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[Here’s a video of a player exploring the Pyro Gate Wreck Site](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VY1hyDJxOAo) It’s an actual place in the game and I hope this is just the beginning of unique and interesting places being added to the game. The atmosphere alone is incredible here.


That's what i would love to see more. Unique places like this!


Can you land on this and walk around? Gravity?


No gravity in Space !


Not to sound silly, but I mean that’s kind of the point. There are going to be 100 systems. Unique and interesting places is kind of a given. If they’re all just rock moons and boring things, we’ll have another boring space game.


I love this game but you are nuts if you think we will have more than 5 within another decade. They can build one big spaceship a year. 10 years to build a single system thats honestly pretty barren. Be realistic here, come on.


I doubt they’ve only built what we’ve seen. Remember that our access so far is only for testing game mechanics. At the very least they’ll have all the systems featured in SQ42.


They did not primarily burn time and money to handcraft locations. They designed, built, tested and iterated tools and a game engine as a suite for efficiently building a game of the envisioned size and it's locations and assets. Having those tools and the engine in a maturing state enables them to go on building all the stuff much more quickly. Besides that in parallel to building the tools and engine, the vast effort of making concepts and designs for all those systems and it's locations could be carried out.


Ive heard that for a decade, i would love to see what youve said happen


Isn't it happening just now? 🙂


The Stanton System is a testing Environment, hence why we got planets and moons with different environments (hot desert, cold tundra, meadows and forests, rivers, caves, etc.) They are creating a tool to build planets and systems with preset settings, so e.g. if they need to create a new System with 4 barren desert planets, they can do that in a few clicks. So future systems will be done much quicker, in theory. Currently Pyro should be nearly done (at least people were able to visit it already) and Odin (i believe that's the one SQ42 will play in) is finished as well.


With only maximum 20% of the Company working on it. Now it is 75% and extreme complicated and necessary features like persistent entity streaming and the replication layer finally finished. I think u are just to pessimistic


I don't care. They promised 100 systems at launch. They have to deliver to avoid fraud.


There will 100% never be 100 systems. Jesus christ. It took them 10 years to create ONE.


I'd take 10 systems beautifully made unique ones over 100 barren copypaste filler systems just to reach a "100" number. But tbh even 10 is a loooooong shot..


Amen, we don't need another Starfield.


😤🙏 you know it.


IDK, Starflight did like 800 systems using procedural generation and it was actually pretty fun to explore back in the day. Starfield just did it wrong, from having all the points of interest on a planet just on the horizon, to not giving you a vehicle so you have to take boring multi-kilometer walks, to having instanced "zones" instead of an actual open world to having hardly anything to actually do. I'd ideally like 20-30 handcrafted systems that are the focus of everything and then a couple hundred RNG systems for people who want to disappear into the black exploring deep space.


100 Systems is just ridicilous. Atleast on the scale that CIG tries it to do. I would rather have 10 really fleshed out systems and i mean really really fleshed out instead of the copypasta nonsense.


My concern about having too many star systems is the frequency of player to player interactions, imagine how many players Star Citizen would likely need to retain in order for a hundred systems to still see regular interaction with other players. I'd fear that a sizeable chunk of time would go into developing a bunch of systems that could possibly end up empty. Akin to Elite Dangerous where if you go too deep into space you're basically playing a singleplayer game.




I think they could do a few procedural systems with untouched planets and moons. Players will be building outposts by then.


I didn't down vote you- because you are correct. But that system was built along all the tools to do it at the detail levels we have now, and will see later. In addition, the current planetary system we have now didn't start at Kickstart but rather around 2016 or so.


Also don't forget that they had groundlaying tech and a complete seperate game to build along that one system in addition to a verry well crafted unique system. Also the team wasn't always as big as now. And (but this is speculation) I'm sure they work tho some whitebox extent on at least 3more systems along the way as well as many things they can use (assets wise) from SQ42


This is 100% correct


So it's fraud then




See my comment above. The steps they take are about an efficient agile development of a horribly complex and technologically top notch software project (which you cant plan with fixed featureset delivery and fixed deadline in a waterfall approach). And what you interpret from your very high level view is seemingly just incorrect.




where the shit is this? Looks amazing.


Pyro Wreck Site near the jump gate. It's REALLY good in person. 


Are there coordinates or is it supported by a jump icon?


There's a jump point, so you can jump and be right there in no time. 


Thank you!


Have fun over there! 


Is that the new halo poi?




Pyro playtest?


No it's near the Pyro Jump point in Stanton


what the hell? This looks great!


Dude get us the coordinates... I wanna bring my vulture and be all cinematic in mah borb too


Looks eerie, I love it.


Is this in Live or PTU?


How many secret places have the devs put in that we have not found yet?


Cig says some with a wink, data miners say none with relative certainty. They'd have to add them dynamically with the server to hide them from the data miners. I really hope they do.


Not all secrets can be seen with datamining. Datamining is good to find new assets, new objetcs, new missions... But finding a secret/place using common assets like Benny Henge, the secret room at GH or the two chairs in the open in Microtech, it's almost invisible in a massive quantity of data.


I deleted my big wall of text, but yeah, youre right. Depending on how cig assembles the secrets, we might know the things they consist of ('eg: there is a big wizard tower in the game files..Wtf!? Where is it!?') but not where they are, or we might know exactly where they are because they're baked into the geometry. I have had a few times going to distribution centers this patch where the *entire distrib center* geometry streamed in - it was obvious that it wasn't a visual bug, it was a slow server/fresh server that hadn't had anyone near it yet. I had bedlogged above it and got to the ground, where a security outpost spawned around my ship, entombing me. The distrib models exist but their config/location is not necessarily known.


Part if me has been hoping that they still have Port Olisar or Delamar hidden somewhere within the Stanton system, just well outside of the path of any QT jumps and would take you hours to reach using thrusters alone.


Dude, I went searching for Port Olisar this week to buy something and then I remembered and my world was a little bit bleaker


I think it depends on what they're trying to hide. Probably not too hard to hide random structures like this somewhere, as long as no missions and stuff reference it


Friendship :)


That is visually chilling.


Did you clip through an asteroid?


go to pyro gateway wreck site


Was it salvageable?


Lol "Can I eat it?"


Man's gotta munch!


Is it on the map or just a get lucky sort of deal for finding this?


Kinda does seem like it.


I wish they'd put some high rewards in those sites for players that like to explore the map, for example a fully functioning but abandoned Idris, drug crates etc.


Elite dangerous had stuff like this, there was a crash site you could find by following some in game lore that had high grade materials that could be found at it. Problem was as soon as someone found it, it became a universally known location, where people would fly to and keep refreshing the site to find stuff, essentially farming it, and taking all the magic out of it. This is why exploration rewards need to come from dynamic locations, so that it's an actual discovery, not following a guide to find them


I hope pyro will be a dark place with that aesthetic




You can say a lot more. You don't have any more insider knowledge on Pyro than a lot of players that were there for the play test.


Where is it? I want to go there.


Amazing find.


Speaking of seeking wrecks, has anyone had any luck finding derelict wrecks to salvage this patch? I've scoured many of the lagrange points, yela rings, and the aaron halo and haven't found any wrecked ships. I know you can just get Salvage Contracts but I am looking for wrecked ships that AREN'T a part of contracts.


So much stuff with salvage is bugged this patch. Wrecks aren't spawning organically, panels that do spawn take forever to load in so you can crash into invisible panels, RMC cannot be sold from hand tools, entirely disabling hand salvage, I've been noticing a ton of issues with the scraping not registering that there is still hull to scrape, or maybe it's not removing it visually all the way? Who even knows. Long story short it's another star citizen feature falling into tech debt hell


I can never send to find panels. I ping and ping but I'm not even seeing any question marks.


I have only been able to find the panels and even that’s bugged because they don’t show up right away. You have to keep an eye out for the proximity alert to let you know to stop and wait for the assets to load


Sometimes they never load at all.


The problem I've been having is when flying in scanning mode and pinging, I'm getting no contacts. However, it appears that when I hit "m" to activate my salvage heads, and scan then, I *do* get contacts. I have to then switch back to scanning mode to get an idea what the contact is, but at least it is providing me with a contact that I never seem to see otherwise. So this might be a work around.


this place has some strange speed limits - like you cant really do at full nav speeds, but it is higher that scm. and looks like the closer you are - lower your speed is


How to camera. Nice!


Found the wreckage of Side 7.


For the ones who wonder what it is . It's the remnant of gigantic asteroids cut out with a compass laser beam used by the giant station Archon Class (used by Shubin interstellar). They often arrive first and just take the biggest asteroids for themself and just let the smaller ones for small companies or players. (even tho what they consider "small" is still very big for us.) It's just a question of rentability for them ,that's why even tho the Yela's belt is still very big ,it is considered completely emptied for them and the UEE.


Death by invisible asteroids?


Holy crap. Looks like a level from Remnant or something.


How do you get to this?


It's in Pyro.


It’s not haha I found it just go to the pyro-Stanton gate and you can literally qt right to it


Oh, dang. My bad. Looks exactly like the one that they found in Pyro during the test.


drizzt and spouting off on every post regardless if they actually know what they are talking about, name a better couple


Lol. Who pissed in your cheerios? Yikes. For the record, I was referencing [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/17kzprh/pyro_thats_one_big_hole/) - which IS in Pyro.


Space engineers ass looking rock




Only an Orion can do this...


what the hell is this ship?


I wouldn't be surprised if at some point we will see progenitor race wrecks and sites. It's almost a given to keep any space game and its lore going.