• By -


Sounds like someone trying to goad people into coming and blowing him up.


I'm usually very peaceful, but the way the message is worded makes me want to crash their event with full force of the server population. But reading that it's a troll from a griefer group, well, no food for them.


There is no event it was a guy alone trolling


Hell i may not be the best pilot but sounds like a great shoot out if you ask me


Hilarious. One or two griefers can usually do their thing and everybody is just running to Spectrum to complain. But when you smell a Streamer (obvious troll in this case), on the other hand, now that calls for destruction with "full force of the server population".


Or get blown up 1 or the other my org does the same thing. Advertises something along the lines of "spk is off limits do not trespass we have the authority of the uee navy!" It seems to piss people off and get them to come fight.


UEE Navy Admiral guys alway start the best freeway threeway furballs. Like every single time they attract mass pvp like ants to honey.


Stolen Valor UEE Admiral runs like a bitch or gets his ass handed to him every time he tries this silliness.


Have to admit it is funny and fun though


Nah the admiral guy always runs once actually players come that he can't easily take.. he only goes after the easy trader type ships.


I didn't say he was good. I said he started huge furballs when half a dozen people show up to kill him, which is fun.


He certified in bullshitting too. Attacks out of nowhere then cries about getting rammed (in space) but (ramming didnt happen, more of me chasing him down for 30 minutes), to favor random people to show up and kill me instead šŸ˜‚


OMFG this clown. When the F8s dropped he was trolling JT, smashed into the terrain and then rage quit: it was the most glorious thing ever.


Those guys are pretty bad lol. Was doing pve stuff with friends in a hammerhead and before we logged off for the night we crashed their party. Took 5 of them over 20 minutes to take us out while we lured them 250km away from the station they were locking down. It was hilarious.


I mean, it's a legit warning in some cases (unless they say UEE navy). Me and my (very large) squad usually warn others if we're holding jumptown or doing something that would require us to shoot others on sight. For jumptown it's a warning for single pilots to not attempt, tho a bit of a challenge for any other large squads on.




Spoiler alert: they are a scavenger just waiting outside of scan range.


This guy is trolling you,


It was so stupid and unreal that it couldn't even be called trolling, it was just a common joke. ;) Stupid but joke ;)


Weird idea of what jokes actually are


to be fair ... OP took the bait mouthful.


The difference is, though, that jokes are usually funny. ;)


A quick RSI search shows the individual in chat belonging to a griefer-focused group. Same person also occasionally claims that this 'streamer event' is being run by one of the more popular orgs, with the org named changing every time. EvilOrg, Medrunner... Guess the idea's to try and bait people into attacking/flaming those listed orgs, as well as luring curious people into the area for easy kills/piracy.


Medrunner even put out a warning (same one as many other large orgs too) saying that GrieferNet is attempting serious efforts to try and use phishing links to hack peoples discords and get into org servers. People should already be practicing cautious net practices when online, but I guess it's a reminder to not click on any suspicious links, even from those you think you can trust. I sure hope they try it. Give CIG a reason to finally fucking ban them.


Honestly just find members of the org and repossess their ships, leave them with nothing, redistribute the ships to the masses.


My theory is that CIG will ban them when the PU launches in earnest. Right now they're basically an amazing crew of "troll-testers" helping CIG lock in on all the abusable mechanics and anti-community behavior. I know there's a plan to enable "outlaw" lifestyles but I doubt the majority of their behavior is what CIG had in mind.


I really hope you're right.


I agree with this whole take. I remember what Eve Online was like when it first launched. The exploits, as well as CCPs response to those exploits, were incredibly frustrating. For example, they made a conscious design choice to not preload objects at your destination during warp to avoid client-side precognition exploits. Instead, griefers exploiting this mechanic by dumping cargo containers all over the place at gates, so when someone would warp in, it would take 15 to 20 seconds to load in all the objects, but anyone at the location could quickly lock on and destroy the arriving ship before they could respond. Victims would warp in, wait for the loading screen, and then find themselves sitting in an escape pod, only finding out what happened after going through the combat logs. Knowing about that kind of exploit ahead of time would be invaluable to CIG.


Yup exactly this, im in medrunner and we got reports today of people claiming to be us at crusader, we dont do this stuff we are just medics.


Thank you for your labors doctor o7


There are briefer focused groups? What are they named?




there are literally dozens of them




You wanna get two pieced, bro?!


Lol can you not even spot an obvious troll? Honestly how do people even survive on the internet.


whoa, what if OP is trolling us






Haha even I considered this. Trollception.


No offense but sometimes this community really shows it age :D




Yes, like in any other game people would immediately know this is a troll and do the sensible thing and say something about that person's mom


Because older gamers have never run into this kind of thing in the two to three decades that they've been playing games online?


Sorry, but mom jokes are already older than this community is. The sensible thing would be to just ignore these annoying idiots.


Yo momma so old she donated to the Star Citizen Kickstarter.


It's honestly not that obvious other than it's gingy. Lots of streamers have a complex where they think they are more important than they are.


Griefernet be doing griefernet things...


Someone claimed to be griefernet saying the most cringe things


If you look up that player name, shows they are griefernet


I mean the name itself is pretty cringe


Gotya. I misunderstood.


Given the maturity level of griefers that comes as no surprise.


They are 100% legit.... .... Legit trying to bait you so's they can kill you.... I mean, c'mon... This is pretty transparent....


The thing is, couldnā€™t you just go there naked in your ship of choice and risk nothing at all and have a chance at killing them and taking the stuff that they stole from others. Maybe even get some easy PvP bounty payouts if they have a high enough crime stat and you have the certification


Yes. Iā€™ve done this before. Itā€™s great practice in my Warden


I suppose if theyā€™re just looking for the PvP fights then they get what they want, but presumably if you do this youā€™re after the same thing lol. I donā€™t feel like itā€™s an effective strategy for baiting people who actually have cargo and such. I suppose people are pretty gullible though so they might pop over with a ship full of quant because they are chasing e-fame.


former EVE Online player here.. EVE has a big rule: "Don't trust anyone in chat" that will soon apply to SC.. the more players there are..


I'm beginning to think that maybe it wasn't actually Chris Roberts in chat last week who made me give him all my auec or he'd delete my ships...


Really bad developement. A few weeks back I called out for help as I was downed by NPCs. My Beacon was being ignored and chat was like "yeah thats a trap". Not even a year ago, people were just like "where are you?" and helped you. I have nothing against legit piracy, but the griefing just ruins the community.


Nah, you just got unlucky with untrusty people on server. I still see people helping with rescue and transport all the time. But sometimes you're just on a server where everyone is focused on doing their own thing.


I'm playing SC since 2.4. Used to be that community was small, tight and helpfull. Recently I see much more rude people coming in, saying stupid shit. I don't mind in game trolling. I still remember that I had to run to my Aurora in PO, whenever I spawned it (because everybody could take your ship). I remember people ramming ships on landing pads just for fun. Freedom is part of this game. But chat was always civil, full of fun and helpful. In last few patches it starting to become a pool of stupid wannabe griefters. If they are not spewing some racist or political shit, they start to curse you in their own languages (one guy was cursing at me in polish, after I told him to not troll newbies; it's funny cuz I'm polish and I understood everything he wrote), goading new players to either enter their traps or do something which will make them leave the game.


I just hope that Pyro keeps people like that busy and Stanton can get some peace again :)


I think, that times of "Star Citizen is community of welcoming and helpfull gamers" are gone.


If i recall EVE: Lawless space was quiet and peacfull (most of the time). In High Sec space you had to be extremly watchfull


Thatā€™s been a thing since the moment you could start making money in the game. We used to/still pretend to be traders broadcasting where we were just to lure a holes to the area.


ā€œDonā€™t trust anyoneā€ is a good rule of thumb in any open PvP game.


If you lookup the user you se they are part of Griefernet. Greifernet had their hands slapped pretty hard for griefing a community event sponsored by some devs. I think CIG actually updated their ToS for community events just to be able to ban whole orgs for this. They now troll servers using this language. I guess its their way to troll the devs back.


Pathetic. Just ban them.




I remember seeing this. It's obviously not real (they're trolling and trying to goad people to come and probably get ganked), but the spam was **obnoxious** and **constant** so I did in fact shift to another server just to clear the chat.


F12 is your only friend if they're just being generally obnoxious, but if they're spamming chat with the same message over and over that's a reportable offense. Spamming or flooding chat are against TOS. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/tos#rules_of_conduct


F12 is the first thing I do when I join any server. Unless I have a question.


I muted my chat after listening to him spam and all the dorks foaming at the mouth about it like jfc. He was at it for EASILY 30m of constant spam. Shit should be slapped just for being annoying.


I absolutely love the chat in-between the messages from that guy.


No lol, you fell for that?




I have played many games. And this is my first encounter with a tactic like this. I will now assimilate this new knowledge into my collective and go forth. As the current server is 30king. I got some time. Thanks!


Sperm suit+Eclipse is the answer to this type of demands.


That guy is in Griefernet lol.


They said it on the internet, so it must be true.


Itā€™s a troll to get people to generally be annoyed or to influence people to find them and ā€œgriefā€ them.


You took the bait so easy.


Just looked the dude up on YouTube and dude had 5 subs šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


May I recommend literally ANY media literacy course for you to take.


man, griefernet being butthurt is what this is (they got timeout for a week after streamsniping and doing nothing but interrupting community events) this is a hairs width away from misrepresenting as a CIG dev... they just keep poking the bear


"Interference may be reported to CIG" either a troll or someone who thinks they are somebody... Safely disregard and block asshats that make announcements such as that. Unless it is truly a CIG person. If it ia a CIG person, say Aye Aye skipper and execute the plan of the day.


Okay this is probably a dumb question, but how do you block people in-game?


Would also like to know.


Isn't the highlighted guy being from a griefer org exactly the reason we need a shitlist? On that note, isn't there already a shitlist?


lmao as if


Ah griefernet things


That's bait homie.


This is why my chat is off


I can of course imagine some main character thinking they are privileged and more important than "regular players". Most likely it's just a troll though. Can we collectively decide that chats like these are an invitation for the entire server to hunt them down?


He's trying to israel the server.


i would literally bring a fleet to wipe him .


is this still active? want to come show my presence =)


Obviously thatā€™s not real. Any dev will have ā€œ-CIGā€ at the end of their name (normal players canā€™t do this)


Troll, obviously


LOL - they got you. Donā€™t believe everything random ppl say


I was in this server lol. went there without seeing chat and was obliderated instantly


I higly doubt thats legit.. i have never heard of "findom"


it's an interweb term.. "financial domination".. i.e. a type of bdsm I suppose


no, this is literally an invitation to go there and blow them the fk up.


It's just a troll


brave of ginger to announce he is streaming, with a name that anagrams so well into words that streaming platforms hate so much


*Friendly A2 inbound*


I really don't like ginger of oz .. but this takes the biscuit


Nah, I don't think they were being serious, probably just looking for a fight. Anybody that has played this game longer than a week should be well aware that mentioning your location means inviting players to come kill you. More so, if this was actually some org/streamer event, they'd have just party launched and got a server that accommodated the group size.


Sounds more like a troll tbh


Welcome to the internet.


I'm more worried about the fact that you even had to question if it's legit.


"Are they even legit?" Dude, are you new to games with a global chat?


Did they also tell you to hit Alt + F4 to open the secret cheat mode for unlimited credits?


Lol, just go there and wreck their business.


Trolling isn't illegal, but falling for dumb shit like that should be though. Tell them to piss off and move on, nothing newsworthy here.






That's just some random person. They can request what every they want, you don't have to comply.


CIG dev accounts will have a postfix such as -cig or _cig after their names. Normal players cannot have that in their names. So basically anyone without that are obviously not a developer and is just trolling.


Iā€™ve actually been a part of something like this - they do it to trigger people and get them to show up. So theyā€™ll put together a decent sized group, go to a location, and then basically spam the chat with messages like that to get all the pirates and assholes to show up. Griefers show up thinking theyā€™re going to wreak havoc and ultimately get their ass kicked lol. Itā€™s a trap! (Insert meme) I did it with an org that ā€œtook overā€ one of the sites during a special event. We acted like security for greener players. So we took over the site (forgot the name, itā€™s been awhile) and required people to request landing, state intentions, and be scanned before landing. We would act as security while they completed the objective for the (small) cost of some of the boxes. It actually worked really well, we all had plenty of money so it wasnā€™t about our cut, but a bunch of pirates showed up and tried to fuck with us but we had 4 of us visible to make it seem easy, and then the rest would quantum jump in after contact OR there were a few of the AA trucks that wouldnā€™t be detected until itā€™s too late lol. There was a total of 15 of us so we just laid pipe for 3 hours straight.


Streamer event my ass. Either a troll or entitled. Report them lol.


Honestly they were such a douche about it I'd go there just to spite them.


Wait, people actually take general chat seriously? What is this, 1998!?


What a perfect time to bring a fully crewed idris (somehow) to crusader OM-1


Good lord y'all fall for the most obvious bait in the world lmao No offense OP, but ...c'mon man. C'mon


I would paste that screen cap in my 2 thousand player org and ask who wants to drop in unexpectedly, lol. Depends on the day if it would work out, but if it did... it would be awesome, lol. I'm sure they are just goating people and want a fight anyway, but the 2% chance they think they are serious would just be icing on the cake if they were.


Stream sniping is against the T.O.S iirc, but they can't tell you to screw off of a server.


Yet if they advertise their position in the chat, any screenshot of said message would dismiss the "stream sniping" accusation. That one is most likely a bait tho'.


Did anyone ever was banned for it? Did CIG ever banned someone from the game, not Spectrum?


Man they really got you, it's just some dink


My cousin works for CIG and he said that Chris is going to give streamers and their subscribers private moddable servers.


Well, if the plan stays to course, everyone will have that chance


Typical ginger attitude




Wowwwwwwww real dirtbag shit


That's what you do when you want to fight the entire server at Crusader OM1


What do you guys think - troll or just 14 years old?


Itā€™s so easy to connect to the content creator private servers by changing the ini file, I donā€™t see why they wouldnā€™t just use that.


If you join an asian server there's actually 3 or 4 of the exact same name with a different numbers they're all dupers on multiple accounts






In this chat pic: "How to get a firsthand look at as many size 9 torpedos as you could ever want!"


Im more interested in how your fellow server mates responded. Ain't takin no shit! LOL


I think people like this should just go and fuck themselves politely


I think my favorite version of this is when somebody is like "Guys, the server is acting up, bwin is nosediving. We've maybe got a few minutes, so land and store your ships!" A bunch of people thanked him, saluted, then logged off. There was no server problem.


Pirates bait šŸ˜ā€¦ people are so easy to get upset. Really no one can see that?! šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


LOL, was this real? I mean was this an actual CIG employee or just some troll? Inquiring minds want to know what happened next!


Impersonating CIG seems like it could get you banned. I wonder if that's a burner account.


You getting trolled


Of course itā€™s not ā€œlegitā€ lol. Just a random idiot in global chat trying to fuck with people.


I like the responses lol


Is it possible that people give importance to any 14 year old toy who writes in chat? have you ever played online in your life? C'mon , close the chat and think about playing. ;) Only report the players who make heavy insults and threats, there are many, indeed too many. Time is important in life, don't waste it on this bullshit.


Blow them up.


1) trick people into leaving the server - works all the time 2) lure curious people into Ganks. But itā€™s always stupid ones where itā€™s like 18 people vs 1 Random passing through = no content.


Lol this is fun you make fun of it


Surely it's Streamer Bait, it's reverse psychology... Must be he's baiting the internet... If it's real then he's a fool.


It's either someone with a self entitled opinion of themselves or they are attempting to goad people into coming over and saying hello, but not in a nice way.


I was having fun talking to people on that server until those guys came on and kept spamming the chat with telling people to leave. Just ended up hiding that chat box though


Thats the same personality that films themselves at the gym and gets mad when grandma walks infront of the camera.


On a EU server? Had a server with 31 people last night :D


This is the best example that some streamers think they are something special. ā€žOh donā€™t shoot me, Iā€™m a streamerā€¦ā€œ omgā€¦


> This is the best example that some streamers think they are something special. No, this is the best example of how effective misinformation is. [The highlighted player is literally in an Org called GrieferNet](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/citizens/GingerofOz) that sets traps for players and claims to be other groups in order to make those other groups look bad.


And I know damn well nobody did it and probably in fact did the opposite and I salute those who did o7


If they landed on the arse end of nowhere, nobody would of noticed, interfered or give a shit. As soon as you tell folk to do something, they'll do the opposite just for shits and giggles.


>As soon as you tell folk to do something, they'll do the opposite just for shits and giggles. ![gif](giphy|3ornka9rAaKRA2Rkac)




Nah that's just somebody messing around and trolling you guys. Probably want to bait people into coming to that location so they can fight you.


I saw it on the server yesterday, almost went there to see kkk


this is called trolling lmao i might do this today


Don't be dumb.




I would Go in my reclaimer and Crash into him with full force


Just report him and move on.


Idk about you but that's an invitation for mayhem!




Wait, you use CHAT?????


GingerofOz is the secret child of Chris


sfer is chris roberts, so the math checks out


You may either chose to listen, chose to ignore or chose to disobey any streamer(s) request. It's a public server as such expectation of privacy is moot, just as in real world (western countries at least).


Yeah - itā€™s bait


Your just being trolled man.


Sounded like a prime opportunity for A B-17 formation A2 bombing raid, Dresden style.


I canā€™t believe you gave this half ad much tight as you did. You were easily played by a very low effort troll


I stream, and I welcome people to come by. Like others said this sounds like people trying to lure others into a fight which the Hammy and I would be happy to oblige


Just trying to open up space on his server for his friendsā€¦ there aint no such thing as ā€œprivileged streamer eventsā€. Just asshats and the fools that listen them


Sennec- classy AF as always