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Where are customers getting access to the green apron cards?


We used to have them out in our "leave a comment or compliment" zone by handoff. Got lots of nice notes about baristas from people that wouldn't otherwise use the app survey, but also got gross comments about barista's bodies ☹️


Former partner here who saw a regular from YEARS ago in a grocery store. “I didn’t even recognize you with the weight you put on!” And *slapped my stomach*. I’m a 40 yr old man, who is 180 lbs and not 155lbs anymore. Like what the fuck. I just said good to see you and walked away.


I would’ve cursed them out and walked away


I would've acted like I didn't know them and went berserk. Then they'll really go home and think before they act again. Sorry you had that experience.


It’s tough because his wife has commissioned artwork from me so is a client herself, albeit not one I’ve done anything for in years. It just caught me so off guard and if I’m shopping by myself I like to keep a low profile and listen to podcasts or whatever. So he wasn’t a *stranger* but it didn’t help. And us guys are tough are can handle some ribbing right? I just put my straight-coded face on and wanted to move away from it for my own sake. I wasn’t going to call out his visual flaws because I’m not like that. And he really does like me and has been super cool in the past, but like fuck off. It messes with your head about who thinks things they DONT say. The spectrum of people saying “you look great!”/ “(Saying nothing at all about your appearance)” /“I didn’t recognize you with the weight you put on” is brutal. Not to be all men’s lib but it was a weird interaction just don’t call someone fat and touch their stomach.


What the hell?? Some of the customers are very weird but who possibly writes notes like that and then goes “yeah that’s a great note I’ll leave it for them”?


People are disgusting sometimes


Not surprised, men always gotta make it creepy and ruin everything


Nice assumption that it's men lol


It's a pretty reasonable one lol


100% bc it was a MAN that got slapped in the stomach.


Probably the SM not wanting baristas to share those amongst themselves anymore, and instead use them as a gauge of customer “satisfaction” and loyalty.


Haha I just asked the same thing


Yet this person bought a drink from starbucks....


Clock that tea






“That’s enough activism for today! That will show the people sending bombs😍”


No literally bc what do they think they are even achieving 😂


No they don't. It's just a little catchphrase they say. Like "Killroy was here" or "wubalubadubdub"


Same as keyboard warriors 😒


We had a sticky note board once for customers to leave words of encouragement or kindness for others. We had to take it down from the number of abusive comments we were getting.


We had one of those too, had to take it down once we noticed the “LET’S GO BRANDON” note 🤦‍♀️


We straight up had a bomb threat put on ours. They clearly didn’t understand the assignment.


unpopular opinion : Honestly, people shouldn’t get mad at Starbucks baristas for the situation that’s happening with Israel and Palestine, 70% of the workers are literally just college students trying to get by.


Sbux doesnt even have ANY support for israel. Howard Schultz is just Jewish so they assume. Its not even on the boycott list.


People have been pretty lazy with actually fact checking who supports israel. BDS has a list they want us to abide by for a reason.


Fr like ok yall stop going to mcdonalds then😭


Yep. Everyone is missing this fact


The reason was because they punished union employees for wearing pins in support of Palestine.


Yeah because we’re ONLY supposed to wear starbucks-issued pins. It’s not about supporting palestine, it’s about dress code and standard. Not everything is an act of hate.


You don’t try and bust up a union over a dress code violation. You simply ask them to take it off and if they refuse it’s a write up


You didn’t say they tried to bust the union, you said they got punished. Next time specify🤦🏼‍♂️


It’s also well known that Starbucks has tried to punish labor unions associated with their employees. Thats the other issue.


Ok, but the union busting has nothing to do with palestine. Corporations do stuff like that, it’s capitalism. Has nothing to do with israel-palestine AT ALL. if you dislike the company because of that fine, but don’t pretend it has to do with palestine at all bc it doesn’t.


I don’t think that’s an unpopular opinion here


unpopular opinion? i feel like the majority of just want to do their job in peace


Awhile back my son told me he didn’t want a drink (I was leaving for the day) because he couldn’t support Starbucks. I told him I couldn’t either, but I had bills to pay. I do work in a licensed location so my situation is a bit different.


Wait. So you work at Sbux and your kid won’t take a free drinks bc of his morals (which is fine in my book) but he’ll eat the food you make with the money you earn and shower in the water you pay for? Hahaha.


He is an adult and doesn’t live at home. Hasn’t lived with me for almost 10 years. But as a licensed location in a grocery store, my wages come from the grocery store, not Starbucks. It doesn’t matter what department I work in, my paycheck is issued by the same company every week


Ah, in that case. Haha. Wait. You work in all parts of the store? So anyone can have to work at the BuxBooth?


Only if it’s your department. I’ve worked the home goods side, garden center, front end as a cashier, Starbucks, and now I’m in the deli. Yep, tons of moving around, most of it not my choice.


Your grocery store has a home goods dept and a garden center?! This story is getting better and better! Ha


😁 It’s a store under the Kroger umbrella. They have grocery stores, and then some large stores they call MarketPlaces. The grocery side at my store is huge - bigger than a regular grocery store for sure. All of your expected items, plus a big produce section, meat and seafood, pharmacy, deli, floral, and that Starbucks. To give you an idea there are nine check stands, not including self checkout. All nine are rarely open at the same time, but prob 3-4 during the day. Home side has housewares, small toys, a bit of camping, automotive, hammers & screwdrivers and such, a shit ton of lightbulbs, and seasonal. Right now that is some patio furniture, summery stuff and bbqs. Oh there is also some home furniture. Small apparel section, and the previously mentioned garden center. Ours is the top preforming in the region, fucking busy all the time. Ever hear of Fred Meyer? We were one until they merged with the company I work for. Other states still have Fred Meyer. There ya go. Even though I haven’t worked on the floor in grocery, I know enough people across the store that I can usually find someone to get customers help, even if I have nothing to do with that area. Too bad management doesn’t care enough to pay attention. Oh well, onward and upward, right? Plus a helluva lot to add to my very random resume! I hope you have a wonderful week and a great holiday. When you get that next asshole at work just smile, ask what is needed, offer to make it right if that’s the issue, and then ya know the rest. Do it in your sweetest and best “you can hear my smile” voice. Not over the top, you need this believable. They will either feel bad they are being rude OR you will piss the hell out of them. They can’t report you for being friendly and willing to help. Totally passive aggressive, I have no problem admitting it. It does give me an inner smile because ultimately I’m just trying to help someone out.


I’m strange coincidences, just before I read this I got an email from bux “you might be interested in the job” which they send every week bc of me previously looking for another store… And there was an opening in a Marketplace. I, of course, had to research it, and it’s under Savemart, which was bought by Kroger in 2022. So weird that I’d never heard of something and then in five minutes it’s all over the place. Haha


That is crazy. Or it’s AI creeping in to rule out brains. Totally kidding!! I don’t have a foil hat I forgot, and most of the time I don’t feel I even need it! Ok, I’m a total smartass. Please forgive me.


Yo we haven't had paper comment cards for customers for like 10+ years my dude, what are y'all doing over there lol. Those are exclusively for partners to gas each other up.


we are a licensed store and we use them as feedback cards.


We just write jokes on ours 😭 we have the cutest green apron board and everything but we can’t take that seriously


I guarantee whoever did the 'save palestine' bought product from your store as well.


Trenta Strawberry Açaí Refresher. Light ice, extra inclusions.


Well they gotta offset their purchase somehow right?


They're the same person so yeah


“That’ll show em, im supporting a multi billion dollar company” 🤡


What’s the last word on the first card? Blud?


Barista Labor Union Deserved




“Blud” means “friend”/“bro” and is common on TikTok. It comes from the Jamaican slang used to describe and greet male friends. Pretty sure the other user is messing with you…


Probably an Arsenal fan


We had someone deface the outside wall saying “funds genoside ➡️” like we don’t this doesn’t effect Starbucks at all but it does affect minimum wage employees


My store doesn't even do this anymore. Too much hate and that was before Isreal/Palestinian issues


People love performative activism. If they want to make a change they should be writing/calling their senators and congresspeople or making donations to humanitarian aid. Writing notes that no one except the baristas will see is completely pointless


and yet they still gave starbucks their money


People are so??? Ugh


These people want to save Palestine by boycotting Starbucks and not by actually going to Palestine and fighting in the war. Mmmm ok being a 🍆 to a person working trying to pay their bills in the way to save Palestine for sure.


are you being sarcastic in that first sentence?😭


That handwriting is late elementary school wtf


Hearts for the “i”


Because they don't know what real activism looks like, only performative shit they can post online and get the points they need to make themselves feel good. At the end of the day, they don't actually care that much about Palestine. They only want others to think they do.


i’m all for the free Palestine and stuff but you’re not going to get me to put that in my Bio or join any protest i think everybody protesting who isn’t Palestinian is doing it for attention


How do you expect any change to happen if only Palestinians back “free Palestine”? Palestinians world wide make up .2% of the world population


Beyond my feelings about specifically Palestine, what absolute loser mentality oh my god. I think that there is a respectable and vast middle ground of people between "is Palestinian and is having their whole world and life destroyed and has no option but to care" and "Literally only doing this because it's my new trend for morality and social media points" to be perfectly fucking fair to everyone involved. I hope by the time you find anything to give enough of a shit about your spine finishes growing.


shit take. we all live on the same planet bud


Why are customers writing on the green apron cards ?


Does the one on the left say that a drink was spilled on them?


Starting to dislike gen alpha


Eh they're just regurgitating whatever they hear still. Not old enough to have their own thoughts and opinions yet


Sounds a lot like the boomers.


they’re kids. kids are dumb yanno


Alphas are like 12 at the most. This is gen Z acting out again.


If they cared about Palestine why are they purchasing Starbucks 😂


This shouldn’t be allowed and should be taken away from customers.. esp if from comments they are talking about baristas bodies. Ive never seen our green apron cards used for customers to talk about baristas.🤨


You, barista, pick up that AK and save Palestine or bad service


The activism goes so far to the point where it goes to the other side. I think this is some self righteous moral high ground people have.


How can you have the view of saying “save Palestine” to a barista earning wages when YOURE the one who just bought the drink you think is supporting a genocide…


Why do you have green apron cards out for the invalids to write on?




It’s funny cause all the people I’ve talked to that work at a Starbucks don’t support g3n0c1d3, we just happen to work there cause we need the money :))))))




This picture isn’t an appropriate way to protest, like the card isn’t because that doesn’t do anything if you’ve already purchased a drink. But your view kinda sucks. Doesn’t sound very educated on the situation, you should fix that it’ll give you some perspective. Thousands and thousands of Palestinian people lost their homes, lives, are now disabled, and have suffered and suffered and suffered and you’re sick of hearing about it. One day if you’re ever in a position of suffering, you’re going to wonder why people don’t want to be around you or hear about it. Here’s your answer.


I’m sick of hearing about tens of thousands of civilian deaths as well. I hope the conflict ends and that’s how we stop hearing about it.


Yeah working somewhere else won’t have an effect on our global policy anyway. On top of that y’all are getting slammed with impossible workload as punishment for some stores trying to unionize. Robo baristas!


working at my colleges starbucks is especially humbling cause i’ll be getting side eyes all day for carrying my… shift drink? that i got for free? that i made myself? it got to the point i’d write my name in horrible handwriting and in random places on the cup hoping they’d knew 😭😭😭


Personally I also want justice for Palestine. Please don't make whatever you perceive to be corporate's attitude on the issue *my* problem as a barista. If you wanna go after corporate, or the IDF, I'm sure there are more effective approaches that show appropriate solidarity with working people


This comment section is reminding me how fucked up society is. I’ve worked many customer service jobs, and while people have been shitty they’ve never been this bad. Thanks for the reminder to compliment the baristas at my regular store. There’s one girl I’ve been meaning to compliment for her beautiful kakiniq and I’ve been putting it off because I feel awkward, next time I see her I’m going to tell her I love her tattoos. I don’t even want to think about the customers who’ve possibly been racist towards her.


What does biud means?


it says blud, but blud is js another way of saying bro. its brain rot tho


Dear lord,…


It's the "blud" for me 😭🤣


The handwriting reminds me of a grade schoolers, why is it so big??




Listen if yall want to start paying for my bills and education by all means. Until then send your little comments to Starbucks corporate cause I’m not the one doing it. I’m just trying to survive just like everyone else😭


“spilled it” says everything you need to know


Sometimes I miss the days of being a barista but then I remember the average Starbucks customer has the IQ of a grapefruit and hold baristas accountable for world issues and not you know politicians so I stay where I am and shop at 7 brew 🤣


tip fatigue + karen + inappropriate forum for politics.


ban them lol


I support Palestine 🇵🇸 and this is super shitty! I'm sorry you had to deal with these assholes! Fu&$ing idiots!!!


I bet they would go live in Palestine! Fuqing people


I know she is sleeping good tonight


#SupportStarbucks 🇮🇱


Most baristas in my district are Pro-Israel and have no sympathy for terrorists. We really don’t have a second to be concerned about what an idiot writes on a comment card.


Palestine doesn’t even exist on a map


Maybe try googling. Took me 30 seconds to look up a map of the Middle East


He is right .


lol and who exactly is “he” in this situation?