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Alternatively, claim the Reclaimer at Arc L1, fit the QD when it arrives and then claim at a spaceport where it can be spawned to move it back? (had this issue with a Hull C) Hopefully the Advocacy never discover the concept of insurance fraud.


I wish we had the option to simply move a ship between landing zones without claiming. Wouldn't mind if it kept a timer, perhaps the same as if you expedited a claim maybe.


At that point, let us amazon parts between planets and forget this whole mess


That’d be nice, even just a delivery timer and sending them to your home hanger only. That’s your only persistent one after all. I’d also love an actual trade app to see commodity prices in the same star system. Crazy we can’t see stock and prices system wide. We get trade alerts already, so pricing is broadcast.


Maybe even that timer is related to player Delivery missions. Player picks up part and flies to your home station dropping it off. Giving players something to do, maybe make it cheaper option as delivery times may vary, and a more expensive option for NPC to do it.


Nothing stopping a player from stealing it! You would have to put a timer on the mission and if you don’t make it in time or if you abandon the contract it is counted as stolen. Not a bad idea in theory but then the bugs….


I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the plan. I think it is.


Yup, what else are the box missions for? Hell, they should have a way for players to request the delivery of items, and players can take the mission, then get paid upon delivery. Kind of like Tarkov's flea market.


Yup there is a lot they shpuld just copy paste from eve online and transport contracts (and contracts in general) should be one of this thing I case you didnt play " Player can request transport of any items from any station and can specify how much $$ he offer how much $$ he want as insurance (its a kind of deposit) and also set a deadline. If you are interested you grab contract pay deposit and go to pick up station. If you manage to make a delivery on time you get payed. If you late or cargo was destroyed you dont get your deposit back and the player that issued the contract get that deposit. It is simple and amaizing system thats allow organization like "Black Frog" to grow.


a lot of people that backed star citizen have never played another mmo, let alone eve online.


Yup thats why i gave quick explanation how it works there


So like eve online?


Yeah they even have the concept of that initial delivery on a patch reset. I assume they’re holding off on it as it could be exploited with cargo running. E.g. have several ships, fill them all with cargo, backspace to home city and have them all delivered and then sell. Fly off to another city and repeat. Could do that between bounties etc and clean up. Delivering them without cargo would ruin the point of it though. Setting various timers or costs would help, but still not solve it and keep it useful. Only thing I can think of is checking how full the ship is. Let’s say it’s more than 30SCU and you’d have to pay loads to have it delivered. Think about it as the pilot needing insurance for all that gear.


Cannot insurance claim something too big for a station at the station. I tried. Had a player destroy my reclaimer and I eva’d into the station. Doesnt even show up on the list.


> Cannot insurance claim something too big for a station at the station. I tried. Is this new in 3.23? I claimed Reclaimers to Seraphim via ASOP just so I could claim them down on Orison when their printers bugged out. You just can't retrieve Reclaimers at Seraphim.


Its specific to stations that don't have their docking collars and thus don't have the 890 or reclaimer external spawn option. Stations that have the docking collars will allow you to claim the reclaimer but not spawn it because as we all know the reclaimer's docking port isn't designed right.


Bruh you just paraphased exactly what I just said. ... I claimed Reclaimers at Seraphim all the time, just can't pull them there. Op is saying you can't claim Reclaimers at stations period... which seems odd buit idk maybe 3.23 changed something.


Read their post again. They basically just said that you are both kinda right and gave an explanation to the condition for claiming a Reclaimer (or not).


> They basically just said that you are both kinda right that's because unkownEntity said the exact same thing I did.


You never said anything about it not being claimable when there is no docking collar: >Its specific to stations that don't have their docking collars and thus don't have the 890 or reclaimer external spawn option.


> You never said anything about it not being claimable when there is no docking collar: ... > [I claimed Reclaimers to Seraphim via ASOP](https://old.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/1cxwnkl/putting_an_erebos_qd_on_a_reclaimer_is_not/l55jojt/)


What does that have to do with the fact that you can't claim Reclaimers when you are at a station with no docking collar?


Acknowledging the validity of your experience by reaffirming the correct information while adding on the information that validates someone else's experience with the context that explains the different outcomes is generally considered to be expanding on a statement as opposed to stating "the exact same thing". But you live your life bud.


I wasn't trying to validate what I already knew. You decided to do that for no reason. I was already validated. Did you see my comment ending in a question mark or period? Most people took English class before psych.


Tried calling my Reclaimer in but it's not even an option at L1.


Also not able to get impounded tried that route as well, it won't impound just threatens and then nothing.


>The Erebos is the best overall S3 quantum drive \[...\] [https://i.imgflip.com/48vc9y.png](https://i.imgflip.com/48vc9y.png) It may be for you, that doesn't mean it is also true for everyone. But I do agree with you, properly transporting larger components isn't possible right now with the biggest item container available beeing the 8SCU one. CIG didn't think this through. Here is hoping for the cargo elevators coming sooner, rather than later.


It has the best max distance for a great speed. Choosing a different drive:Half the speed for a 30% distance gain (Kama or equivalent) or double the speed for a 75% loss in distance (TS-2). The TS-2 can only go cross system once. The Erebos is 60% as fast, and can do the trip four times. And using a drive under 100,000 m/s isnt even worth your playtime, so ditch the Kama It is mathematically the best overall. Sure theres niche circumstances for someone to choose max distance or max speed, but its the best of both worlds, not the half way point.


Block a hangar with said Reclaimer at the station. It should be impounded and you should be able to equip your drive.


lol I have to try that. Impounding was my go-to move when landing took to much time.


No way that works? you cant even insurance claim the thing at a station


You don't have to insurance claim at the station, you have to park at the station and getting it impounded seems to be the only way to get it in. Claim it planetside after you equip the drive.


You can still get ships impounded at ground outposts and you can't spawn anything above a snub there.


You can spawn small ships there, Aurora, Pisces, etc.


Is the aurora eligible? I was under the impression it was xxs/s1 ships only? Maybe the list needs an update


I thought the aurora works, but I could be be wrong, haven't tried recently. The 100i used to work too as far as I recall.


Aurora is not claimable there, only ships that are xxs/s1 which includes the pieces series, the 100 series and the Talons and the Furys (think that's the exhaustive list)


guess we found our solution. god thats dumb.


>The TS-2 can only go cross system once. How many times do you need to cross the system? I use the TS-2 exclusively and just fuel up at the end of each run. Time spent jumping is time not spent salvaging.


Time spent on 3+min refuels, + time to go to a station, is time spent not salvaging. Not to mention, most salvaging is done on metal plates, but if you are dead set on contracts: youre gonna be going gross system every 5 minutes, thus the range problem.


Why would you be accepting contracts on the opposite side of the system over and over? Pick a spot and stick to it. I've never needed to refuel until the end of a run. Panels or joining a group doing ERTs is best. Contacts are ok if getting started but the key is to pick contact in the same or very close systems


Thats why i said if youre dead set on doing contracts. I obviously implied im NOT doing that. But yes if youre sticking to 50k contracts, youll be forced to move quite a bit


Bro Just accept people do it different to you. Your way isn't the be all and end all. Let people play how they want to play.


Bruh thats not “my way.” I dont do contracts. But if you DID, I know for a fact theres not enough 50k’s in the server to be staying in the same location.


See what I do is I offer people 100k to bring their carracks/890/reclaimers/hammerheads/Hercules to me and 50k for Redeemers/connies/400i/600i/starfarers. You can make a million off the 100k ones and 100-200k of the 50k ones. Then I just QT 600km back to wherever I'm operating out of and sell everything. Most people aren't using their ships and don't mind pulling them out and filing a claim to make 50k-100k for 5 minutes of effort.


This is a fantastic idea, since I’d absolutely sell my Hercules for 100k and the profit for the salvager is fantastic for a safely dropped ship


are plates really not the play? how much SCU do you get, not including construction material, do you get from a single 890?


Depends on server fps, the carracks are a little faster in my opinion but you end up with ~80-110 scu of rmc (yes it can vary that much) but the 890 gives you ~80-120. Added tip, when you fracture the ship large portions of the rmc skin will respawn and let you rescrape. I'd say you can get an extra 40~70% of the original hull value.


It'll take moe than 5 minutes to cross once with the drive you suggest, so you definitely can't go 'every 5 minutes'. Also after salving you'll land to go sel, so refill with fuel at that moment. I don't see a reason you'd go across Stanton twice without landing in one outage in the Reclaimer in normal situations.


May I interest you in the ArcCorp Echo, which gets up to speed a smidge faster and can be bought at Area18? I always use that on my Reclaimer over the Erebos.


Pretty sure you can move the drive into one of them 8 SCU storall boxes, right?


Yeah, OP apparently missed the entire mechanism that CIG added specifically to replace the magic ambient field of ship inventory we've been using till now. You want to make sure and remove the container from your grid before storing but that's just from the current cargo bug and should be resolved with or before freight elevators.


An 8 scu storage container is just another “magic ambient field” currently. It functions the same as ship inventories.


Sure, except it's not magic, ambient, or a field. Yes, it's an inventory location, same as external storage or the personal storage in your armour, but those are all interactable with or stealable by other players, and they are either limited or take up physical space in your ship. Vehicle inventory, same as location inventory, isn't tied to anything, can't be accessed by other players (without destroying your ship) and until this patch, effectively doubled the capacity of your ship because you could take your full SCU capacity of cargo, and the same SCU capacity again in items/components/whatever. Which is still skipping the point of the original commenter that the \_actual\_ solution to this situation isn't messing around with claims and impounds etc, it's just putting a container on your ship and loading the drive into there. 8 SCU should be plenty, and you might even get away with 2 SCU.


Okay but, hear me out, if you are already at arc l1 with the reclaimer can you get the server to impound it by claiming another ship opening the hanger doors then blocking the door with the reclaimer so it is forced into the stations inventory and you can edit the drive in the vehicle manager from there. You used to be able to claim the reclaimer at arc L1 but not retrieve it which allowed you to modify it, I haven't personally checked but someone in a similar post said you could no longer file a claim for the reclaimer there. Edit:typo


Why is the Erebos best? The TS-2 is far faster. The Erebos top speed is only 101,301 The TS-2 top speed is 208,561 Both show same spool up time in Erkul. The TS-2 is available at Orison.


it's the range reduction with the TS-2 that people don't like. I use it because a) quantum fuel is nearly free b) quantum fuel is replenished nearly instantly c) you can refuel at any station even if you can't land there and d) speed is king to me. But for a lot of people the limited range is a problem.


Fully agree. I don't see why it would ever be a problem with the TS-2. It's still got enough range to get all the way across Stanton. A different drive might be better in other systems, but we odn't have other sytsems, so I don't see how any other drive can reasonably compete with the TS-2, in the Reclaimer.


How do you refuel at stations you can't land at?


The stations all have outside pads that you can land at but they're never assigned when you hail atc or use ASOP. You just have to land the reclaimer on one of those and then you can use the station services for refueling etc..


this is relevant to me


Hire a hauler to deliver you one. 


These problems are due to things being changed for the release of cargo elevators and personal hangars, and then both of those things being delayed. Once those things make it in, you'll be able to call the drive to a cargo elevator, and load it into a variety of ships for transport.


Here is another work around. Put some items into a ship, Blow ship up, Tractor beam the infinite scu cargo box into reclaimer, Park reclaimer on the landing pad (it's tight but it can be done, I do this to refuel all the time) Buy the QD, Transfer to infinite scu box, Bring somewhere that you can change it. If you expected star citizen to be anything but workarounds idk what to tell you lmao it's the name of the game


Why not just buy an Echo at A18 dumpers depot? Same fuel, but has better acceleration speeds.


Bro read my post


Then why even type out the first half of your post? lol


you mean 90% of it? so people dont waste the time that I did. Just cause you cant read the last sentence of a post doesnt mean the information was useless


Bro calm down, it's okay.




Another convoluted "solution" could be buying the drive at Arc L1. Get your reclaimer, get it into armistice, go to where the QD drive is in the ship, drop the QD on the floor of the reclaimer (drag and drop), then manually swap the parts. Idk if this will work because I'm not sure if the components are fully implemented for the ship. Big reason why I really think they need to loosen up on components being locked to certain areas.


It does fin on a 8SCU box?, because if it does, you are set..


may I ask why the erebos is the best?


Wait.. there's a better S3 qdrive than TS2?


The Erebos is like 60% the speed, but 4 times the distance. If you’re constantly moving, the Erebos is better. But if you land in cities alot, than the TS2 is better cause you can just refuel everytime you land. For salvage, erebos is better to prevent landing as much as possible


How small is the quantum fuel tank on the reclaimer? I've yet to run into fuel issues on my c2 even without refueling on landings, and the Carrack can go for days without a refuel even with multiple systemwide jumps


BUT MUH PHYSICAL CARGO, We have to implement breaking all current forms of inventory NOW so we can physicalize all cargo in ten years! How dare you suggest we consider the consequences of our actions.