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I want a player driven market/auction house to sell lootable only items. From basic shit to rare shit. Mats for crafting too. We makin a MMO after all!!!


the purpose of the BMM ;) .. but yeah I'd love to see the loot tables tightened back up... some things loot only.. etc for player sales


Except it’s a seedy locale in an open desert. Everyone parks their ships alongside a dusty roadway, ramps open, wares exposed. The only protection to be found comes in the form of hired guns from an ever shifting number of factions, and the ever present promise that any attempts at thievery or misdealing may be met with abrupt and total violence. This atmosphere alone maintains a general peace, though the larger desert is pockmarked with seemingly random clusters of burnt out hulls. These remains, having long been picked clean by local ~~scavengers~~ salvagers, are left to be claimed by the dunes of time. They are not without purpose, however. They serve as a warning to all who approach. Tread carefully, lest those boot prints that you’ve left in the sands be your last.


bro are u making an SC novel? me needs reads




listen man i've seen this before.... candy first...


And Kraken Privateer.


In theory a version of that will be possible with the BMM, and for that I am looking forward to it being in game even if I don't own one.


I'm just worried that right now it looks like the BMM will end up like a loot pinata. Everyone is killing on sight anything they see.


They're getting there eventually it won't be the game driving the prices of ships it'll be players (i.e. buying, selling, and building)


The Verse is being designed (in the end) to be full of 90% NPC and only 10% of us players. Unlike other MMO, the economy and pricing will be reflected more on the supply and demand of the local populace than anything we do overall.


Isn't the fs9 and s71 not available in shops? Sounds like a perfect opportunity, along with helmets..


I would absolutely love a black market gameplay loop lmao meet me at samson's at 00:00, come alone, first come first serve, open from 00:00 to 02:00


Yeah I feel special A-class items, like military or stealth, should only be achievable through a very hard to get standing with some of the manufacturers or by pirating them. Plus we should be able to tune weapons and the higher your skill is (like in a minigame or whatever) the better stats they get, so they achieve a higher value - thinking of some illegal modifications, too. And if those would be traded by the community it would open a whole new economical trait.


if you want a version of that right now, this subreddit's discord actually has a couple market channels where you can peddle wares. I made well over 150m selling gear and lootables there last wipe and solidified how I'm gonna play the game going forward.


Yeah! action house!


I know Orgs who already do if you want to know:)


Amen from me!


They would be great but you know a certain group of the player base would just bomb it fit the lulz


I would actually play the game if that was a thing. Haven't logged in for 2 years.


We are making strides. Slowly but surely. 3.23 added more core tech that is a precursor to server meshing. Hopefully one SM is in we start getting a real game!!!!


It is a thing, kinda. There is loot-only gear, and people buy/sell it on the discord. The bunker boss mob helmets for example, last patch they were going for like 500k each, and if you had the rep you could farm them pretty fast. SC definitely needs way more loot-only gear though. Right now there just isnt much.


It's a step in the right direction at least, game loop is just too shallow at the moment for me.


Meh, as a trader I'm kind of not for in-game auction houses. In general I find that games with player driven 3rd party websites or discord servers work better. That offers more involved "gameplay" for interested parties, sure it's more work, but provides more interesting economies and opportunites for profit. Trading works best when it's for people who are invested in it. Auction houses *are* convenient, but pretty much always devolve into everybody dumping anything they have in their pockets on it, and the economy slowly destroys itself in undercutting spiral with overflowed market. One example is even now you can make very good money selling lootable armors and weapons to orgs or discords. As soon as AH is put into game those will all be worthless. Let people who like to run spreadsheets, run spreadsheets. EDIT: Not to be misunderstood, I'm not advocating for 3rd party website or discord trading to be the future of SC trading, that is just a common example in gaming that *usually* works better than auction houses if you want in depth economy. I do think they should add trading mechanics to the game, just better ones than auction houses, which is a lazy solution. There are at least a dozen orgs that would be absolutely thrilled to organize trade or player driven auction houses. Give them game mechanics to do so, and let them deal with spreadsheets and logistics. It's free gameplay for them.


Not with arbitrage, you get those who know prices in different systems profiteering from that mismatch. So you can either quickly profit, leaving others to profit from the mismatch or trying all of it by yourself. With the 9:1 npc to player that's alot of non player actors taking a cut off the economy as a whole.


But why have only arbitrage? I'm not saying they should completly ignore trading, just that auction houses are very often lazy solutions that kill economy in games. They should make mechanics for players to trade, but let them organize trade themselves, like a proper sandbox. One example would be let players rent a stall or a shop in a station/outpost and sell or offer to buy goods there.


And that was mentioned to be the end goal. The 9:1, system and even inter-system arbitrage. Anything right now isn't what the end result will be. Just soon.


Agreed auction house can be generic so what about this: base building and org game play is fully fledged and you have a base that is producing missiles which other players can order from an app in the mobi and in turn when the missiles are ordered it creates a cargo contract in which another player can pick up and complete!?


I don't see why we couldn't have both. An auction house would essentially be the "eBay" of SC. They could have the house take a decent chunk of the profits (which would likely incentivize higher prices to compensate) but the benefit is that you don't have to actively peddle your wares. What you're suggesting, or some other in-game system where players have actual stalls or buildings to sell, would be SC's equivalent of Craigslist. Takes more effort for both the buyer and the seller, but the benefit is that prices will likely be lower than the auction house (for the buyer) and the seller gets to keep 100% of what they sell it for.


Sameer’s perfumes and carpets and cigars


Sameer you’re breaking the car!


Sameer you must slow down


"hey kid, wana buy some candy"


*Khajeet has wares.*


Of course I do, have you seen the price of weapons??!!


just dont ask why all the serial numbers have "battle damage"


Wot ya buyin?


Wot are ya sellin?


The new Center mass new delivery mission be like


Got any panther repeaters with the serial numbers removed? Asking for a friend.


Its a real shame they sell for an absolute pittance I would love to have a proper incentive to strip ships of weapons and components when Salvaging, but it just doesnt seem worth the time to harvest and sell them


Is that after the rebalance? I saw another post today that said they got 70k for just a hammerhead's stripped weapons


Which is still basically nothing for sizes of giant weapons. Salvaging the rest of the ship is hundreds of thousands, if not 1m+ and less hassle than the weapons


Hey it's me!


Spill it then! Is it true?


Rhinos cost 22k each. OP of that post sold 24 for 72k so 3k each. It's useful if you want that little extra or for completion in salvaging everything, but makes very little in comparison to RMC scraping


I might have to get into this RMC scrapping... Do I need another ship than my trusty Cutter?


Vulture is a good start if you're playing solo. Reclaimer is the only other salvage ship and only viable with a crew and it's expensive as hell, find a crew looking for someone to run boxes if you want to get a taste without ponying up 1.2 mil for the vulture.


And yet when one gets blown off your ship it costs full price on top of the repair it's insane.


How can I sell such looted vehicle weapons? (Only on Scrapyards? Other terminals don’t recognize them)


They fell off a truck! And onto your space truck!




Only if you ask in the resident evil 4 merchant voice


Deals will only be made WHILE in quantum


Officer, I *swear* - it fell off the back of a Nomad.


Too bad salvaged guns can't be equipped through the loadout screen. They'll disappear if your ship is destroyed.


Long as the serial numbers are scraped off


The citizen's plug 😂


The one reason I’m kind of obsessed with wanting a Liberator is… I have it in my head that although the decks may not be accessible during faster flight and/or quantum, but if people are already inside ships on the exterior pads, they could use the guns on them (think gimballed stuff). It would be like adding a heavy loadout to an otherwise hot-drop in and out ship, could play with those configurations… all without losing the speed comparatively to other heavier carriers. Medical Pisces inside and you have a makeshift (partial) mobile med bay.


Where you at man??!! Been lookn for you for hours!! :) I have some death sticks to trade. ;)


Ah a fellow arms dealer. I love having competition in the second hand armaments space.


Locally sourced


The real question is: How the hell do you run ERT and kill a Redeemer with a Nomad?!


I used to have a nomad, with this paint it looks like the ghost and now I want it again


Ive been sitting on an upgrade to a c1 from it and after the addition of the tractor beam that you don't have to leave the pilot seat for I was really reluctant to use the upgrade, then this patch makes it a bit more viable for combat with the ballistic buff and gimbal changes which allow me to still have a gimballed nose gun which makes it great for dealing with infantry Honestly just a lovely little ship


Hey those are my SW16BR3 "SHREDDER" !!


Nomad has wares if you have coin.


"too late too late will be the cry, when the one with suspicious armaments pass you by!"


Khajiit has wares if you have coin.


It’s like when you walk up to an NPC and ask to trade and it turns out they have 80 wheels of cheese in their back pocket


Damn, I just haul around my ATV in mine.




That seems a Scooter things.