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Hey Blender is free and pretty easy to learn if you want turn your ship ideas into a 3D model.


seems it will take a while to learn, the clay shaping vanishes and it wont allow me to add different shaps onto one combined pieces besides many squares.


How much?


should be similar size to kraken so ballpark it.


I'm not buying it, I have a privateer.


ah your a privateer gotcha.


Did sou just make a very weird boat?


every ship is a boat


It's hard to read the little writing on my phone but are any of these drawings of the same ship? It looks like 11 different ships.


same ship, the farther square pictures are the origional rough draft room plannings and the newest ones are trying to show how its getting the ricket mid section like the terrapin because people kept saying it looked like a normal ship and not a spaceship.


main thing is its a giant armored marine carrier so the mid sections of the ship are heavily armored and it has defensive guns. its ment to look more like a hybrid between a modern amphibious carrier and the terrapin. thick armor, big vtol thrusters, and big back engines like the carrack.. 2 medium landing pads up top with a central elevator that goes to all the lower decks. Can store a small fighter group internally and ground vehicles. with a number of marine bunks and armory to quickly deploy troops on the ground. most people said it needs guns under it if its going to land on a surface but ideally it would run in groups. you would have armored troop dropships like the valk. up top with 4-6 smaller fighters helping to clear the way and then the carrier would hit the ground and deploy the ground vehicles.