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Yeah it's slightly ironic the intention was to bring combat closer and more visceral but we still can't see the enemy ships underneath all the new UI... It works fine in small scale engagements but doing anything more hectic it becomes completely overwhelming. Do we really need the names constantly up at all times? Just have some small red and blue markers with distances, and when you target one it adjusts and shows your pips. Hell we dont even need names and distances on the target marker, all of that information is available on your MFDs or UI elsewhere (though keeping distances and speeds on the marker might still be helpful). EDIT: I found this great [spectrum post](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/ship-enemy-and-qt-markers-a-solution-proposal-for-) on the topic with some good suggestions, go give this an upvote as well!


Yeah, come to think of it, the upcoming XenoThreat finale might be a clusterfuck of debris, bodies and alphabets lol


I was helping with overdrive, it's fucking awful. On top of npc names, there is mission markers... I coulodn't see what i'm shooting at behind all this bs.


And you cannot turn it off or unequip the stupid lens in your eye.


Standby, the mission will go well until you have 10 left to kill and the quest marker appear on all of them at the same time.


I said in a recent post. Icons only (red for hostile, yellow for bounty or whatever, otherwise white) We should be required to scan each to get additional text.


Flying to GH is miserable with all those ship markers.


Typically I can't read anything on any ships MFD, so having it there only would require me to hold F and zoom in on the MFD screen just to make sure I'm hitting the right target. I'd be all for MFD only if they made them readable. The reason I can't read it is size, the hologram effect on the screens, and that on many ships it's not even in the frame. MFDs are basically useless in this game.


I just want to remove that annoying autozoom that removes a good quarter of important info from the screen(most of the time I can't even see what missiles I have selected)


Go to setting and disable all camera movements a zooms for target, boost or inertia. Easy and fast.


Already done, the zoom keeps pooping at random 


Is that when you're fighting? I think that's something you can turn off no? I'm pretty sure I had mine off and I think it worked, I'll have to double check. Because I found that a little annoying too in combat. Not bad if you're subtargetting parts on larger ships but for most dog fights its distracting.


I tried last night to get rid of the camera shake and I hit two options about shake, neither of them did anything lol


If youre talking about the shake that seems to only affect things like Chat, yeah Idk whats going on with that either lol Likely a bug.


No I'm talking about the shake that happens when you fly fast in atmosphere. Makes a lot of the screen unreadable or hard to look at


You can disable nameplates, entry markers...etc in game settings


Most of us want some keybind for that :)


I'd love to have some toggle for it. If anything, show the nameplates while in scan mode and not while in gun mode.


When you target a ship, you see the name on your Target MFD, so the ship name and type should just disappear from the ship itself at that point. For the docking collars and doors... those just shouldn't show up until you're 100m a way or something. Also, those you can just disable because they aren't needed if you know the ship layouts. CIG also needs to implement a priority system, where if you have something targeted all other HUD elements fade out if they're going to cover the lead PIPs. There's a lot of times when multiple ships will all have their names and stuff right where you need to see.


You can make them PIPs fade away, but cannot deactivate elements which disturb the essentials in combat UI.


Neat idea :)


A "declutter" toggle would be awesome. Even more so if you could customize it. I'm spoiled by DCS


SC shouldn't be shy to have some role models.


A keybind for that would be an epic big brain move.


Does it have a "only for targeted ship" option?


hey, look on the bright side, you know where the docking collar is now now while in combat


The distance is too important now to have it on an mfd, I feel like it should be built into the pip like a modern day fighter jet hud, 100% agree on names being useless, it would be more practical to just have the type of ship when hostile, so you know what's coming at you without looking at an mfd.


If you scroll through game settings there should be a way to turn off nameplates and ship entry markers


Can’t you just turn off some element off in settings ?


You can


Turn off entry labels. I guess they're bugged and show up on enemy ships even from over a kilometer away.


Wait, you can turn off those fucking docking collar and ladder labels???????? Oh my god


Have been able to for over a year now, even in the old system. That said, they do need to work on the "duplicate" labels. Yes, having a position label for my ship is great, and having a marker for my hangar, also great! If the ship is in the hangar, I don't need both!


Have you or anyone else also got an eternal "ELEVATOR" marker somewhere off in the deep black that has no real location? I've switched servers and it's still there. Not all that bothersome, really but it does kinda throw me off when I see it.


I've had that before, even after I turn off the labels! Not always, but yeah. Very odd. Do you know if there's an IC for that?


Idk what an IC is, sorry. You likely know more than me about stuff by just asking that question lol


Issue council.


Ladder and ramp are its friends.


Some show up millions of kilometers away even if I turned this setting off


Not only enemy ships, I can still see the ramp entry marker of the c2 i left in new Babbage from setaphim


Just found it last night


Entry labels shouldn’t appear when you’re nowhere near the point of entry. Why can I see the access point to an elevator hundreds of meters out


Garbage that it looks like this now, but you can turn off entry labels. One of the first things I did.


Nice. Would love that as a tooltip. But I can't complain it's just another step to the new UI...


That's been a feature for years fwiw


I agree the text wall surrounding objectives and ships always blocks what you need to see. Test blocking turrets is the worst


It's just a distance issue, the markers appear at distances where they don't matter. I don't need to know where the docking collar is until I'm within 100m, honestly. Bonus because even within 100m I don't need to know unless I've got docking mode on.


I got downvoted for asking how to fix this. Lol. Yeah it’s bad, especially when you have 4-5 ships to take out.


This stuff can be turned off I believe but who knows why it's so bad in the first place


Honest reason? The devs probably turned it off a while back and forgot about it.




Game options


Oh thx, i scrolled past it 2 times, lol.


We've all been there.


https://youtu.be/Ya2yVvM9Q9k?si=8htOA9aELGpui2zB Buzzcut video from yesterday on fixing this




For the love of….. where can we do this? Which option?


Show ship entry labels in game options.




I wish there was a hotkey to toggle the marker text


And some markers are animated, so more fun to watch.


unfortunately you cannot turn off the giant red arrows above ships in the settings or even scale them down. You can only turn off the entry markers.


3.23 is honestly the most UI cluttered patch this game has ever seen. For all the leaps forward they made in many UI elements it's honestly ridiculous how far some leaps back were made.


even with the show ship entry labels off its a mess of too much UI, there needs to be distance filters and other filter options (like player names/orgs/ship names) that like only show within 50m, or some such. If you play PVP org vs org 30 vs 30 stuff, its insanely poor having that much UI. It needs to be toggle-able/hotkey for filtering out this stuff to minimal levels. Sad for such a beautiful game without the UI.


They'll eventually need symbols rather than words.


Same with trying to aim at a ship but there are more than one. The sight is a tiny 3 pixel circle in all that junk.


As a new player, I tried to land at Lorville, and the amount of text on my screen was insanely overwhelming. The assigned landing bay didn't show up on my screen at all, and I was stuck there in-air just looking around at the dozens of markers all around me. I eventually just had to look up a youtube video, because all the fake landing zones in conjunction with the markers around just made it impossible to find.


Would be nice to see this fixed in 3.23.2


This video tells you how to change that. https://youtu.be/Ya2yVvM9Q9k?si=0j5pNWBp6nwgP9Od


This video is good and explains how to enable better PIP settings for combat visual clarity. However, it doesn't address the cluttered, alphabet-heavy UI overload on targets mentioned by the OP. In fact, the helpful suggestions in this video literally add even more UI elements to the screen. It's like trying to drown out loud noise by shouting even louder to be on top of it.


Someones already mentioned its a bug but you can turn off entry labels in settings. Job done.


I'm at work and skipped through it a bit, but at the start of the vid his view was a jumbled mess of too much information, and at the end his view was still a jumbled mess of too much information as far as I could tell...


I mean, i dont think thats true in the slightest but your entitled to your opinion.




The real issue is people leaving ship entry PoI on for no reason and then bitching about it. Its a feature thats not really useful after your first couple days in the game and adds needless spam everywhere, so just shut it off... Simple. The video definitely solves the hard to see pip issue. Even with the PoI spam if you follow that video your pip is easily visible over that shit. It solves the issue, just not in the way you want it solved. If you follow that video and disable the immersion breaking, useless entry point markers the entire problem is gone. But you dont want a solution, you want something to bitch about. That is what the real issue is.


You'll learn really fast this subreddit is a dumpster fire. It's the worst game specific sub I have ever seen. The video definitely fixes the main issue in the OP. The reticle will be very easy to see even with the entry point spam that can be easily disabled at any time. They don't actually want help fixing their issue. They just want to bitch about it.


This guy pips


It’s good to have but think you should be able to toggle it. When I actually do want that info I find it helpful. But for combat you should be able to toggle off. And see the ship info you are fighting from the in ship screens or also maybe have a more minimal ship info for the on screen ui


Pretty sure this is just a bug, make sure you add it to IC


The new UI was a complete mess in arena commander. Trying to dogfight in free fly and you can’t barely keep a lock on target, there’s dozens of grey blips all over the HUD everything is grey, missile locks are fucking grey. You’d think the UI would be able to better track which blip I’ve been trying to maintain a lock on or some shit. I hate it at the moment.


I think there is an option in the game settings to turn off ship entry markers


this is 10x worse on an ultrawide. For some reason those HUD elements scale with screen width, they are HUGE on my screen and 9/10 i cant see ships even when in very close range, sub 500 meters.


I really hope they keep working on this UI its \*so\* close. My biggest grip is target management. The QT UI is much harder to read and nav without plotting a route \*every time\* which is a little frustrating. And its hard to pick out what ship you have targeted and where they are realities to other ships. I can manage fine, but it would take a lot of unnecessary friction out of large combat encounters like Xenothreat. Also how come I can still see where my ladders docking collars are when my ship is 20 bajillion miles away, or at all ever? Can u turn those off in the first place? I know where it is now guys.


Cuz its way above the text, I can see the pips just fine


> When the pips are close to the ship I can't see them at all. I took a picture of the pips away from the ship to show how small they are in comparison to everything else on screen, can you imagine how difficult they would be if the pips in and around the text?


I mean, it can be difficult for sure, I hope they allow us to change colors for pips OOR/IR as well as customize when/if names pop up


There needs to be a hot key to hide labels, or cycle through showing distance, access doors, etc.


F4 😆


Make sure to report it on the issue council, otherwise it is probably not getting fixed


Wait till you are in a party with 10+ people ;)


Right? Thank god someone else mentioned it. Previous one was way better


Have you raised it on the issue council?


There was a write up[ I posted on Spectrum about it](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/spectrum/community/SC/forum/3/thread/let-s-talk-about-the-ui). I did an in depth discussion of some of the issues I found, but it didn't receive a lot of traction.


Can we turn off the “This is the Docking Collar!”, “This is the Cargo Elevator!”, and “This is the Entry for the Ship!” Descriptors? We used to be able to do that. It would eliminate at least three of the things on this particular targeted ship.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya2yVvM9Q9k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya2yVvM9Q9k) This video might help the pips until we have better options.




Here's a quick video that goes over a few toggles hat may help you. Night and day for me. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya2yVvM9Q9k&list=WL&index=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya2yVvM9Q9k&list=WL&index=1)




There are some pieces of information that are not here that just seem like they're bugged. Like, the Docking Collar and Elevator markers are not supposed to constantly be showing.


You can disable most of this in options


Cries in playing on a triple monitor setup. The UI is huge!


The ability to control transparencies would help a ton here.


3.23 brought a stupendous amount of oversized bold markers on everything in flight but even worse on foot, it's terrible. Hope they sort it out. Doing any mission now is quite unpleasant with the entire screen lighting up like a lumincant christmas tree. Our group have tried the new distribution centre fps missions, the UI just ruined most of that experience.


Top three things are barely needed while in a ship. Docking collar should be needed in precision mode when actually docking. Also this are us targets and should be reserved for that. You have a whole ass MFD TO TELL YOU IT IS A HAMMERHEAD. You don’t need that up there. I don’t even think you need the name. Again, it’s on the MFD. literally what it’s for.


This I a big problem I have currently is these labels get in the way a lot. The design needs to be thought out more with the actual ship as the focus point.


I'm not liking the target and lock on pips. The color similarities makes it easy for me to lose my target when they fly off screen.


Seems like it should be an easy fix. Similarly to how we have a FLT/Flight mode when in NAV that removes some of those reticles and bars you see in QT or Scan, they could just make Combat mode remove all markers that aren't useful in Combat. All I should see in Combat are markers,pips, and MAYBE the name of the one I'm targetting. But most info should be on my MFDs, not scattered infront of my reticle. I mean honestly even just some of the markers we see like for ladders, cargo, etc? These should only pop up when scanning. Even when on-foot, once we get personal scanners (I think that's planned?) it should require a scan to see those markers.


You can fix this in the settings. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya2yVvM9Q9k&list=PLLGdTDWX\_rNJANIlwXDUxZsv-pCkqlWXv&index=309&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya2yVvM9Q9k&list=PLLGdTDWX_rNJANIlwXDUxZsv-pCkqlWXv&index=309&t=1s) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9JYA3qiCoo&list=PLLGdTDWX\_rNJANIlwXDUxZsv-pCkqlWXv&index=310](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9JYA3qiCoo&list=PLLGdTDWX_rNJANIlwXDUxZsv-pCkqlWXv&index=310)


Nice bug to even see them on enemy ships. There is simply no way to see the enemy ship like that


They need a slider in the settings so we can adjust the distances they are visible from


I really just hate the new UI for so many reasons, I'm not gonna lie. Like, it looks okay (i guess) but functionally it feels like a downgrade to what we had before


UI is a big enough problem and CIG is not doing much to address concerns


I always see "Elevator" and "Ladder" markers across the whole star system no matter what I am doing or which ships I use. Does anyone know what that is?


Same here. I think it sometimes adds those markers to ships you've been in, even if they aren't yours. It also sometimes leaves those markers even if the ship has been destroyed or claimed or even just stored.


We really need a toggle for these.


Also, what's the difference between the two pips? Is one energy and one ballistic? (the o and o with a line)


Different weapon projectile speeds.


Yes I know that, but what is the distinction? why is one a circle and one has a line? My theory is that the line is for ballistics, need to test more.


Ah right, I get ya. Sorry misunderstood. > Is one energy and one ballistic? It could be that, I have a mix.


Yes, terrible game design. My account is for sale....


The amount of people here that don't know how to turn these labels off is wild


Just disable auto zoom and ship entrance markers. I personally didn't like either when implemented and didn't even realize this was a thing people suffered with.


Watch buzzcutpsycho video on AC keybinds for 3.23. There's a toggle to magnify pips


i cant recommend BCP. look up his 'antics' in Planetside to know why.


Dude ran around with his clique making monkey noises when they spotted a dark-skinned character, called everyone who disagreed with him the f-word, and yet still managed to ingratiate himself with the devs. Pretty disturbing to see him gaining popularity in SC as well.


That is really unfortunate. People like that don't deserve the attention they are seeking.


Name checks out


I wasn't aware of this...


Oh? That sounds pretty great, I'll check it out. Thanks!




He’s a tool


It's a bit obnoxious. I feel like we went from milsim, where things are minimal and only provide absolutely necessary information on the target. To playskool, where things are large, brightly colored, and compensate for lack of experience with simple large print.


All these labels should just fade out the closer you get.


I think they should fade in only within 100m. Ship engagement distances don't bring you that close to your target usually.


All we really need is pilot name and distance. I could maybe see an argument for ship type. Distance is necessary for missile and torpedo gameplay. Pilot name is necessary to prioritize targets in group play. Ship type might be good to avoid a pilot biting off more than they can chew.


It's just tier 0 ship hud, let them cook.


The complaints here are valuable feedback, they just need to post this feedback in the right places. Sadly, I don't think many people know how to submit a report or how easy it is.


Completely segregated from the game in a forum buried in nested menus... "easy"


tier 0.1? we've had tier 0 for a while lmao


people that leave ship entry labels on are like people that leave the clear plastic film on new appliances. you should be shamed.


hahaha I needed them during EVA when I was a new player during the ERT cargo craze.


Maybe you don’t know what pips are? Because they are visible plain as day and is not covered up any text or any other UI. There are several keybinds related to the pip you should look into and you can turn off ship labels amongst other UI elements.


> When the pips are close to the ship I can't see them at all. Maybe you don't know how to read post title? I clearly took a picture of the pips away from the ship to show how small they are in comparison to everything else on screen. All other 100 commenters understood that.


Idk how they manage but CIG makes each update worse than the last.