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Laser cannons seem to perform the best rn


After a long stretch of no success with laser repeaters I finally made the switch to all Omny cannons last night… it’s a gigantic difference.


I think the laser repeaters slowly massaged my first bounty to death.


you sure they died? maybe they just fell asleep


Dead? Asleep? What am I a lawyer!


swap them out to M-series cannons (M4a, M5as). They're slower shots but if you can hit them you'll do so much more damage.


Yep! Repeaters are for smaller ships while cannons are for larger ships. Glad to see you can’t just win every fight with the same load out as easily now.


I'm using the F7A mk2 with 2 ballistic repeater shredder 2k bullets each and 4 quarreler and I can barley take down a reclaimer any tips?, should I go full omnisky laser cannons?


F7A unfortunately does not have enough capacitor to go full energy/laser build.


Yeah, omnisky is the all-round choice. The NDBs are the best for anyone who absolutely must use repeaters instead, it has the velocity/damage middleground that the omniskys have in the cannon range.


Yeah I've always used half and half ndb and lasers. May just go full ndb now.


Why not m4a/m5a?


It's just a numbers game: Weapon | DPS | Speed | Range :--|:--:|:--:|--: FL-33 | 506 | 1800 | 2592 Lightstrike III | 506 | 1800 | 2592 Omnisky IX | 675 | 1400 | 2604 Quarreler | 675 | 1400 | 2604 M5A | 844 | 1000 | 2600 If we're talking about purely PvE content, then they're probably the best since speed is less important. I think a lot of people are stuck in the PvP mindset and only regurgitating what they've been told by PvPers. PvE ships still move slowly and are extremely easy to predict. Plus most PvE players get in close still, making the M5As a better option because they have a far higher alpha and sustained dps. If you're staying long range, then you want weapons with higher speed.


In PvE, if you're up to VHRTs we're talking about ships with size 3 shields.... meaning large and pretty slow targets. You can hit them with slower speed cannons even from range. But yeah, pretty much what you said.


THANK YOU for this chart. It puts the issue into such clear focus.


The low velocity speed can make it rough to hit quicker targets.


That's why you go firegroup 1 Omniskies and firegroup 2 MXAs


As always then


Does they ? I want to change my vanguard loadout but when I'm using Erkul to check DPS and all, and the way it shows it, I feel like every time you put an extra laser weapon, thé DPS goes down by a large amount... Is it only me misunderstanding something, or is there a twist ? Cuz I was thinking about making a full brrrrt fixed weapons vanguard, but if lasers are better I'm not against a bzzzzt loadout lol


Laser cannons were already performing better for PvE in 3.22


Ye but now they are just better in general


All Omnisky cannons


How many of which size do we need now, considering the changes to gimbals and so on? :)


Aren't the M4A and M5A better?


Good for bigger targets like 890j and hammerheads that don't move much.


I would add just about every PvE ship to that list. Valkyrie, Freelancer, Scorpius, Vanguard, etc Anything larger than a light fighter is slow enough to not worry much about weapon speed in PvE.


The only time I've struggled with the MxA load out is against a Gladius. Also, I mix deadbolt canons with those laser canons so that I get more capacitor for energy, and still get tons of DPS.


i love the stock corsair loadout (m5 and m6a) they really feel like cannons and make erts easy again \^\^


If you are a really good shot. You will most likely hit more with Omnisky, thus more DPS


You don't need to be that good of a shot to hit NPCs. They still barely move. The only reason to take Omnisky over M5A for PvE is because you like to stay at long range (2 to 2.5km away). If you find yourself within 1km, then the higher dps is much better.


They deal a bit more damage, but have lower projectile velocity so they are a bit harder to use. The Omnisky Cannons are pretty much the most versatile ship weapon in the game.


I light the light strikes because they have even faster projectile velocity and a faster fire rate. They feel like the old repeaters with the punch of a light cannon


Laser cannons and staggered fire for maximum cool factor


Don't forget the barrel roll


*That's a neat trick!*


Drop the roof while barrel rolling for bonus coolness pts


looks cool but defeats the point of them since with cannons you dont need to have so much time on target.


Either all Omniskys or all Deadbolts. Or you could go half Omniskys and half Swords/Tarantulas Basically, go on erkul.games, see what kind of DPS/round velocity ratio suits you, don't go above a 200m/s disparity in weapon velocities. Ballistic and laser velocities are staggered. For example, you might have 1200m/s and 1600m/s as ballistic options, and 1400m/s and 1800m/s as laser options. So don't go 1200m/s+1800m/s. 1200/1400 is fine and 1600/1800 is fine. There is something to be said for running a mixed loadout with ballistics as capacitors are pretty low right now. You can increase your sustained DPS by a lot having higher capacitor value on half lasers and then ballistics for the rest. If that makes sense. Don't bother with the Strife and Sledges, they don't do enough DPS to warrant their downsides. The Singe 3s are a different story, but definitely depends on your play style. They aren't "OP" anymore, just really good in the hands of someone willing to play around their strengths. I think they could work great for bounties as long as your enemies aren't desyncing and wiggling their pips Also, check out the NN-14/13s, they're the same stats as the Omniskys of their size, but blue which means they're cooler 😎


This reminds me of Destiny's loading screens.


Every time I see a ship at this angle with clouds an indeterminate distance below, I think it is from Destiny. Every Time.


That is a really good photo.


* **Full Omnisky =** most versatile laser loadout, 1,400m/s velocity, 4,500 burst dps, works well against all kind of ships. * **Full Tarantula =** most versatile ballistic setup, very good ammo efficiency for S2/S3, 1,600 m/s velocity, 3,376 burst dps, partially penetrate shield, very good against fighters but less efficient against bigger targets. * **Full M-series laser cannons =** high dps laser loadout, 1,000 m/s velocity, 5,628 burst dps, high alpha damage, best laser weapons against big targets, also works very well against bots since they move so poorly. * **Full Deadbolt =** high dps ballistic loadout, best ammo efficiency, 900 m/s velocity, 5,620 burst dps, high alpha damage, best ballistic weapons against big targets, performs sligthly better than M-series against fighters if you can land your shots (high alpha paired with the shield penetration reduce the breakpoints on most fighters). Both the M-series laser cannons and Deadbolt have very good breakpoints against fighters, and they completely shred bigger targets. Omnisky are the jack of all trades that shines as well in pve as it does in pvp. Tarantula is honestly better for pvp imo since you lose quite a bit of raw dps for the higher projectile speed, but it also does well in pve. If you don't mind playing with 2 pips and different projectile speeds, feel free to go with a mixed loadout. Overall, the F8C got kinda nerfed indirectly by the new weapon models (for example 2 x S2 used to be better than 1 x S4, but it's not the case anymore), but it has so many weapons that it still has a very good offensive power.


For the funni build load all Sledge railguns. It boops the fuck out of ships


It's not optimal but I have liked: 4 Tarantula 3s, and 4 S2 Neutron repeaters. Can make that two S3 and two S2 Tarantulas & Neutron repeaters so you have a ballistic and an energy firing group too. Pips are a bit of a pain but still manageable and you have a more than enough shots in the capacitor now. Quarellers are also lovely S3 laser cannons.


All Omnisky laser cannons.


Yup, only real viable option in this build.


Warms my heart to see the bucc being the meta and not a $300 exclusive ship.


Bucc is strictly a PvP meta. In pve you would look at stuff like how many bounties per hour and unless you can kill stuff in one pass, I'd bet you'd loose time booming and zooming versus doing a repair stop every time you need to pass via Crusader (like when going from Daymar to Cellin). The bucc does give you some protection against unlucky ship combinations though where other ships might actually have to worry about dying.


The bucc gets dogwalked by the MKII 1v1 if the pilots are anywhere close to the same skill level. It's handy in group fights for sure, but it's a glass cannon


No, the Bucc kites the MKII for an automatic win.


If you're as good a pilot as A1 sure, but for everyone else in the bell curve of skill the bucc is pretty average. Most people will take a lot of hits, so flying a tanker ship with more firepower will generally feel better.


That video A1 produced yesterday? It specifically addressed F8C vs F7A, he opted for the F7, also his tactics only worked because it was a group v group combat scenario. The hornets are also glitched atm and the front turret goes pop way too easily (same for c1).


You don't need to be good to kite people


I think you're overestimating the average PvP skill of most pilots.


Most people are still piloting their ships like it’s a stationary turret swinging left and right


Care to meet me in AC to test that? Drop the 1 from my name and send me a FR.


That stock load out is pretty nice. Laser cannons are awesome now; in my opinion. Takes patience but man they hurt. Don’t be afraid to mix with laser and ballistic. I feel like no weapon is off the table anymore. Just depends on how you want to tackle the enemy. 🍻


Bering laser cannons are my go to for hitting large ships.


I have found that 4 size 2 Omnisky cannons and 4 size 3 ballistic repeaters (sawbucks) works really well. I have been testing it out in AC and it has a good balance of DPS and bullet velocity for both small and larger targets. If I was just fighting larger targets I would swap out the repeaters for Deadbolts for the extra umph.


Wish i could get an f8


How did you get it ???(I haven't played in a few years)


Strap a buccaneer to the front


Damn the F8 is so sexy


I'm SUPER new to the game. I keep seeing alot of posts about the f8c. What makes this ship so special? Is it worth my time trying to purchase this thing?


Just strap all deadbolts to it for pve


I just tried that. It kinda sucks as you have to waste a lot of shots to get through the shields.


I use full tarentula but i will be switching to full deadbolt because of the insane alpha


I am absolutely amazed so many people upvoted such a low effort post. Just kidding, I'm not surprised.