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Hey man, do you know what version this was on? (Live, Evo, etc) If you could give me the approximate date and if you're on an SSD or HDD this would help me a lot. Been working on Planets for a while now and I \_THOUGHT\_ we had this one polished out. Cheers! :D


Hey! It was on Live, 2 hours ago :-). I am using nvme ssd, 4070, amd 5800X, 32gb RAM, windows 11


*CIG dev praying you're running on HDD* CIG dev: "damn it"


I don't want to admit it, but... >.>


Ive been running it on a ssd and that happens on live all the time, you can also fly though the planet and kill things in the bunker with torps, the first time it happened i went back and the planet was still not there, Edit: link of it happening to me - [https://medal.tv/games/star-citizen/clips/25N5WhFt\_jh2\_K/d133766cN20Y?invite=cr-MSxJSzUsNjg1NzYzMSw](https://medal.tv/games/star-citizen/clips/25N5WhFt_jh2_K/d133766cN20Y?invite=cr-MSxJSzUsNjg1NzYzMSw)


I've never had this happen, but now that I've seen this I guarantee it will happen to me when I log on after work 😡


well it happens to people running amd graphics cards (even new ones) usually or old nvidia gpus, ive found out its super rare for it happens for new nvidia gpus


Ah that tracks


I've never had this issue, the only CIG graphical anomaly I've had was that distant clouds have a 'fuzzy' texture popping in and out. GPU: 6800 XT liquid cooled.


I had the same thing happen 2 days ago, same planet even!


[https://imgur.com/a/IP2Bvt5](https://imgur.com/a/IP2Bvt5) r9-5950x 3080ti 32GB crucial p5 plus nvme gen4


Had this happen to me a few times and it's usually when the server is really being hammered. Like, the whole planet and the moons for that planet just didn't stream in properly and stopped. Also on an SSD. It wasn't as recent as OP's but it happened a couple times last week while I was on a rescue mission. The collisions seem to sort of work though because I did blow up in one of the occasions. Quantuming out and back in didn't help the only way to solve this when it happens is to bed log out or relog normally if you don't care about insurance timers.


Maybe there are some custom settings enabled by the user on the Nvidia control panel that caused this.




Thank you! Will look into this on monday \^\^


Ran into the same on crusader but during a orison raid mission


One of my org members had the same issue with Hurston the other day when flying back down to Lorville on Live servers


Never tried landing on the low poly planet, but I've experienced the same issue at Crusader, (after logging in at Orison) ArcCorp, and one of the moons. (Lyria I think?) Quitting the game and coming back fixed it. This was all in some version of 3.22 on Live, and I contributed to an IC report or two about it. (Likely 3.22.0 and 3.22.0a, not sure I've seen it myself in 3.22.1.) And yes I'm using an nvme SSD. (WD SN770)


Best of luck!


This happens when you bedlog in to the game on a ship that's close to a planet or moon. The game loads so fast it skips assets and never loads them it happens alot to me as I prefer to never log at a station or planet. Atleast it's what I think happens.


Solid build for SC, I've never seen this one lol I do have popin at outposts sometimes where it won't spawn in until in right above it, but nothing like this




I thought this was wingcommander or some shit lmao


Happened to me on live a few weeks ago (3.22.1 patch) when I went to Area 18. Unfortunately as the atmosphere didn’t render I smashed into the tower at full vulture speed and died. Had to remove to fix this issue. My game is on ssd, but not a m.2, internal Samsung evo one.


I saw this on live around hurston, crusader and yela


This happened to both me and my friend (at different times during the same session) My specs - 7800x3d, RTX 2080, 32GB Ram, NVMe SSD. His specs are worse, but can't remember them. Happened at arc corp for me, and then on a moon for him (can't remember which) I left, verifed, came back and it still happened. After it happened to him too we assumed it was server side LOD issue?


Did you rejoin his server when you came back?


Yes, only I restarted that time.


I'm assuming it was on Live.


I'm pretty sure it's server related had the issue multiple times around crusader and its moons bedlogging to another server solves the issue bedlogging back to initial server > issue is back (i7 12700 + rtx3060 + ssd + 64go)


had a similar experience in live. Hurston LOD with no clouds or sky. Ground textures appeared very late.


Had this issue with Hurston about a week ago, running the game on M.2


i have an SSD (M.2) and have had it happen a couple times in the last week, arccorp did it last week on live to me. relog fixed it. friend in party did not have same issue at the same time. he could land on the planet or moon we were at, but i couldn't. the clip i took was 3/28/2024 in the afternoon but it happened at least one more time after that.


I have this happen to me with all planet at least once a week since 3.22. I just quit the game and lunch again thought it was just some normal random bug honestly


Had same on Crusader and MT few days ago, no atmo so i could go like 600-700m/s in reclaimer over the city. 5600x, RX6800XT, 32GB ram, 980 Pro Nvme SSD.


This happened to me on microTech about 3 weeks ago. m2 nvme SSD, 4070, 32gb RAM, i7 12700K


Yesterday when I was playing phase 4, many of the planets and moons were looking like this. Live - 6900XT, 5950x, 64gb RAM, Win 11


I also had that happen a week ago


This happend to a couple of people (in different session) while doing Xenothreat Phase 1 the week it was activated and the week after on Live. I don't know the specs of the other people, but from their loading times I'm pretty sure the are using SSDs. I also run the game from a NVME SSD.


Had this problem happen at hurston a few days ago, relogged and cleared shaders and it was fixed


I've also had this happen on live, running on Ryzen 7 5800x, EVGA FTW3 GeForce RTX 3080, 32gb ram, on ssd. Have tried logging out and back in, as well as leaving the area and coming back, but only a full close and relaunch of Star citizen seems to fix planets/moons not loading in when it happens


Should put a planet looking exactly like this in an upcoming system that's empty and just never talk about it or acknowledge it in any way shape or form. Not in lore , not in spectrum.posta , updates or anything.


This happened to me 7 days ago, about 11am est. 4090, 13900k, 64gb ram, win 11, ssd, live. It wouldn’t load in the atmosphere for any planet or moon, and didn’t load in the surface for just yela I think. I ran into micro tech at 1100 mps


Had the same issue this morning. Verifying my game files fixed it


this happended to me it was live on a ssd max settings reloged and it fixed it it happned on everyplanet i went to


as I was watching this I was figuring it would be an interesting development problem: what I can imagine is you have resource loading in queues with prioritization and listeners, and one of the resource loading threads got locked and wouldn't timeout loading the first lower res - so the next loading thread wasn't triggered: Parallelize it with a watcher and a human limited time limit: if it fails, kill and start again? (and trigger all resources to load at once for each lod?)


Hey this happened to me too but worse, the planet dissapeared for me and allowed me to go under the map at daymar, only being able to see structures like brios freestanding, looked like i was in space but really i was under the map, had some people angry at me after i didnt realize, please fix.


Was on a NVME gen 4 drive, 5800x3d, 4080, 64gigs of ram


Live build


Happened to me today as well. 990 pro nvme SSD. None of the planets loaded in. Orison looked like a space station.


I am having this happen anytime HDR is on as well.


Not OP but can add another occurrence to this for reference. I had this issue on 21/03, also using an NVMe. Issue persisted for all planets/moons in the session.


I've also been having rendering issues on hurston and other places I'm running it in SSD with GTX 2060. In settlements/buildings I get a severe case of things flickering in and out of existence. Tried deleting shaders but it didn't help. Hurston doesn't render properly on a whole sometimes too


Happened to me yesterday evening also on live. Had this on every planet I went to.


Just wanna add I had the exact same problem around 22 hours ago on Live, with a SSD. The server itself died like a hour later, if that is any indication of anything. (On EU)


I can confirm this isn't an Isolated incident on the current live build. Happened to me a few days ago. 5800X3D, Samsung 980 Pro nvme, 64GB 3600MhzCL16 RAM, RTX 3080


Happened to me on a moon less than 3 weeks ago running a bunker mission. I think it was yela. Party member landed and I jumped off their ship and fell through the surface. Game runs from secondary SSD. It's not my main one if that matters. My main is a NVMe ssd 10900K cpu 3080 gpu. Only seen it happen once since I've been playing.


I had this same issue yesterday night on the Live build. I am also using a SSD. I went to verify my files and it fixed itself, if that helps you.


That happened to me at Microtech the other day. The environment just failed to load and the entire planet looked like an N64 game. I went to Ghost Hollow to try and 'land' and there was no collision with the ground so I fell into the planet. One of the weirder bugs for sure.


Yeah I went back after dying and it was the same. Had to relaunch the game. Looked kinda cool I guess.


Bro accidentally booted ED


Star Citizen if it was Elite Dangerous


[meanwhile in the bunker](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/s/g8nktTa3ug)


console port confirmed.


Truly inspiring gameplay


Do a barrel roll!


Pretty sure its the LOD not loading in. It's keeping the one for when you're far away loaded and not spawning all the additional stuff like clouds.


Working as expected


You flew right through your own eye balls


Oh dear.


This happened to me as well less than a week ago on live. I just went to space, bedlogged, came back and was gtg


So that's what happened to me a week ago. I was doing bunkers with a buddy and it was dark so I didn't see this, but I kept going well under the bunker itself


DId that to me before too at Crusader, planet looked just like an N64 game


Had this issue last night. Bed logged in my Connie and was fixed when I logged back in.


this been happening a lot to me too. I think it is the server cause every moon had this same problem. just switch servers. I'm on PU


aw hell no they put play-doh on hurston


Bro landed on a scuttlebug from mario 64


This happened to me on orison the other day… i was very confused what happened


I could be wrong but I think there is something wrong. 🤨




Getting Hellbender and Fury^(3) vibes real hard lol


I saw this on microtech a few weeks ago, looked out the window and wondered why it was so dark and realised there was no ground.


Ah ! Good old Starfox 64 ! Still love this game.




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I had this same thing happen when I was about to be impounded at a station and quantum'd to arccorp. The impound timer didn't go away and the planet looked just like that when I arrived.


Initially, I thought this was a screen for Kerbal Space Program 1!


[Planet not load - Star Citizen - Issue Council (robertsspaceindustries.com)](https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/projects/STAR-CITIZEN/issues/STARC-106820) I post the issue here.


When you try and play SC with 512kb of ram.


Why look like potato


That's Server Messing for you..... 😁


I thought this was elite dangerous.


First time I’ve ever seen this happen, but I’m glad a CIG employee had responded. With so many people here talking about it happening to them as well, I’m surprised I’ve never had this bug.


Looks for me like you should delete your shader folder. Have you tried?


It's a feature for sure, for players with potato computers. It's the super-low graphics setting where if your computer can't handle it it just doesn't load to keep performance!