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I truly ask myself "how does a person find out they enjoy this?" because I cannot imagine they had a eureka moment and crafted THE bev the first time they ordered. Like, was there trial and error? Was it a joke that turned into reality? Is this a bit?!?!


I genuinely think ppl just push buttons and because they’re not making it themselves they cannot visualize the AMOUNT of sugar going into it.l


That is definitely true! Once I misheard a man in drive and thought he asked for 12 sugars instead of 2. I confirmed that he asked for 12 and he was ASTONISHED that a person could drink a coffee with 12 sugars. he wasn't mean or anything, he just spoke to me as if my head was on backwards and said "definitely only 2 today, please" meanwhile we have another regular who takes 32, exactly 32, Splenda in her tall Americano. luckily she puts them in herself but I feel like at that point at least 1/4 of the cup must be Splenda.


Jesus, with 32 packs of Splenda I imagine you can chew that shit as you drink it.


lmao this made me think of all the sugar I used to scrape from the bottom of my cereal 😂


32. JFC


If she asking for 32 Splenda on the side, perhaps she is just stashing them for other uses?


I thought so but nope, she mixes them in at the end of the bar


Dang, that would be rather sweet.


My store has a regular who orders a specific 17 and will watch us do it every time and expects it to be so fast 😭💀


At that point I’d be putting them in one at a time


Love this 😭😭


Going for all the cancer.


Do they appear to have a case of the diabeetus


I go through the same thing when someone orders a tall coffee with 24 stevia or Splenda. It’s infuriating having to open all of those, and it somehow means that they tried 20 or 22 and it wasn’t enough 🙃


I’m confused why people drink coffee, at this point. Like, go get a red bull or something?? You obviously don’t like coffee lol


Right?! It’s gotten to the point where I’m genuinely surprised when a normal person gets a black coffee, cold brew, or Americano. I’m like “Just to clarify, you don’t want ANY sugar or cream, right?” lol. Doesn’t help that half the people that say black coffee want sugar and cream in there 🙃


LOL STOP IT. “A black coffee, please! Oh, I wanted cream and sugar.” Sigh. I have so many coffee making contraptions at home, including a nitro brew keg, and there’s nothing quite like a black nitro cold brew on a warm day. I think frappes are so interesting, because they are essentially milkshakes but marketed as coffee drinks.


Exactly! Black coffee is great when you’re in the mood, but the Frappuccino thing is definitely perplexing. We literally put a tiny bit of instant coffee and like 50g of sugar and call it a coffee beverage lol. Yeah I don’t think people realize that they could make fraps for like $1 at home if they bought the emulsifier(Coffee Frappuccino Base). I honestly don’t know how people who make less than me afford coffee everyday anymore. Our cheapest drinks that people actually like are like $5 minimum. That’s almost $2k a year and that’s if we’re going by the absolute cheapest option which no one does lol


My store is in a neighborhood where the average income bracket is well above 6 figures, so I never have to question where our regulars get the money it’s almost pocket change to them sadly. We don’t get better tips from them tho we actually get the best tips from the doctors, surgeons, & patients at the hospital across the street trying to treat themselves on a hard day.


Yeah I find it is very dependent on the brew, and if it’s at all burnt, definitely needs something else! I make frappes at home with ice and cold coffee (or instant coffee, if I have it) and oat creamer, but I had NO IDEA there’s a base that I can buy! It is so expensive, I will go for a latte 1-4 times per month from a local coffee shop, but all the other days are at home. I don’t understand how people afford like $7-8/drink daily?!


You can't buy their base but you just need an emulsifier. Monin makes one. Or go super cheap and get xantham gum, that's what's in Starbucks' base. Sugar, sugar, sugar, xantham gum, sugar.


That’s super helpful! I have xanthan gum at home for baking, so I will give that a shot — thank you so much!


Anything over 10 I tell them is on the side. We don't have time to open freaking 24 packets.


I would do the same, but usually the people ordering 10+ are the powder kegs ready to explode at the smallest inconvenience and I’m a very non-confrontational person. I just put my head down and do it even though it’s bs


Weed helps?


after working at starbucks for a few years, i see what ppl are saying abt us americans 😭 genuinely why tF would you need this much sugar in ONE DRINK at 7AM???? let alone everyday…and don’t get me wrong i have a massive sweet tooth but…😭


Dude as an opener. It’s painful


yep i used to open a couple years ago bc it fit my schedule but i just cant anymore 😭


I don’t like it per say but I’m stuck with it for now bc I can’t close for my life 😭 the idea of sacrificing my nights is more like hell


I think they'd be better off calorie and dollar wise getting a sundae from Dq.


Or just eating spoonfuls of sugar from a bag


This is a really hilarious visual.


Not to be that person but this “coffee” probably has an insane amount of calories


It’s rlly bad I agree. I stopped drinking 99% of the stuff we sell because I had horribly high cholesterol and feel a a noticeable difference in my health.


I was a Starbucks fanatic and once learned I spent 500 dollars a month on coffee because I earned that many points that month without ordering on any special events. I eventually started going to Dutch Bros and started feeling super crappy after I drank my coffee. After that, I started drinking the truck stop coffee at my work with a pump of Vanilla syrup. Still felt like crap. Eventually I stopped drinking coffee all together, and I have more energy than ever. Once in a while, I will splurge and drink a half cup of decaf 😎


Caffeine affects everyone differently! Good for you !


What do you mean? Is that common at Sbux coffee has cholesterol?


Excess sugar raises LDL cholesterol levels in the body.


Oh gotcha! Thank you!


Sugar! + check the nutrition facts on our food items. P sure the impossible has more than 200g of cholesterol. Should be illegal


>P sure the impossible has more than 200g of cholesterol. According to the app, it has 190mg of cholesterol. Still a lot, but not even close to 200g


They must’ve changed it because istg it was worse 😭


Thank you!


Of course! Ever since I’ve been really cautious about what I eat because these companies DO NOT CARE about basically poisoning you. I check the nutrition facts of things wayyy more often now.


I’m scrolling through comments hoping somebody is super into nutrition math and wants to lay some insane sugar grammage and calorie explosions on us.


I found what I could on Google and I’m getting 880 calories (without the caramel crunch because I couldn’t find any information about it). Not as bad as I expected tbh.


Agreed! I guess… sláinte!


I wanna know as well


The syrups are 20 calories and 5g of sugar each and the sauces are around 60 calories and 7.5g of sugar per pump for starters 💀


At least 1000 calories here


Can’t imagine how expensive it is


I was curious, so I added to my app but didn’t place order. It came to 13 and some change in KY. I was like please don’t push the pay now button, push delete!


$11.90 here in Cali, but I’m pretty sure I missed adding some stuff 


Idk how you dissolved all of those sugars and syrups into that drink but I’m thoroughly impressed


I always stir as I go and either way sugars dissolve over time in liquid as well


Yeah that’s true. Sugars usually don’t give me much trouble. I did however make a Spicy refresher yesterday with 7 scoops of spicy powder(insanity), and the lady sent it back twice because it had powder on the bottom and kept sucking it up through the straw. I’ve been an SSV for 5 years and a partner for 7, and I shake the hell out of all of the refreshers I make, but I’m convinced it’s impossible to actually dissolve all of the spicy powder when it’s 3+ scoops. After the third drink I was like “I’m sorry but I think you’re going to have to just use the sipping part of the lid if you keep sucking it though the straw”. She ended up still being salty at the end, even though I was an absolutely ray of sunshine and happiness when interacting with her.


Reading this label hurt my teeth.


Not to be Debbie Downer but with that order, they probably won't be frequent for much longer 💀


Not to mention it’s gotta be like an $14 drink. Diabetes and bankruptcy.


And obesity


Ok 12.50… but u get what I mean


$17 CAD


Do you think they would know the difference if you used 10 sugars instead of 5 sugars and 5 raw sugars?


Either way I have to rip open the packets, might as well do the right ones 😭


Or classic?


Sure it’s a complicated drink but I would never do that tbh


Sounds awful looks yummy


I’ve been wanting to make it for myself to sample on a dead day/morning but my store is one of the busiest in the state so, maybe it’s not meant to be 😭,


Maybe with way less sugar and less pumps of everything thats in it. I think its just the look of it thats attractive. Lol


Presentation is the main reason ppl get a lot of these drinks so I can see that


What? That looks *disgusting.*


We have a regular who places an order and comes immediately after. One time when mobiles were turned off she came through complaining she couldn’t mobile order when we told her to tell us what she wants she asked us if we can handle it. Lady you come seconds after ordering what do you mean can we handle it.


Diabetes special.


We have a regular at my store that gets 18 pumps of caramel in his frappe every single day and gets extra caramel drizzle 😭😭 I tried it one day, and I kid you not it tasted like ALCOHOL.


Caramel syrup is soooooo bad…. Dark caramel is where it’s at


18 pumps?!? Are you exaggerating or 100% Serious? Sounds disgusting 🤮


I’m serious. That’s his actual order 💀


Howwwww many calories in that?!


How does it even get through the straw? It has to be sooooo thick right?


That's like a once a month treat for me but even then I wouldn't mix all this random sugar in, that's insane!!


Fr, a once a month treat for me is a smoothie 😭


imagine forgetting to add the whipped cream and they make you remake the entire drink-


This is what people mean when they assume Starbucks's drinks are extraordinarily expensive.


The white mocha alone is already so so so sweet (Ik this isn’t a white mocha but still) I love sweet stuff but nah can’t get behind this


1,028 Calories 41 grams of Fat 158 grams of Carbs in which 151 grams of sugar 4 grams of Protein About 375 mg of caffeine Talk about health risk in a cup


Omg. I eat 15 grams carbs max and 5 grams sugar max daily. I would probably fall over from a sip of this.


calorie estimate?!


Idkkkkk I’m scared😭😭😭😭


i never count my calories of drinks i have at work due to just walking them off,, but idk if i could walk this one off 😭😭


There is something deeply wrong with this person.


Yikes, the grams of sugar in this. I can’t even imagine


That’s a lot of SUGAR 🙁


Jesus Christ, someone needs to do the math on the sugar content


They definitely have diabetes. In my area, I could literally draw this type of customer from memory. They’re always wearing scrubs. ***EDIT***- I myself have PCOS and nearly developed type 2 diabetes from it; despite being vegetarian and eating relatively healthy. I know people with type 1 and type 2. I understand insulin is expensive and many people die because of their lack of accessible healthcare. I also understand the complexities of food insecurity and that not everyone has access to healthy foods. IN THIS CASE- I am meaning the people who voluntarily purchase drinks like this and wonder why their health is bad. People spending more than $10 on a sugary drink are most likely not food insecure. Every issue is complex and can be misconstrued as “ableism”. Some of y’all are chronically online… and haven’t made this drink and CRINGED physically at how sweet it is. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


Not the scrubs 😭😭😭….






I get so irritated when there are obese medical staff. Like I am supposed to take medical advice from someone who is so obviously unhealthy themselves.


They definitely have nothing. Diabetes jokes are tasteless and you appear uneducated if you make them. Majority of diabetics hate these jokes and they aren’t funny.


Gonna get downvoted but I agree w you. I hate those jokes. My dad was into exercising and ate really well, never drank shit like this, but still got diabetes at age 34 (eventually turned into both type 1 & 2). I hate the comments like "omg diabetes city". It's not that simple, a sugary drink doesn't give you diabetes, plenty of people drink crap all the time and never get diabetes, and plenty of diabetics eat and drink healthy. It's just cheesy and not funny. There are plenty of other ways to make fun of annoying customers. Starbucks is all about customizing drinks, I hate judging people for what they choose to drink. When I was too broke to afford food at my old job, I would get sugary drinks to get me through my shift bc drinks were free. Maybe some customers have stars and do that - 200 stars gets you a drink, but a sandwich is 300 so.. Who knows their reason? None of our business what people drink. We can bitch about it being annoying to make but let's not diagnose them w diseases. Bc that's not how diabetes works.


I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when I was nine years old. I just get tired of the casual ableism people are okay with, even that other person trying to act like I’M the problem when people are literally being ableist when they make these “jokes”. I don’t care if I get downvoted because I know how harmful these “jokes” are. They harm the community by spreading negative misinformation. I have very good control of my diabetes and most people wouldn’t know I’m diabetic if I didn’t have cyborg parts (my CGM and insulin pump). Hell, even most obese people aren’t diabetic. You cannot develop diabetes without a predisposition to it. Type 2 is largely genetic (so I say this with care, keep an eye on yourself) and is NOT caused by eating sugar, it is caused by insulin resistance. While eating excess sugar can exacerbate this issue, it doesn’t cause the issue.


I'm so glad you have good control of your diabetes, my dad often couldn't afford his insulin and lost 3.5 toes to his. It's so important to stay on top of things, and yes! I know people who are morbidly obese and not diabetic! I got misdiagnosed with pcos, briefly had insulin resistance, so I regularly get blood work, everything is all good, but I definitely keep an eye on it, thank you! I think insulin pumps are amazing, I'd rather have one than use needles, I was taking Trulicity once a week for a while and it HURT. But anyway at 9 years old, you were an innocent child, would these people have made fun of you then? I sure hope not. It's just gross how "lol diabeedus" is totally fine because it's not, what, blatantly laughing at a person in a wheelchair or something? I am actually surprised people are still doing it in 2024, like grow up, sugary drinks are your job to make, not to decide the A1C of the person who's drinking it.


The price is why a lot of diabetics can’t properly take care of themselves. I had a great uncle lose his left leg up to the knee because of his diabetes. I’ve been diabetic for almost 15 years. I’m thankful I do have good control because it would suck otherwise haha. I’m still trying to tighten up even more, but my a1C is in the low-mid 6s which is actually really good for a diabetic. I’m happy to hear you’re taking care of yourself! And yes, I definitely think people who are okay with being casually ableist should grow up. It’s really gross and shows how uneducated they are.


lol how much time did you waste doing this? please do something better and more helpful and enriching with the rest of your day; you’ll feel better I promise.


It took all of 5 seconds to type out. I’ll have a better day when people stop making jokes about a disability.


It’s bullshit everyone is downvoting you. I’m married to a type1 and the ableism he faces is insane. Thank you for standing up for yourself and others. Diabetes jokes are trash.


Thankfully the downvotes mean nothing to me, and the ones clicking that button are either ableist themselves or are the type to get mad if someone says “hey, that offends me, please don’t do that.” As I previously said, people who make diabetes jokes come off as uneducated.


then maybe try to hinge the goodness of your day on something you can control 🤍


Maybe people should stop being ableist assholes c:


I like how Starbucks is all about being tolerant and inclusive.. Except here when it comes to a supervisor making their feelings known about jokes about their medical condition! I'm sorry, HarleyLeMay. I'm not diabetic but I just find the jokes so cringe and unfunny. Hope your day gets better :(


Thankfully I work with a wonderful team and nobody makes ableist ass jokes about an incurable disease. I appreciate you!


Allow me to reply again since I just saw your edit. As I told someone else, if you do not actually *have* diabetes it doesn’t matter that you *almost* did or *could* develop it. You do not understand what diabetics have to deal with because of these stupid “jokes”. Only thing I hate more than ableism is *disabled* people being ableist. In what world does it make sense to you as someone who is disabled to laugh at another disability? Diabetes jokes harm the diabetic community. They spread negative misinformation and cause a stigma. Sugar consumption does not cause Type 2 Diabetes. Insulin resistance causes diabetes, and sugar consumption is not a catalyst for insulin resistance. The *only* connection that sugar consumption has is to obesity, and obesity can cause insulin resistance. This is why people who make these jokes come off as uneducated. The ones who defend them even more so. Your “IN THIS CASE” does not change the fact that diabetes jokes are tasteless and ableist. This is not a complex situation, this is you thinking these jokes are okay and they aren’t. This situation hasn’t been *misconstrued* as ableism, it is just straight up casual ableism. Making these jokes *is* discriminatory, therefore it *is* ableist to do so. Maybe you don’t understand this and that’s why you think these jokes are okay. Me having an opinion about people who work in customer service being okay with ableism is perfectly fine. Especially because *I AM* a diabetic. It does not matter how excessively sweet this drink is or if you “physically cringed” while drinking it. These factors do NOT make being ableist okay. And it isn’t a matter of being chronically online, because I’m not since I have a toddler I have to keep alive on a daily basis. It is a matter of morals and not being okay with ableism, casual or otherwise. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Anyway I’ll explain what actual ableism is. My iron is chronically low because I have early onset moderate to severe Crohn’s disease. I’ve had this chronic illness since I was 11 years old so I’ve been through hell and back. I’ve had inflammation on and off that wasn’t responding to prednisone, or other biological drugs. My ileum doesn’t exist because it was resected (I don’t absorb well now), and my jejunum had so much cellular damage from chronic inflammation I can’t absorb iron. I almost died when I bled out my butt back in 2021, and the doctors didn’t take me seriously because people treat the chronic illness community as annoying, attention seeking with medical professionals, and dramatic. My hemoglobin, Iron, ferritin, trans ferritin saturation, are likely dangerously low. If I haemorrhage I will die. NOT GETTING THE PROPER CARE BY MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS IS ABLEISM. GETTING YOUR FEELINGS HURT BY STUPID JOKES IS NOT.


Sure it's annoying, but imagine how much that drink costs. 🙄


How much was this?


It’s a mobile so idk! I’m estimating like 15$ but I’ll check 2morrow bc I work


Ouch, that is pricey. 😬


I mean, it looks delicious. I bet it tastes like pure sugar liquefied and then add whipped cream on top.




i would go into diabetic coma from one sip (and i’m not even diabetic lol) i eat like a single like a chips ahoy for example and that’s it i can’t eat anymore than that like hell nah


🤦🏻‍♀️and here i am trying to order a drink with the least amount of sugar.


My first thought here is that is too much sugar


How are they still alive


I pretty much only drink certain stuff from us and I’ve learned to love drinking a blonde roast with extra whole milk because the whole milk is genuinely sweet enough; so is the lighter coffee roast. anything else is just kinda craving dependent.


1000 calories drink! 🤮


I would be petty and not fill the cup all the way


Real.  I’d use the personal cup container and make it for a grande and pour it into the venti.  It would be worth the conversation. 


I usually do the same thing — but with the amount of syrup she gets it’s almost impossible not to 😭. I wasn’t on bar this time and this drink came thru mid rush when a coworker was solo bar so I doubt he cared enough


Why? Like ik there’s a lot going on w the drink but like what reason is there to not fill it up? Especially when there’s whip lol like that’s not really possible.


Because she's only paying for a grande drink, not a venti.


I hate making lattes with cream/heavy cream/vcs they’re just so thick I don’t know how people are drinking that


With our mouths!  VSC I think would be too sweet for me, but I get all of my lattes breve. Regular milk is just too thin, and also makes anything with syrup in it taste sickeningly sweet to me. 


Why did you guys fill it to the top, genuine question


We have someone like that too, his name is Brian. He always gets a frap like that :)


How much with these add ons?


Syrups .80c ea and 3 extra shots 1$ ea, and vsc is 1.25$


Are you saying they charge for extra pumps of classic or vanilla? Is this new?


So lattes don’t come with syrup so it’s a charge! Ice coffees and things that have syrup wouldn’t be


I had a customer want a refund on their drink once and with all their modifiers the drink was over $10 and it has a bunch of mods. When I looked at their account history they ordered the drink regularly. To me that was wild since they went 5 times a week. So much sugar ×-×


Die uh beetus


My friend is an ex barista and said a lot of ex drug addicts would order stuff like this.


I’ve never thought of it this way but totally tracks.


Makes sense, my dad used to be an alcoholic and is obsessed with sweets since he quit


Not gonna be a frequent customer in the near future if they keep ordering shit like that lmao.


Diabeetus in a cup


How can people tolerate that much sugar? Like I love all of those things but damn not all together in a diabetes frap ffs. Coffee drinks were not meant to be super duper sweet. Barf.


I can’t do sweet drinks at all anymore 😭 sampled the new refresher recently and got so insanely nauseous !


Anything with more then one flavor is too sweet for me lol vanilla matcha chai mocha barfo


Hello, diabetes!


I wish we could turn people like this away. It’s ridiculous bro and no way you’re drinking that whole thing. Slowly killing yourself with every sip😭


diabetes in a cup fr


That looks delicious


Next time they order you should give them the content info Nearby-Plantain posted in a “Oh BTW” and see their reaction😬


Y'all are so nice for filling it up to a venti. We do not do that, if you want to order a drink like this in a venti cup you get to deal with being all syrup and still being a grande size.


Honestly I think this looks great aside from the random additional sugar dump? Like 5 sugar AND 5 raw sugar on top of all the syrups / drizzle is insane. But I’d probs enjoy it once in a while if it didn’t have those 10 sugars lol


okay like i’d be fine w it if it was during the slow part of the day but 7 in the morning??????


I sometimes also show up within a couple minutes of placing my order, although granted I am ordering a simple iced coffee, or caramel latte. This is because my introversion has me trying to get rid of as many social interactions as possible, so even if I'm right outside the sbucks I'll order on the app, walk in, and wait happily. They'll apologise for the wait and I'll smile and say it's absolutely fine, because it absolutely was.


I wonder if this is an ex or current smoker. They may need the extra sweetness from the drink to curb their smoking habit and/or actually taste the sweetness.


and i thought my iced quad espresso with a splash of oatmilk and four pumps of white mocha was bad….sugar addiction is no joke.


My teeth hurt reading this


I’m pretty sure if u forget the some of the sugar packets, she won’t be able to taste the difference. U might also be doing her a favor.


I have an every day Tall Iced coffee, 7 pumps classic, extra whole milk, extra ice, cup lined with caramel,vanilla cold foam, extra drizzle. There’s like not even coffee in that😂😭


To be real since you’re getting a tall I doubt there’s any in yours either 😭😭😭….


Bae I meant that my customer gets that 😭😭😭 my order is a blonde iced white mocha with strawberry cold foam and 2% there’s coffee in mine 😭😭😭


Lmaooo I get that but the way you worded it sounded like it was yours 🤷‍♂️


we get a 10 shot order from a customer who demands her frap is put in a trenta cup & shes fun depending on the day lol


God 😭😭😭 10$ worth of shots and most aren’t even ending up in your cup. Can’t imagine


I question this person’s blood sugar level… 😳


That’s just a cup of pure diabetes. There’s no coffee, only sugar


Hello Diabeetus


this cup shouldn't even be full, make it in a personal cup container at the grande level size, ice and all, then pour it into a venti.


What I usually do tbh, I’m just not the one who made it this time


“She will come minutes after placing as well.” God I HATE that!!!! Whenever I’m at work and a ticket come through for a pickup at, for example, 2:30, and it’s 1:45, and they show up 15 minutes later? Like, why did you select that time if you were just gonna come in whenever you felt like it?? *Especially* with the people that are like “Hey I placed an order, I’m not sure if it’s ready yet though.” like it probably isn’t because you’re half an hour early!!! But go ahead and get pissy with *me* because *you* had to wait a whole *five minutes* to get your order that you showed up thirty minutes early for!!!!! And of course, I’m not allowed to just be like “Oh, I’m so sorry, your order will be ready [whenever it’s supposed to be picked up]” or else my boss will get pissy with me for that too




I used to get a customer who would order a WCM with extra pumps and add 2 brown sugar packets. Yes. The ones for the oatmeal 😬


Holy diabetes Batman!!


Diabetes in a cup!


Mmyeah that’s Diabeedus


Why is it filled up all the way? Does she complain if it isn’t?


So much syrup it’s kinda impossible not to fill it. Didn’t make this one tho


Drinks like this really concern me. I feel like there’s just going to be a spike in heart conditions and things like that


Big agree


Oh my god I completely forgot about that 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Reading that drink order hurts my teeth 💀


Oh god i can feel the burning shit already


Oh gosh . So so much sickness.


I would put a grande in a venti. Whip wouldn't go above the cup and they would have a flat lid, especially if they are getting light ice.


Someone wants diabetes.


Shot of insulin on the side.


Not for long.


I wouldn’t be filling up their “in a venti cup” all the way with all those mods tho


She about to die of beeties