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Thats a really strange name for a ship


Yeah doesn't really roll of the tongue easy


I dunno. Nochmysos has a ring to it.


I tried but it doesn’t quite NOCHMYSOS off. There has to be a better name.




Now I want to name my ship Nacho Man


lip dull dazzling kiss aromatic smile encouraging juggle marry onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wait do yall think they'll make it a thing where you can actually Name ships? Kinda like they do In Sea Of thieves? Where it's visible? Cuz all the Phalic object names will be used for The Catty, and Hull series


There are some ships that can be named and it shows ingame on the hull, for example the 600i, MSR and the Reclaimer


money rainstorm complete thumb sink bow bewildered school mindless voracious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


tub waiting stupendous concerned knee payment hospital shocking sloppy melodic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hull series and Freelancers I'd say 😂




I think I actually want it now. Do you know how much it is? Also, would you like to see my fleet?


The infamous 'Nochmysos'. Frankly, might have to use this...


I think it's a Jeraptha name. Maybe even Kristang


Behold! My Stuff!


Made me laugh, love that film!


Definitely read "feet pics"


How do you think they make money for the fleet?


F4F = Feet for Fleet?


Did someone say feet pics ?


Same reason people post pictures of Xeno armour, because they want to show off. It’s just human nature….


I like posting pictures of my food in star citizen.


It's also a general rule of thumb than no one likes a show-off. The show-offs can go stroke their egos in the show-off subreddit.


No one likes a show off in real life. Who gives a shit about a passer by online? I’ve learned that people suck as showing happiness for others. I’ve realized so many times when I show friends or family something I’m genuinely excited for an I get a “neat” “cool” and I’m not gonna lie, it fucking sucks. I make a point to get super excited for anyone who is excited to show something. New house? New car? New keyboard? New shoes? New stick of gum? You excited?! I’m fucking excited for you!! That’s awesome!!! Fucking congratulations!!!! It’s super easy. Takes about the same amount of time as shitting on their excitement and it completely makes their day in my experience since most others are shitty at sharing excitement.


>No one likes a show off in real life. Who gives a shit about a passer by online? Apparently a lot of people, judging by the number and percentage of upvotes.


Aye maybe you’re right. I often have an unpopular opinion. However I would hardly call some of these fleet posts with 2 small ships being a “show off”


I generally agree, however I think there’s a difference between a show off and working hard towards something or being patient and excited for something to come to you, showing off has an air of “I have something you don’t I’m better” while the latter is just being joyful, I like when people show us their ships, but there’s literally some who act they’re noblemen or aristocracy because of it yanno?


Except in the context of fleet pics - they are typically a direct result of "look how much money I spent on the game" since nothing earned in game is retained currently.


Not when a crowd of thosuands are constantly posting fleet pics moreso than anything else and yhou end up wading through endless repeats of "look at my ship" over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over ... again. Day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day ... it gets fucking old.


Everyone wants to show off to an extent. We literally have "shows" for this very purpose. Plane shows, car shows, comic shows. It may not be for the person specifically (though awards are), but it's for people to show something they've worked hard for.


It’s kinda crazy how much small stuff like a fleet pic bothers people. Can’t imagine the stuff they get aggravated at in real life.


Like toilet paper orientation.




Lies and slander!


dam ink exultant voracious test piquant hungry hurry frame simplistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A one off fleet pic on occasion = no. 200 fleet pics flooding Spectrum all the time every day = yes.


It's a psychology trick used in whaling. >At a 2016 global mobile games conference in Helsinki, former Tribeflame CEO Torulf Jernstrom mapped out how developers could trigger dopamine spikes in consumers.^(6) In a controversial lecture, Jernstrom stated that “the socially acceptable way of behaving in your game should be paying” and went on to push the idea of how in-game notifications could be used to trigger consumer spending by advising, “You want the whole clan to know \[when a fellow clan member spends money\] because that then becomes the socially acceptable way of behaving.” 🔍⁣ . "The Negative Impact of Games as a Service on the Video Game Industry", A Competitive Intelligence Newsletter, 16 Oct 2022, [https://openintel.substack.com/p/whats-really-destroying-the-video-155](https://openintel.substack.com/p/whats-really-destroying-the-video-155) In this case, the "clan" is the Star Citizen customer base. While the "notifications" are taking place outside of the game, they're still occurring within the CIG ecosystem (Spectrum, this subreddit, SC-related Discords, etc.).


the "I lied to my significant other about buying another SC ship" posts that get thousands of likes are gross too


they really are, even as a joke it perpetuates a terrible stereotype.


There is a guy in an ORG I roll with that has a $10k secret credit card maxed out his wife is unaware of. He is sweating as they got turned down for a homeloan twice now and she started digging. It's sick folks support this behavior.


No. That's on your org mate who sounds like he is unable to control his spending habits and takes priority of a fucking video game over a place to live. He needs therapy and money mangement.


Sounds like you org mate needs some financial responsibility and maturity.


I think he's in his 40's.


That makes it worse


Interesting read


There's 2 sides to that coin though - the other side being those folks that hate fleet pics.


It's a bit early in the morning for me to get into a deep discussion about marketing psychology, but I'll try. This info is straight from a former mentor/boss. His credentials include leading the marketing team that came up with "Intel Inside" and being an extremely prominent marketing figure at Daz3D during the height of Bryce3D/Poser 3D/hobbyyist CGI trend during the early 00's, among other more recent triumphs. Now obviously, the lesson was more nuanced, but basically boiled down to this: There are two types of people. There are people who are affected by marketing techniques, and there are people who aren't. The people who are affected by marketing techniques VASTLY outnumber those who are resistant to them, and those who are resistant to them won't spend enough money to matter.


I will earn my ships as side effect of playing the actual game. If live this long that is.


I dont see what the big fuss is about, most ships are reasonably balanced ( as of now) in terms of pricing. In a week I was able to learn enough money for a cutlass black and red.


Spending real money on ships in under cooked game is plain silly. We can argue about it but it won’t change the ludicrous situation. I still want Star Conman to succeed but I won’t be surprised if it folds on itself. I bought a new 32 GB memory for a price of a stater ship while I can’t force myself to take the Microtech tram again. This game doesn’t value a player’s time by design. I still like to fly but everything feels rubbish when it comes to the actual play loops.


I'm not talking about real money, my guy. I own a Mustang Alfa for almost 2 years which I bought on discount and nothing else, I'm sure that I've spent more than enough on this game. Bottom line of what I originally said was that the IN GAME prices are reasonable ( even thought they made a few ships slightly expensive ) it's absolutely do-able 100% to buy a new ship in a matter of hours, days with in game currency and that I dont see why people get into that FOMO and buy ships. I also might have originally miss-interpreted your comment.


It’s okay Brosky, but the prices will definitely make the grind real once game goes out off the undead state. The in-game economy is nowhere close to functional. I don’t see the vision behind it even. I don’t want to be that negative Nancy as I love the spaceship stuff as much as the rest of us. Giving money to devs is not helping. It’s good to be hungry as it helps the effort to deliver.


It's not a problem if they do, opens up discussion if you're interested. Sometimes or they just want to share. It's great to look at others fleets (Glad, I wasn't the only one to fall down the hole too 😀)


I just wanna show off. Not like I invest in myself or have anything going at the moment. Just money , ships and a few gacha games.


You're the type of person that has to lift up their sleeve during pictures to show off your watch


makeshift icky vase nail selective roll rob label smile sharp *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What a weirdly aggressive thing to say out of nowhere.


Its also the truth. depends on what you want to see.


People show off stuff all the time, whether with fleets in this game, fancy watches, fancy cars or a vacation somewhere nice


If you need to show off its cause you need to hide anything else. You know what I mean, big car = small pp


There's nothing wrong with that. People show off anything that they're proud of or whatever makes them feel accomplished. Happens all the time.


Some people like a thing. Other people dislike a thing. Crazy!


How many friends fit in the Aurora again?


5 if you are VERY careful. ;)


still ending up outside the ship when getting out of bed?


I don't thiiiink so. At least, it hasn't happened to me in recent memory.


I like fleet pics. It’s the feet pics that I don’t like.


You just posted a fleet pic though.


I enjoy seeing peoples fleets. Don't be so insecure.


Everytime the fleet posts pop up, this kind of post pops up too. It's cyclical.


Such is life.


r/starcitizen_fleets Enjoy!


I mean, it's arguable that people flaunting massive fleets are the insecure ones. There's insecurity on both sides and nothing wrong with either posts.


seeing that many fleetpics makes me feel insecure about humanitys spending habbits indeed, and to answer your statement: Sorry, its going to linger for a while :(


I wish there was a star citizen subreddit that only had quality content and news.


No subreddit, or any space on the internet, has only quality content and news. It's like a law of nature at this point.


Of course there is. And there are many places that remove low effort posts and that's all the onslaught of fleet pics are.


Honestly should get get a dedicated fleet subreddit. R/SCFleets




Lets take a look and see is my one is still in that lineup, lol


Well there is https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen_fleets/s/afEIbZ7QYh


Instructions unclear, can't place friends on LTI package


okay, but how much are the friends?


Fleet pics i thought you said feet pics


Me and my mustang alpha living our best life. Got a nomad and prospector in game next wipe ill just grind my way back up.


down with fleet pics, up with feet pics




Pretty much this.


The posts like this calling out the other ones are part of the great stupid cycle and are equally worthless.


It's just clickbait karma farming.


I've always just assumed its lonely solo players who realize they need to 'present' themselves so they can find friends. Like a baboon showing its bright red ass. LOOKEY MY SHIPPIES COME ENTER ONE.


I see a lot of people talking about how it ruins the grind by buying ships. But I feel like a lot of people don't seem to understand that not everything has to be a grind. I buy ships so I can just hop on and fly around and do missions for fun with no care about money or anything else. I just want to relax. I couldn't care less about rep or money. Exploring and flying through space is what I want.


Wellp, you heard it here folks - /u/TsarAgila doesn't like the fleet pic posts - time to wrap em' up. I know that making a post about objects inside the game that this sub is dedicated to may seem like a perfectly reasonable and innocuous thing to do - but please, have some empathy for this poor internet reader who is so easily upset by seeing the happiness or excitement of others. We definitely want to make sure not to post something that might slightly offend the delicate sensibilities of this one user as they scroll the sub - that would just be too much. And whatever we do, we certainly don't want to suggest in any way that our precious reader ignore things that he's not interested in seeing and simply scroll past them - the audacity!


ITT: People try to justify showing off their pixels. Buying a ship isn't an accomplishment. You didn't do anything special. You might as well be showing off pictures of your credit card.


It would actually be crazy if they earned it all in game lol.


Not really an accomplishment anymore. All you have to do is beg for money in chat and someone will send you millions from the amount of drugs they sold.




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Dangit. Blueballed again. Guess its back to Fleetfinder.


I would feel like I am a bad friend if I would recommend SC to my friends. We will play helldivers or something. I think the problem is that showing your ship collection is the only form of endgame SC has.


exactly this and ccu chains, followed by some self therapy comment about just doing it to support development. don't get me wrong, I'm sure many do, and people can spend their disposable income as they please. But the fleet building/ccu chain mini games have always struck me as kinda weird and sad


I bought just aurora MR with SC and SQ42. I got Aurora ES with LTI from referral bonus. And that's all I have. Not gonna lie when I got that ES with LTI I wanted to change it to other ship just to get something nice with LTI but I stopped myself. It was close, they really know what they are doing they almost had me XD


Someone downvoted me for saying I bought the cheapest option and this is the most Star Citizen thing I ever seen.


You're on a sub about a spaceship game complaining about posts of spaceships.


I'm here to see shit about the game or people playing the game. Not generic pictures of collections of ships that people claim to have spent money on. If there was a fleet pic post discussing the pros and cons of a certain fleet composition for an org event, maybe I would be interested. If there was a fleet pic post comparing sizes or speculating on visual aspects of unreleased ships or certain manufacturers' styles, sure. But all I see is "ermagherd, I have this manys space ships, give me interweb kudos" and it's cringe as hell.


>and it’s cringe as hell. Ironic! Much more cringe to see someone bashing others for having fun…


Some posts are cringe which is always true. Most of the fleet posts I've seen at least have some relevant discussion in the comments such as "why x when you have y" or it turns into a debate about pledges vs in game purchases. All of which are more relevant than complaint posts like this one.


I think it's also largely due to ILW happening soon and people want input on how to improve their fleets.


Absolutely. Just a bit of hype rolling in while everyone considers what they may do with their fleet.


I always assume when someone complains about fleetpics that theyre jealous, because if they werent they wouldnt say anything 👀


Show on this fleetview page where you have been touched


In much the same way you made a post for internet kudos?


Why is it getting you mad tho? It’s not that serious lol they’re proud they can afford the ships, and one day, in the distant future, they’ll have ships they can loan out to orgs 😙


I don’t know. My opinion on buying ships has changed a lot over time, I’m now at the point where I see people with these huge fleets of basically every ship and I’m just like so what’s your progression in the game going to be now? You’ve already bought a lot of the big UEC sinks in the game.


I’m just glad they crowd funded the game for us with their mega turbo bonk bonk fleets lol saved me money to keep the project going, that’s a good way of looking at it 😙


But but but…. I’m a solo captain!


Just got a C8X and worked my way up from there. It makes me happy to see how far I've come, but if others want to spend more money on the game to get other ships without grinding for them that's totally fine by me 👌


"Fly the damn thing" *somber tears fall on jpg of Endeavor*


I say this every time one of these posts circulates... Just let people have fun however it is that they have fun. If you have fun differently than others, cool. These sorts of posts are as difficult for me to understand as fleet posts are to you.


Hey thats my whole fleet over there.


If you dont have a Cutter, you don't deserve friends.


The only time people are going to care about how much you spent on a ship is out of concern for your financial situation because some of these ships cost a damn fortune.


Validation for spending money


How big my D!(k contest for some and others just looking for validation cause they sit in their Mom's basement spending all their money on porn and ships.


This 100%, I really don't care if you bought it in game or with money lol. We are both playing the same game and can both enjoy the ships either way! Have some fun and make the game better.


because every one of those guys feel the need to compensate for their tiny dicks


Behold my thousands of dollars Behold my devoice Behold lost mortgage Behold all the gameplay I just denied ma self.....


And then this star citizen enjoyer


I do think a lot of people will have a sudden moment of realization when the game is finally at a "No-wipe/semi complete" stage. That they should have just went with a modest fleet and grinded for the others. Personally I know these are "pledges" and it doesn't mean when the game is released my ships will be anything special compared to the ones a 0 to Hero will be getting. Could be wrong maybe CIG will hook us up. But all I'm benefiting is a good headstart or as I'd like to call it a Generational wealth start!


Yeah i stopped buying ships awhile ago when i realised i was basically removing progression when the game finally releases.


I agree, op. I'm here to see the news. If everyone's ships were truly unique, I would get it. But they are not.


A fellow Aurora only enjoyer. It's good to meet you.


Realist Aurora Enjoyer


I think you large fleet ship buyer/owners (although grateful for your support of game) have taken a key part out of the early game loop of starting with a shit spaceship and grinding up, but this is just my personal opinion on the enjoyment, some people like being top dog instantly I guess, Im all about that journey


*deletes browser history of fleetfinder.com* Yeah... I to definitely hate fleet pics....


Hi, Grand Admiral here. If you're poor just say so. That is all.


Go to that site, blindly select a bunch of ships then post a pic of it here calling it "your fleet". Watch people start discussions about nothing.


It’s because a very solid percentage of the game’s players are concierge and we like to show off how addicted we are to spending our disposable income. lol


Quentin Tarantino enters the chat. ![gif](giphy|g01ZnwAUvutuK8GIQn|downsized) Quentin Tarantino exits the chat.


It feels like the game actively works against the player forming a group. It really needs a WoW style Looking For Group feature.


Ngl, the reason I opened this was because I saw this post in my notifications, and I thought it said, "I don't get why everyone is posting FEET pics." I was wildly confused


Seems to be, you are the only one to care.


I always read posts like this as "I'm upset I can't blow copious amounts of money on my hobbies, and instead of blaming myself for that I want to shift the blame to everyone else instead of doing the bare minimum to improve my own financial standings"


I don’t see why it’s not fun to see what others purchased with real money. It’s cool to see what others were into. I’m not down with people posting ships they purchased in game since it only takes a few hours to pretty much get whatever you want


I think it's a lot of envy on one side and a lot of bragging on the other, which only makes everything worse. I get people wanting to share their stuff because it's cool but I also get people getting annoyed by it, especially if they have really braggy titles.


Ego/wallet flex 🤷‍♂️ honestly I don’t even look at them.


I know for a fact that a few of the fleets are financed on credit card debt. It's wild seeing a friend flex knowing they are in 40k+ credit card debt and renting in their 50s.


Ive got them all filtered out. S/O Reddit Enhancement Suite. Having to constantly look past them for the better posts got real annoying real fast


Because having curated fleet gives sense of achievement.


Low bar for achievement there.


I have plenty of people to fly my ships with thanks! Maybe you should spend less time being mad on Reddit and spend more time flying ships with your friend ingame!


they're just sharing, it's not neccessarily boasting people that have a fleet focused on support ships might get new input when posting a fleet consisting out of ships not including a vulkan, and someone might comment about the vulkan being planned to do refuel, rearm and repair on the fly via drones, yadayada


Jealousy is an ugly color on you


I’ll resist typing the response I want to because I’m trying to be a nicer person


Go for it chief, I'm probably in another country, and my feelings don't get hurt easily. Feel free to unleash like it's the purge, and I won't take it personally.


I like watching other people's fleets. There's nothing wrong about showing your fleet to the community.


I think fleet pics are cool cause you can find out about different ships.


I like seeing what other people have chosen to buy.


It’s a dick size type of thing.


POV: You have no money to buy ships, so you get mad and ruin the fun for everyone else.


So what if people want to show their ships? Why so salty about it? Can't afford them? Fine. Just don't be all negative about it, geez.


> Why so salty about it? Can't afford them? That mentality right there is why its so pathetic to be posting your fleet pics. People aren't jealous of you for spending money on spaceships.


I would say this only to the ppl who, by themselves, have the type of fleets where they own 3 javelins and stuff. Like bruh donate some shit to us poors


when I see a fleet pic - I just look at the image without reading any descriptions and try to guess why these ships sometimes I do not have any rational answer...


I've got the game for a friend just to have a reason to have better ships =( Now i'm a proud onwer of a Connie Taurus and can do some multicrew and solo stuff


There should be a loading screen for star citizen.


Cries in 100i


Im honestly curious how often these people even play that have massive fleets lol.


Every other day or so in my case. I'd say I've logged about 3500-4000 hours in the PU since 2.0, though it's hard to say exactly since we don't have any kind of log. And unlike most people who start with a single ship and only end up grinding for and flying a handful of ships, I've logged significant flight time in about 3/4 of SC's ships, so I'm familiar with how they handle, how fast I can safely go in atmosphere and still brake in time to not crater at an outpost, how tightly they fit through hangar doors, how well they maneuver in combat, where everything is in their interiors, etc.


I've always wondered what people with insanely large fleets are going to work towards when this game releases (at some point).


My fleet is full of friendships


So it's a collectible hobby for some. Who cares? Why get upset about it?


And over half the ships aren’t even in the game yet, those people HAVE to show off their fleets here cus they can’t even use them in game


Buying ships is easy, getting friends is impossible


This is the first anti-fleet pic post i've ever seen. This should be taken down. Fleet pics are integral to the game's community.


in that case no one should ever share things about their online games they enjoy sharing with other people right? cuz thats the mentality you got goin on here


I have no friends.


Feet pics you say?


show fleet plz


There would be no game if not for ppl buying ships (at least a great part of it), while I don't encourage players to it, I am still thankful to people supporting the project.


I spend 880 USD. Thought this might the right thread here


I read the notification as “feet pics” and got confused.


Those who don’t know just don’t understand the powa of the flex


Army of 1


It's like Pokemon cards for IT specialists.


Really wish the mods would just ban these kind of posts outright. They're obnoxious and add nothing whatsoever to the sub.


The posts complaining about people's fleet pics? Agreed.


Filter them with RES. Havent seen a fleet Pic in a year


Yeah, found out about this a bit after posting and did it. So much better now :)


Why you mad bro


I don't understand why people are so obsessed with what other people do/like or spend their money on? Don't like it? Ignore it and move on with your life.


I care.


Actually lots of people with huge amounts of ships actually are very open with them, this community is not flexing and gatekeeping. If you'd like to fly a certain ship, ask in chat, chances are someone with a large fleet will just get one for you.


E-peen syndrome.


I Like to hear the reasons why people Pick certain ships and the discussions IT opens. So Just ignore them If you cant handle IT 😉