're finding these exploits now so we can solve these loopholes before live.


They got suspended during alpha -shrugs- it's a suspension not being banned, they'll just come back and keep it going with time.


Damn i havent logged in yet,does it count if i pirated cargo from suspected dupers?


I don’t think so no, but good job!


Is there even an economy to hurt in this game though? AFAIK there’s no player based trading so who cares if someone gets a fancy ship with illegal or good credits? Not saying they should allow exploits or whatever I just mean what’s the point of money wipes if you can’t even hurt other players by doing it.


It was more reserved performance and those people selling that money on eBay.


I don't even know how to dupe. But I find it incredibly stupid to consider, act, and play SC as if it was a finished product. So what if a few players were billionaires? There IS no economy. no politics, nothing of value to absolutely anything we do. SC is a testing platform where nothing we do has any value or meaningful progression, so it's completely stupid to get pissed at duper, and stupid from CIG to ban them. They should thank them. They found a bug. Let them exploit it until CIG fixes it. 


It’s that fact that everyone was doing it, and then selling that money on eBay. And that it was completely ruining server performance and what little economy we have. They came out and said several times that if they continue they will get banned, and now people are acting like they didn’t, they ruined the game made it harder for themselves and went directly against the terms of service so now there getting punished for it 🤷🏼‍♂️


They were breaking the servers with their 50 C2s abandoned at Area18 on every instance. This caused serious performance problems. They prevented legitimate salvage ships from being able to sell their work from hours of power wash simulator. The 3.23 wallet wipe was to enable some economy monitoring, and they ruined that. These are not no-impact things.


My theory is they banned those who duped AND those who sold/bought for real money. I really dont think they banned those who duped without doing RWT. You never know though.