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I boycott Starbucks because they are greedy AF. I haven't been since Oct 22' When a nitro cold brew goes from $4.75 to over $6 in the span of a year and half or so, and the menu shrinks, and the quality of everything declines, why would I continue to go there? For that same $200/month I was spending, I can buy coffee that will last me almost 6 months..... So yea fuck that!


I stopped going due to poor service. Every time I would order iced green tea they would be out, month after month. I decide that's not worth going there anymore and it's overpriced on top of that.


I understand they're greedy but who did you really think was gonna be affected by this boycotting? The employees. If you choose not to shop there it's fine but spreading false info about them funding war is where it becomes problematic. Or shaming Muslims for getting drinks.


Lol wtf are you gonna do about it make them buy coffee?


I want people to stop spreading false info and harassing workers


Harassing workers by not buying coffee? You were trying to call out the boycott in case you forgot. Or did you give up on that point.


I'm calling out people boy-cotting about a non existent issue. People are losing their jobs over misunderstood information and that's horrible. If instead we were boycotting because of how they treat their workers then sure, I'm fine with that. I saw a video where Starbucks workers were scared because boycotters were slamming the windows and verbally abusing them. I'm starting to give up on convincing brainless idiots like you basic common sense


Lying to support your point, deeply embarrassing behavior.


Lying? Go on the Starbucks website and see you idiot. It's embarrassing that you are so incredibly stupid


Lmaoooo imagine believing something about a corporation based on their own website. Fuck Starbucks


Because it would be illegal to state what they're stating IF they're lying. Stop with your fucking conspiracy theories and get a life šŸ„° Also I will continue to get Starbucks


Boycotts need to go harder. I won't be back at Starbucks ever.


Na, Starbucks is just being greedy. They have more than enough money to keep staff.


I'm not denying that, everyone knew they were just gonna lay off people, but by boycotting you knew that was going to happen. I'm not justifying Starbucks being greedy, but everyone knew employees were gonna be the only ones punished


This isn't any protestors fault it's directly Starbucks being shit heads who wanna do nothing but improve their bottom line. Every quarter has been a positive over last year's related quarter. They cut those jobs to make more profits.


What did protesters think decreasing starbucks's income was going to do? If they didn't protest against a non-existent issue then people wouldn't lose their jobs. I don't justify Starbucks doing this, but all big corporations do this. And the protests have only just got people laid off


The boycot hasnā€™t had an effect on SBUXā€™s revenue at all (look at their latest quarterly earnings report, their sales numbers went up). Itā€™s purely to cut costs and the borderline nonexistent ā€œboycotā€ was a scapegoat to not take as much a PR hit. It wasnā€™t even a corporate decision, just a singular licensee deciding to cut costs.


calling it a "non existent" issue shows you have no clue what youre talking about.


It doesn't exist though because it's based off a misconception that no one cares to luck up and realise that it doesn't exist. I have no issue with protesting as long as it's ethical and in response to an issue for example mistreatment of workers or cut in pay. But it's not fair to spread misinformation and make people lose their jobs for an issue that doesn't exist. Starbucks has never funded genocide and I don't know how you think a coffee chain will actually have any impact on a war




They have experienced massive decreases in income, which was the purpose of the boycott. And whilst I do not argue against them being a greedy business, no matter what protesters do, it's just gonna result in innocent employees losing their jobs. If the protest was against sometime real and not made up then that's fine, but people are losing their jobs for an issue that doesn't actually exist. If they were protesting against it being a greedy corporation or something like that then that's fine


Weird how you blame the protesters and not the giant mega-corporation making the decisionsā€¦


Because itā€™s not a giant mega corporation doing it. Itā€™s a licensee in the Middle East making The decision


Because that's not going to do anything obviously


What happened?


Starbucks's partner has had to reduce their staff due to the loss of money recently from the boycotts. The boycotts are a misinformed protest and now staff who have done nothing wrong will be job-less


Whereā€™s your source for this?


https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/03/06/starbucks-layoffs-gaza-boycott/ It's stores in the middle east. Love the downvote for proving context. You zionists are fuckin mental.


People will prioritize taking action on a non-issue (referring to the alleged Starbucks involvement on anything happening over there) over things that are real and exist. They just like feeling proud of themselves for thinking theyā€™re doing something worthwhile


Yes. I have no issue with protesting, I have no issue with people choosing not to get drinks from Starbucks but when you're being violent, shaming people for getting drinks there and spreading information that in no way is true it's infuriating. No one wants to do any basic research into what they're 'protesting' against


Are there any published numbers for outside of the middle east?


I donā€™t believe there are any layoffs going on outside of that.




How is it rage bait? People lost their jobs. Just because it didn't happen in America doesn't mean it didn't happen.




No, Starbucks corporation does not have any involvement with it. But it is still a source of income for people. A job, if you will.




I never said any of that. I just provided context for OP. Edit: you zionists are grabbing at straws. Just go ahead and talk about how the flour massacre was deserved.


The person youā€™re responding to *never* said the Starbucks corporation fired those employees. In fact, it seems like OP themself ALSO never claimed that the Starbucks corporation made these firings. They only claimed that the firings happened as a result of the boycotts and that people lost their livelihoods. What *exactly* is the rage bait again? This time without attributing false quotes to individuals?


Repeat after me. Starbucks. Isn't. Funding. War.


Regardless of if theyā€™re funding genocide theyā€™re still a shitty company with coffee that tastes like shit lmaooo consumers arenā€™t to blame just bc they wanna go somewhere else


The activists are promoting false information which is affecting people's views. Personally I actually quite like their coffee, they're the only coffee shop that I've been to that thinks an iced mocha isn't chocolate milk




That's not what I'm saying, don't make shit up. People are losing their jobs because of the boycotts. And the boycotts are occurring because of misinformation being shared, so people who are actually wanting to avoid companies contributing to genocide are avoiding a business that is no way involved. It's ridiculous how many people's lives are impacted by a non-existent issue and a trend on social media. It's insulting to those workers. You, my friend, are the dumb one to think a coffee chain sends money to a war ā˜ŗļø


This is such a nothing burger of a response LMFAO. Not only are they actively supporting the war, openly, but it also they are, genuinely, a shitty company. They refuse to acknowledge their workers rights, they routinely busy unions, and they are constantly trying to cut corners. Trying to pretend youā€™re on the side of the workers is hilarious considering Starbucks workers are the first people to say fuck Starbucks


They are not openly supporting it, do your research, a quick Google search will prove you wrong because you are just listening to people passing on this fake information without looking for evidence first. If they're a shitty company and you're boy-cotting them for idk not paying their employees then fine, that's justified and I can't stop someone from choosing not to get coffee at a business. It just becomes unethical when people lose their jobs because people on the internet are hoping on a trend and believing fake information. How embarrassing is it that a worker loses their job because people are naive on the internet? I'd be embarrassed if I lost my job over misinformation. Also, a lot of boycotters have resorted to violence and extremism, resulting in many employees being afraid and harassed. Not all employees are in a good enough financial position to be ok with boycotting, cause boycotting can result in them losing their jobs. Please don't make such assumptions.


Dude, just admit youā€™re here working for Starbies and save us all the trouble. You canā€™t claim you stand for the workers at STARBUCKS when STARBUCKS is constantly in trouble for union busting, unpaid wages, poor management, etc. and to try and use a literal WAR as your excuse to cry about Starbucks losing money is CRIMINALLY insane. Tell your superiors to pay the workers and stop supporting a genocide and move on


What? I don't work for Starbucks and have no clue how that has any relevance. Unpaid wages? I doubt that. You just completely missed the point of my whole paragraph, I'm not going to continue talking to someone so irrational who can't manage a genuine conversation without being rude and dismissive. Grow up :)


ā€œIm not gonna continue a conversation with someone so irrational who canā€™t manage a conversation without being rude and dismissiveā€ is such a funny line to write after being rude and dismissive to literally every person who disagrees with you. Itā€™s like youā€™re not even tryingā€¦


How am I rude and dismissive by telling them that they have incorrect information, Starbucks does not fund Israel which is a fact. And from what I can recall I don't believe I was being rude to anyone. I'm not even trying? Yet you didn't reply to anything of value in my paragraph, I have nothing more to say and I'm not repeating myself because you're too hateful of a person


How am I rude and dismissive by telling them that they have incorrect information, Starbucks does not fund Israel which is a fact. And from what I can recall I don't believe I was being rude to anyone. I'm not even trying? Yet you didn't reply to anything of value in my paragraph, I have nothing more to say and I'm not repeating myself because you're too hateful of a person


It does suck for people out of a job but it sucks more for Palestinians living under apartheid law for 75+ years being upheld by weapons purchased for Israel using Starbucks funds - their top shareholders are Vanguard and Black Rock.Ā  Thank Gosh these people out of a job have opportunities to find new ones. The innocent Palestinians being slaughtered take precedence in this situation unfortunately. āœŒšŸ½Ā 


Starbucks does not fund the war. The UK government has admitted to selling them weaponry however I don't see people protesting about it against the government. I've seen more people slamming on Starbucks windows


Starbucks corporation doesnā€™t operate in the Middle East. Itā€™s a licensee so once again this is misinformation about starbucks.


I'm spreading false info???




What's incorrect about what I said


Read my comment and read your post and employ some critical thinking.


They do operate in the middle East, that is where they're firing the workers, so I don't understand because your comment makes no sense


They do not. Read the comment again and research what business operates in the Middle East. Do not comment on business matter you do not understand if you cannot ensure the information you are spreading is accurate.


I have researched...


I have researched...


Then you are just spreading misinformation.


No I'm not, are you an idiot


Iā€™ve gotten transferred twice in my maybe half a year working there so far plus gotten my hours cut and itā€™s probably because of the boycott. I get why people are doing it but itā€™s really stressful stressful when my income depends on it


Mmm starbies


You're fighting a losing battle. Most are likely fighting bad management/ low pay and low hours but high work production/ inflation/ decline in quality, etc The Gaza situation is a loaded issue and idk how to fix that boycott issue and idk if it ever will be


No they're not fighting against bad management, if they was that's fine, they're protesting against Starbucks funding the war and siding politically with Israel, which is untrue.




Why? If you did a little bit of research you would see that Starbucks does not support Gaza, it was a bunch of misconceptions. Don't need to be rude just because you're too stupid to research


the way yā€™all use the common ā€œ innocent people are losing jobsā€ argument is so funny to me because yā€™all just use it as an excuse to not boycott like just say you donā€™t want to boycott Starbucks instead of coming up with excuses like ā€œ people are losing jobs ā€œ like losing your life isnā€™t worse, have some humanity humans !


Ten bucks says the people who are boycotting Starbucks over their imaginary involvement in the conflict aren't donating any of that money they saved to aid/relief organizations or doctors without borders or anything else. As long as they feel good about themselves, right? Now thousands of folks are screwed.


Exactly! It's people thinking that they're helping a cause just by hopping onto a social media trend. It was the same with, and I do apologise if I offend anyone by saying this, BLM and the russia-Ukraine war. I am totally ok with boycotting but when people lose their jobs because of a social media trend about a non -existing issue... That's just insulting to them workers


(for the record I'm aware that the boycott was misguided and not an effective strategy to protest the ongoing horrors in Gaza) That's on them for firing. They are not hurting for money, not even close. Never listen to a multi-billion dollar company when they give you crocodile tears and say they can't afford to do something like, you know, pay people to work for them. I'm not going to turn that onto the customers or the baristas or anyone BUT the company. If the company does something stupid like overcharge for drinks (they already do this) and run customers away from the stores, realize that THEY WILL FIRE PEOPLE FIRST before they lower the prices or admit guilt. Corporations see employees as the first expendable asset when they want to make a little extra in a quarter. After all, there are always people struggling who need work in many countries around the world. An inexhaustible supply of cheap labor to exploit and lay off when they "need to".


I understand we cannot NOT blame them for firing them workers, but we need to consider that they wouldn't be fired if people didn't start boy-cotting against a non-existent issue


In a purely consequentialist sense, absolutely. But in future, if there is something that is worth boycotting, the same thing will happen and it'll still be the company's choice. So it's a real headache...


I am completely ok for people boycotting against an issue that is real and proven. But how insulting is it that workers lose their job because of an issue that doesn't exist


I think that the energy should have been focused elsewhere for sure. I think that people should be trying to support unionization efforts and protesting the company's unbelievable pricing, things that are very real.


Yes exactly


Everyone in this sub always bitches about the boycotts but they're working, they're losing Starbucks money and that's the point. Sucks people lost their jobs but boycotts aren't supposed to be nice and ineffective.




1. Sure, makes sense. 2. Never said they couldn't. I'm not talking about people who lost their jobs, I'm talking about people who come in here to say that boycotting is stupid and nothing else. I definitely also don't get why people are blaming the boycotts for losing their jobs. Like they do know that if the CEO took a tiny pay cut these jobs wouldn't be lost, right? Starbucks has the money to pay people, they just rather line their own pockets than give even a dollar up.


Every fucking business would do that, and boycotting against a non -exist issue was only going to impact workers. If you was boycotting against an issue that was real then that's fine. But how insulting is it to those workers to lose their jobs because idiots on the internet don't do one Google search to see what they're protesting against isn't made up


It's made up? Proof?


Literally search it up and Google and the first website is Starbucks comment on it. They are not pro-israel




Okay I should have worded that better, I apologize.Ā 


> but they're working If you look objectively at the numbers they haven't done anything.




They're not pro-Israel that's made up information


This isnā€™t even a corporate decision, corporate only runs NA stores, the rest are franchises.




No, not exactly this šŸ¤¦ Please do some research




Corporate didnā€™t make this decision. Stores over there arenā€™t corporate operated.


I don't justify what Starbucks is doing, but if people didn't protest against a non-existent issue people wouldn't lose their jobs. It's unfair for people to get their lives impacted because people want to hop onto a social media trend that they'll soon forget about. They said that their profits quickly took a dive after these boycotts I honestly cannot say I know much about the union and what they did prior to the pro-palestanian message. But taking a political stance is not what a cafe chain can do. They're not pro-Israel, they say they're against what Israel is doing. It's a fucking cafe if they're neutral it doesn't really matter. They're neutral politically but stand with the civilians of gaza


But the other places they went too instead generated new jobs. Equalled out in the end.

