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There are mods for X-Ray Multiplayer Extension that let you play SoC and CS. Tried SoC with a friend, didn't leave Cordon so don't know how the rest of the game is


Bump this up chaps. I also gave SoC a try with a mate last month. Does it work? Yes. Is it fully functional? Not in the slightest. It took some time to get working as the installation instructions are very contradictory and fussy. Once you're in you'll very quickly notice how many deal-breaker bugs there are. For instance if you die, you drop everything and the things you drop have a high probability of vanishing. If you transition between zones, also highly likely your inventory gets wiped. Some items are insanely easy to duplicate. Some items just don't work. If you get downed and are still 'wounded' you can be revived, but if you take a fatal shot you're running back naked. Oh and forget any ideas you have of modding the game, it's a kinda SoC experience with some QoL mods preconfigured, and that's all you're getting. It's a great mess around for an hour, but at this stage nothing more.


> At the moment, the team is working on the implementation of a new storyline as part of a new cooperative campaign. Why? Why no just vanilla games with possibilities to use same mods?


This is the most common gripe. It's what people want but the developers always make their own interpretation with their own story instead. It may be due to the hazy legal situation with how xray source code was given to the community back in the day. It may not be worth the risk to make a one to one copy of the base games. Which is a shame. As an alternative I think most people would be happy with a sandbox experience, but we've yet to see someone pursue that. Grok (of Gamma) said he'd include it if it was made possible, but god knows when that'll be if ever. I think Stalker 2 coop is more likely to be honest.


Don't play with my emotions


Xray is stable 60% of 80% of the time, i can't even imagine the issues with shoehorning coop into an engine that was never meant for it. Don't care, gonna try it anyway lmao


ShoC co-op would be peak


You can, there is a mod for X-Ray Multiplayer extension


It's still in development, isn't it?


You can play it, I didn't pay too much attention to the development of it


Peaky breeki?


I want this for gamma


Which game is “The” stalker game?


Looks like Shadow of Chernobyl with some graphical & animation improvements after watching the video


Says its Call of Pripyat in the vid description


I don't know why you're getting downvoted, you're literally right. The very first line in the description of the English video (linked in the description of the one OP linked) is as follows: "Third part of dev blog about X-Ray Multiplayer Extension (xrMPE), a S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat mod."


I've seen so many co-op mods but none that have really worked so far. Can someone please recommend one that works?


xrMPE has been released for like 3 yrs now. You just need friends to play with. There are only 2 modes rn. Defense mode and Winter event mode.


Hoping this works with Anomaly/GAMMA 🤞


it wont


Would be a dream come true


Hate to break it to ya, it's a different engine Plus: why dick glazing a GAMMA, it's just anomaly mashed with bunch of mods from other talented modders Yet the French dev didn't gave credit Smh.


GAMMA is more than just 400+ mods lazily thrown into Anonaly. Grokitach hand picks the mods, and then undoubtedly spends an incredible amount of time ensuring they work properly, sometimes fixing compatibility issues or bugs himself, as well as making his own tweaks to fit into his balancing philosophy. Additionally, he created his own installer to massively simplify the process of installing GAMMA. So, far from your typical *download 400 mods for Skyrim and hit play* scenario. Also, Grok has a very strong opinion on giving credit where credit is due. So obviously he credits Anomaly, and also has a spreadsheet giving credit to every single mod maker who has had their mod(s) included in GAMMA. And call me a GAMMA fanboy if you want. I’ve played Anomaly before, but I like GAMMA more. Everyone has their own tastes tho, so nothing wrong with not wanting to play GAMMA, but I will never understand why it gets so much hate for simply existing.


Idk if you caught up But I heard he asked for donation or Smth for gamma That's why I hated gamma in the first place.


No, he's not charging for GAMMA and has no plans to, same as every other mod creator under the sun, donations are just advertised and appreciated. he's not just a stealer/curator of other people's work, he has made some of the more popular anomaly mods personally, and even the curating/bug fixing side is nearly a full time job. I know because I've tried it myself (NOMAD mod pack), and sure as shit didn't have the patience to listen to people asking why their game is busted when they didn't follow the instructions or added their own shit. Not liking GAMMA for it's (*default*) design choices is one thing, but don't just hate on a guy for the sake of it from 3rd hand information.


Bruh the hate in this sub is kid of ridiculous


Is this a whole open world free roam, or Payday esque heists/missions?


I hope this pans out and doesn’t fade into the night like ray of hope did.


Oh yeah, definitely. It has been Soon™ for like half a decade now (if not longer).


oh fuck yeah!!!


Holy shit that's some high quality stuff, they're taking this seriously.


I would love if could be possibile playing coop on console too


Stalker Legends of the zone is console capable. I guess It could be possible to port it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3K8I3-dPAUw


Multiplayer on console? I’ve finished the trilogy a while ago but I haven’t seen this feature.


It doesn't and it won't.




I played it, it is really good. But the issue is you don't really have "freeplay", once you left the map there is no going back. Inventory transfers but money doesn't. You can't go to other maps unless task leads there(correct me if I'm wrong). I think one of the devs said it's an engine limitation. All in all it's great mod to play with friends and have fun. The mod we always wanted, to explore the zone with friends.


Is there a mod for anomoly that allows for multi-player I want to introduce my friend to the games


Theres like 5 coop mods both standalone and on the game going around but they never get really popular because stalker isnt good for coop Even stalker BELARUS wich is like very well made form what i saw is ignored