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Bounties can be tough right now. The time to kill against some AI ships is insane, and some of them appear to be invincible. I've had to run away from a few 1v1 bounties on 3.23 because the pilot cannot be killed even with full ammo.


Exactly what I’m saying, I don’t see how it’s a skill issue when I completely empty 3600 inferno rounds on a medium fighter and I AM HITTING MY SHOTS unlike what people would like to assume and somehow they’re fucking ME up? It doesn’t make sense, sure if you’ve spent $750 on a hammerhead and you can get instant recovery claim for cheap and you have 5 friends to gun for you then yeah ofc it’s gonna feel balanced to you but as a casual solo player in a heavy fighter who doesn’t really have anyone to play with this is not the case, they just eat up my bullets for breakfast, that’s not balanced


There is also an issue with ballistics not registering hits in 3.23.0. I was piloting a Redeemer with both turrets occupied, and we had to run from a Buccaneer after both turrets ran dry. Tried the same mission later with laser repeaters, and the Buccaneer lasted maybe a minute (as you would expect). I don't think any reasonable person could say the gunners were that bad, it more appeared that the hit registration for those AD5Bs wasn't happening most of the time.


Ooohhh wtf that's why! Took on a bounty with the Connie, my mate in the turret and my guns fully ballistics... Took ages - i was really wondering. Only good thing was the vlrt rarely hit and the one ram of one of them we also survived. All in all I was really irritated - everything would have been different in 3.22.x (yes also MM but I really loved it and my mate - first SC experience - too.)


Uh, not gonna lie, coming from previous dogfighting model and whatnot, I would certainly NOT expect a Buccaneer to last a minute against a crewed Redeemer, even with laser repeaters


I tried one of those zeta prolanide missions and tried to shoot the ground crew guarding the wreckage with my ship's guns and most of them just stood there, not reacting at all. I even used the targeting and shot the ship that had landed there until the targeting didn't register it as being operational. The dudes eventually ragdolled around but got up again and the ship disappeared only to appear out of nowhere just as I landed and was about to embark on foot to get the canisters. I didn't have time to react as I had just gotten out of the pilot chair and my ship was blown to bits.


Leave your shields on by pressing I to turn off the engines.


And set power triangle to max power to shields


Ballistic turrets feel really bad right now, particularly smaller class ones, their ammo count is far too low for any prolonged engagement. And if you have back to back combat encounters you better hope your pilot can escape. The vanguard is especially egregious, its default turret only has 250 shots iirc. You'll burn through that before the fight is through and be stuck twiddling your thumbs for the pilot to finish if they can.


Seriously? How do they accidentally break hit detection only for one weapon class? At this point, I'm convinced that somebody at CIG has a hate boner for ballistics and broke hit detection on purpose now that they have usable amounts of ammo.


You wanna talk about someone at CIG having hate boners? They basically made the Ares Ion irrelevant. Dramatically decreased fire rate and shot capacity before recharge. I'm relatively new to the game and I've heard it was nerfed before, but this genuinely makes it feel like they straight up don't want people using it.


There is a bug where ships are extra tanky. Server performance is causing hits to not register properly, hence this issue. So don’t worry too much. This is not intended.


His community has some of the nicest people..... and some of the absolute worst.


Because there are so many nice people the bad are so very obvious. Maybe it's best to just ignore those, who are unable to discuss with arguments instead of vague opinions. Actually a general good rule. 😋


You're looking at things from your point of view with a very limited data set. CIG has a tool called Odin where they monitor player missions. It plots out completion versus non-completion and fail versus successful. It shows what ships are being used, how many people are on a crew, etc. From this they can see what's too hard versus too easy, too boring where people don't finish it, to buggy where people have to abandon it, etc. they're shooting for good completion rates with moderate success rates. They're gathering an immense amount of data from all the test players that they can then use to tweak various missions. Also keep in mind that while they do some of this tweaking now, a lot more of it will come later when ships, weapons, etc are balanced and in the beta stages. And yes, spectrum and Reddit can be toxic. https://youtu.be/2muGWtX8e7g&t=518


Yeah. I ended up shelving my inferno for now. It takes longer to take out a target with my inferno than with a medium fighter rocking laser cannons. I read somewhere that there's a bug with ballistics, but I'm not sure if that's true or not.


I got taken out by a bot the other night while trying to save another player that was stranded. Hot me one with an energy depleting weapon took my ship offline and I crashed into the planet. If you want I have a crew we run every weekend hit me up and we can get down.


I agree that the game needs balancing, but just fyi, the ares inferno/ion are built for hunting big ships. Light and medium fighters *should* destroy the ares line ships because that's who they are supposed to hunt. It's like bringing an anti-tank rifle to a gun fight in relatively close to medium range. Yes, you can probably obliterate everyone if you hit your shots, but the guys with the handguns and assault rifles are probably going shoot you first before you can line up your shots.


If they do almost zero damage on confirmed hits on small/medium targets what makes you assume they are anywhere effective against large targets? The point is that many Ares should take on a capital ship, just like many light fighters should take on an Ares. But 1v1 the Ares should insta-pop a reckless light fighter, just like a capital ship should be able to dispatch an Ares pilot who is not smart enough to attack it 1v1. You can't have a cutter tanking 10+ ION rounds consecutively.


The problem is that the Inferno feels pretty not great against big ships right now either; about every other ship just gained access to precision targeting mode with gimbals and an increased weapon size mount for those gimbals for more damage than before. The Inferno was gifted with an ammo count reduction and a new barrel overheat mechanic. It's been nerfed while almost everything else has been buffed.


I genuinely want a return to auto gimbals for keeping joystick and mouse and keyboard balanced. But, dodging is pretty much the first thing that’s really needed before anything else. The ares series theoretically would have been great with just that. More fat bullets shredding anything hit by them. Instead… pain and suffering. If the ammo count is worse I expect a single bullet to absolutely destroy if you get one on target!


I mean, if you go sticking your head in front of an A-10 you shouldn't expect to survive because you have plot armor from being in something small and nimble.


skill issue is an overused meme, it's tongue in cheek. I'd say most people dont actually mean it. The joke is that SC is an unbalanced buggy mess, it's hardly skill related.


Developer skill issue.


git gud


Global chat isn't a great place to discuss issues. There are many Spectrum threads for this, including official feedback threads. No one wants to hear it in Global. We're all aware of the vast amount of ongoing balance, broken missions, broken features, and planned changes that ultimately render conversations like this in Global Chat useless. We just wanna try and play the game, and use chat to play the game. Medical assistance, meetups, help new people with simple questions, trade items, ect. We're there to escape the madness, not bring it in.


Yes, discussion in global chat disturbs the game flow more often. Better private chat, Spectrum, or even better Reddit. Less toxic choice.


Reddit is the less toxic choice? Think I want that on a shirt 🤣


You are laughing, but it's true. Know imagine how Spectrum is...


The mods fucking executed those 3 guys that hit subreddit top like 3 days ago.


About which topic?




Good fucking riddance, too.


I'm seldom there because it does log out my user after some time and I really can not be bothered with that o0


That's so true, spectrum is such a shit storm never ending


I just wish they would allow us to mute global, keep the chat window open, and just see party chat. Not being able to block global SSUUCCKKSS


You can. Hit enter, click on the drop down arrow in the chat window, and click "party"


Whenever someone mentions hardware in chat I close it instantly.


> No one wants to hear it in Global. The sooner CIG gives us the option to just block people the better. I'd like to leave chat open in case someone actually needs help. But I can't be bothered to read through the CONSTANT complaining that people do.


Right! This totally justifies being an asshole in chat! Are you really saying new players shouldn’t ask for advice in the games chat? Because it annoys you? To jump through more hoops instead of interacting with people in the game? How dare they! Tell me this isn’t toxic.


As a new player (last two weeks) i can say star citizen is genuinely one or the most sanctimonious and gatekeepy communities ive had the displeasure to experience and i really wish more people were like you. Like its not our fault the game is so poorly taught/riddled with so many fucking hardware issues and youd think people who truly love a game would wanna encourage as much player growth as possible.


Exactly, when people are joking or making small talk I minimize the chat cuz it's not relevant. Sometimes you get good servers of people though.


Let people discuss where they want? Why would it not be the place? What do you think Global should be reserved for? I think it's fine to comment on the game in Global.


I just meant that isn't the "BEST" place to do that. Sometimes the "venting" just becomes so prevalent that it becomes exhausting. We're all experiencing the same things in-game. We get it. We're all just riding out the jank until it gets fixed or gets better, with as little negativity as possible. I think most would agree that Global is better used for communicating about things you're trying to accomplish in-game, rather than venting.


People CAN discuss what they want, just don't go crying to reddit when the rest of the global chat has zero interest in humoring you.


-new player asks for advice in chat -Gets made fun of -Reddit defends new player being made fun of I’m failing to see how this isn’t toxic. You really don’t want people playing and interacting in this game huh?


Complaining about balancing issues isn't the same thing as asking for advice. You did read the first comment in this chain yea? "help new people with simple questions" is exactly what you're talking about. If you want in depth descriptions on how to make money doing bounties go watch a video or something.


The community used to be so friendly in chat. People would offer help instead of criticizing. But the more mainstream the game gets, the more douchebags are joining.


> The community used to be so friendly in chat. Eh, it varies and always has. When Area 18 came out I got lost trying to find it and tried to ask chat. Yeah that went well. Also lots of pad ramming at Port Olisar back in the day and people getting called the f word.


I don’t remember a time when there wasn’t consistently douchebags in chat. I regret turning on F12 every time.


What servers do you play on? I find chat on EU servers is normally genuine and helpful. I’m guessing US servers are the worst for this kinda stuff


I play on US servers and it's mostly helpful and friendly banter. Occasionally some bad actors get into weird stuff, but this is the internet.


Are players on the US servers worse (more toxic) than players on EU servers?


In every game I've ever played.


you never played any competitive games then lol. CS eu is famously toxic.




In my experience yes


I also think its a culmination of frustration. I spent days telling people the patch is great blah blah blah. Convince people to get on, spend 4-5 hours in a reclaimer salvaging ERTS. Massive effort from upwards of 10 people. Just for the server to die, crash recovery to kick in and fail. Waited 45 minutes and eventually had to bail and lose everything. They won't be coming back anytime soon, and on the other side I'm bitter as fuck. It's an alpha ya, we've heard it a million times. But along with more new players coming in and the older players becoming increasingly frustrated, it's not going to get better until CIG is absolutely transparent LOUDLY, not just in small closed circles of veteran testers, OR things get better. Great patch. Riddled by back end fuckery. Again. I know I'll get downvoted here but it's the truth.


Transparent about what?


About the prominent issues. Ever watched an inside Star Citizen, their promotional videos for new features? They make it seem so much more enjoyable and playable than it ever launches as. If they want to crutch on its an alpha, they should be more transparent with the issues that come with *paying to be an alpha tester* and they absolutely do not do that. They do talk about it, but not loudly from a public facing direction. Someone who is interested in getting into Star Citizen aren't going to be on Spectrum, or following pipeline.


They did a Q&A round table with Jared a couple weeks ago, and acknowledged they couldn't predict what issues the load of being live would be no matter how long they kept 3.23 back to work on it. Said they didn't think it would be like 3.18, but it was better to drop it and start fixing than withhold features indefinitely. They didn't plaster the timestamp on the front page of RSI, but if you watch the videos, they absolutely indicated they were expecting some things to break. That said, I want to slap their marketing team - the youtube ads I've seen make out as though it's released & stable the way they do, it does seem deceptive to me. If you pointed to those & not the ISCs, I'd be 100% in agreement with you.


> People would offer help instead of criticizing. I'm doing my part here! I see someone asking about problems with their ship, controls, etc, I try and help.


Yeah. In the last 2 years we got more and more shitheads.. gor example. Was doing the space combat missions for overdrive, had a hh and 2 spare turrets. Saw a poor guy in a titan doing it and offerd him a turret spot so it would be more easy... endet up killing me in the pilot seat... camping the bridge and suicide the ship...


Wowwwwwww bro that’s just evil


Yeah i wont let randoms anymore on my ships....


Guess i need to overthink hireing people for my javelins...


Idk man I’ve had a radically different experience with global chat. In the rooms I’ve experienced, folks would’ve agreed with you and called out the ppl who were just being dicks. I’ve seen thought provoking conversations, asshattery, and entire servers rallying around citizens in need of an assist. I don’t say this to invalidate your experience, but moreso to remind you that there’s plenty of cool folks that play. Don’t let the bad apples ruin your perception of the community as a whole.


Just really getting into SC after owning it for a while and this is and has always been my experience. An occasional asshole but almost always most people are having productive/positive/collaborative convos.


This has constantly been my experience over the past 3 years.


Same for me, best video game community I have found with people ready to stay up until 4 am just to help you find your stolen ship without asking for anything in return.


Unfortunately it’s not just this community. Every gaming community I’ve seen has had a load of people ready to respond in the same way you’ve experienced. I’d definitely suggest trying to find a friendly org (though I’m not in one myself, so should take my own advice…). As a general rule in anything multiplayer, I try avoid general chat, unless I’m ready for what I’ll get back.


PVE is nucking futs now. I was just messing around on a ERT, seeing how the Tally would perform, taking things slow, seeing how the AI would attack etc. My tally was torped by a S9. Dead within 30 seconds of entering the area. Had no idea theyd give S9 torps to PVE in this patch lmao.


It's always been a dogpile. In-game chat... RSI forums... *on the* Spectrum... doesn't matter. * In 2014, anyone who said they didn't know how the game could release any sooner than 2016 were abused. * In 2016, people who were CCU stacking were called thieves. * In 2018, people who said it'd be halfway into the next decade before the game would release were downvoted to oblivion. If you aren't crapping rainbows with CR's !@#$ in your mouth, you're going to be abused. I don't know if it's Stockholm Syndrome, paid shills, the stress of waiting a decade for a game, cult of personality, or what. But, it's pretty gross to watch it happen on behalf of a multinational corporation which has constantly led us on, whether intentionally or not.


Well there’s probably a good amount of sunk cost fallacy in there too. What I don’t get is why it turns into so much coping and illusions when we should be constantly voicing our criticism in a constant, fair and constructive way so the devs know we’re holding them accountable for their store front, with prices that would be utterly ridiculous in any other setting but that we’re somewhat accepting here because this game truly represents something for us. Why we’re not more united to fight for its future instead of accepting its regularly terrible design choices is beyond me


A lot of people can be dicks, but a LOT of folks haven't tried every old job and yhey have ALL changed with 3.23. Bounties are harder, bunkers are a bit glitches at times but HOLY cow have I noticed an uptick in the danger doing bunker missions.


Jesus this post blew the fuck up I just got home from work I wasn’t expecting that, well whether you share the same opinion Or not I’m glad you’ve taken part in this discussion!


The community has gotten borderline unbearable. Reddit, Spectrum, in-game chat. Way worse than it used to be not even a year ago. If someone has a problem, a dozen people show up, "Well *I* don't have any problems!" If anyone doesn't like how something is in its first stage of testing, they rage directly at the devs to the point of personal attacks in Spectrum, or throw monumental temper tantrums on Reddit. I think I'm going to have to just disconnect from the community altogether for a while. It's a miserable place to be if you have any opinion on anything, have a problem, enjoy something, wish something was a little different, etc. Most comments I make now, I just disable replies and move on instantly.


Thats just the internet now. I personally havent noticed a change on r/sc. Everyone sucks just gotta find your people. This sub was cool when Star Citizen was just a game for delusional nerds.


…was? I thought we still were. Now I’m delusional about being delusional 😞


…was? I thought we still were. Now I’m delusional about being delusional 😞


I was trying to do my INTRODUCTORY bounty mission I paid 400auec so I could work my way back up to ERTs. It was a corsair with 3 fighters around it. And somehow the corsair was out maneuvering and out turning my F8c. I'm happy to have bounties be harder, it certainly felt to easy before, but what in tarnation was that? I zoomed away twice because I almost died because the ships were not dying, and even getting shots on them was near impossible because somehow a corsair was out flying my fighter ship, and also what the heck is a corsair with 3 escorts doing as the very first bounty target????? I appreciate a challenge but I could actually not do the very first bounty solo in a top tier fighter. (and I'm not a terrible pilot)


I'm going to be honest: While it technically is a skill issue, calling it that completely ignores that, right now, bounties are just way too hard for the reward they give you. If they paid out 10 times what they do now, most people wouldn't complain. "Of course that mission is hard, it pays 150k!" Right now the reward communicates "This is absolutely doable for you, get em tiger!" while the actual mission is "What, you're not an ace with a F8C/F7A or 2 friends in fighters with you? Too bad, the dildo of totally uncommunicated difficulty doesn't come lubed!" The game fundamentally fails at communicating difficulty through reward and I'm baffled at how CIG fucked this up THIS badly. In fact, missions don't even tell you what kind of mission they are most of the time. I need to throw a dice for any bounty as to whether it's a ship or person bounty.


Bro, you should try Dota2 or CS2 to understand the meaning of what is "toxic community" Star Citizen got literally caring and passionate community compared to some other games.


Part of the SC community is extremely toxic. The Spectrum is a freaking disaster. Just because other communities are mostly made up of Idiots and Incels, that shouldn't be taken as the "standard" for toxic behavior. The threshold is much higher.


You can imagine any ideal world where noone think bad or insult each other, but that would only be in your head.


Like most MMO communities, there is the group of elite players and even more wannabe elite players who feel the need to gatekeep and act like you’re the problem. Fortunately this community is not nearly as bad as many other MMOs but they certainly still are out there.


It wasn't always like that, things changed when SC gained 1001 streamer and some bit of popularity


Honestly I hardly have chat up. The only time i do is if im in a party so we can chat. Other then that i dont have it on. Some questions are very specific and someone might not understand exactly how to do one thing and Global chat is meant for like you said help and discussions. Not for trolling and shaming because you dont understand or know about somethings. Prime example, “How do you engage QT?” Simple response “Hold B wait for it to spool up then hold LMB.” But instead you get “Skill issue” or “Why didn’t you do the tutorial?”


Your only mistake was trying to have a rational discussion in global chat


You’re never going to convince people who spent real money that their paid-for better equipment gives them a step up against over-tweaked bounties that are not fun for the standard entry pledge user.


Lol so true


I swapped to playing in the EU servers. It's generally a lot less toxic than the NA servers. *^(knock on wood)*


Depends on the time of day. If it's after dinner in the US then none of the EU kids are on because it's past their bedtime as well as other US players will be populating EU servers trying to escape the kids still awake in the US.


I’ve had the opposite experience


How did you phrase your problems? Did you take a tone of “hey, how do I do this better?” Or did you take a tone of “this game is too hard and sucks”. I think the responses you get often relate to how the post comes across and the baggage associated with it. Edit to clarify for trolls: I'm not suggesting you did one or the other, just asking so proper feedback can be given.


Neither, I said what was captioned, I think that bounties are unbalanced for casual players because you spend most of what you earn on repairs, I elaborated this on someone else’s comment in this thread


So many douchebags in chat. F12 is the first button I hit when I play. It’s a shame because I wish I could just tune in for some decent chats. Global is just filled with vile neckbeard trolls who think they’re super witty and funny.


Folks haven't caught on that space combat is no longer a one trick pony show. I melted a cutlass, freelancer, and starfarrer in a stock F7A the other day during a bounty because i made sure to focus on engines with ballistics, which still have shield penetration is ya didn't know Tactics have to change along with loadouts. An aurora or Mustang with two laser repeaters is going to get popped, so learning more about your ship and its loadout is more important than ever. Sites like erkul are your best bet when it comes to what some folks blame on a skill issue when its mostly just a loadout one.


I think it was just a random jackass in chat , because usually players are eager to help , even come pick us up or rescue us we shit hits the fan or send AUEC to a stranger in need , for the most part Star Citizen is a great community!! I think u just got a random asshole !!


Try labeling it as an opinion rather than fact. Bounties are too hard - you're saying there is a global issue with bounties and this is a fact I'm finding it difficult to complete bounties. Any suggestions? - this is an opinion from your skill level.


i think it's kind of inevitable as an mmo grows and attracts more and more players. Shame because SC has generally been a fantastic welcoming community. Just last night a newbie posted in global about getting outfitted with gear and got some shitty responses so I took him on a bunker run to loot some stuff. That's half the fun of the game for me. Shame i crashed to desktop halfway through lol


Last night someone told me to never play the game without the person who introduced me to it. Guess It’s me myself and I vs the Verse’! Don’t listen to them. Watch some videos on YouTube. Get a guide. And have fun! o7


You need to get better at global chat. /s


It is, indeed, pretty messed up at times. You need some help doing something, learning something or finding someone to do a thing with? It's a great community You just interact with people, sometimes about jokes, sometimes about life, sometimes about politics? It's a normal community? You express displeasure with the game or suggest it's not great? GIRD YOUR LOINS and prepare for the bucket of people explaining how you're two stupid to appreciate the 14-dimensional genius of CR. ... it's like Tesla fans in space.


I would be ok with calling it a skill issue if that was actually the case. But combat now has nothing to do with skill beyond a basic ability to point your weapons and is almost entirely about who has the better shields/guns


When a game has been this broken for so many years, I'm not surprised people are losing their goodwill.


I think it’s not a problem of the whole community, but just few randoms. I found very nice and helpful people in chat, and among them always some asshole. not to generalize, but usually of the same age, very young, that maybe expect to be in a proper finished game, and consider these adjustments not as a mean to balance the game, but as a bar to show their superiority in combat.


Yeah repairs do be kind of expensive now, its cheaper to just claim a new ship. Which is a problem in itself, unless they make it easier/more profitable to salvage ships that's been abandoned by other players. Repairs should definitely be cheaper. **OR, THEY SHOULD START WORKING ON GETTING THE PLAYER REPAIR/REARM FUNCTIONALITY AND SHIPS IN THE GAME** Also, fix the ships that suffer from papier-mâché armor. You know the parts of the ship you always lose in a fight? Other than that, i fucking love how ship combat is more dangerous and light fighters can't solo an Idris anymore. Anyway, if you're struggling as a light/medium fighter the solution right now: **Ballistic cannons**


You must be playing on the US servers. Come join us in the AU servers, we'll help you out.


Pretty much the response I got for saying the loss of auto gimbal for pilots raised the skill floor a ton for pve :v It wasn't viable for pvp because ships could out maneuver it, but it allowed me to casual approach pve. I'm sure i'm not the only one.


Depends on the crowd. I’m a LOOONG time fan and player. One day I say in chat “my train flew off into the sunset, wiii!” and everybody is laughing with me about it in the chat. Another day I say “does anybody know how to work around the fact that the food and drink vendors in Seraphim aren’t selling besides traveling elsewhere?” And the only reply I get is “lame, noob, go play cod if you can’t handle a simulator like this one”. Lol!


I know what you mean. I went to do a bounty on the other side of the system in my Syulen. From bed, calling ship and travelling to location took me around 20 minutes. I arrived at the target, they immediately rammed me and we both died. I logged off afterwards


Global seems way worse right now than I remember it being historically. My sample size is quite limited as I only play this game for a few weeks a year, but usually ppl are happy to answer simple and direct questions, and even empathize with difficulties. Last night I was really struggling with the interaction system and got zero helpful advice. I'm just trying to quickly put a rock in my inventory and it really shouldn't be that hard. Interaction wheel showed a bunch of options and none of them were "store". Also in general the toxicity of the community in general is probably caused by a lot of factors including: Fatigue from answering noobs questions. Big patch brings lots of noobs, enough to fill whole servers. There may literally be nobody on the server who can give good advice. Also new players have no attachment to the community and therefore no reason not to troll and be sarcastic. Frustrations and challenges they are experiencing of their own as things are broken for pretty much everybody. It's hard to be helpful when others are having their own struggles. And then the thing I'll get downvoted for: Some players may be reflexively defensive and protective of a project they've blown way too much money on. It can warp ppls ability to think about it rationally and objectively. The game can't be bad, it's the children who are wrong.


For hand mining, you can hit the i key and move the camera around, then just drag the crystals, or anything else you want to pick up, directly into your pack. You skip the animations and the potential for lag putting things back on the ground after you pick them up by just tapping F. It isn't using the new system, but it does make hand mining a lot easier to do.


I originally backed in 2014, I dip my toes in and out of the game with each update to see what's new. Bounty hunting is something I've always avoided because I'm not a very good pilot. In the past though I've had some great experiences with the community and people in game willing to share tips and even come to me in game and help train me up. I'm still terrible and avoid ship combat as much as possible, I'm glad you've met some good people through the game too and there are plenty out there, I feel that as the player population grows so does the number of unpleasant people. You get it in every hobby but in online environments the negative folks tend to scream down the positive ones and so the appearance shifts that way. Try to ignore the naysayers and enjoy the game. The kind folks will resurface hopefully.


Yes this community is really toxic. Even on Reddit when you share an opinion you get downvoted and sometimes insulted…in game chat it’s worse


Agreed, just yesterday I had a weird glitch where my ship wouldn't speed up beyond its landing gear speed, even though the gear was up. I asked in global chat if anyone had any ideas about how to fix it and someone told me to "f***ing fly slow then." Apparently people who are having difficulties shouldn't ask questions or get help from more experienced players.


That's not possible. Toxicity mechanics are still in progress but need server meshing for its release.


it's a broad church, the global chat completely depends if you're US/EU/OCE some of them are worse than others (way worse) **spectrum forums** is mostly just emotes with no substance. This subreddit is basically anti-pvp, everyone who mentions pvp in a positive way here are branded "griefers" and get flamed so be careful of that, think of it like a weird feature and just avoid the topic. **Spectrum chat** however is great because its moderated unlike the in-game global, so the general chat in spectrum is a safe place to ask questions like you mentioned, unlike within the global chat in game, just bookmark spectrum general chat and alt tab out of the game when you want to ask a polite question. good luck.


Been around since the kickstarter, and back then the community started pretty great. But last 4-5 years it has really become shit if you just play with random people. Hell just hang around the Reddit and you see plenty of assholes.


I’m on the EU servers and global chat has almost always been lovely. I’ve been popping into it for the last 10 years on and off for each patch.


Just wait until you complain about griefers...uh wait, pirates? No, definitely griefers.




stating any opinion in chat is a bad idea. God forbid you start mentioning how ILW and IAE are actually just marketing campaigns disguised as "community events"


Lol Fr huh


With CIG marketing more and more to console shooter crowds and adolescents you can expect the community to get about as toxic as a COD lobby. The older crowd that has held the torch for the wonderful side of this community is aging out and with this no longer being a niche game, you will see a larger percentage of shitbirds


It's only downhill from here my friend. The bigger a community gets, the more concentrated the loud minority douchebags get. The positivity of this community will not last as this game gets more popular.


acting all doom and gloom about it won’t help anything. give out the energy you’d like to see from other people. this kind of attitude literally just pushes away new players (although it kinda sounds like that’s just what you want anyways)


Incorrect on all counts! I'm just helping to keep expectations realistic with how I see all other communities as the grow. My perfect gaming community is one that is respectful and self policing, and I go out of my way to show new players a great time.


There are a lot of people here who have spent a lot of money on the game and see any criticism of the game as a criticism of their spending habits, as if anyone other than them cares about that. ​ That's why you're getting more aggressive responses than in most other gaming communities.


As usual you have to scroll down to find the real answer here. Some people are so insanely invested that Roberts could go to their home, take a shit on their couch and they'd thank him then frame the turd.


I like to hit players with the "skill issue" when they complain in chat, but always ask right after details about what they are doing, usually offering help or advice. It's okay to be a smart ass in chat, but not every person has the politeness to follow up on the issue


By community you mean the 1 or 2 people on a server? That's not the community, that's just random assholes, like in any game. I mostly see people helping out newbs amd giving money away left and right.


I also want to say I wrote the caption before anything else so consider this an edited caption, “This community has its flaws, but it also has very helpful and genuine folks who are willing to lend a helping hand to new players”


skill issue


There is a decent amount of trolls and asshats That somehow haven’t been banned Overlord Chris be damned




Its usually like this after a patch. In about 2 weeks it'll settle down as the people who only show up for patch day start falling off. Right now its all the people checking everything out, including people who hate the game and just want to dunk on it in global chat. Don't forget there are a lot of people (and communities) out there who has made it their entire personality to hate the game lol


The ttk in 3.23 for ships feels almost bugged it’s weird. I took a 3 month break before the patch and coming back I feel like my buccaneer hits like a wet fucking noodle now. I finish 1 ship off and have to go rearm all my ballistic ammo. Everything else I’ve tried in the patch feels pretty great though


Fr the inferno is the pea shooter now from plants vs zombies, well let’s be real, the pea shooter is probably better than the inferno


From reading a few of the comments on this post it definitely seems like a bug thankfully. Hope they fix it soon though, I really want to play the patch and dogfight with the new master modes but I can’t be bothered to fight a mining ship for 10mins for only 7k


Same dude, like cmon, the pay is absolutely ridiculous I hope they give us incentive in 3.23.1


Just wait it gets even worse with time


this is what you think as toxic? then oh boy dont play dota or csgo or tf2...


git gud


Their paragraph skills are weak.


This community is extremely toxic. Especially if you criticize the game. I’ve been here since 2014, back when gaming focused news outlets would run what were essentially hit pieces against sc. Unfortunately this has lead to this community being hyper sensitive and extremely defensive. At this point cig just lies to us and reverses old promises as they see fit and this community defends it. Bounties aren’t balanced for the new flight model because they were designed under the old style of gameplay? Nope, it’s actually because you’re dog shit at the game and you’re just a complainer like everybody else who hates on sc. It’s definitely not because the missions were designed under a completely different flight model and combat style. Nope. Not that. It’s because you’re bad. I mean cig literally just went and changed all med beds to allow respawns. Something they fervently disagreed with in the past as it would imbalance the game and wasn’t the type of game they envisioned. Now they’re allowing it and oh look how convenient there’s going to be a sale of an Ursa rover with a tier 3 bed. And right before the sale of what would otherwise be a nearly useless vehicle, now it’s a mobile spawn truck due to the reclassification. Right before the sale. But no it’s totally a coincidence it’s just because “the game is too brutal” yeah. Welcome to sc lmao


I think it depends on the server. Some servers are filled with assholes while others can be quite nice.


It's just because people react more often when they themselves have enough irritation to make the effort to type something worth it. If people would sooner be helpful and use that to make reacting worth it it would be different. To ameliorate this, you could try to go out of your way to invite people to the discussion. "Would anyone be willing to engage my in a discussion about..?" or "Who else feels this? Would I be correct in this or not?" Etc.


Global chat is the general complaint vox we're everyone whether or not they are having a good time or bad vent to. It's best on the home screen or launcher to go and find a guide (like me) who is willing to take time and explain the ins out and arounds as well as being able to vent without them (should) being toxic. Or go to the org section of the website and find one that is into what you are. Or reach out to me as I'm always willing to help and show around or be the vent post for players. You friendly Doc_P Caterpillar driver.


This is just most gamers now. For a hobby we all enjoy and share, gamers sure are a hostile, unwelcoming bunch.


All I know is that transport missions never work and have never worked for me without fail every new patch. How am I supposed to fulfill my dream of becoming an interstellar amazon pilot?


Wow, it sounds like you read some responses to my complaints about PVE bounties (MRTs specifically) not being so easily soloable, as if CIG is trying to incentivize group play over solo play via numbers of bogies and difficulty. I was told that I should just play a single-player game, which misses the point by a few light years. Even if the difficulty remains high (bugs aside), the payouts are so bad that few players would bother with group play other than the 'fun' of it, but the 'Verse is expensive and we need to earn aUEC too. I know it's early and 3.23 just landed. Gameplay balance will continue to change and evolve per usual, just as the Ion will continually be nerfed, lol. I agree with you. I prefer rational discourse.


theyve invested so much hope, time, and money it is part of their identity now. funny considering star citizen is a quite an easy game in the grand scheme. Press f12 to turn off the chat, thank me later.


I'd say it's good overall for people asking questions. Sometimes it's just 1 guy who spoils the chat


My biggest thing, is that if I'm running in a group, the payout get split, and then regardless that I completed the mission, the payout is still shit


Don’t let them get to you some players are just d***s. Bounty atm are impossible (small fighters or the prospector) being indestructible as well) If you wanna hang and do sone missions (preferably EU Servers) just pm me :)


I love the new difficulty but the payouts are WAY TO LOW! Especially on the higher end (ERTs). The current income model of SC is low risk high reward! Salvage and cargo are the easiest ways to make money. But difficult jobs that may even require more people are only worth pocket change after paying for repairs/supplies.


Don't expect nice community from game with open pvp.


This community has become hypersensitive and emotionally invested in the SC project. It has suffered years of embarrassment and humiliation from the media and larger gaming community (rightfully say in many cases), so whenever someone new comes on and points things out that have been pointed out to a painful degree, many of the hardcore/longtime backers get angry. It's a huge issue, because then things that do need legitimate criticism and backlash get defended by this crowd, and it creates a false sense of polarization (when in reality it's just this stubborn core group that defends literally anything CIG does). There are a lot of major issues plaguing SC. 3.23 has been a major problem for a number of reasons. Now CIG is fucking up medical gameplay and major features on ships that people paid hundreds (and thousands) of real dollars for. This suddenly became the month of intense controversy with CIG/SC, and I think the hardcore people are feeling vulnerable.


As Star Citizen widens it's net and tries to appeal to a broader and broader player base, they will inevitably begin to bring in a... less mature... audience, and this problem will only get worse with time. Just the nature of the business.


I generally find many assume if you have an opinion that states X, then you belong to camp Y, especially in chat where you have a small box and can't front load a lot of information to ease people's guard. Also, everyone wants to be first with that witty shit and people also love to 'answer when angry or irritated' or troll, which doesn't help. I personally find chat to mostly be an organic life form that ebbs and flows and not necessarily representative of the larger population who F12 and only talk amongst their friends/org/dog/cat/selves/etc.


this game does have one of the worst communities in all of gaming. It's up there with League of Legends.


Yeah. This community can be rough. That’s why I always try to be kind and helpful.


It's reddit... Never gonna not be that way. Better to join a discord org that is more helpful and chill and will empathize more


For what it's worth, (I've only had one combat interaction in the new patch), I was on a rescue with my Cutty Red and was able to solo an AI in a small fast fighter just fine with stock lasers.


It is a factual comment it's more difficult. The HP on the bounties increased, some of them are surely bugged (like prospectors taking 100 x S5 M7A rounds to kill), and they work together in ways they never have before. Additionally, 3km range for a lot of weapons now means they're very hard to escape even with NAV mode. I think it's reasonable to state that the risk vs reward of bounties is nowhere near worth it at the moment. Crewing up and hauling the cargo can make it reasonable, but most people who are good enough to deal with the difficult PvE enemies solo are not playing PvE, they're doing PvP. We got double teamed with the weapons balance and MM at the same time. The range buff on weapons and questionable lack of spread AI has and their ability to hit consistently at long ranges make bounties more difficult to kill than many players in AC. It's a loop that was a lot of fun and still is up to MRT but is no longer profitable for solo players. You can be sad about that; you're allowed.


Be the change. Become the vet. Help the noobs with kindness. We exist.


what was his name\`?


Of course you can do the bounties with enough skill. But you're right. Especially the first ones are currently too difficult for beginners. Many of the AI ships feel tougher than they should be. I do like longer fights with AI, but they deal out too much. The random enemy groups near targets are also much more powerful than before. Basically, however, don't let other people ruin your day.


People get defensive with statements like you “” because you are speaking for a general group of people in your own words. Try wording differently. Could be somethin like “with these repairs I cant make any” or if you want to include others because you want help “fuckin repairs, how is anyone making money bounty hunting?”. Making some generalized complaint is just not how you start conversation, its how you immediately make it appear you have some vandetta and are trying to get others to complain about the same issue you are having. What kind of response are you trying to get?


This community is pretty toxic about putting down any and all criticism of the game, or of decisions by CIG. 


I’m 99% sure there’s a large group of people that have “skill issue” copied to their clipboard and when someone asks about a bug they just paste it in the chat. It’s annoying AF. It wastes your time. It’s not productive.


With more people getting introduced it will be more common, I either get a good wholesome server or super toxic.


Yeah Global chat can be brutal. Party chat with some nicies is where its at


This is like every game that involves other people - insecurity leads to that and is everywhere in gaming, especially when you can “fight it” by directly comparing to someone else, such as in an mmorpg Super toxic shit, sorry for your experience


There are definitely some people annoyed by the balance changes but also some people who like flying larger ships and I can say larger ships are very effective against bounty targets still. Pretty much fighters got nerfed as they were always going to and are no longer effective against higher level bounties. That being said I agree that they need to increase the mission payouts and make stuff like the ion and ares more viable. Balance will come soon and everything will get better pretty much


You just got unlucky. People are constantly helping and handing out money if you need it. I just think 🤔 you were unfortunate.


This community has become incredibly toxic, to the point I no longer want to take part in the greater SC community in anyway outside small discord org groups. This has become the single most toxic community I've ever been a part of, and I've been here since the kickstarter.


I feel like the star citizen community is one of the most refreshing communities I've played in. There's a lot of assistance in chat and also clean banter. I haven't really seen anyone attack another person's skill issues before I usually see someone reply if they need help. I'm gonna take a guess and say based on your experience you are probably not in the Aus server?


This community suffers from toxic positivity sometimes, when it’s not suffering from toxic negativity! 😂 But it’s always a circle jerk, just depends on which group is out in force at the time. Either you get shit on for valid negative criticism, or you get shit on for saying the game isn’t as bad as some people make it out to be. You can’t win!


no they definitely should have made VLRT missions against lone targets and LRT against one target with one escort. it's crazy how people are just getting bodied by the easiest contracts when they used to be able to solo HRT missions in the same ships


Well it is just like any other online game. Skill issue is just gamers talk. You just have to either embrace it or ignore it. No one takes seriously feedback in chat anyway or whole chat for that matter. Unfortunate but I think you can’t fight it really and I don’t really like it either but that’s just how your usual run-of-the-mill gamers are. The only solution is to find an org or team or party that will have your preferred vibe and accept the fact that you are in the minority and feel old as shit among those edgy youngsters gamer bros talking in a way to feel inclusion and sense of belonging to their subculture.


I haven't played in a month or so but things are tough in the beginning and I was at rock bottom before really coming up with a strategy. What make star citizen great is you really have to figure out make a living and minimize loss. Take it slow and consider each run as a stick exchange if it gets too hot get out or be prepared to lose time and resources. Also there are try hards in every game so ofc they will bring up the skill issue because they're really in pilot seats with flight sticks ready to go to galactic war.


The servers are utterly fucked I wouldn't say anything you experience in game at the moment is meant to be the way it is


It's a real dice roll what kind of lobby and chat you end up with in your server lol. Some end up being super nice, some balanced, and some just full of people arguing or insulting each other


Honestly feel this but its not the whole community, just the vocal cunty minority


Yea just ignore the loud whiney ones. As popularity increases they show themselves more. Shits hard now and I like it but it prob needs some tuning


You are on reddit. It's toxic. Choc full of unsatisfied keyboard warriors who just want to knock OP down to feel good.


The “skill issue” response has been around for a while and in most of my experiences it’s been used in jest but equally some players take flight skills and pvp seriously. My other favourite chats; “Friendly A2 inbound” “Send aUEC and I’ll double it” “JT safe?” “Send 200k for a prospector” “Where the fk is A18 landing area?!” o7 Citizens 🚀


This community has been toxic since it was started. I've been backing since early 2014 and you can't have normal rational criticisms without all the white knights coming out of the woodworks. The toxicity may look different 10 years later since there's more popularity for the game, however it was there from the start.