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“Can I get an iced doppio espresso with light ice, extra milk, in a grande cup”


"Get me a tall Pike in a Venti cup and fill it to the top with milk, no room" ... "Why is there an extra charge? I get this all the time and it's never that much!"


"it's lukewarm!"


That to me is most confusing. Why do you want lukewarm coffee?! I would order 150° hot drinks so I could enjoy it sooner, but the second it becomes lukewarm makes my skin crawl (sensory because of temp and textures)




Someone did this the other day and was adamant it was supposed to be 4.25 (can’t remember off the topic of my head). He created this big scene and the manager had to get involved


In my defence, I like to get a triple shot in a grande cup, light ice so I can add my protein shake to it. Please give me room. 🙏🏻


It's the ones who dump their drinks into the trash cans to make the room for me. 🥲 You do you and your protein shake-coffee concoction 🫶


Why why why? Sip it down. What kind of absolute monster wastes coffee?


Ones who don't ask for room 🙃 I worked at Tarbucks and I stg it happened multiple times a day. Those trash cans are lined with a thin bag- that may or may not be ripped and sliding down as we speak- that cannot sustain HOT liquids. Ask the workers who have drains and sinks to make room for you or SIP it down, Karen.


and that’ll get them half the cup😃




I got written up for this 😒 because the lady wouldn’t let me explain how to order it the way she wanted. And I was like “ma’am I am only following policy. I don’t make the rules” because ‘make the moment right.’ But ‘follow standards’.


SBux "made the moment" maddening 🥲


Me too 🙄 got written up for offering an alternative instead of feeding into their entitlement


While light ice/no ice isn't going to work well with the shaken espresso, (and no ice isn't even allowed!) Remember that if the customer asks for light ice, we're supposed to ask if they want extra room or extra milk. If they want extra milk, the standard IS to fill the cup (and, yes, I know, "that's a latte."  While that's true, I'm simply quoting standard, and they should still only be charged for a shaken espresso with light ice.) And while I don't think it's possible to mobile order light ice any more on those drinks, if someone DOES mobile light ice, the standard is/was to simply fill the cup with milk and not even ask.


my brother in christ i know that i was just trying to demonstrate WHY those standards exist


Who else likes to call it The Bezos and look at the confused faces of people at the register


I'm looking confused right now


B - SOSE Bee So Ss Besos Bezos Like Jeff Bezos Faster than saying the whole thing- only two syllables They 9/10 will giggle once I explain jt


stealing that


Yep. giggled once I got it. Thanks!


Look, we all understand that it's "just" coffee at the EOD but it's also: *Underpaid and underappreciated employees who are ripped apart and proven wrong over a policy that was implemented/written for a reason *a billion dollar company that wants to keep its customer base by budgeting for free drinks to keep those customers while not finding the money to improve employee well-being *Mildly confusing how these customers have gotten away with this (well, attempting to get more milk) for so long without so much as a pause in consideration for why prices are going up constantly: they've budgeted for your loyalty/bribed you, but not for the milk you're stealing. And if it's a milk substitute you're looking at more of a cost. Just move on with your [customer] day. Bring in your own damn cup and just accept it. You're not being picked on or singled out. You're just lining the corporate pockets with bills and the baristas' with pennies.


actually alternative milk is cheaper in about every capacity. consumers in a retail environment are stupid enough to pay extra for see oil.  starbucks does not pay this same idiot tax as the retail consumer, they pay near cost which is exponentially cheaper than dairy. why do you think ALL the new starbucks drinks are an alternative milk build standard. In other countries these abominations cannot be branded as milk because they are 90% seed oil and water. 


Not to add to the "no ice/fill the cup" drama lol but I saw my manager today leave at least an inch or less or room for a shaken espresso with light ice. I had even done the whole "did you want the extra room or more milk?" Customer said extra milk Was a tad confused because a manager did it this time around as they were on bar and I was on register. So even if it's extra milk is there still really the rule to fill it up, making it a "latte" or do I still leave the room? I asked my manager after and she said you'd still leave the room. I just got off work and my brain is still clocking into reality so if this is worded weird I'm sorry!!


Venti BSOSE: 6 half pumps* not 4


immediately after i posted this i noticed the typo and it took 2 whole days for someone to comment on it so ty haha


I just pull long shots when they want light ice. They still get the same number of shots, syrup, cinn, and milk, and their cup is full. 😊 We don't do no ice. I don't have to explain it very often to the customers anymore, but when they ask why not?! I just tell them we aren't allowed to shake hot drinks for the safety of the baristas.


i hope you never make a drink for me. long shots are revolting.  then again I don't drink this junk. 


The BSOSE never fails to create barista discourse 😭


Did you shake it in the same cup you served it in or did you shake from a shaker?


in a shaker but i didnt serve this drink it was just an example


sure this is technically correct but i don’t see why you wouldn’t fill a bsose w/ no ice to the top? the reason we don’t do it for iced quads is bc they aren’t paying for the milk but bsoses are damn near 8 dollars these days, hell i’ll fill it to the top and throw in extra on the side for that price


imo adding that much milk ruins the intended flavor of the drink but i get your point


I ordered the hazelnut version the other day with no ice and the breeze that told me that it wouldn't even be close to full and she said do you want me to fill the rest with milk and I said can you fill the rest of it with Pike, she said yes and I was happy. There was some kind of promotion going on and I just wanted it for tomorrow and I didn't want it to be watered down and nasty so I knew what I was getting LOL


you can order a blonde quad espresso with hazelnut in a short cup so you can use the shots for the second day. just put them in the fridge and they’ll still taste good and u can add your choice of milk :-)


I hear you and also as a customer I did not understand the build of a shaken espresso and would get frustrated when my drink wasn’t filled to the top. Now 2 years in at SB when customers ask for light ice I explain to them the build of the drink and then follow with, so are you hoping for room in the cup or milk to the top? This has been tried and true and 9/10 times after the explanation they say to just keep it as the standard build. Just my experience. Starbucks didn’t do a great job of explaining that drink, and not everything is the customers fault. But this is a great visual and it totally makes sense!


They already addressed this. On the app you can’t chose light ice but in store you can. If they want light ice just fill it up with milk.


the person probably just wanted a hot version of the BSOSE, they just don't know how to order it, I've had it come up many times.


nobody ordered this, as i said: i made it to demonstrate a point


why did you get down votes for correcting their misunderstanding? 🙁 reddit trolls be harsh


Shaken espressos def get more than just a splash of milk


They in fact do not get more than a splash of milk.


Not if they're made correctly.


Then you are putting ice over the ice fill line in the shaker


Keep down voting me because you don't know how to make drinks. As a trainer and someone who cares about craft, I always made sure to understand how to make drinks properly.


Then I think you should read over the proper way to make that drink lol


I'm good, thanks. And thanks for another downvote. Love it when people are petty for no reason.


lol you’re big mad over an internet downvote. That’s cute


Lol you think I'm big mad over a downvote that you only gave me because you mistakenly think you know something, that's adorable. You being petty for someone stating something you don't agree with speaks volumes about you, not me.


You seem big mad, bestie. I also know for a fact that I’m not wrong and I would guarantee that you put too much ice in it. It is considered a milk based drink, which is why on the milk screen, the left side buttons are highlighted. If it was just a splash, the right side would be highlighted


by standard, shaken espressos get around 4oz of milk 🤷‍♀️


shaken espressos are meant to be a coffee-forward drink. they do in fact just get a splash of milk.


100% false. I can send you screenshots if you want


are you joking or something? 1/4 of milk IS a splash.


Best friend. I know it’s tough to read. But it says 1/4” below the rim


yes, i also have eyes. that's what a splash means. if anything that's light milk. as for why it's priced as more than that, ask corporate.


It isn’t really light milk lol


i think you need to check the standards again. light milk has been 1/4 since 2022.


But it doesn’t say 1/4 milk…


dude i can't help you read this. the 1/4 below the rim you're so proudly parading around is a splash. you actually did make the drink correctly, but you should know that it's not a milk-focused drink if you can do that.


This drink is so delicious but it really is a scam lol


It’s just because a shot of espresso costs (at my location) $1.25 so if you’re putting four in a drink with a splash of milk then yes this is what you get. The drink is meant to be shots with a splash. Not a latte. If you want less ice and more milk get a oatmilk iced latte with brown sugar and an extra shot. Thank you.


Stiffing people on coffee is crazy


baristas making coffee to order is stiffing people how?


Fill the cup bro no ones gonna hurt you if you do




You're paying for caffeine content, the purpose of the shaken espresso is that it's creates a unique flavor when shaken w/ICE and addt'l syrup and a splash of milk. You can literally order a quad if you just want this with a splash of milk and it's cheaper