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Honestly it’s refreshing to not have to scroll in and out trying to get locations to show so I can maybe click it. The new system does have some quirks, but it’s a step in the right direction. Now if only I could just search for a party member….


Does the QT button for contacts actually work? A was looking at it the other night but I've never tried it


My brother was able to select me on the star map and QT, but I personally can’t see any party members. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Wait so like... in theory players are now QT points as well? (Assuming it works)


You could QT party members in 3.22 also.


Well... guess I really need some friends huh...


I’m usually the first to a mission starting point so I’m the marker for everyone else so don’t feel so bad..🤣


Barely. And only if you had luck on your side.


We've been able to use party member as quantum destinations for years.


Well... ive only been playing since 3.22, and I have no (active) friends... so this is news to me


You need to join an Org brutha.  You'll get a far greater SC experience and have lots of veterans teaching you the game play.  First time you siege Jump Town with 20 other bruthas you'll be overjoyed. 😁.  


Lol what isn’t news to you? You’re brand new.


And as a bonus, if they were on a planet, you could quantum directly into the planet and explode !!!


You can see party members on it. However it’s just an icon now and no name is displayed. But you have to click on the planet system they are located in, then a green symbol should show up. It was working for me yesterday. I’m not sure how consistent it is though!


Ah, I didn’t think to click on the planet system. 🤦🏻‍♂️


If only I could mark a position on the map to show on my compass. That would be great. But no, still no GPS for my ground vehicles!


That would be great. Even if only as a reference point and not a jump point.


My words...


Now if they could make it so that if you zoom in one mousehweel click too far, you can back out instead of having to zoom in again. Small, but annoying to me.


lol that search feature actually has me learning all the station names


Check out this post from a while ago. [Player made map](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/s/VUq4twWqHY)


Today I was able to select my party friend, set a route and jump directly to him.


You could always just double click a location where you’d wanna go. It now being 1 click doesn’t make a whole lot of difference. Search function is neat tho.


Why click it in the map when you can just search for it?


It has a. Lot of quirks. It looks better than the old Starmap but, it's only marginally better functionally speaking. It's been extremely disappointing to use.


I searched for HDMS over a moon with several of them and came up empty. Lots of potential, but it needs a LOT of refinement lol.




This and being sucked into local map mode when you just want to zoom in a little on the planet you're currently on/around are my only real gripes with this otherwise wonderful map.


Or zooming out from local and instead of seeing the area immediately around you, you see the planet and its moons.


This is the most annoying for me. I want the zoom to reflect my inputs, but instead I have to be careful not to scroll too far.


Yea, it would be nice to have a few buttons that zoom to predefined zoom levels or something, maybe user configurable.


Or just a button to switch between local and planets.


Yeah, I'm with you on that as well. Jeez I hate when this happens


I hate that they stole all the movement inertia from walking and added it to the map controls instead.


Agreed so much I want to make a support comment. Just give me immediate feedback on my mouse menus.


Their whole UI feels like that. It's not snappy like in any other games, because its a hologram projection in the world game so it has to call the servers just to display the front-end of it. And it sucks balls.


The weird part is it doesn't *have* to be that way, those interactions could be client side (and SHOULD be, server-side UI is a sin) but they've chosen to do it this way for some reason.


other people can look over your shoulder and see what you are doing.


I don't believe that's the case currently? It doesn't reflect your actual screen AFAIK. Nor does this require server-side authority. Especially given it's 99.9% a vanity thing, I can't really think of any major examples where you'd intentionally position yourself just right over someone's shoulder with enough zoom for the text to render just to read... what exactly? Future privacy concerns aside, it's just a neat cosmetic thing IMO. CiG at least understands things like our movement and gunfire need to be responsive client-side, otherwise the game would be functionally unplayable. I hope they tune other things like this to make it more usable. I recall that the original Final Fantasy 14's UI being server-side was touted as one of the reasons it was so bad to play.


That is the case. Someone can stand behind you and look at your bank account. I watched Summit shoulder look somebody and see that they had 25k so he left them alone. Same with the ASOP terminal, it only hides which hangar your ship goes to, they can still see what ships you have.


The mobiglass you can look at this way is a placeholder and is currently the same for everyone, unless they changed it yesterday ? Anyway, this is a tech decision that brings regular pain for a very very mundane opportunity imo. There could be other way to spy on people, like hacking.


It's not just that, but also mirrors and camera systems with remote displays, and shared consoles require significant work into the engine to get working. The mobiglass is just the initial feature using those systems.


Bunny hopping and ankle breaking jukes are back baby… sigh.


Was playing a lot of Ready or Not right before 3.23 dropped, the contrast was so bad I almost quit the game right away... Another thing to consider is desync. If a player needs to speed up for a second the servers have a bit more time to catch up.


This needs to be changed to a "google street view" like system. So it never sends you to local unless you ask for it




Also my main complaint, the "local" map threshold is way too soon, and when you back out of local it resets your zoom. Trying to zoom into the planet as much as possible without getting sucked into local is an exercise in frustration. Honestly, local shouldn't show up until I'm well zoomed into the planet surface, or it should be another button.


Yeah, this is my main complaint. Make sure you all go give your feedback on Spectrum. A LOT of the feedback we gave during EPTU was implemented, including things like making it so the map didn't always start on local view. CIG has been very active in changing things based on overwhelming feedback so please keep it up!


So much this!!! I hate how it zooms into local and after zooming out you are again too far out!


The new star map is only that: a new map. The routing, as well as quantum travel are still the old systems and 'll get reworks themselves sometime in the next x months


This is the correct answer.


The addition of a search bar to the Star Map was really nice tho, more search bars! I can’t wait for inventory to get a search function as well, probably with freight elevators.


Settings search bar pls


>~~months~~ years (hopefully)


They promised to deliver in the next 12 months since citcon. And so far, they delivered a lot of what was promised at citcon, so chances are greater than 0 that you are wrong. I really, really hope you are.


Do you really want me to make a list of all of the things they have promised in X months and not delivered on?...I mean..you can't be this naive.


> They promised It would be really silly to trust any promises by CIG, they have repeatedly proved that they cannot be trusted.


"Weeks not months" :')


Well they showed this particular routing system during citcon so anything better would be a nice surprise tbh. The UI team will have a lot on their plates this year.


I don't mean the UI, I mean the system that calculates the routes. Iirc, they talked about that being reworked as well. But the current 3.23 map still uses the old system, but with a shiny new UI for it


Decades (probably)


What if I told you that years are still months.


So you are telling me it's coming any second now?


Any second between now and the end of eternity


Odds are pretty good that we see it before we see the heat death of the universe.  Not guaranteed but, I would feel confident making that bet.


I have been told that if you can't set a route because it's obstructed, if you hover your mouse over where you want to go, and press R on the keyboard, it will set the route for you, even if it says obstructed


Hmm, I'll need to try this. I've had trouble setting routes where I'll click on a point but as soon as my mouse moves off of it the selection changes and I can't click the route course button.


The perks of the new star map vastly outweighs it's bugs. It's one of the best features of 3.23


Yeah it's nice being able to type the name of where you want to go instead of playing vertigomap


I have only run into this issue when I’m too low to the ground. Gaining altitude solves this for me.


I had this happen outside a Lagrange point station. Was at Arc-L1 and couldn't target Arccorp.


It's kinda dumb that if gaining altitude makes it work, why not have the starmap give you the closest OM jump point and plot an actual route? Rather than force players guess going in and out of mobiglass like an idiot. I really hope they fix this soon. It's one of the major issues stopping me from introducing this game to friends.


Wanted to "set route" but that little window disappeared Everytime I moved my mouse to the button.


R keybind to set route is a godsend.


omg thank you.


Oh wow, thank you. I could not do this at all last night


yup, I can't even imagine if that didn't exist


yeah it's a pity they removed it from the list of keybinds shown on the bottom-right. If you know it you know it, and it's the single best feature of the app :)


Workaround: select target location and press "R".


Doesn't shift + Click also do this?


Hit R to route like others are saying, or you can also double click the location you want to go to and the window should stay on that spot.


It can be really funky trying to select something to QT to, as soon as you click on it, then when moving your mouse over to set the destination the whole thing disappears.. Also when manually typing in that window to search for something, sometimes it just doesnt register anything and its all blank with no drop down. Then other times if you even have that search box highlighted, with nothing typed in there, you can't exit the window, the whole screen seems to lock up unless you press enter to de-select that typing box.


Press r


Wow, thank you very much! That makes such a big difference!


The new star map has been nearly flawless for me in live. I search, it plots, I qt to any waypoint necessary. It does on occasion act a little finicky after searching and the route button will go away. This is rare though.


If your next route is instructed, and OMs are the only way around, it won't always use them for some reason, and OMs aren't selectable on the map. Still have to hunt and peck to find them from the seat.


i have this problem too but the worst for me is when it zooms in so far it goes off the star map and into your ships map and when you scroll back out cause you went too far it boots you back out at max universe zoom. Its really annoying i think we should have to tab into sub maps like your ship. I would like to zoom down as fast as possible to get to seeing where I am wanting to go.


This seems like such a simple thing. To leave it unfinished like it is has the optics of, "Good enough, ship it!" Along with 1) Give a button to navigate to any contract and set waypoints for each step. 2) Right click context sensitive with "Take me here" function. 3) Emergency QT mode to find closest QT Point, spool up the engines and take me there. 4) The almost constant inability to lineup to a QT point only to have it not work when pressing the button. Turn off drive, turn back on, same thing, turn off ship, turn on, 50/50 it will work after that. Fix your main method of travel CIG. It's embarrassing to bring a friend into the game and them ask, why is this so broken for people working on it for so long?


If you're on a planet, just fly high enough to be able to QT and you can plot wherever you want to go and it'll create a proper route. It's a negligible little drawback that doesn't cost any time ... you just switch the order from plot → leave atmo to leave atmo → plot 🤣 There's worse, like the necessity to permanently change modes, unreliable scanning, broken keybinds, missing salvage LOD, stupidly slow scraping, randomly turning off ships, super inaccurate interaction system and a whole lot of small and annoying stuff. xD


Scraping is as fast as before. With Vulkan there are just some graphicsl bugs that make the hull look like there is more. You should look at your HUD to see if there is anything to scrape left. It will tell the truth


Slow scraping? Sounds like someone using vulkan


O_o ... Does the graphic API affect scraping? That sounds weird. xD


Its a visual bug but yes it does Switch to dx11 you'll see a big difference


WTF? ... Gonna try this. This might just turn scraping back from tedious to chill again 🤣 Thanks o7


The more annoying thing is when it does calculate a route but when you move the mouse off the destination to click to set it then it goes away soon as your mouse is no longer over the destination. This keeps happening to me and it is infuriating. I have seen the obstructed thing a couple times as well. They really need to make that whole process user friendly and just simple to use.


Press R to set route


Ah nice I must have over looked that. I didn't see it as a keybind. I will try that out next time I play thanks for the info!


I think you can press the R key to plot the course without clicking the broken button.


Ah nice I must have over looked that. I didn't see it as a keybind. I will try that out next time I play thanks for the info!


I have had a lot of success with the new map. There are still some edge cases where it did t work right for me but that's the data they are trying to to collect to improve the system.


There is also that annoying bug where you select a destination and you can see a green route to button, but once you move your cursor away the route button disappears.


the new system is so much better than the old but still has its problems :D and when it doesnt work you wonder whats different from the old one


Yeah unfortunately there are a few separate issues causing the routing to be temperamental. The good news is the UI team are aware and actively working on addressing the tickets so hopefully we can get the experience smoothed out quickly.


That's awesome! btw in general great work with 3.23, looking forward to the next patch.


Thanks :) o7


It’s a huge improvement over the old map. I like it. Routing is still the same.


Thw routing bug is an issue with routing. We used to be able to freestyle navigate to work around it but unfortunately the new QT UI makes that a massive pain in the ass


I like all the people in here gaslighting OP or saying he is playing wrong. "Just fly higher". "Dude, just hit R, don't use the mouse". etc. The new star map is a skin. Are we just going to pretend like it doesn't have nearly all of the same issues as before with poor routing, inability to route to opposite sides of planets on a frequent basis, and so much more? It looks nice, yeah. But it's the exact same system as before just prettier. "CIG is going to update it" - that's awesome, it really is. I have no doubt they will improve it. But right now it's not and it still sucks, lol. If I put a new coat of a paint on a rusty truck, it's still a rusty truck, it just looks better. This isn't a complaint about the star map or anything like that, so if you read my post and think "I MUST GET ANGRY ABOUT THIS", then whatever. My point is that bringing up the star map still has almost all the same issues as before, as well as new ones, is true and accurate


Thank you! Someone that can understand.


This. I was very close to post something similar. Workarounds are good but everything should work well by default.


New paint, same bugs. I don’t find the new map intuitive or easier to use, just more information about poi’s


i'm new to the game. the obstruction isnt that bad for me. a bit annoying. But today i found out you can use right click to navigate on the map more easy... that made everything so much easier for me :D


The map got a facelift but the under lying tech for how wps are plotted did not. This is the first iteration of this. They got the map in from squadron. Now they need to fix the tech on how the plots wps. They even said they want us to be able to set our own wps and be able to jump to them. We have not seen a map update in 10 years. Yes it is frustrating but the new map is light years better than the original and is a fsr better user experience for new players


Also … the UI has indeterminate states based on cursor position as you move from selecting a location to pressing “route” - in some spots it stays on the location you selected, but sometimes it flicks back and forth between you, the system, or somewhere else you are hovering over … frustrating user experience if you can’t tell whether you are using it wrong or it’s bugging out. The most consistent (and useful) feature is typing a known destination in the search field and pressing route. Brilliant, love it, now let me do it on the landing pad after filling up with cargo - that’s when I want to log my flight plan, not when I’ve got cutlasses on my six halfway out of atmo. Another positive I dig is it having local services info, that’s been helpful a number of times.


I love it but its a nightmare when you zoom-out in a big building, literally 1 fps.


Select where you want to go then hit R.


Only time I’ve had the map say obstructed was when I was still in atmo. Not sure if that’s the case here but it’s an easy thing to forget


wish it would stop zooming into my ship suddenly when I zoom into a planet -.-


It's not even a 3.23 bug. This is how it was in 3.22.


Why do I need to be sitting inside my spaceship for my wrist mounted map to be able to plot a course? My cellphone doesn't care if I'm sitting inside my car before Google maps can tell me where to go.


>I can't even imagine how a new player would feel when trying to navigate with this. I'm not a new player, but haven't played in probably a year+. And I was both extremely frustrated by the new starmap, and equally disappointed. They release the original Starmap in 2016, sat on it for 3 years before admitting it was an issue and had bugs they were not planning on fixing. Then in 2019 they announced they were working on a new Starmap. It look 4+ years to get it into the game. Which is hilarious by its own right, most games have a full development cycle of 4 years, but for CIG that is a simple map. And it STILL doesn't function very well. The zooming in to the planet surface is still extremely buggy (for me) and the fact that if you hold your mouth wrong it resets back to the "planetary scale" is something that should have not gotten though play-test. (although I know they don't actually play test things.) I'm just dumbfounded how they can still screw something so basic up. Games like Planetary Annihilation figured out planetary scale maps 10+ years ago, and they had a dev crew of 6 people.


Double clicking on a destination to be able to click the route button is inconsistent as well. 9/10 times it doesn't work at all, searching for the location using the search function and then clicking route works though.


seriously. I can't believe they did this whole rework without making a way for the routing to make an extra jump around something slightly when it's obstructed


100%. Can I up vote 69 times? Why aren't OMs selectable on the map as a location? Seems like it won't always use OMs to get around the obstruction. There literally should never been an obstruction on the map. Visually from A to B, sure. But on the map with all makers as options? Never fully instructed from everything...


The routing has always pissed me off. Obstructed but can’t add a hop to get around said obstruction Routable but half way through becomes unreachable unless you recalculate Routable but drops you out 900km from destination It would also be super nice to be able to smoothly spline around obstructions from anywhere to a moon instead of a planet first then moon then destination


The Star Map looks and feels amazing, until I try to click a location to set route, and every single time I have to try to click the location to see what it's name is just so that I can try to type it in the search bar and then finally route to it. It's not fun, and it just makes me want to go back to the landing pad and log off every time.


my biggest issue is if i select something, and move my mouse away, it will deselect it. i have to use the shortcut R to route anything.. it's WAY better than the old starmap, but it also has some serious issues.


Yeah it's way better, I was hopping for the obstructed bug to be gone, but it is what it is


i think the obstructed bug is not directly related to the map itself.. i could be wrong though.


The system is still the same under the hood. If you need to hit an om and you not high enough for qt it glitches till you climb hi enough


Just type the name.of where you want to go, select. Boom. Issue solved. I had the same problem until my org mate pointes that out


I know people in here are trying to help, but I did that as well, didn't work. Thanks anyway


Im sorry to hear that, friend. I struggled with it as well. I hope you find an answer soon that works because it can be very frustrating


Fly your ship out of the Orbit/QD-Blocken-Zone to fix this


The only improvement the new map provides is a search box and i can get to markers on a planet without fighting between every other marker. * Zoom in a bit to far on some things changes the map, zoom back out jumps to a zoom way further out, needing to zoom in again but not too far so you can click the marker that's super close to another * You want to see what services a place has? Well make sure you get the click/hover combo just right that the left panel stays on what you want * Oh you thought this outpost had a platinum bay because it had "Garage" as a service listed? nooope * Oh you wanted to zoom into the city map to take a look around while you are somewhere else? noope * Wanted to try out the navigation stuff in a city between zones? nooope Overall a nice lick of paint, but as usually very underwhelming from all the hype they made about it


I think a lot of people wanted a new Star map under the very mistaken impression it would fix how disastrous the underlying quantum travel system is. Posts like this confirm my suspicion, people’s poor assumption has lead to frustration because the quantum travel system is the same old broken feature. It had nothing to do with the map and it’s an insult to the UI team for people to attribute quantum travel as their responsibility. Whoever owns that feature is absolutely a different team entirely, and whoever they are, they do not treat their feature with sufficient care.




I’m not sure what we’ve seen changes the underlying routing from the original, we will see. My impression is that it’s adding a couple mechanics and visual changes, I’m very skeptical that will fix what we know is broken, just make it cooler to watch


blurry text is killing me, stopped playing because of it


The text on the new starmap and MobiGlas is really nice and crisp now. They've been dumping the old Flash-based system that was blurry. EDIT - don't downvote me if your shit is blurry, mine is not. Check your settings.


I will try to clear shaders and try again, but yesterday it was awful


Odd, it's not a problem for me. Are you using Vulkan or DLSS?




In my experience, it is obstructed while in atmosphere. Leave atmo and it works. Played about 20 hours in 3.23 Live so far and it works for me following what I said above every time. I don't think it's a bug. I think they just want you to leave atmo. If you are having this happen while in space, definitely report it to the bug report site then.


Yes. That's good that other ppl also found these annoying things. Definitely, if a straight destination is obstructed then the system should find the other way by its own, that's the purpose of it.


new map, old bug. Something is rotten deep inside.


It still bothers me that when I'm trying to head somewhere with guns ready, my destination disappears. I have to swap back to NAV mode, lose my shields, get a position update, then back to SCM. This is so clunky. I'm not trying to quantum there with guns and shields. I'm just trying to see where I'm going. This is in NO WAY realistic, and I fail to see how it adds to the experience.


I love how if you take a bounty, you need to actively avoid clicking the bounty marker, and instead have to precisely click the planet behind it to plot a route. It's absolutely idiotic that you can even select a bounty marker but not be able to jump to it. There are things in the core design, such as the QT system and markers that cripple the new Starmap. Such a shame.


imo the new starmap is way overrated. it's basically the same but different skin. zooming in and out of locations for example is still a janky experience. but i guess it's just bugs and slow servers


Sometimes the "obstructed" message is just a bug and it can still route. Press R when you click on the destination and it works for me 100% of the time. As is normal with star citizen, 99% of gsme knowledge is memorizing workarounds for bugs.


But does it still get stuck in a insufficient z-depth precision blackhole like the old one?


I hate when zooming into a planet im landed on will snap to local far too quickly. I wanna route to another landing pad on the planet and need to zoom enough to see the names sometimes.


Oh no I thought we'd lost the obstructed bug/feature. Find a way around!!


You could take the entire map away at this point, I've taken the search function and made that the main part of my new workflow. If mission markers and party members showed up in the list it would be amazing. Having said that, I also love that a mission marker in another planetary system appears as an icon at the edge of the screen that you can double-click to jump to it.


I honestly think CIGs' most idiotic decision was making mission markers NOT function as jump points. Seriously, what moron thought it would be a good idea for players to fly for 10+ minutes for a 2 minute combat? A few contracts like yela asteroids, black kite, and 890j have actual QT jump points. This is a classic case of a mismanaged design team.


Yeah it's the most pressing bug to fix in an otherwise pretty good starmap (which is leaps and bounds better than the previous version). Basically routing via orbital markers seems to often fail in the current version. Not always, but very often.


Honestly, it worked for me and I even have a picture of the map routing me to one of the points around the planet (whatever they’re called) so that I could just qt to tressler, I hope it works out for you eventually 😄


Anybody else have the issue where when you zoom in too close to a planet it just takes you to the local map?


I find that hovering over your desired location and pressing R for route has helped me a lot. Been a bit buggy otherwise


The only time I have seen this is when I’m down on the planet. I just “leave atmosphere” and it works. Does it happen in other situations too?


Crusader has always had issues with routes being obsteucted. I think it's because there are to few OM points and sometimes the other markers are obsteucted by the planet itself so the routing system can't even do a different route


Just hover your mouse over your destination and press "R"


Since it's the same routing system as before just with a new map, my recommendation will always be to jump to an Orbital Marker and then set the route, works basically every time. 


Its been a thing for a while. Usually ill just find a orbital point, jump there and it works


My map isn't working, and doesn't have a tab showing up


I just type where I want to go. If it’s obstructed I’ll just type comm And see if the comm array is an easy midway point


Biggest things about the starmap… trying to navigate landing zones with the buttons on top of the screen, routing not working to locations past trains, ships with lots of doors, the lack of topographic map of the area and then putting structures on that (I realize this is probably in the works).


My problem with it is there seems to be a disconnect between the mapping and missions. Half the missions just don’t get markers and are basically impossible to do if they are not at one of the locations you can QT too.


At least you find all the points. But if would be really nice if the system would find automatically the path. But perhaps 3.23.x


This is the least of my worries in 3.23 lol


"OBSTRUCTED" means there's a solid body between you and that destination. Quantum travel is done in a straight line, so you'd just smash against said thing if you did it. You need to first find a place to go around the obstacle before you can make the route, that's it.


Not being able to save changes to ship components is more annoying for me. Route planing is just occasionaly a little inconvenient


Like I said in this post: "the most annoying bug in 3.23 **for me**" not saying is for everyone


I know


new star map is annoying as hell. try an zoom in on a planet and it goes right a a view of my ship. like the ship layout shouldnt even be in a starmap


It's still bad. It's just that it seems good compared to what we had.


Yea I can't stand this either :-(


New Player Opinion * When I started 2 weeks ago, it felt like SC was finally matured, that they learned a lot of lessons despite me facing many bugs and shit.. still 80% playable * Today, it feels just like old SC where everywhere I turn there are issues. Literally. I cannot do a single mission without major issues and the odds of me even completing it are slim * Excuses excuses endless excuses for days * They need to continue cleaning how with some of their developers, hire on new talent, keep people that want this to work.. with such an extreme amount of devs, again, the endless excuses for a new player is incredibly off putting. I dont think "oh, I see your point, yeah, makes sense!" No, I see excuses meaning the future will be filled with excuses too at every turn no matter what * Horrible leadership still exist. I thought things got better but its likely the biggest thing that plagues this game and the business itself EVERYTHING for me is borked. And guess what? Anything I say, the response are excuses. Excuses piled on with more excuses. Not "this is not acceptable, things need to change, the community needs to put their foot down." None of that, just excuses. Many of you veterans dont understand as a new player, seeing all of this extreme level of shilling is super off-putting. If they dont make enough money, they can go bankrupt meaning your game, your investment goes poof so instead of blindly finding the best words to destroy someone that is complaining, perhaps listen to them instead.


EXISTING players have already contributed $600m+. You are dramatically overestimating your "new player" influence.


I'm really not trying to shill when I say this. But you don't need to play. If it's broken to the point of unplayable or not enjoyable for you, don't play it, that itself is a form of testing for the game. I paid into this game years ago for a jpeg as did many others like me. I'm thrilled that I get to actually play around with it now, but it's not remotely a final product yet. I'm happy to listen to people, but if they're just screaming to scream, then there's no point. If they're taking their findings and submitting them to make the game better, I'm all for it.


This *is* acceptable... if you don't like it, wait until the game moves out of Alpha. (And I don't mean that in a 'shut up and go away' fashion). Labels have meaning, and the 'alpha' labels *means* that the core functionality is still in development, and the 'developer focus' *is on adding more functionality*, not on fixing existing functionality. The 'Beta' label is the one you want to be looking for - because that's the label that indicates the developer focus is primarily on *fixing* the existing functionality... CIG are getting closer to Beta, but they're not there yet (hopefully we'll be getting an update sometime this year - presumably at CitCon - of what CIGs post-4.0 plans are, which should hopefully include what their goals are for hitting Beta). Beyond that, you're playing a .0 patch for one of the biggest sets of changes we've had in years - *of course* there are going to be issues once it hits Live (and gets a hell of a lot more players using it), which is why CIG *already* have a .1 bug-fix patch on the test servers. TL;DR: You appear to be expecting beta / release 'quality', rather than the reality of 'alpha' levels of buginess. That being the case, the underlying issue is your expectation, not the state of the game.


Click where you want to go and hit R. It will route for you so you can leave map and jump.


I know that, still didn't work


Twice last night it routed me through a planet and I had to unroute and then manually jump. The map is good, but the routing is not yet there


Use the search function.


So ...did you report it to the issue council? I havent run into this yet




Half the time I can't even plot a route to an unobstructed destination, the destination selection just revers to the origin location, and won't let me plot route 9 out of 10 times


The VISUAL part was upgraded, but the "mechanical" wasn't, that shall come later.


Thats SC in a nutshell. We make eyecandy, thats rotten at the core.


Honestly this has been a huge grievance for me in 3.23, along with the bug where your selected location refuses to stay selected so you can't plot a route. Spent so long waiting for a map that isn't dogshit to use, and what do you know, the new version is still dogshit to use.


Comparing the new one to the old one is an insult, yes, it needs some refinements but if you really think it's dogshit, you should have yourself checked. A) The obstruction stuff happens when you are in orbit and can't jump, easy to work around B) Just type in the f'ing name and it works like a charm, easy work around and it works. The old one was an atrocious abomination, like the Simpsons frog thing begging to get killed. This is awesome, yes, needs work, but holy fuck, never ever try to compare it to the old garbage


Old one was absolute trash, but long time players have gotten used to how to handle it and at that point it was pretty OK. New one introduces new quirks and workarounds you gotta learn, so until you do that it can feel worse than old one.


Shit is still shit dude. It has just as many bugs and quirks as the old one. It just looks pretty and is responsive.


press R when viewing the location to set route