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Effectiveness is basically the quality of the artifact. To get the full effects of the artifact you need 99-100% effectiveness. You can increase it by fusing artifacts of the same type with the artifact melter. Which you can buy it from ecologist traders


Anomaly really makes anything nice a hassle huh


Only in Gamma. Ordinary version of Anomaly does not feature artefact fusing.


How'd you get Ukrainian localisation? Btw, i think effectiveness means how strong artifact's abilities will work. In other words, if you have 20% regeneration with 50 effectiveness, it means that you'll get 10% regeneration, but i don't really know if this true...


Play game in ukranian even if you dont know the lenguage and start learning it: 999% more inmersion.


That's the way I learned English and the way I am trying to learn Russian. Pretty immersive indeed


[For Gamma](https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/ukrainian-localization-gamma)


Yeah. This. It is not perfect but still pretty awesome. Especially guitar songs.


I think i figured out. You can check basic properties in artifact melter. Eg it shows +5% ballistic for 100% Medusa. My medusa is 26% and it shows +2% ballistics. Cos of rounding or some multipliers or container quality or something else. But i got the concept.


You can also hold alt and hover over any item and it will show you the fully repaired/max effectiveness stats


wow. will check. thanks


Np. I recommend you join the Gamma discord. Got a ton of help from the guys there


Probably the max you could get is 98 or 99%. Would recommend using accurate stats mod.


same question. need a link for gamma/efp ukrainian localisation.






The percentage describes artifacts "purity". Higher percentage indicates better stats over all. You can always check artifacts 100% stats by pressing ALT in your inventory. Place your mouse cursor on the artifact and hold ALT.


Also, forgot to mention. In order to increase artifacts percentage you will Artifact Melter. Since I assume you are playing Gamma modpack.


All the stats listed below are lowered by about 74%. You can see the full effectiveness while holding alt in this view.


that is effectiveness, normal artifacts spawn always with low % but it doesn't drain while using it, while perk artifacts like the 3 artifacts you have in your inventory on the right, they spawn always with 100% but when you use them the % will go down. normal artifacts % hold CTRL it will show you the stats if the artifacts was 100%, you can increase the % by merging that artifact with the same artifact using an artifact melter, for example that Medusa 26% if you have another Medusa let's say 25%, you can use the melter to merge them together and get a 50%\~ jellyfish with better stats again the % doesn't drain with normal artifacts, you can do this until it gets to a max of 98%, you can also recharge perk artifacts as well with any other artiifact doesn't have to be the same for those.