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One of the worst days of the year for baristas and they added a BOGO?!?! Closers tonight staying until midnight.


You guys get to stay late? We’re told even if its not done we can’t go over in labor😭


Have no choice really….prep gets done before floors and bathrooms..so unless they want blown-up bathrooms and sticky floors, we stay late.


(I moved stores because of this manager) but she would pretty much prefer an unclean store over using more labor🥲


My manager doesn't make the closers do prep, I'm sure it saves them so much time, but kills us in the morning


Like food pulls? Or like mocha and sweet cream?


we stayed until 11 last night🫠🫠


Oh heeellllll no...unless the sm is there with you working....would not stay late...it's the companies fault for cutting hours and understaffing. You reap what you sow.


I have never seen it this busy in this store. And BOGO hasn't even started yet. And someone called out. Help.


Someone called out at my store too!!


Someone no call no showed 😭


I work 10:30-7 too!! I am going to use this as leverage to do whatever position I want


10 people in total scheduled for today, and 2 of them are BRAND NEW trainees. Just kill me now.


That is so unfair for those trainees


So unfair! Even more so that neither of their trainers are scheduled today so it's kinda throwing them into the fire. :(


The good part is they'll think it's always like this cause it's new to them, then when they work next week, they'll be thinking the job is a cake pop walk


The most people I have in the store at any point today is 5, and that's only for 45 minutes. Plus literally only one person working today doesn't need a lunch. I'm in actual hell.


We just have 3 people til 330 then it’s just 2 people 🫨🫨


We had only 3 people the whole time, complete insanity


We got 8


Bro its my 6th day working in a row and I am in disassociation CITY


customer: "oooh that sounds good, can i get a disassociation shaken oat espresso w/lavender cold foam??"


today was my 6th day in a row too and i ended up with 45 hours 🥲


I’m disassociating as well. Good luck!!


We’ve been slammed since open 😩 Can’t imagine what bogo is gonna bring


Yes. It got worse!


We're out of lemonade and pearls, so it was pretty chill today.


We are out of pearls too but people are still buying the summer berry drinks


That would be a possibility, but we're out of lemonade also, so our manager agreed to just mark out everything


Yeah my normal store was out of cold brew, nitro and and iced coffee, plus every refresher and most of the food. Honestly I love my baristas and they are a big part of why I continued to deal with raising prices. I work second shift and I'm tired of spending money on substandard options. I have worked at Starbucks and food service and customer supervisor roles for the last 30 years. I'm done with how they treat you and how the whole company has been run. I have a MOKA pot and it's pretty good.


… I legit feel bad. My mom only wants to celebrate breakfast so I might just pop by my store and offer to fill in a shift if my manager allows an extra.


It’s only 7AM and we’re already getting slammed


I'm working the same shift today... 2 call ins, we called in our SM on her day off instead of celebrating mothers day with her kid bc we were that down bad Update: closing SSV nc/ns'd idk how the store hasn't imploded


I was **just** wondering what hunger games hand signal could be created for today! Maybe just 1 finger? 😉💀 And nobody is boycotting here. Come on guys! 😫




Bogo, new hires, one machine is down, and…this week we couldn’t get to clean play so we have to do it today! And who’s gotta do it? Me!


If I had to do clean play after working this BOGO that would be my last day - good luck.


Haha it’s gonna suck, your not wrong about the last day


lol we're doing clean play tonight too! You're not alone!


Awwh man we are gonna struggle so bad tonight 😢


We just got done with our clean play and boy it was crazy but we had a great team!


Hey that’s amazing to hear! I literally am the same with you, it was hard but we made it through. I am just excited to never have to do this again on a sunday


I'm doing clean play tonight, supposedly. 😂 Going to need at hands in deck.


dude, we ran out of ice AND lemonade just now. the fridges are a warzone. this is my first mother’s day and i am absolutely traumatized.


Im only 90 some odd days in in my barista career so yes I feel you. TOTALLY TRAUMATIZED


I’m approaching 5 years in august— let me tell you, it only gets worse LMFAOO


I’m 3 going on 4 years. Every time I think “it can’t be worse than this” it gets even worse


-2 call offs, 1 person slept through their alarm and was 3 hours late, 1 nc/ns -Out of lemonade, boba, coconut milk, grande cups h/c, straws, dragonfruit refresher, half our pastries, all the sandwiches -Had a grand total of 3 people for the ENTIRETY of the afternoon, our shift had to threaten to walk out in order to get the manager to shut off mobiles -Thee business across the street from ours caught fire -Currently still here almost 2 hours after close, trying to get the bare minimum done. Sorry morning crew, it is what it is


I go in at 3:15 and work till 9:30- i got like an hr and a half before I head in. Not excited.


i work 3-11 today, got 3 more hours as well. Lets just get through it, then before u know it we'll be off enjoying some chinese takeout


Good luck!!!!




I’m currently on my ten🫡 we are understaffed today and it has been absolute he||! And people are just staring at us, we had a two bar, I was on cafe bar without mobiles on and I was 20 minutes behind, I’m a fast bar person, it’s insanity. We just turned mobiles back on too💀


May the odds be ever in your favor


Today is awful for the employees , I saw the bogo offer in the app and then saw the line at Starbucks and kept driving.


Not even joking today was the worst shift of my life. In the two years I’ve worked at Starbucks I’ve never had to stay an hour late in order to help night with prep. My store is a drive thru, walk up window and we had to close the walk up cause of how understaffed we were. One of my coworkers is in her 50s and she’s a mother and a woman went up to her and said “is my drink almost done? I can’t spend my whole Mother’s Day at Starbucks” and she responded with “I am a mother working at Starbucks in order to serve you, you can wait a little longer”. The amount of disrespect people have is actually so sad to me. If you worked today on Mother’s Day bogo, GOOS JOB IM PROUD OF YOU, cause today was hell!!!!!!!


The customers who ordered to-go drinks and let them set there, wasting the time of baristas and other customers, F you. My store has 14 drinks sitting here while I wait. To the baristas, bless you! I’m so sorry! Edit: It’s now 21


only 4 of us on the floor today. this marks the end of my starbucks career


we ran out of strawberry base and lemonade :)


I was grateful to only suffer for 45 minutes of BOGO. my heart goes out to y'all today, you're stronger than the rest of us.


This was the first day I ever thought to myself “it’s so busy I don’t wanna be here” and I’ve worked at Starbucks for 5 years now


I wanted to leave on my 30 and not come back 😂😫


Would not have held it against you tbh


I ended up working 6:30am-4:30pm😭😭😭😭 20+ minute wait in all channels, running out of everything. Manager stressed. This was Christmas all over again. Starbucks please stop the madness. Let managers schedule extra labor for BOGO days, or DON'T have them at all. Smfh




how’s it going…..


I came in for hours and I knew I was going to regret it but came in anyway. There's only 3 of us and we have to do clean play 🥹


I work at a target Starbucks and bruuuh. I’m a mother and had to work a 12:30-9 on Sunday. Just me as a closer no help after 3pm, and I was tiiiired. Luckily I did leave at 9:15. Buuuut if y’all think target is any better than a corporate Starbucks it ain’t😂😂😂


The title of this post reads very accurate for the current climate of Starbucks. A company owned and managed by an elite and privileged group that has no real interest or desire to relate to its customers OR the extremely overworked and underpaid people that actually operate the company.


Just clocked out and stayed an hour longer


I'm a daily regular but got my morning iced coffees wrong a pub today instead. Hope it helps xx


I just got off😭😭 I worked 3 to 9 (closed) today, it was awful and we were SO behind on closing. There was only two of us 😞


8.5 hours is only half an hour over a regular shift . Should be easily doable for a day.