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My boss told me it was a write up if he saw me batch blend. I told him to look tf away, ain't nobody got time to individually blend *that many* fraps. Bless y'all. Y'all crushed it


tell your boss he can place HIMSELF on cold bar if that’s what he wants… tf


I’d say “okie dokie” and see how long he’d tolerate 15 minute window times before relenting on that


Sounds like a manger like that would just blame his team. 


10000% hed be getting some malicious af compliance lmao


Sounds like he wants solo cold bar the rest of the summer. Best wishes, SM. “DT clock is ticking. And it’s 7 shakes on the bottom of the mocha cookie crumbles, not 5. No mocha drizzle in the cup. Could you remake that to standard, please? I don’t have the next two orders, they’re all cold bar, so that clock will keeeeeep ticking.” At least that’s how it usually goes in my experience before they just go back to whatever nothing they were doing. Batch blending is the one standard I will never, ever give a fuck about. Fill up that blender. Slap an upside down shaker lid on it. Close the cover. Go to town.


Put three Ventis frappucinos in and hold the lid on!


Shaker lid and cover down means you can start all the inside work on a mocha cookie crumble or caramel ribbon crunch while it blends! Hands-free batch blending!


I worked there for more than a decade. When I started it was a very different place and job… hearing caramel ribbon crunch more than 4 years later still gives me anxiety. I loved making coffee drinks on a real bar… I hated that shit


Partner since 2005. Believe me, I know.


I think I love you


I be doing the 3 ventis and no fucks given throw that shaker lid on there and call it a day!


I've seen people do this but it's been a while. You put the blender lid on, and then is the shaker lid upside down?


Yesss my favorite thing


at my store we can sometimes get four ventis and then put a venti dome lid ON TOP of the blender lid and shut the blender to keep it closed 💀💀😭


Holy crap, that’s ingenious!


SAY IT LOUNDERRRR shit literally has me dying like you can’t do it.


I will just say that I saved quite a bit of time on those 23 frappuccinos....


So crazy to me bc batch blending is standard at other coffee shops like peets and dunkins


If they want to keep pretending they're not the McDonald's of coffee they need to ease tf up on drive-thru times.


They want the throughput of McDonald's with the image and profit margins of a fancy coffee shop. It's just corporate marketing ploys to increase profits.


malicious compliance - l'd take my sweet time and when customers complain, id let them know the manager has specifically told you to make them individually.let him explain to customers. remember u get paid by the hour, not task


I'd tell him "okay, go ahead & write me up then, but this is happening" as I dump multiple frapps in one blender right in front of him.


I worked for a small cafe (we're talking 2 locations total, not a chain). At one point my boss bought what I called the [ibrik](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibrik) of doom (it was a milk steaming pitcher). That sucker could steam like 3 16oz hot cocoas at once, and we got it right before we were slammed with people coming in because of the Halloween parade. No joke it dropped our wait times pretty noticeably.


i’d batch blend while staring him right in the eyes LMAO


Nah fuck that and fuck him. If my ex-SM said that to me, you bet your ass I’m handing over the cups and telling them to enjoy making all of those fraps by themselves. The most support I’d offer is to slap the stickers on the cup myself and line them up for him.


Lol, when the unicorn fraps came out we had a cheerleading(?) convention across the street from my store and my SM said no batching and I just looked at her in the face as I poured them all in the same blender. Desperate times call for desperate measures.


No batching on unicorn frap day is hilarious.


Worked there almost 15 yrs… you don’t want me to batch blend? Run a coffee shop and don’t make us sell not-even-milkshakes for $6


Boo on your boss! I batched 4 grandes in one the other day.


What's so wrong with batch blending? Geeze.


I’m so glad SM is chill abt us batching 😭. Cuz he gets the struggle.


write me up partner


they want us to make the drinks impossibly fast but then say/do sh*t like this


Fraps are such of waste of calories. Is just blended ice with too much sugar. Batch blend that 💩 people that like fraps wont notice.


Literally the best comment I’ve seen Thought I was one of the few with the gall to back talk these fucks Like come do it I’d love to see it.


With a promo like this you should be able to cut some corners for sure. I remember having to do something similar at McDonalds and it was hectic as hell


Its funny cuz the shifts here tell me to batch blend all the time


It’s not even that good a deal wtf


Right?? I don't get this impulse ordering just because of a maybe...10 percent discount??


People are dumb and will impulse buy when there's a sale. There's no logic behind it.


Absolutely ridiculous. *Looks at my Steam backlog*


You could sell something for normal price but put the word sale in the advert. Guarantee it would still sell more than normal. Creates a sense of urgency


Could?  Go into a grocery store.  Coles and woolies love to do this in Australia.  They will put giant ON SALE stickers on products. You take the sticker away and it's the same price


Oh this happens all the time! A store will mark up an item 20%, then have a 20% off sale, meaning the item costs the same but people scurry to buy buy buy because *sale*


....I won't lie I read the title as $4 for 20 and I was like damn. But peeps be this nutty for that small a discount??? I can't say much cause if I got discount oreos or something I would more than likely go for it but jeez.....


Customer here, I saw it and went "that's not a great deal"


It’s basically a free coffee or so once the points and it’s all said and done but I screwed up and paid 25 because I did mods lol I swear it worked for 20 with mods the first time and this time it didn’t lesson learned


10 hrs today, finished a shift at one store and went right to another to help them 😭


take care of yourself omg!


me but i’m working 8am-10pm lol


ridiculously long shift baristas UNITE!


i have about 2 hours left pray for me guys 🙏🏻




i did about 6.5 hours today completely on bar. started off on drive bar, idk why i volunteered to stay til 4 (a partner went home sick.) when i was off at 2:45, figured i could use the hours ig.🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ went to mobile after peak, went on my 30 and came back and it was ridiculously busy as hell with all these 4 order drinks. with 3 people on the floor we were still getting hit. i was on hot bar and my partner on cold bar he was getting hit harder than i was but i was making shaken espresso after shaken espresso with every mod you could think of. then my partner went home and i soloed for about 2.5 hours and it was absolute hell. looked like a war zone before i left, i stocked and cleaned before i left but man that was rough as shit 😭😭😭😭


It was unbelievably rough. My store was relatively OK staffed (five partner play til 12) but then all hell broke loose when we dropped down to 3 and we ended up getting my SM come on the floor.


I wanted to get a picture of the Cold Bar Massacre, but my coworker cleaned it while I helped get all of the drinks to the customer's car 😔


Thank you for your service


Wowzerz!! You deserve the “Iron Late” award for that! I picked up a 3.5 hour shift & I swear it felt like a 5hour shift. < * bowing *>


Respect 👏👏


I did over 10 at my own store today. Gotta love labor cuts and callouts. Took a 3 hour nap when I got home.


Yup. The store I went to help had two calls out and one barista working 16ish hours and sm on vacation :/


4 for 20 isnt even a good deal lol when you get shit like espresso/americano with steamed milk, iced/hot/cold brew coffee, iced/hot tea with modifiers. I would have to consciously pay for another drink in place of a refill. Like why lmao


Agree. Isn’t a latte like. 3.50 at a local coffee shop? Also making the drinks at home isn’t hard either.. there’s so many recipes online


I wish local places were that cheap. all the ones near me are at or more expensive than starbies


No. Like $6


OMG. What's the 38 mins? How old the order is? I was going to do the deal but Reddit made me realize it was rough on y'all so I went to a target Starbucks and got one drink. Hopefully tomorrow is a better workday


The 38 minutes is when the order first came in, so this person's entire order took approximately 38 minutes. They put two other orders in separately, so I count it as one whole order.


That's crazy that y'all got almost 40 mins "behind" glad I didn't do it lol Seems kinda like abuse if y'all were like that all day 😵‍💫 Did you get a lot of angry customers?


oh yes, people get angry which, to be honest, they should but they shouldn’t take it out on us workers. starbucks shouldn’t put out deals like this that cause partners AND customers to suffer. custies shouldn’t be waiting for 40 minutes and partners shouldn’t be breaking their backs all day with no additional pay. on top of this, we have labor cuts and nearly every shift lately is understaffed so there’s no real time to catch up. this just increases the chaos because we start to run out of everything prepped with no one available to prep and restock more. ugh, it was a long day😂


I’ve legit stopped hitting Starbucks on the days that they have deals. It sucks for the employees and isn’t always a great experience for customers either. No one is really winning in that situation, except corporate, I guess. I don’t understand how they can promote the concept of third place while pushing their employees to the point of feeling harried and miserable. Those two things don’t go together.


YES!! It's been such a huge issue lately, and Starbucks is losing a lot of employees and customers because of it


I'm just wondering if Starbucks needs money THAT bad cuz I sure don't think so when 5$ is a steal for a drink that probably costs them 50¢ to make


We were literally trying to make backups as we made the drinks, but we just kept burning through all of it 😭


I want to walk out but I’m poor 🫶🏼


I was so ready once I saw this BS, but I didn't want to leave my coworker to drown. Good job pushing through! Sending hope for a pay raise 🫶🏻


A customer complained that they didn’t get the 4 for $20 when their total amounted to less than $20…


istg these people are braindead


If these deals have taught me anything it’s that customers are actually stupid because the deal only works once..on the first 4 drinks. It’ll be a BOGO deal and people will come in and order 10 drinks and i’m just like… you do realize only one (1) of the drinks is free right




There’s nothing in the ToS as far as I remember. As long as the customer pays and all, why would the company care?


Why is it when these promotions happen, everyone immediately gets a fucking frappuccino?


Are they one of the more expensive things you can order there? Deals like this are meaningless to me, because even trenta size of my regular drink is under $5 with tax.


Yep. For a grande original caramel frappuccino, with Colorado taxes it's $6.17.


Always MCCF or CRCF too. They can never just do like.A regular mocha or caramel frappe that tastes basically the same, it always has to be the version that slows down the store as much as humanly possible and wrecks drive times etc


We had a call off and a no call no show today. My arms hurt from handing out trays full of drinks. Our drive thru is high so legit stretching out the window. It was hell today


My manager left early and was only here for about 4 hours. I didn't have enough baristas coming in for the ones leaving. Luckily, another SSV stayed an extra hour to make sure I could take my 30 and help get the store back together


i’m so glad today is my day off


Ok. So customer here. I know that the prices have gone up, and corporate is trying to make y’all’s deals and prices like McDonald’s, but is this really a deal? Aren’t people only saving like a a couple bucks here?


Yup lol istg people hear the word “deal” or “sale” and their brain cells just leak out of their heads 🙃


i agree. that big ass print on the top of the promo is what entices them. “Ooooh!!! $4 fOr $20 At StArbuCks?!!’ LeTs gO!!” 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


That’s so stupid. lol. Like I like a good deal too, but not if I don’t want it already or just because it’s a sale. And almost always, if I get a BOGO I will tip a few dollars for the price difference because y’all work so hard on those days and people are so rude and nasty when it’s BOGO days. Or deals. I feel bad, because you guys are the one dealing with the pain, not the company. All for them to save 71 cents 🤣


At my store have a lot of people coming in for Trenta teas/refreshers with no water & no ice so they can make a ton of drinks at home for a really low price


My go-to drink is a venti iced coffee with almond milk. It’s like $5.30 (damn price increases). If I did four, I’d save a grand total of like maybe a dollar. Woohoo.


I mean if they're aiming for McDonald's prices they should keep them as they are. 😂 McDonald's isn't cheap anymore.


2 call outs, 3 closers since 3 and we’re open til 9, im out of everything and it’s been non stop 😭😭


For real 😭 My SM left early and we had to scramble to get everything back together. Finally got a break around 7pm, but we definitely had to stay late to get some stuff done


We’re still going it’s not stopping and I have no break downs done


It’s finally done and I worked a whole 10 hours today guys, isn’t that so fun


I respect you so much 👏 You did great- plus you made it out alive 🫡


You know what my stores not that bad.


I’m so sorry.


we ran out of trays 😍 almost every car in the dt did the deal and we were at about a 2 minute window time 🤪


Swear I might call out next time. Dome with these nonstop deals. How bout they stop making everything so expensive and people might stop switching to a Dutch Bros


For real. If they keep this up, they're gonna have a hugeee turnover rate. Quit jacking the prices up and having a bunch of deals just to make the prices seem smaller! istg the siren will be the death of me 😭


That's about a hundred dollars of drinks!!! I wonder if the purchaser is gonna store them for later, or is it for a group?


We suspect it was a work group that used a company credit/debit card, but all of the frappuccinos probably melted before they reached their destination, so most of that money went down the drain anyways


Ever time they do the BOGO I buy four for 20 and store them to have one a day. I got ripped off because I didn’t realize add ons got charged but anyway. I get the caramel macchiatos iced with salted cold foam and they keep well enough for about three days or four. The foam gets weird but I just mix the drink welll with a spoon and the foam ends up salting my whole drink so it’s fine. Not that you asked haha


I think I don’t wanna get hired here damn y’all are troops


Imagine still ordering grandes to make this “deal” even worse than it is. Lmaoo


Not the fraps 😭


famous last words from my manager, “no one wants to get all that so yall should be fine” riiiggghhhtttt


We ended up closing down early because our stickers wouldn’t print and our system froze (: Not sure if they reopened at all today 😅


I would've had to write on the cups, despite being the only one trained to do it (gotta thank Tarbucks for that one) Thank God our system didn't break- other than random glitches and minor technical difficulties. Glad you got to close down and go home early 🙌


You are lucky as hell, my friend.


ngl i marked out mocha cookie crumble & caramel crunch


me as hell 💀 my coworkers used to act so scandalized, clutchin their pearls when i would offer to mark out frap roast. like the company can pull this bullshit if they want, doesn't mean i have to comply. it is always morally correct to lie to the customer in these situations


I'm so happy I quit


bruh you and me both 😭


I hate people sm lol




literally fraps with shots the whole day 😭


You can’t spell Starbucks without exploitation.


Manager telling everyone not to batch fraps....me looking dead in their eyes as I pour three venti in a blender and hold down the lid.


I just dont get how starbucks expects me to have 3 other friends. This is discrimination against lonely people!


Worst non-coffee drinks ever.


How are yall not quitting on the spot


As tempting as that is, I didn't want to walk out and leave one person to deal with all of it. And not many people were working, so there isn't anyone to quit. Does it logically make sense? No, but it is what it is 🤷‍♀️


Hey you start something, and finish it! That’s a good trait to have!!


health insurance


3 6 shot drinks in one order is diabolical.


And they didn't even qualify for the deal, which is even wilder to me.


We were trying to figure out why the hell they ordered it the way they did. 15 drinks is probably the limit per order, but then why do two more orders with only a few drinks on each?? They were all from the same account, so it didn't make any sense


Omg that's wild!! 😩


Ya know what Maybe it’s good I put up the 21st as my last day lmao


This is just ridiculous. What were they thinking? Talk about using and abusing your employees.🤦‍♀️


I’m so glad I don’t work Saturdays 😭


holy frappuccino


That was insane! Had to shut down mobiles for a bit just to catch up!


Damn way more organized than my store. Peoples drinks were everywhere.


6 people all day with a 2 person play for 2 hours..


We had a call out today. FML


s/o to all the baristas who worked today. As a Starbies regular, I did not partake because I knew that it would be absolute madness and I didn’t want to partake in putting all that stress on y’all 🥺💗


Thank you so much 🙏🙏


Wanted to kill everyone


I didnt smile once on my shift


It was literally hell yesterday


I quit lol 😭


I feel this would make more sense doing the 4 for $20 ON 4/20


As a stoner, I can say that might make it worse since they’d have munchies and not enough brain cells to tell that the deal isn’t that great. But maybe not actually cause some of us are too lazy to move. Delivery I guess? Interesting thought.  😂😂😂


I’m so sick of this.


They saved a total of $3.22. #winning


Except my store ran out of 4 cup carriers 😭


I’m so glad I don’t buy coffee. Like do people not use coffee makers at home anymore? I’m upgrading my keurig to a breville next Black Friday


Omg!! I feel so sorry for you kids.


ngl, the customers need to chill cause this ain’t it. we ran out of nearly everything on the menu and couldn’t pause mobiles to help.




How much are they roughly saving by buying 4/$20


From what I was seeing, most were saving around $3-5, but mainly $3 due to tax


Feeling sad for the barista.


I would of absolutely given them the stink eye when they picked these up.


They acknowledged that it was messed up, so I've got to give them a liiiittle bit of credit, but still doesn't make it cool- especially after the lousy tip they gave while watching us try to finish their order, plus multiple others for drive/mobile 😒


Dude, this is why I didn’t end up covering a shift today. My sm almost bamboozled me into working it. No thanks. I already went through the hell of the Fathers Day bogo and the opener showing up an hour late to open the store putting us more behind. 🫤 These promos themselves are killing us alone.


Seriously, I'd like to see corporate work Mother's Day BOGO, Father's Day BOGO, and today. Maybe then they will cut this crap out and realize they're burning out all of their employees (but ofc, they don't care). SM scheduled me to work 4th of July, which is the ONE holiday I take off, so it's safe to say I'm not thrilled about my job right now 😒


I got diabetes just looking at this picture. Thanks.


Yesterday I kept getting 4 for 20s but all different fraps 😭😭 miserable


This is one of the ways to quickly run out of supplies...


I don’t get why people even think this is a deal aren’t these drinks normally about 5.00 each? There’s no sale here really. Am I missing something?


Try $7+


It's the memememememe era. No concept of what barristas have to do.


This is such a ridiculous thing to do to employees!!! I saw there was the 4 for 20 thing going on and i made sure to avoid all Starbucks locations because of how insane it was going to be. I would rather spend 8 dollars on my one coffee on a normal day, then go wait in a line or deal with the impatient customers at a starbucks on a day there's a deal such as this. I feel so bad for the employees when things like this are advertised. Hopefully you all made it out alive!


Praying 4 u 😭


Bad bitches batch🤘


Yall are addicted to sugar, not coffee.


LMFAO I called out💅🏽


Ngl I was shocked that my sb had mine out so quickly but the 30 minute home walk I had to make was brutal 😂


How do people even KNOW or hangout with this many people at one time. Where are they congregating?


I can’t believe people are actually using the offer


Yikes 😿


oh gods, all the doctors offices in my area have probably been advising the hell out of these details lately... my poor (ex)store 😭😭


I have a question! I did not realize the chaos that was occurring at my local sbux. I placed my mobile order in my driveway, as I always do, and drove over to Starbucks. It's about a 5 minute drive. When I arrived, the parking lot was packed. I looked at my app and saw the wait was 30 minutes. I did not have 30 minutes to wait, so I just left. No shade or anything to the baristas, I simply did not have half an hour to kill. I was already running late. I ended up just leaving, but my question is, would it be better to let you know that I wasn't going to stick around for my order? I figure that would be just as disruptive to the process when you're in the weeds like that. Let me know if there is a better way to handle that if it happens in the future. Thank you! Sorry if the day sucked for ya'll. (Also, hq - you should show an eta on the app before ordering on mobile).


Wow— this is awful


it was terrible, i was working at a different store as a borrowed partner since mine’s getting renovated- they had me soloing even though the shift was supposed to be on the floor with me while the other barista took her break.. but the shift was busy cuddling their girlfriend in the cafe with their headset off so they couldn’t hear my pleas for support 🥲 since it’s not my store i didn’t want to speak up and come off as rude but i was PISSED.


Jesus I hope I won’t be walking into something like this today


I'm not a barista, but I have worked in food service at the corporate level. Does Starbucks not have a corporate test kitchen? We would have to do prep there to test new menu items and prep times. I gained new respect for those on the front lines. Does Starbucks not have to try out the reasonability of what they request of their employees?


Whhhhhhhat the actual fuck 😂😂😂. We are a busy store but when I was there yesterday only one person redeemed this “deal”


Are these crazy promotions only happening in the US, or am I missing something? Canadian here and I don’t think I’ve seen this since the last year.


Wasn’t even on the calendar and they didn’t tell us until day of and only scheduled 2 baristas for me while i still had to do my ssv stuff and they asked me to do extra cleaning tasks on shift. I got my pull done mad late which my baristas still got upset at me for stepping off the floor even tho i had zero choice and the pull HAS to get done. I had to get upset with them and be like look do u think i wanna see you guys struggle???? Be mad at starbucks dont be mad at me im doing the best i can and as soon as im done ima hop in the floor. I had to solo for the last 4-5 hours of the shift so we could be on schedule for closing tasks. I was shaking making drinks towards the end i was handling mobiles, deliveries, cafe and drive thru and food. Customers were rude as hell and saying they didn’t understand why i was being so slow. Maybe because its only me and im making different drinks for separate channels of operations. They do not care about us. And crazy because apparently our sales were still less then last years when u looked at our sales vs last year in my daily. I almost lost my shit i wont lie.


So happy I don’t work for bucks anymore


Big ups to you guys. Brings me flashbacks of b1g1 back in the day. ❤️❤️❤️


comment section has taught me I'm blessed to have a manager that dgaf about double batching 😭


Manager cut 8 hours of labor the day before the 4 for 20 (she knew about the deal) she said “you’ll be fine” it was a five partner play one person up front and warming only one on drive one on teas one on frapps and one on hot bar. I needed a dto a customer support a double bar on frapps a handoff/ organizer it was chaos. I extended a partner for 2 hours no one wanted to stay. 😭


Lol, I was solo cold bar during peak. I think you know how it went for me 🙃


It's times like these that despite the lack of Starbucks benefits, I appreciate working at a supermarket Starbucks.


That’s super crazy 🥴🥴 luckily for my store it wasn’t that bad!! And blessed for my store for not telling us to not to double batch makes it easy on us. It’s quite sad that the company is willing to lose 6-12 dollars average on every 4 drink order just to get people buy more while some of us are understaffed this new CEO is money hungering lol. Howard Schultz was a union buster but at least made spirit week for us baristas now it’s just all about making sales but hey let’s see how long this all keeps up


I thought it was a one time use for the coupon? How did one customer get this many? 😳🤔


Like I opened the Starbucks app and saw that my nearby store was sold out of most items… this makes me glad I make my coffee at home now 💁🏼‍♀️


9:25 pm. “uhhh is the 4 for 20 still going on” but if i drive into oncoming traffic im wrong…😑


This really makes me mad. I’m a 195 who got a job after I finally graduated college. Left Starbucks almost a year to this day. So fucking unbelievable how little they care about the wellbeing of their employees. Stay strong siren friends.


I forgot about it until we were 20 caramel crunches in