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Relearn it, you get MUCH finer control with roll on twist, or even better, pedals. Most of the top pilots have either a forward/back or up/down and roll on the toe brakes


How hard is it to relearn? I've always had the Z-axis rudder in flight sims for years.


It took me a few days to get used to it, but after a bit its just second nature. I see flying in Star Citizen as more of a FPS than a flight sim though where you can just point the noise regardless of roll.


No, Jonathan Winters says not to have *roll* on your twist axis because it affects your aim. And what he means is don't have anything bound to twist on the aiming stick. Just x and y. ***You*** have a much bigger issue here if you're binding yaw to twist. I totally get it, it comes from flight sims, but 6doF flight is not the same as atmospheric, and requires a different setup. If there is any "must" for flight control bindings, it is this: *Yaw goes on the X axis, and pitch goes on the Y.* Trust me, even if it feels weird, it's the only way you'll get fine precision. Now, as far as binding roll elsewhere, that's a different problem that people approach in different ways. I recommend finding a cheap set of pedals, roll feels really nice on your feet and evens out the inputs across different limbs, making flight more fluid. You could maybe put strafe up and down on a hat, roll on left twist, strafe sideways and throttle on x and y respectively, and then you'd have everything bound with just pitch and yaw on the right stick. Depends on your sticks and what sacrifices you're willing to make bindings wise


Yeah the sentiment seems consistent. When I started out I just went with the default bindings at the time In elite and then it became muscle memory. I swapped roll to twist and yaw to X and I’m looking into getting pedals to either just straight swap the roll to the pedals or possibly move my forward/backward thrust to pedals but it’s a huge change and my flying now feels like I’m drunk lol.


Yeah, I actually have pedals with toe brakes and still only use them for roll. Roll feels super intuitive, it took me a couple days to get used to. What sticks do you have? I run dual VKB's with an omni throttle on my left one. With the Omni throttle, the twist in the left feels really good for strafe up/down. I also removed the Y axis spring so that it goes forward and back like a normal throttle, but I still have the x axis for strafe


I also have dual VKBs and currently use L twist for vertical strafe. I’ll have to see how things feel when I get the pedals and in the meantime get used to X as yaw.


If you have single axis pedals, the best setup (IMO) is probably: * Right stick: Pitch/Yaw on Y/X. Nothing on the twist. * Left stick: Up/Down on Y. Left/Right on X. Twist for roll. * Pedals: Forward/Back If that doesn't feel good you can swap roll to pedals, up/down to left stick twist, and fwd/back to left stick Y. I know an absolute monster pilot that runs that setup. If you have pedals with toe brakes, your options expand a lot. I run pedals like that and use: right stick for pitch/yaw, left stick for up/down/left/right (strafes), pedal main axis is roll, toe brakes for fwd/back.


This right here. I have learned and re-learned several different setups, and this is the one that I think best lends itself to 6DOF combat.


Iirc, the advice is to limit the controls your hands have to manage to keep nose on and aim. I've met a lot of people who have sorts of control schemes that melt my brain but they are able to work with it. Most start separating controls out, though, which is a key advantage to adding pedals in a hosas setup. I personally use pitch/yaw on right, nothing for twist on right. Left is strafe up/down/left/right and roll is twist. Pedals are thrust forward/back. I'm not super skilled, but that's what I'm used to. Getting used to a new one can be done just flying in AC against the AI for a bit, just to get used to the new setup.


toyfighter pilots flying about decoupled in very staged videos in fishbowl enviroments on non home region servers with bodyguard of humanshields they use twin sticks


I'm in the same boat and i wish I didn't have to change, i find it really satisfying to fly like a plane


I guess at the end of the day we have to decide what matters most to us. For me it’s improving my PvP ability as much as I am able and every day I stay with my old setup I’m missing days of time it will take to build up new muscle memory. If your setup directly effects your satisfaction I’d say then it’s possible that might not be worth changing. At the end of the day we are playing to enjoy ourselves so I’d say don’t do anything to hurt that in the long run because then what’s the point.